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Book with the spine marked ' Not so Everlong'


I owe you a post... and..... I think a certain someone is going to start his little "let's follow the girl" party. XD
Hey there !
No worries.
Sounds good.

Also for everyone else that might be curious...

It's 5/14/2011.

Time for the next journal entry !
Rants, Ramblings and altogether Random !

Enough yelling.
Been having odd dreams... spurts of 'uncontrolled creativity'. Finding myself making random and useless things or thinking up random if not odd stories.
Last nights/this morning happened to be the weirdest. Working with a few thugs I happened to be someone down on his luck and desperate. We managed to find an unattended auto parts shop & trailer. Instantly running to descend upon it, another of the group shows up with a stolen cop car which we start loading up.
Everything is going good until another patrol car is noticed and it starts coming closer.
An awkward moment comes where it's 'yeah you caught us...' followed instantly by... ' but not the guys behind you with the guns that where in the car..' So the female of the two flips the hell out screaming instantly, mind you completely untouched... about how we're going to touch her or worst. Trying to get that officer unconscious was impossible but we managed the radio and her fire arm as well as patrol car. The male went down easily to minor physical altercation that left him with a pair of rather bruised ' gentle-men's parts ' .
Later we happened to find the owner of the auto parts we stole as well as where he lived. It turned out our fearless leader had intended for it most of the time. Find out the guy had ruined the group's lives in one way or another at least had his hand in it.
A quick raid later we managed to find more weapons, Got the cop a place to lay down with some frozen baby-carrots and frozen peas. The owner starts flipping out and calling relatives not more police.
The female officer shows up with back up while radioing in the situation a small mob of people show up asking casually about what was going on, and a cluster fuck was slowly growing.
Tension mounting I tried keeping everyone calm before sudden walking up to seeing a swat team guy poking his head down the stairs we happened to be held up in.

Brain must have instantly realized... ' and it's game time... do I want to sit threw the pwnage I'm about to experience ? Nah bro... nah... " as a friend would put it.
The funny thing was part of the conversation I happened to have with one of the other evil doer's happened to be over a shortened down Rugar 10/22 which was more or less a pistol. One person saying something about how the bullet was just a smaller necked down version of a( quote: )" 7.62 for an ak or some shit "
And being the anal retentive person I am about weapons I immediately corrected the guy.
" You're thinking the 5.56mm the same type that's loaded in to most m16's and other military weapons... which in the civilian world are just a little less power but in the long run larger '22's'. Because they're .223 caliber outside of the military's round... less bang for the buck inside of the cartridge but still basically the same thing. "

-Shakes his head-

Kids now at days... thinking that a .22 has anything to do with an AK.
Then again it was from my unconscious state. So part of me I find annoying and must correct. lol. Thanks Fraud... 'accidentally' committing suicide in a Heath Ledger manner.
Though the guy did have his own demons. It was theorized the old perv actually had his own problems projected upon other people in order to become a popular 'quack'.

Well that's enough for now.

Thanks for being patient with me everyone!
Belting out something creative. This might hurt...

This tightening feeling that comes when your rips fully expand before contracting. This feeling of your lungs burning while your flesh grows warm and coated with sweat. This act of moving your body one motion at a time, forcing yourself further. That ringing in your ears when you realized you just pushed your body just a little to far.
Then the world comes roaring back to you in mid-stride.
People yelling and the noise of guns going off behind you.
Body tense and vision going back to being a tunnel, you focus on one thing and one thing only, because you know it's your survival.

An unneeded stop left you near a wall, sore and tired. Behind and the next level above the fight continues to roar. Behind you and down the hall the noise of heavy boots hitting the floor while the shifting noises of body armor and weaponry swaying off the pursuers continues to grow loud.

One hand pushing off the wall, you take this momentum and own it as a means of propelling you the first few steps. Before long you find your stride and while breathing heavily remember to take air in threw your nostrils and exhale from your mouth. Your body moving a machine focused for this odd but simple purpose of continuing to move, to survive.

Rounding a corner past a cramped hallway, one of the masked and body armor clad men would reach out for you. Rifle lowered and gloved hand out reached. Kicking the sole of your foot off a wall you come towards the sudden attacker with fore-arm and elbow impacting ever so slowly across the gas-masked face. Glass shattering suddenly time feels to catch up while the guard goes down underneath you. But you weren't going to stop and look, instead your feet continue to move as they find purchase upon the chest plate of the over encumbered man before you.
Legs flexing time feels to slow as the crouched position flexes out hard before a bounce turns this once human wall into a spring board... only propelling you further forward... freedom.

Time comes back to it's normal view as the feel of air burns your lungs. You want to get out of this cramped artificial place. Florescent lights lining the corners of the ceilings. Right at the crook where the walls meet the easily ten foot high metal ceilings. Doors all opened by motors or locked by some means of electrical input or output. Cameras always watching...
Now that you've managed to get out... you won't stop running. Won't lay down... won't go back.
Passing a window, the first one you've seen yet... you're eyes focus on the blue sky outside with a few clouds barely floating over head.
During that time two more guards round a corner firing riot control rounds towards your still in motion body. Spiraling both could clearly be seen as bean-bag rounds. Opening up and tumbling in mid-air.
Straining for a moment of balance, you turn from running to dodging. Muscles pop and joints ache for a moment as the first bean bag hits the wall near you before the second one glances off the outside of your barely clothed thigh.
Burning is the first thing that comes in senses, nerves firing... telling you the obvious. You're hurt. You need to stop and treat the damaged and soon to be bruising flesh.
But instead you put your weight to the other leg before using the hurt one to kick the riot control gun in the hands of the right guard, towards the left guard. The two blocking the path before you react out of reflexes and training. The left tried to duck but his gear was to heavy before the round went off. Bean-bag instantly nailing the left guard's helmet hard enough to lay him out.
The remaining obstacle would of course curse before turning back towards where you once stood, instead you've slipped around behind the guy while trying to dive between the over padded body armor and the wall. Finding unusual balance and agility your body tucks and rolls before riot gun fires. The bean bag lands right where you had rolled across. Up on your feet and in a dead wind-sprint, something guides you to weave right before bounding left. Once more the thud and hard impact of a bean-bag hits a wall panel before you spring board off the opposite surface.
Now around another corner you find yourself in an office room.

Chairs around a large old and dusty chair, your eyes see the massive window across the area. Still in stride, hands gripping a chair, only to aim directly towards that simple surface of glass.
Screaming a defiant cry, the glass shatters from the hard impact of the chair's legs. This results also in the instant splintering of the old piece of furniture.

Instantly wind comes in to swirl about while the remain crumbling glass falls both inside as well as a long drop outside. The cool and simple wind brings a bit of peace to your exposed and sweat coated flesh. Fresh air that makes you for a split second forget about your pursuers.
Below several feet was a large expanse of water, simply barred back by a few concrete walls near the bottom of the cliff.
Shouts come from over your shoulders as first and only step came next.

Legs coming together perfectly, chin down slightly, while hands loosely pinned to your sides... you step from captivity and into the waking blue beyond. The impact was perfect. Water encasing and momentarily easing your body... but now... instead of running... it was time to swim...

Woke up in a fashion where it was something of shock jolting me from my dream.
Don't know what sort of establishment it was we happened to be at, but everyone I knew was packed into the area in one place or another.
Crazy as it sounds...
I think I was in hell. lol.

Take an old fashion video game arcade, put it inside a large truck stop, add a strip club, toss in a few random people for the mild shock of it all.
Oddly enough, at one point no one cared that I came from the showers with a bath towel while looking for the lock box that had my clothing.
Certain details kept coming out to the foreground.
The sea-foam green bath towel was originally two towels which my grandmother years ago sowed together for me to have. Always been able to practically hide in the damn thing.
I kept noticing my truck parked outside or hearing people talk or ask about.
People noticed my tattoos... this would be the third dream I've had where they've not only done that... but it's all in color.

Last time I drink cranberry- strawberry juice before going to bed.

No dreams today. Not that I can remember.
Wiping sleep from my eyes before getting something to eat... then in a few hours I'm thinking perhaps another nap before going to work at seven.
Awh night work... the fun and over protective time to be cautious. Though I suppose it's better then eating a 'bumper-sandwich'.

Talk to you sooner then later...
*yawns before falling over *
Afternoon... my morning...

Incoming !

So tired and sore. Been a while since I pushed my body to physical exhaustion for over ten hours.

Hi again,
If you don't know it yet, I'm a road construction worker for the lovely state of Colorado. Well literally part of the department of transportation.
For traffic control, the actual work and clean up, I'm always yelled at to go and get things moving if I stay anywhere for to long.
Traffic control... awh the one portion of the job where I get told ' you're number one' in so many ways and gestures.
Because I'm that guy with a smirk putting cones down after uddles of signs...which no one ever notices... before blocking lanes of the highway and forcing general traffic towards whatever lanes we need them to be in.

Why you ask?

To fix the road ways that develop massive holes and other degradation which not only can cause damage to your vehicles but thing else that goes over, under or near that portion of the highway.
The actual work.

Running around with a shovel full of asphalt for a few hours non-stop doesn't seem that hard at first. But it can be a major pain.
Then there's a few other tasks but that tends to be what I gravitate toward more then anything.

Clean up... well... traffic generally is pissed by the time we're doing this.
Being forced to go away they're not willing or used to... Having to go collect cones and signage.
Awh... Then after words is the glorious sore morning after...
Feels like I entered into a porno contest and managed to walk into the wrong audition. lol

Oh well I'll quit my bitching and get ready for my day...

Oh look... more work on I-70.
I expect copious amounts of yelling and honking... =)

Make no mistake I don’t do anything for free
I keep my enemies closer than my mirror ever gets to me
And if you think that there is shelter in this attitude
Wait til you feel the warmth of my gratitude.

One, I get the feeling that it’s two against one.
One, I’m already fighting me, so what’s another one?
One, The mirror is a trigger and your mouth’s a gun.
One, Lucky for me, I’m not the only one.

And if it looks to me like you in your reflection
Plan to add your own fight to this dimension.
Then tell it that this ain’t no free-for-all to see,
There’s only three
It’s just you and me against me.

One, I get the feeling that it’s two against one.
One, I’m already fighting me, so what’s another one?
One, The mirror is a trigger and your mouth’s a gun.
One, lucky for me, I’m not the only one.
Lucky for me, I’m not the only one.

And if your foot’s on to sick a thousand “yes men”
Brand or brake into the middle of this little plan…
Then there’s your plan to hear me say,
That I won’t play around the way, anyway
I plan to plan around them.

One, I get the feeling that it’s two against one.
One, I’m already fighting me, so what’s another one?
One, the mirror is a trigger and your mouth’s a gun.
One, lucky for me, I’m not the only one.
Lucky for me, I’m not the only one.

Calm little ditty.
Stuck in a welcome manner within my skull.

Where does time go?
Does it slip and pour threw our beings like some intangible object? Does it lurk around a corner and wait for you to pass by before catching up?
Can you make the most of it by trying to slow it down with things to bore you? Watching a pot perhaps?
Then why does it fly when we enjoy ourselves and have to much fun?
Is it because things that are the most pleasurable turn out to be the least healthy? Does that spin the arms on a clock a little faster? Or is it that we're not paying attention to it while focused on our enjoyment?
Or perhaps...
Just maybe...
Regrets make us notice time?
Not being emotional, not being cynical, just trying to be rational.

If you remove the means of which we monitor our planets rotation around the Sol system's star you eliminate the age old concept of time.
The 24 hour period of a day is based upon the time it takes for the sun to spin on it's axis while a full year is determined by a full passing around the star itself.
So remove those means of measurement and you fine either no means to judge time or find new measurements.

Aging however isn't so simple, it's a complex means of determining the slow but subtle break down of our bodies. As we age cellar recovery lessons. our body losses the ability to maintain and heal. Eventually like all things worn over 'time' they fail.

So once more time is linear to our interpretation due to a means of a start and an end point, biologically anyways.
What of spherical ? Things repeat themselves all the time, just names change.
Oh I was onto something but seem to have forgotten.

Enough of my ramblings... at least I know what to look forward to once I am gray haired and senial.
darkangel76 said:
I hope you liked it. XD

Indeed I did.
Lovey dovey as they needed it to be.
Now to start working the harshness of their world back into the mix.
Thinking desert zombies or perhaps some other odd mutations to start crawling out and slowing them down.

Eventually Alpha will catch up and hell will follow.

Just got done helping a friend move a desk from his cousin's home to his mom's.
Waking up about the same time I normally do.

Wanting to get a little rp done today. ^_^

Off until Tuesday night.
Wonder what I'll do.


Yes I know, it's another journal posting.
Not to many people take the time to read these so I'll be short.
I'm feeling particularly happy because I recent got paid.
But butt-hurt as well... Can't pay my damn bills until Tuesday!!!

Thanks foresight... you've saved me again.
Now I have capital and wish to spend it on stupid things...
"mmmm skid plates to put on my dodge ram... "- drools-

Okay so maybe that was mildly entertaining... promise not to do it again.
Though a blank-drop in grill would like nice on the vehicle as well...
-slaps self- No...I will have self control.


On to other things. Feel free to e-mail comments, questions, concerns for no reason other then you can.
If you do put in the PM headline - itch to scratch -
Why? Because I am a pro-vert. (professional pervert)

Speaking of goodnews...
( only a few will get this bit )

Good news !
" What's that !?" - random person responding.

The Daicia Sandero is now on sale in the US.
That's right it's a reasonably priced simple car that cost more then most reasonably priced cars because you have to ship it from another country!

Speaking of price riddled things... I'm horny !
Just random there...don't bother connecting the dots.
Kinda like the old stoner joke:
" How many flap jacks does it take to shingle a dog house ? "
A: " None alligators can't fly..."

Alright perhaps it's because it's 4:20 am and the coffee is wearing off... perhaps I need to go smoke again... or rub one out... something.
Geez someone should have warned me I'd one day come to a point 'sexual endurance'.
Damn stamina riddled genetics !

Oh - Kay

Enough of my half crazed ramblings...

Still awake though...

"shush you! "
Not that bad of a morning.
Woke up just before my alarm clock.
Wonder what the dream meant...


Happy Memorial day.

Best wishes once again to those willing to serve and those of course who have.

Think I'll go out and do something semi-productive today, that is with the few things open on a national holiday...of course. :p
And that means YOU! Yes, YOU! So, thanks for having served! <3333

And to the above comment..... YES. Yes, someone does!!! XD
No no,
Thank you.
If not for the many people in this country both positive as well as negative, the Us military wouldn't have people to fight for.

What a quiet day.

Think I might nap some more.

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Just had to go to work.
So to anyone currently being engaged in conversation then suddenly disappear. Sorry I had to go to work... not that I wouldn't enjoy continuing.

Hmm well brain is working six other directions so yes, I know...
This is another short post.

Have a nice day.

"IIIII don't want to set the world on Fiiiire...."

So that concludes night paving. At least for now.
Monday back to 6 am to 4:30pm schedule
Oh it feels good to be done with that. But the other side is I really liked night work. Less people to deal with on the roads.
Less co-workers who not only annoy you but make you angry.
So yeah... that and I'll be working in the heat, under the sun...getting cooked like a flame broiled turkey. BAH!

Oh well I might luck out and get told to go mowing instead. Who knows... who knows.
Mowers are easy after all.
Just gonna have to start packing lunches... a farm tracker pulling a mower deck threw a drive threw with CDOT emblems everywhere might earn my an ass-chewing.

Who knows... it might even the healthiest choice I've made in a while!

The ranting continues !

Have an old french tune stuck in my head that I rather enjoy.
So much I went and looked up a simple version on iTunes.

Thank again for everyone's polite return of PMs.
I enjoy talking with everyone as well as the RPs.
Sad to see some go and happy to continue others.
To those currently being pestered by me, hope to continue to enjoy our fun and stories.
Those having to go, I'll be here waiting if you ever decide to come back.

I know I'm not the best story teller but I do like putting a little extra behind everything I focus on.

Lets see what else to talk about?

Oh got a new sleeping item.
Instead of an improvised futon turned into a single, I now rest upon a target sold futon with a massive futon mattress. Wide open range of movements and not metal bars in my back messing with my spine or jabbing my kidneys.
Got more ammo and magazines for the eventual zombie-land scenario.
Thinking about one of these up coming weekends going out and unloading maybe a thousand rounds in the lovely rocky mountains.
My goal is to one day have the deputized park rangers come up wondering why it's sounding like WW3 and see me and a few friends putting out weapons down with shit-eating grins.
Though that might gain a little to much attention.
Perhaps after I win the lottery? LOLZ.

Going back to working during days after a month of night paving.
Really enjoyed working nights. I mean not one really around to get pissy while you're doing your job. Only those that have a known good work ethic are there. So in short going back to days means being around the lazies and the annoying.
I suspect I'll be thrown onto a farm tractor to mow this summer.
I honestly hope I do.
I'll pack nice lunches and even sit and cool down while my little 'John Deer' catches it breath.

Say' La'vee ?

Nah, Judi-say'qua.

Tired and only two hours of sleep in the past twenty hours.
Gotta love those vivid nightmares.

Aliens for some reason. Always the damn face-hugging chest bursting aliens.
All eyeless and weird shaped heads.
A friend of mine always tells me it's a psychological thing for them to not have eyes, thus making it more scary to the subconscious.
That with making them close to an ultimate killing machine ( acid blood, natural armor exo-skeletons, able to adapt to any environment, the list goes on...) My only real reply is this ' If I ever see one I'm not going to stop shooting it until it's melting into itself and then I'm going to find the nearest toilet to throw the fuck up..."


Beyond lack of sleep I keep thinking about what another dream that I have on a repeated basis might mean.
I'm alone in that pitch black ink that most sleep can be where there's no dreams.
Then I meet this young lady that meets the definition of beautiful in my mind. Calm, no tone or mood, no cloths for that matter.
We're holding each other and just finding the feel of holding each other as enough for that moment. Nothing sexual just feeling love like never explained.
Then when light from above slowly passes over us she's basically the alien queen with a few nightmarish additions to her form.
More Spikes and less tail.
Utter fear consumes me before the light passes and she's looking embarrassed before holding me closer.
Getting my breathing back I hold her again and make her promise not to kill or eat me.
She agrees but the light returns and once more confused fear fills me.
Going back and forth this repeats generally with out the talking most of the time.
It's alluring but sparks the thought of ' Why the hell am I dreaming this?"


Beyond the obvious sanity issues from lack of sleep at times, I worry I'm needing to change my diet while continuing my exercise routine.
Granted I feel healthier it's just I haven't lost or gained any weight.

Journals... gotta love'em.

I know at least one person checks in on this from time to time so a shout out to DA!
You're the woman! (instead of the 'man')
Take a bow, raising children, being a moderator and continuing against the onslaught of migraines.
Don't mess with her either, she knows where to hurt people, knows anatomy and what not.

Alright I'll stop being a loud mouth now and hop off my soap box.
- Actually steps down from a small wooden crate-

Heads up...


I'm trying to get a little more in shape so be advise, I might take a little bit to reply in the afternoons.
Jogging on a stationary treadmill might be hilarious once I trip and get shot off of the device. So... before I get the baby-carrots and peas from the freezer... just know it might take a little bit to reply.

Okay... going for a nice and gentle setting of about three miles and hour to start with... that's a good walk pace...
Now to go into distance...

Oh god I'm going to be sore tomorrow. lol
Oh hiddenvet, I'm so glad I decided to read your journal! I admire you SOO MUCH for being so personal and honest. I think you are a wonderful person, and I wish you the best.


I think this was the inspiration I needed to start my own journal. So, thanks again. ^^
Dawh...oh shucks... think nothing of it.

I'm glad to always be a muse. So nice of you to be so open yourself.
I'm not that nice of a guy and tend to be like a reclusive spider. This is my little web... grrr venom... lol

I'm sure your journal will be more creative then my own... Oh and that reminds me...


So hell again everyone.
The H is back.
Got a three day week end.
Some cash in my pocket and a nice truck.

Thinking road trip to the frozen north known as the windy Wyoming.
It's a good chance I'll be heading there to deliver the stock tires and rims my Mother purchased from me during winter.
Despite what some think I'm actually an only child and my single mother raised me. So kinda mom's boy.
I should get those up there seeings how the roads all the way happen to be open for once.

Beyond that I might just do something else semi-goofy alike say once again:

Thank you all of my enjoyable rp partners. If not for you I'd more then likely be in my apartment scribing on paper a crude story with no one to enjoy it!
Each and everyone of you make the stories so great, I just bring each bit a little twist. Good or bad.
I'm all sorts of evil... grrr rawr.

Anywho I should more then likely get to the tire store before long.
Some reason when they removed my wheels and tires last time for the ones I bought, they took the tire off of the rims. >.<; D'oh.
After a few talks with the manager after the fact it'll still cost a pretty-pennie.

Awh Say-la've...
Might as well do it in order to make sure they're properly balanced and mounted on my Mom's Durango.
The best part is I'll get to see D3.
The infamous and semi-famous Dude. (D3 Don-dad-dude)

Great guy. Long hair, hippy dude. Kinda has the whole 'turtle-hermit' vibe while knowing his stuff from;Quote ' Experiencing it all, man..."
Guy came into my Mom's life when I was 14 and not really knowing what's what. At the time I was some dumb stoner kid with no real goals after high-school.
One afternoon trip during summer kinda put me towards the right path.
While riding in his old Isuzu to an area called ' Promitory Reservoir' the AC died and he started harping on me about my grades.
Finally he said the line that lasts to this day. " ...Dude, do you really want to be where I am right now, driving a little Rodeo with no AC and a lemon sack down to my knee...?"
So the Lemon sack talk, kinda put me the right direction. Though after that things get kinda hazy before, during and after riding a kick as waver runner.
I remember getting charlie horses in both of my legs when I tensed them from falling off and going over the handle bars. But besides that I'm certain I did alright.

Any who. Enough about my ramblings...
On words and up words...
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