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The Diverted Path (DareToDream & Hahvy)

"When I was barely eleven winters old, we came to this country; my mother and I that is. She is an herbalist, you see, and so she showed me what to look for whenever I may need it. Back country, we have plants similar to these but not as strong. They are called lesserwort on account of them not being as capable. The tips of the petals are blue rather than purple...such a subtle difference.."

She murmured the last bit almost to herself. It had been roughly fourty years or so since she'd last visited this country, but it was one of the few places she would be looked for. Back when she had free movement, this country hadn't been so filled with humans until the dragons had been declared gone. Then it had been a paradise to farm. Had it truly been so long since she had visited? She knew she looked so much younger than her age betrayed her to be. But she was still so young. So very young indeed. In human terms, she was younger than Caleb perhaps. It didn't bother her as much as she thought. She may have seen more of life than he had, but he'd had freedoms she had dreamt about.

Rue watched him rummage through his pack and picked up the flowers he placed at her feet. She took just the petals and chewed on them slowly, the taste a little more bitter than the lesserworts. Otherwise, they weren't so bad. She ate a few of the flowers and felt some of her strength returning along with the ability to carry on. It would take a few more minutes to truly have an effect, but she had the time. He needed to sew her wounds up, after all. She shut her eyes as he spoke and moved her arm, keeping very still. It was tough but not too tough to deal with the pressure being taken off the wound. Besides, the harder part was yet to come. The water soothed the ache but the prick of the needle going through her skin made her gasp before clamping down all her muscles. She hummed songs in her head, her body shaking from the pain. Once he was done, she took a deep breath and wiped some of the sweat off her face. At least she wouldn't have to endure much more.

He was gentle with re-wrapping and putting her arm back in the sling, but since he had to get to the back wounds, it seemed so silly to put her arm back in the sling. She removed her arm carefully and undid the wooden buttons that held her shirt on. She wasn't so modest but she did keep his modesty but turning slightly to remove her arm from the arm hole. The cold on her the bare side of her body made her feel better rather than chilly. She felt hot all over. Covering her breast with her good arm, she presented her wounded back to Caleb with a small smile as she murmured.

"Now I wonder how you did this in the first place while keeping my honor..."

He probably hadn't figured she could jest.
She had been a trooper up to that point, clearly feeling the pain that he had caused when he stitched up her arm, but he wasn’t sure how she’d handle his efforts on her back. Her initial gasp at the pain when he first started stitching the initial wounds had pulled at his heart, causing an emotion that he hadn’t been expecting at all; concern for her well being. He chalked it up to simply being human, raised by his mother to be kind and gentle especially around women, but deep down inside he questioned that. There was something about this woman that continued to call to him in some primal way and he knew it wasn’t simply her beauty, though there was quite a bit of that. Perhaps he was simply feeling the normal urges a man feels for a woman but it felt like more though he couldn’t put his finger on it. Shaking his head, he buried those thoughts deep down inside, ignoring them for now; he had work to do and it required his complete focus if he wanted to continue to minimize her pain.

Her body trembled slightly from the after affects of the stitching and when she wiped her face, he reached out with the wet cloth and rubbed it briefly over her forehead and down her cheeks, offering what cooling comfort that he could. With visible effort she collected herself and began to slowly unbutton her shirt, drawing his eyes to her hands immediately. As inch after inch of her skin became visible, he suddenly looked away, a slight heat in his cheeks betraying his emotions at that moment, his heart thudding hard behind the protection of his ribs and abs. Other things threatened to stir then but he gritted his teeth and clamped down on his body, willing it to be still, glad when it did. When she spoke, his attention was drawn back to her, a smile blossoming on his face at her joke. Her body was turned slightly, presenting her bare back to him while an arm protected her modesty at the same time. Reaching up, his hands slowly traced over her back, tracing her spine lightly before moving to the bandage. Working quickly, he slowly peeled it off and dropped it to the ground, taking a moment to examine it. It was as bad as the arm wounds and still bleeding also so he quickly washed it out and then set to work.

As the needle and thread did their task, he spoke in a soft voice, trying to get her to focus on the words and not on the sting of the needle. “Why, milady, I swear on my manliness that I applied your bandages with my eyes closed initially. I saw nothing, knew nothing, and felt nothing.” The words were clearly spoken in a teasing fashion since they both knew that it would have been impossible for him not to have seen her skin that first time. If he saw more than just her skin….well, she didn’t need to know that. The image of the smooth curves of her breasts, glimpsed briefly before he set to his task, was an image that would remain in his brain forever but need not be shared. When he was finally done and the final stitch tied off, he quickly bandaged her up again.

“You can put your shirt back on” he murmured, his breath barely brushing her bare shoulder. Moving away from her then, he repacked the aid kit in his bag and took a swig of water, watching her. “When you’re ready, we can continue. Perhaps, to pass the time, you might talk about your mother? I can tell from your voice when you mentioned her earlier that you love her very much. I know that feeling well myself.” With that, he stood and paced a bit up the trail again, giving her peace to dress and prepare herself for more.
The gesture of him wiping her face tugged a little at her resistance against him, making her stare at him a moment in silent wonder. He was so different from all the stories and the encounters she had had with humans. How could he be so different? And why did he reach her inner self so? She thought about it a moment, lost a moment in the thoughts that plagued her about him. Something about him...something was different that she couldn't put her finger on.

The touch of his hand along her spine made her blush and want more. It had different. It hadn't been unpleasant, quite the opposite and it had almost made her purr for more. And then he had removed the wrappings from her wound and the air smacked against it, cooling the injury. She sighed and felt him clean it off before he went to work. It was a little more bearable this time and she didn't need to tighten her muscles as hard against the sting of the needle. His words reached her and she laughed in a soft tone to keep from jarring him while he worked. When he was done, she took a deep breath and relaxed her body, tugging her tunic back on to cover herself. She frowned a bit at his next words. She didn't want to talk about her mother.

However, he had packed up and drifted off a little to give her some privacy to put her shirt back on and so she did with the utmost care. It took longer than she had wanted, but with her arm the way it was, it couldn't be helped. She buttoned herself back up and put her arm back in the sling before whistling lightly that he could come back and speak with her. When he was within better hearing, she spoke softly.

"My mother and I do not get along so well anymore. My parents are not...very caring any longer."

She stopped talking to gather up her thoughts. They were so jumbled now. What could she say? She couldn't give herself away, now could she? What to do, what to do...

" is very harsh. They expect more than they should of me. They expect loyalty and duty above anything else. They tried to force me into arranged marriage. My father and mother aren't nobles, they are simply artisans, or of the middle range of my country's people. They are the type to be easily overlooked, but...I am different..somehow."

She shook her head before she stood up, feeling more strength back in her legs. She combed her hair back, getting out some of the knots and snarls and making it look less wild and untamed. Her dark eyes searched for his a moment, before she spoke with sadness bordered with anger.

"My mother stopped loving me a long time ago. Pity I could not throw her away as easily as she did my heart."
As he finished packing and stood back up, the night settled in around Caleb, cushioning his thoughts and feelings in a black orb of darkness that unsettled him in a way. The hoot of an owl pierced the air nearby and he heard the flutter of wings, drawing his attention for a moment to stare into the trees. Next came the soft pitter patter of a fox or raccoon, sliding through the forest in search of food. He listened for a moment, his ears following their movement the way a predator would follow prey, but finally he turned back to the trail and the woman that sat upon it. The barest of moonlit rays fell across the porcelain skin of her face, calling to him as if it wanted him to see her beauty and grace. He blinked and then let his gaze focus, traveling over the slope of her nose and cheeks to her full lips then dipping to her chin and sliding down her neck. He stopped himself there, not wanting to go any further for fear of what emotions the action might bring forth, and glanced up at the sky and nodded his head in a brief bob. She was indeed beautiful and graceful, even in her ragged beaten state, and he thanked the heavens for pointing that out to him yet again. As if her mere presence hadn’t unsettled him enough already, what with her wounded nature and her so fine skin, now he had to be reminded of her beauty too.

When she pulled the tunic over her head, he finally turned his gaze away, giving her the privacy that she deserved. It was her melodic voice that drew him back, his ears almost pricking forward like that of a wild animal on the hunt and he listened to what she had to say, the words sinking into his soul. Although he had not known who his father was, Caleb had always enjoyed the love of his mother, a woman of beauty and inner strength just like this one. The woman had put his needs before her own time after time, had extended to him all the loyalty and faith one could ask of a parent, and there was a never day that went by that he didn’t think of her. His entire quest that day, and every day prior for the last few weeks, had been in support of her. So when he heard the tale told by the stranger, this beautiful exotic woman at his side, the walls around his heart crumbled a little bit further. To have parents that no longer loved their child, that demanded more than anyone could give, well….it was a very sad thing to him and he let that knowledge show in his gaze at he watched her.

Moving to her side, he offered her a small smile and the slightest tilt of his head. There was so much that he could say, so much that he wanted to say, but he kept most of it to himself. “I am sorry” he murmured quietly, his words almost mournful in their sound. “No one should suffer the loss of love from a parent, nor have unfair expectations put upon them. I understand better now how you came to be here.” Reaching out, he stroked a strand of her hair briefly before moving it back behind her ear, a gesture that was both innocent and intimate at the same time. Giving her another brief smile, he moved back to the pack and slung it over his shoulder then turned up the trail. “We still have a long hike ahead of us. Now that you’re rested, we should get going.” Without waiting for her response, he began to move, his steps taking him up the trail at a slow pace. Lingering longer was not an option as far as he was concerned; if he had, he would have been forced to examine the other emotion he had felt at hearing her words, the pang of jealousy that had briefly stabbed him when she’d mentioned her arranged marriage. Glancing back over his shoulder to make sure she was coming, his ears picked up the howl of a wolf off in the distance, which was soon echoed by more of its kind. Yes, it was best that they make haste now, before the dangers of the night closed in on them.
His words and touch made her shut her eyes and feel like purring. It wasn't a sound that just felines made when content: her kind had developed it as well. She didn't know how to handle the feeling that she was content when he had touched her so innocently and yet...there had been something else lingering in that touch. It had made her want to...She shoved the thought back and settled herself with her walking stick on the path, knowing he was genuine in his speech. The sounds of the wolves didn't bother her in the least- they had probably smelled her blood. They were still a good ways off, however and wouldn't be coming much closer. She would make sure of that. Predators had a way of communicating with each other.

As Caleb moved off, she was tempted to just touch his skin, but she didn't. It was an unjustified impulse that she didn't want to analyze so she decided not to. She felt lighter on her feet, and though the skin around her wounds was sore, it was better than bleeding. The plant would do its work to keep her going for the next leg of the journey to his home. She wondered vaguely what kind of dwelling would be good enough for Caleb. It wouldn't be too big, she surmised, but not too small. Maybe have three rooms, she thought. Why was she suddenly so interested in where he lived?

Her thoughts were interrupted at the urgency in the air. Something seemed off. The Solar Wolves sounded as though they were in mourning. Or trying to find something they had lost. Had one of their yearlings disappeared? been killed by a hunter? She listened to their sorrowful song, knowing that when in mourning, any being was capable of terrible things. She hoped that as they trekked along the beaten path, that the wolves wouldn't break the sacred code of predators and honor.
As his steps tread lightly on the path, disturbing neither dirt nor sticks or stones, Caleb listened. He listened for the sound of the woman behind him – to know that she was keeping up – and he listened to the sounds of the forest that surrounded them. Night in the mountains could be surreal or it could be dangerous and the ability to switch from one to the other could happen in the blink of an eye. He’d experienced both conditions enough in his lifetime to have a healthy respect for the land that he walked on and the creatures that inhabited it. Though he wouldn’t admit it to himself, focusing on the sounds kept his mind distracted, allowing him to ignore the very thing that ate at him….the woman herself.

She was an unknown entity in his life now, one that created an imbalance where before there had been perfect symmetry, and that should have bothered him. The fact that it didn’t was troublesome and begged for deeper thought but if he allowed himself to go there now, he would drop his guard and put them in danger and he couldn’t do that. She was an innocent woman in a land that was not forgiving; his job, his only responsibility as he saw it, was to see her safely to his home and help her heal then escort her wherever she needed to go next. There was no time to analyze her life or this weird sensation that he got every time he thought about her, no time to even entertain possibilities. At least that’s what he told himself as he continued to walk, pointedly trying to not think about her…..and failing.

It was the howl of the wolves that finally pulled his attention back to the trail, a sound that cut through the night air like a warm knife cutting through ice. He knew the instant that he heard it that something had changed and they were now coming. How he knew, he couldn’t say for sure, but it was an instinct he’d always had, that ability to know when danger was imminent and right then his instincts were setting off all of his internal alarm bells. He stopped his progress immediately and slowly turned, his gaze taking in the trees on both sides of the trail and the woman that followed him. “Danger comes” he said, the words soft yet hard. Slipping his pack off, he quickly reached inside and drew out the can of cayenne pepper, tossing it to her. Then he slipped his bow from his shoulders and quickly notched an arrow from his quiver, readying himself for battle should it come. He’d faced the wolves before and won, both with arrows and with knifes, so he knew it was possible but in both cases he’d been alone and responsible for no one but himself. Finally ready, he offered the woman a smile. “There is still time but we must hurry. As we walk, drop some of the pepper behind you and along the sides of the trail. It will throw off their scent, especially in this breeze, and give us more time. We only have about an hour to go before we reach safety.” Safety in this case was a dark cave in the cliff side, full of bats and bugs, but he didn’t tell her that.
The hair on the back of her neck stood up in warning as the sound was getting closer. It wasn't exactly danger, but it was some urgency...something terrible. She'd seen animals act crazy, but this was controlled and strategic. Anger. There was so much anger and hurt. What drove the beasts to act thus? She couldn't figure it out. She took a few deep breaths, trying to figure out if maybe there had been a fire that had damaged their pack, but no scent of ash or soot reached her. Was there something else? The wolves wouldn't protect her from Caleb - they couldn't, anyways. She narrowed her eyes, focusing on the distance that Caleb wouldn't be able to see. Her eyes weren't as strong as when she was in dragon form, but they were much much better than human eyes. The air held some kind of strange signature. She couldn't put her finger on where she had seen it before. It looked so familiar...

Two guards tortured will willingly fight one another.

Rue didn't know exactly why that phrase went into her head as the pepper tin was tossed to her and made her instantly sneeze. Not good, her nose was starting to get messed up. She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, trying to clear out the powder, but it was no use. Her nose was useless. If she couldn't smell what was coming, they were both in a far worse situation. Her hearing and sight would pick up the slack, but scent was usually a much better indicator of what was to come. Gritting her teeth, she nodded at Caleb and started sprinkling the pepper on the ground behind her. She was not wasteful. The way he got into a defensive/offensive position made her cringe, however. She didn't want to suspect him any more than she already did of hunting her. It hardened her heart against him once more.

As they continued on, she could practically feel the giant beasts tracking their very steps. She could almost hear their ancient language in her head, telling her something was wrong. All predators understood one another and could speak with each other, and she swore they were warning her of the way ahead. But the pain and her human body made it harder for her to understand what they were trying to say. It made her head hurt. The wolves were on either side of the trail, keeping their distance, but she could hear their low and urgent growls. Just what were they after?
The silence wrapped around them as they walked, punctuated only by the occasional howl of a wolf in the distance and the rustle of the breeze through the branches above their head. Although his instincts told him they were coming, he knew it wouldn’t be for a while so his guard relaxed a little though his eyes moved to and fro. Her sneeze had startled him at first so he kept a close eye on her as they walked, twice noticing when she glanced at his bow with a look that he couldn’t interpret. Her behavior, previously relaxed, began to grow tenser but he chalked it up to a growing fear of what was out there, a fear that he knew was valid because their time was running out.

He could hear them moving in the woods now, still behind them but quickly covering ground, each step as clear to him as the crackle of a branch underfoot. They were still at a decent distance but his hearing had always been better than anyone he knew, which was a good thing and a bad thing in his mind, and right now it was on hyper alert, tracking their movements as carefully as he tracked the trail the two of them were walking on. Wolves roamed in packs usually but sometimes they would move about in smaller groups, especially if they were chasing prey, and right now Caleb felt like prey. Only…something was very odd about what was happening out there in the darkness and he didn’t understand why.

It was almost as if the animals were tracking them but not actually stalking them. He heard the movements, could tell as they got closer, and would normally have expected to be attacked but that wasn’t what they were doing. Their growls could now be heard punching through the air, hard graveling sounding noises that sent the hair on his neck standing on end and caused his breath to quicken. There were two now, walking on the sides of the trail, making no attempt to hide their presence yet not attacking either. His hand drifted to the knife as his back and he wondered if he’d be able to take them down and protect her at the same time. Glancing at her, he offered a smile before walking quietly back to her. “There are two wolves in the woods on either side” he said his voice pitched low “but they aren’t attacking. I’m not sure why but let’s keep walking for now. If they do attack, I want you to drop to the ground and then crawl for cover. I’ll do what I can to keep you safe.” Turning, he moved out again, this time staying by her side. They’d only gone a little ways when the sounds around them changed, stopping him instantly.

The wolves were no longer content to pace them it seemed, their large bodies now crashing through the forest as the beasts spilled out of the woods onto the trail behind them. Their growls pierced the air loudly and Caleb reached out, immediately pulling Rue behind him so his body stood between her and the beasts. He raised the bow immediately and took aim but his instincts told him to wait so he held it, eyes searching the animals for any signs of attack. They pawed the ground, snorting and growling, and bent their heads to glare at him but neither moved beyond that. Why became clear moments later when he heard a noise behind them and glanced back to see two more wolves slide from the woods. Surprise flashed across his face immediately because he’d never heard them approaching, never even had a clue.

“Oh fuck…”
When Caleb came to her side, she kept her mouth shut, trying to tune him out and tune into the whispered words buried beneath the growls. Something was wrong with the trail ahead. Like it had been trapped or setup in some odd way. Or was it something else? Her head was starting to hurt from trying to sort out the underlying sounds, and listening to Caleb was harder to do. When in Dragon form, she could sort out the sounds so much easier and readily, but her human form was weaker and she cursed herself for behind caught in such a state around these creatures. Then the air changed when Caleb walked by her side and the sound of the wolves changed as well. Was it something to do with Caleb? Were they really trying to protect her? She gasped when Caleb pushed her behind him as if to shield her, but then she saw the hulking beasts and saw what he could not: the need to protect. Did she know these wolves? She took in their unique colorings and markings, trying to remember if she'd helped them when she had been young. But all she got was fuzzy images. What were they trying to say?!

"Put down your weapon, Caleb. They see you as a threat."

She said, her voice strained with her increasing pain. She turned about to see the two wolves behind her, much bigger than the rest. They had to be the alpha mating pair. She looked into their silvery gold eyes and wondered what they were trying to tell her. Pain, so much pain...She swayed slightly on her feet, using the walking stick to hold her up. She heard a growl, as if the wolves weren't pleased with her state. She didn't stop herself as she sang softly in their ancient verses:

"What do you seek?
Why do you roam?
Did you lose a cub?
So far from home?"

She knew Caleb wouldn't be able to understand what she said, but the wolves ears pricked forward and seemed to calm, making their fur go back down in the slightest, no longer bearing their teeth- at least the ones she could see. They stared at her, she surmised. Her blood was making them ferocious. She had been so stupid. So very stupid indeed. Her blood didn't just heal - it became a beacon for protection. And she now feared that they would hurt Caleb because of her ignorance in thinking they were too far to pick up the trail.
Being surrounded by four of the rather large terrifying wolves was definitely not Caleb’s idea of a fun night but there wasn’t much he could do about it. There were two in the front and two in the back, all of them acting as if they would attack at any moment. He could feel the tension in the air, almost as if the animals were mad at them, and he didn’t understand it at all. Against two, he might have had a shot at taking them down but four was an entirely different matter, especially with Rue at his back. He might be able to distract them, perhaps even kill one or two, and hopefully buy her some time to get away. Of course, he would die in the process, he was sure of that, but the cause was worthy in his mind. He had pledged to protect her and he would do his best no matter the consequences. The knowledge that he would fail his mother at the same time was not lost on him either but there was nothing that he could do about that now. Rue came first simply because she was with him right then.

His mind made up, Caleb slowly raised the bow, drawing the string back taut, preparing to let the arrow fly true and straight. The minute it was released he would dive to the side, draw another, and fire at one behind them, trying to even the odds just a little. Eye shots would take them down quickly and give them a chance, however small. As his fingers tensed against the string though, Rue’s voice rang out, the words clearly strained. It caused him to pause and then lower the bow just slightly as he glanced over his shoulder. Studying her face, he frowned. Of course they saw him as a threat. The wolves weren’t dumb animals; they knew what the bow was and what it could do in the right hands. If he put it down, though, they had no chance, none at all. Staring at her, he watched as she turned around and faced the ones behind them, speaking again. The words, the language, it made no sense to him but apparently it did to the wolves. He noticed the slight change in their behavior immediately and blinked rapidly a few times, trying to remove what clearly was a hallucination from his mind. No way had she just spoken to them OR that they’d understood. It just wasn’t possible…..or was it? There had definitely been something different about Rue from the moment he’d met her but he’d never been able to put his finger on what it was. She seemed rather confident in what she was doing, that much seemed clear, but he wasn’t sure if he should trust her.

Looking at the wolves in front of him then at the ones in back, he finally made a decision. Stepping to the side of her so that all four of the wolves would be able to see him, he slowly removed the arrow from his bow and slid it into the quiver. Then, bending down extremely slowly, he placed the bow on the ground and put his hands out at his sides. It was perhaps the first time in his life that he felt completely vulnerable and it was not a feeling that he liked. If the wolves attacked, he’d never be able to pick the bow back up and get a shot off and the knife at his back would not be enough to take down two of them much less four. Glancing nervously left then right, he finally focused on Rue.

“I sure hope you know what the hell you’re doing because if you don’t, we’re both dead” he said, the words clipped and strained. He was careful not to move a muscle as he spoke, nor let himself be distracted. If they attacked, it wouldn’t be because of a mistake he made.
The Alpha male had started to step towards her once Caleb had put the bow down, and she held herself still. Not rigid as that would show she didn't have trust, but still enough so that he could scent her at his will without thinking she might attack. He loomed over her, and then she noticed the scar above his right eye. She had seen this wolf before - but he'd been a pup then. He'd slid down an embankment and had stumbled around half-blind until she and her mother had found him. They'd taken care of him and returned him to his pack. But that was so long ago. Could he really have remembered her? Hearing Caleb's words, she nodded her head slowly, knowing that everything rode on her words and manner. The wolf was close enough that her nose finally picked up his scent and it washed over her: the relief she smelled was like a shawl wrapping around her.

"This is...this is why I'm different..."

She said to Caleb, almost too softly. She couldn't give too much away, but she was different like this from he brethren. They couldn't speak like this with other predators. They couldn't understand them the way that she could. There was so much more to it, but this is why she was picked above the others. She could see things that no one else could and in this moment, she was glad of her abilities. And the fact that she could get them to safety. The Alpha was gentle in sniffing her injuries and hair, almost like he was making sure she wasn't an illusion. His luminous eyes took in her features and she heard a small sound, as if he were glad his assumptions had been correct. His words hit her gently.

Why so hurt and alone?
Dragon so far from home.
We come to aid you,
Is this human yours, too?"

She let out a small sigh and nodded gently, reaching out to gently stroke the fur along the wolf's muzzle. His eyes shut as he leaned into the touch, the other wolves calming even more so that words had been exchanged. She spoke just as softly to him in turn.

"He belongs to me,
Please, let him be.
We head to his home,
But why here you roam?"

The wolf opened his eyes to sniff at her wounds again and she finally got the picture. He was going to lead them to Caleb's to make sure she was safe. Which meant one thing: there were other dangers lurking around that even the wolves thought would get to her. It made her wonder if a dragon had been spotted and she was so very tempted to ask. But she couldn't. Perhaps once they made it to Caleb's home. It was then the Alpha male looked pointedly at Caleb and gently walked around her to go to him. His fur bristled as he looked down at the human man. Rue spoke softly.

"He will not harm you...He will..leave you..alone.."

Her strength flagged and she sagged to the ground, barely able to stay awake. Her head hurt, her body hurt and she feared she would pass out right there. The other wolves were soon on high alert and she feared then that they might blame Caleb for her condition. She calmed them with a few words before she looked at Caleb, her eyes looking sad.

"Don't shun me...please..."
As he stood there, frozen in place and as helpless as a newborn lamb, Caleb grew uneasy. His heart raced like a thousand horse’s hooves running in a stampede and his hands twitched as sweat began to glisten on his palms. He was putting all of his trust in Rue, a stranger from another land, and it didn’t sit well with him. These mountains were his, the land and the animals so much a part of his heart and soul that he often couldn’t separate one from the other, yet this situation was beyond his control. As his eyes flicked from one set of wolves to the other, he noted for the first time the slight difference in their sizes and with a sharp stab of realization, it dawned on him that he was looking at a family instead of four individual wolves. A mother, a father, and their almost fully grown cubs surrounded them and it was yet one more indication that what he was experiencing was highly unusual and previously unheard of in his land. Wolves did not behave like this, not in his lifetime at least; when they came this close to humans at all, it was for the express purposes of attacking them. There was no game, no pretense, they simply assaulted and they did it so stealthily that you had very little warning that they were coming. These wolves, though, had made their presence known and had then surrounded them. Other than offensive posturing, which he understood explicitly, they had yet to make a harmful move. While he was thankful for that, it also greatly confused him, and so he let Rue handle things, well aware that he was now out of his element.

Movement out of the corner of his eye snapped his head back to the right and he focused his gaze on the larger wolves in the group. One of them had stepped forward, slowly approaching Rue, and Caleb tried hard not to tense. Though he’d just met her, an overwhelming urge to protect the woman and keep her safe, coursed through his body and his primal instincts told him to attack now, while he still could. His bow was within reach, as was the knife, but he knew to do such a thing would be a mistake. Though his body twitched with the need for action, he nodded his head slightly at her words and simply waited to see what would happen next. She was definitely different in some way, there remained little doubt of that, but now was not the time to ponder it. His eyes widened as the large animal came right up to Rue and began to sniff her the way a dog sniffs a strange human it encounters, its nose snuffling over her clothes and into her hair. Sweat broke out over his body at the sight, fear for her palpable, but he held himself in check, unwilling to put her life in danger simply because he didn’t understand what was going on between them.

When she suddenly reached out to stroke the wolf’s muzzle, Caleb wanted to die, fearing that her hand would be bitten off in one clean chomp. It didn’t happen though and his eyes narrowed when the wolf leaned into the touch, clearly welcoming it. What was going on here? Was Rue somehow bespelling it? He’d heard of magic before, had even witnessed it a time or two, but in all those circumstances he’d felt something dance over his body, like the tiny pricks of a million needles, and he didn’t feel that here. Ruling that out, he considered communication next and realized it made the most sense. She’d clearly spoken to them out loud earlier and they had appeared to understand. Although he’d never known anyone who could do that, he also knew that a good hunter could study the ways of animals and communicate with them in a way. Perhaps that was what Rue was doing here. About to ask that very question, Caleb was suddenly struck silent by the sight of the large beast moving around Rue and slowly approaching him. Very carefully he brought his arms down to his sides, wanting to be closer to his knife should he need it, but that was the only movement he made.

The wolf stood taller than he did and looked down his nose at Caleb, fur almost electrified along its back. The man had only been this close to a wolf before and he had been fighting for his life then; this....well, this was almost surreal in its weirdness, there was no doubt about that. He studied the wolf much the same way it studied him, staring into its eyes, almost willing it to understand that he had no desire for a fight, not now, not ever. When Rue spoke again, Caleb broke his gaze with the wolf and looked over at her, his eyes widening when she collapsed to the ground. Snapping back to the wolf, he tilted his head in respect.

“She speaks the truth, noble one. I drew arms on you only to protect her. I know now that you do not wish to harm her. You are not my enemy.” It felt odd talking to the wolf as if he was a human but somehow, Caleb knew he could understand. “Please, step aside so that I may go to her. She needs my help.”

The wolf studied him for a moment longer and then gave a small snort before stepping to the side, away from him. He nodded in thanks and quickly moved to Rue’s side, leaving the bow on the ground where he’d set it. Dropping to his knees next to her, he quickly pulled her into his lap, being careful not to jostle her injuries more. Taking a quick moment to check over her wounds, he saw blood seepage but nothing else and knew that she was simply exhausted and weakened by the injuries. She spoke again, her voice weak, and he smiled gently.

“Shun you?” he repeated with confusion in his voice. “Why would I shun you, Rue? You have a gift and it saved our lives. This is a wondrous thing, not a curse!”

His head snapped up then as the large wolf approached them, stopping when it was at their side. With a snort, it slowly lowered itself to the ground and looked at him then at Rue then snapped his head towards his back. Caleb studied it for a moment, completely shocked at the strange behavior, and then turned back to her. “I…I think it wants you to ride on its back, Rue. I think they mean to walk with us.” The beast had not spoken to him but Caleb had made an art of studying animal behavior over the years and that was how he’d interpreted the wolf’s gestures. “Do you want that?”
"I hate...this weakness...I've never helpless."

She muttered, clearly angry with her condition. It didn't make sense, and the wolves around her knew that something else was wrong other than her injuries. But she didn't know that they knew something she didn't. Feeling Caleb holding her, lightly checking her injuries and the warmth his body provided, she couldn't help but try to get closer. She felt cold and knew that she'd been hiding from her pain and injuries way too well. She wasn't supposed to feel cold. She needed to rest....just to rest. She felt her eyes slipping closed before she felt the gentle brush of fur against her legs. Seeing the large Alpha male come over to them and hunker down, willing to carry her, she almost gave a real smile. She also felt very stupid. A dragon of her caliber should have never allowed herself to get into such a situation. But here she was. She looked at Caleb and gave him a sad smile.

"If only it were a wonderful gift....if it were...maybe someone would love me."

She felt the words trip off her tongue, her better sense getting away from her as did her consciousness. She needed to stay away. She had to stay awake. She gently pushed away from Caleb and wobbled to her feet, using the wolf as a balance with her good arm. She hissed as she jostled her bad arm, but it couldn't be helped. Taking a breath to calm herself, she slipped onto the wolf's back and looked at Caleb, knowing that he would be able to keep up. However, the Alpha female strode up to him and nudged him impatiently and flicked her tail at him. Rue looked to Caleb.

"She says she would be honored if she could carry you...for protecting me."

She felt a fever flush turn her pale skin pink and she put her good hand to her forehead. Why so sick so suddenly? Was she having a reaction to the plant? She again cursed her weakness and heard her wolf growl and berate her for her foolishness. She stroked the fur between his ears as she murmured to him, so soft that Caleb wouldn't be able to hear.

"I didn't think my injuries were so severe, my friend. Or to be caught as I am."

Glancing back again at Caleb, she hoped he would forgo his instincts to run or fight and do as the female asked. They needed to get to his place and knew that the wolves would be able to know where it was. They knew everything that was in their territory, and their territory was vast, stretching for leagues and leagues. Their pack, if she remembered right, was one of the largest in this land and that many mouths to feed needed a remarkably big hunk of land to hunt on. And yet they had a harmony with the Lunar wolves and shared parts of their land since they hunted at different times of the day. It was truly stunning. Hearing the wolf in her head tell her to hold onto him, she did so with her good arm and leaned down to wrap it about his mane, holding onto the fur there. He took a few test steps to be sure of her grip and when she didn't fall off - her thighs gripped his sides as well - he let out a small woof to let Caleb and the others know that they were to leave immediately. It was up to Caleb now to lead them.
Things had taken a definite turn for the weird but Caleb didn’t mind it at all, not if it gave him an excuse to hold Rue in his arms for even a single moment. He hadn’t realized what holding her would do to him, how it would cause his heart to speed up and his brain to go all fuzzy, but he didn’t care one bit. She was soft in all the right places and her body curved into his like it was meant to be there; while he held her, he could ignore the fact that there was a humongous fur ball kneeling in the dirt right next to them, waiting for her to climb onto his back. Not wanting to lose Rue just yet, Caleb stroked his hand across her face, brushing fine strands of her hair out of her eyes and behind her ears.

“You’re not helpless” he murmured as he gazed at her. “I don’t know anyone that could have kept up with me as badly injured as you are, Rue.” He’d heard her other words, about her gift and love, but he wisely chose to not comment on it. She was experiencing a very vulnerable moment right then and he suspected that the very proud Rue would have been upset if she’d realized exactly what she’d said to him. Holding her, though, he was shocked that she had not experienced love before; personally, he found her beauty and strength quality traits and whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not, he knew deep down he was already feeling something for her.

When she pushed away from him and stood on unsteady legs, all warmth fled from his body momentarily, as if a blanket of comfort had been removed. A whimper almost left his lips as his hands instinctively reached for her and then fell to his sides. With a grumble, he let the wolf claim her as she dragged herself onto its back. He stood then and would have started walking had he not stumbled from a hard nudge to his side. Glancing to the left sharply, he saw the other wolf standing there staring at him, her tail swishing the air with impudence. Rue’s words drew his attention to her and he frowned, his eyebrows coming together in displeasure. Carry him? He didn’t need to be carried. Seeing her face, though, he realized she was truly very ill and that sent a shaft of worry spearing into his heart. For her, he could put away his own pride and ride the other wolf. As she got comfortable on her wolf, it raised its head and woofed loudly, as if to tell him to make up his mind.

He laughed and reached out, running his hand over the fur of the other one briefly. “I would be honored to ride you, milady” he said as he slowly mounted her back and got comfortable. Not entirely sure what to do next, he paused, glancing around. They were now a party of six and he was glad for it, however odd it might seem. Bending down so he could reach the wolf’s ear, he smiled. “If you could so kindly lead the way, we can be off. We’ll go about five more miles by way of the trail then pick up another one that will take us directly to my cottage.” Now that he knew the wolves weren’t a threat, and they had speedier transportation, it was time to make all haste. Rue needed further medical treatment and lots of rest so he hoped it wouldn’t take them long to get there. Deep down inside though, he suspected that further perils awaited them in their journey, making him glad for the furry company that they had. He told Rue to hang on and then tapped lightly on the wolf’s side. She took the cue and they were soon off, moving through the darkness at a nice trot.
As they started out on their pace, Rue had too much time to think. Their paws ate up the distance, but time was something that was against them. Her mind sped with what was going on between her and Caleb- and she wasn't delusional enough to believe that something wasn't happening. There was a connection building which she had sensed when he had held her, his scent comforting her like nothing else ever had. His skin against her own ignited some primal feeling that she hadn't experience before and wanted more of it. It was a strange feeling. It was both comforting and exciting in a way she hadn't thought possible. It terrified her. She didn't want to think about getting close to Caleb - especially if he had injured her. Still, her mind supplied, if it was a good enough reason...maybe she could forgive him. As the trees flew past her, she looked at the horizon grimly. Could she really forgive him?

He helped you when no one else would have...

A voice of hope in her heart said. She wanted to ignore it, forsake his kindness, but could she really be so cold? So callous? Be like her kind that was only after her because of her abilities and what she could do for the bloodlines? Could she toss Caleb away as easily as her family had done to her happiness? A sharp pain ran up her side and she gasped, clinging tighter to her wolf companion. He growled low and she shook her head, warning him not to stop. They couldn't afford to stop. Not yet. Had she ever hurt this badly? Her broken ribs had been a huge problem for a few weeks, but had the pain been this unbearable? It felt like phantom pain had crawled into her chest and was amplifying the real pain she was feeling. Everything felt tight and it was hard to breathe. She had to calm down.

She took a few deep breaths and rested her head down, making sure to not close her eyes. If she passed out, she could fall off and be further damaged. The forest seemed to cast a lovely glow on everything when her eyes fell upon them, taking in the glorious sight. It eased her suffering as she felt the terrain become a little rougher before smoothing out. She knew what would have taken them hours had only taken the wolves maybe two. She could smell the cut wood mixing with the scents of clean water and soft grass. Her sense of smell returning was a signal that she would be fine once she rested. Time seemed to slow as the wolves' pace slowed and eventually teetered into a slow walk. And then they stopped. It wasn't so abrupt that she was shocked, but it was enough to make her raise her head and look around.

They were on the edge of a farm or something and clearly within walking distance of Caleb's home. She stared at it, thinking it looked funny as she slid off the wolf's back carefully. It looked tilted. No wait, that was just her. Her vision swam as she stumbled forward and barely managed to catch herself even with the help of her companion wolf. He let her rest against his flank as she thanked him and his kin. He told her to gain her strength and that they would be patrolling the area. She knew she should question his intentions but she couldn't find the power to think that far. Her logic was disappearing as the edges of her vision turned black.


She gasped his name before her world slipped into darkness.
Caleb had ridden horses many times, and had even tried a bull once in a drunken stupor, but none of those could even begin to rival what it felt like to be on the back of a wolf. For one, he had a sneaking suspicion that he and Rue were perhaps the first humans ever to experience a ride like this. Then there was the softness of their fur and the powerful way their muscles moved underneath him, muscles that he knew could carry the majestic creatures for leagues in no time at all if they were at a full run. Had this been occurring at any other time in his life, he would have been having a fantastic time but worry for Rue kept his enthusiasm down. He kept a careful eye on her as they traveled, noting how she slumped in her seat and seemed to sway with each step, sure signs of exhaustion and illness. At one point, they hit a particular bumpy area and Rue gasped, her grip tightening in its fur as she muttered words in response to a growl from her mount. Seeing that exchange, Caleb smiled, almost jealous at her talent for speaking with the animals, knowing how valuable it would have been to him when out in the forest or working around the cottage.

As their trip continued, he wished he had thought to join her on the back of her wolf. Wrapping his arms around her supple body would have helped stabilize her and, he had to admit, would have been very appealing for other reasons also. By now, Caleb had come to grips with the fact that something was happening between them, something he had never experienced before with anyone else. Sure, he’d been attracted to other women over the years but there was something about this one that was different. He felt an incredibly strong urge to protect her, yet also somehow knew that if she wasn’t injured she wouldn’t have needed his protection in the first place. Then there was her beauty and inner strength and the fact that she was different than anyone he had ever met. Those things alone though didn’t fully explain it; something else was there, something deeper, but he couldn’t wrap his thoughts around it, even in the stillness of the night.

Hearing a sound off to his left, his head snapped in that direction and he listened. None of their animals alerted though and the sound faded as they moved, revealing itself to be a deer or some other small animal that fled in the presence of the wolves. Nothing else notable happened after that and it wasn’t long before the trees began to thin out, allowing more moonlight to reach their little party. Caleb sat up straighter on his wolf, knowing that they were almost at his place. When they finally broke from the trees, coming to a stop at the edge of his land, he smiled. His place wasn’t huge by any means but he’d done ok for himself over time, laying claim to a large vale between the mountains. The open area was wide enough to have a corral for horses, a field for a few cows and goats, a pen for chickens, a large area for a self-sustaining garden, and his modest cottage with its three bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen. A soft sigh left his lips as he gazed at it through the moonlight, finally glad to be home after a long day.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he watched as Rue slid from the back of her furry steed and stumbled forward. She would have fallen while he watched had the wolf not moved sideways, bracing her body against his. Sensing something wrong, Caleb immediately slid off the back of his wolf, thanking her for her service, and moved towards Rue. He was almost there when her plea came, the words strangled and murky, and with a sprint, he was at her side, catching her before she could completely topple to the ground. Wasting no time at all, he slipped an arm under her legs and one around her waist and lifted her up, holding her tight. Turning to the wolves, he gave a small bow. “Thank you, great ones. Rue is sick and needs help so I will leave you here. My land is your land now. Make yourself at home if you wish to stay or wander the woods. Just…please…don’t frighten my animals anymore than they already are if you can.” He glanced over at the corral and pens and saw his animals dancing around nervously but there was little he could do about it now. With a nod to the wolves, he turned and loped for his house, his steps long and sure.

Reaching the front door, he set Rue down just long enough to get it open and then quickly moved into the house, aiming for the spare bedroom. Reaching the bed, he lay her down on its covers and immediately checked her wounds, frowning at the blood that he saw on the bandages. “Oh Rue” he murmured as he moved to the kitchen, getting a pail of water, the first aid kit he kept in the house, and a rag, then returned to her side. Slowly stripping her, he set about cleaning all of the wounds and put new bandages on them, then tucked her under the sheets, making sure she was comfortable. From his touch to her forehead he knew that a fever raged inside her, so he crumbled some Acadia leaves in a cup of water and forced some of the liquid into her mouth, getting her to swallow it by manipulating her throat with his fingers. It was all he could do until she awoke so he stood and went to check on his mother, finding her sleeping the sound sleep of illness. Satisfied, he moved back to Rue’s room and pulled up a chair, settling in for the rest of the night.
All she could feel was pain and cold. She felt cold everywhere and everywhere hurt. Few illnesses could penetrate a dragon's immune system and she couldn't contract anything from humans, but whatever was prowling around in her system was something messing with her body chemistry. The darkness didn't bring her any relief. Whatever phantom touches that Caleb placed upon her body were the only relief she got. He was warm to her cold. She felt herself spiraling down deeper into the darkness, searching for any signs of relief other than just Caleb's touch. Instead she got painful memories of her family telling her she was to be given like some sacrifice to their alpha. And that she had duties to perform. That she would turn into a breeding mare for their clan. All her dreams had been turned to dust and ashes. She'd seen thirteen winters before her power had begun to manifest and it hadn't been subtle that it usually was for her kind. Her powers had exploded. She could still remember her body being coated in flames before she transformed into her dragon self. The pain then was like a flash compared to the pain now.

She had remembered her parents arguing that night after they had put her to bed since she had been unable to move after her transition, her body twitching from the power. They had decided to give her up to the Alpha rather than have her taken away from them by force. They weren't strong enough to protect her and it hurt her the most that they hadn't even tried. The next day she'd begun training to be the alpha's mate and had given all dragons within her reach Hell. By Draco's fire, she swore to never be tamed by anyone. Not even when they had held her down and tried branding her with the Alpha's mark after hours of being beaten. Her powers were meant for her survival and though dragons were resistant to flames, they were still able to be burned in human form. She burned dozens of hands that day and a few faces. She'd been but fifteen winters at that time. The thought of friendship and love had been burned away that day. She didn't want love or friends. She didn't want anyone.

The memories of all those years alone and forsaken made her whimper even in her comatose state. She'd been hated and feared yet sought after. Women with new hatchlings had asked for her blessing so that they may be as strong as she and she'd turned them all down. She wouldn't bless anyone with the life she led. The Alpha had tried to get her alone a time or two, but as strong as he was, she was the more powerful of the two. But her temper had made them equal combatants. He'd tried to have his way with her and she'd burned him, but he healed quickly and had smacked her around before she'd taken a piece out of him - literally. She'd been so angry she had managed to partial-shift her teeth and almost chewed through his arm. That had taken much longer to heal and had born scars. She'd celebrated openly about his scars. No one else took pride in her humor, but it hadn't mattered, had it? They'd proclaimed she was a frigid wench and that forsaking her duties was the same as being a whore. She'd deserved what he'd tried to do, they said.

Hours had passed before she came to and she gasped, feeling hot tears fall from her eyes as she sat up a little too quickly. She shut her eyes and panted for air, clutching at her chest. It was then she realized she was naked and hurting her injured arm. she quickly dropped it and shivered, feeling the air against her sweat-soaked skin. She didn't mind so much being naked but more so the fact that she could see the sun slowly beginning to peak over the horizon - signaling the first start of day. She'd been out that long? She looked at Caleb and combed her hair back with her good arm, feeling so chaotic and lost. Her memories were always a nightmare. She wanted some comfort. She wanted something real. She wasn't totally herself when she reached out to Caleb and spoke in a shaky voice.


She didn't know what she was asking but she needed his warmth, for his arms to hold her back to sanity. To ground her back into reality and the present and drag her out of the past that plagued her so.
The stillness of the night settled in around the cottage as time passed and Caleb never moved from his seat, keeping a vigilant eye on his guest. Exhaustion had slipped into his bones within an hour of returning home but he ignored it; if he slept, then he would not be able to watch over Rue and that was his most important priority, at least in his mind. Sleep could wait, would wait, until he knew she was getting better. The whinny of a horse drew his gaze to the window in the wall and he stood, stretching his weary body. Walking up to it, he pushed aside the curtain and glanced out, wondering what had upset it. The horses, all of them from the looks of it, were pacing in their corral, trotting back and forth rapidly. Their tails swished as if they were swatting at flies and they were shaking their heads as if they were nervous. He considered going outside for a moment to check on them but the reason for their behavior soon became obvious as a large shadow walked by the corral. He stared at it for a moment, wondering what it could be when it dawned on him. The wolves had stayed nearby and were even now patrolling his grounds. Moving back to his seat, he gave that some thought for a moment, recognizing the rareness of the occasion. Why were they hanging around? Did they want to protect her also and if so, from what?

Before he could give it much thought, movement drew his gaze back to the bed and he watched as Rue began to move, her limbs twitching and thrashing momentarily before she settled back down. He rose and checked her forehead, groaning at the heat he felt there. Taking the wet rag, he slowly wiped it across her skin and then over her cheeks and lips, trying to keep her as cool as possible while she rode out the virus. Hopefully the Acadia leaves would begin to do their work, attacking the illness inside her, but he knew there was also a chance that she was too injured or too…different…for it to work. That last part worried Caleb the most since it was clear that no matter how human Rue looked, she was definitely different. Her ability to talk to animals alone made that obvious. She came from another land than he did though and he wasn’t sure what her folks were like; perhaps the skill she possessed was normal where she came from. In the end, it really didn’t matter, not in the least. She was under his care and currently very ill so he would do everything in his power to help her heal.

Over the next few hours, Rue began to twitch and move more, her whimpers replacing the silence in the room with dread. He kept vigil, wiping her face from time to time and even holding her hand for a bit, but he could not do much more than that. He was looking out the window again, watching the sun slowly come to life, when he felt the air in the room change. Turning around, his eyes fell on her face and a smile broke across his. Rue was finally awake. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she moved briefly and then seemed to settle, a look of disorientation in place. When she held out her arm and called to him, her voice almost quivering, his heart broke just a little bit. Moving swiftly, he pulled the chair to the edge of her bed and gripped her hand. “Welcome to morning, sunshine” he said, smiling down at her, his words light to keep worry from his face. With his other hand, he checked her fever and was relieved to find that it seemed to have broken in the wee hours of the morning. She was shivering under his touch though, obviously cold, and she seemed to cling to him like she needed comfort. What he did next would have surprised him if he’d actually stopped and thought about it but he didn’t; he simply followed his instincts and the pull that this wounded beauty had on his soul and with a gently push, he moved her to the side of the bed, climbing in next to her under the covers.

The minute he rested his body against hers, he felt the deep, deep cold that infused her body and another crack in the wall around his heart broke. Wrapping his arms around her, being careful of her wounds, he nestled her against him and let his body heat envelope both of them. “It will be ok, Rue” he said, the words whispered to her as mere centimeters rested between their faces. “Your fever has broken I think but you need to warm up. Cuddle into me and let me help warm you up.” He knew she was nude under the covers, having undressed her himself, and he’d made sure to keep his own on as a result. It was brazen, he knew, and might backfire on him long term but all he cared about right now was getting her warm and feeling better. Looking at her up close, he noticed how beautiful her eyes were and blinked. “Come on, Rue, get warm.”
When Caleb touched her and then settled in beside her, she felt her mind calming and pushing back the demons that occasionally invaded her mind. It always happened when she slept, but never this badly. She was shaking as he pulled her into his arms and she snuggled close to him, pressing her nose against his neck and taking in his scent. She was practically on top of him, but she didn't care - even with his clothes being a combination of soft and rough against her skin. She was careful of her injuries, yet the seducing warmth of Caleb's body was hard to ignore. She wasn't modest in sliding her good arm up his shirt and resting it on his torso. It brought her more comfort to touch him than she would have thought. His arms on her back took away the chill - that bone-chilling cold that made her feel so weak and human. It was odd to touch someone after going so long without. She barely knew of casual touches now and with Caleb - it seemed all about being physical without give or take. Without some alterior motive. She sighed against his skin as she settled, feeling his heart beat against her own through their chests. It was odd to feel such warmth and comfort - especially with her faults and suspicions. They didn't matter right now, however, though they might later. Right now, all that mattered was that she wasn't alone after being that way for so very long.


Rue murmured against his skin, shutting her eyes and taking in his scent. It was like the finest wine to her senses. She drank it in, letting her sense of smell pick apart the different fragrances that made up what Caleb smelled like. There was pine and maple, cinnamon and Acadia - which was fading so it had been recently added. Dirt, hard work, concern - which had a tangy smell that wasn't unpleasant but noticeable - worry, which was slightly acrid much like anger and sorrow but more subtle, and man with some fiery smoky scent mixed in. It roused her dragon - that smoky scent - and made her want to have a taste. But she held back, not knowing why this aroma replaced the chill with something....some need she couldn't put her finger on. She had to be delusional, she thought. With a yawn, she settled in further, relaxing her muscles and bones one by one. It felt so good to just relax and enjoy something she had in her possession. Even a human she was wary of because he did what no one else had done in the longest time - take care of her. She didn't fall asleep but being so content caused a purr to start rumbling gently from her chest, her breathing evening out. It felt so natural to lay here that she seemed to forget how different they both were. And for now, that was good enough for her to just forget for a little while.
Lying in a bed with a beautiful naked woman should have been the start of something wonderful, full of joy and unbridled passion, but that was far from the case this time. Caleb had crawled under the covers solely to provide additional warmth to Rue, had pulled her body against and wrapped her in his arms for one simple reason, but once he was there and her shivering body was molded to his, he couldn’t help but think of more than just calm healing. His heat filled the bed, sliding over both of them as if they’d fallen into a mini furnace, heating the covers and their bodies with a steady, throbbing wave of warmth. The increased temperature took him by surprise because it almost felt like he was projecting his heat, something he’d never done before, but with Rue tucked in so tight against him, he couldn’t think straight enough to consider the weird phenomenon much less analyze it.

When her arm slid up his shirt and rested against his bare skin, any chance at coherent thought fled from him, chased away by the frantic beating of his heart and the racing of his lifeblood through every vein in his body. The touch was innocent, simply her way of getting as much warmth from him as she could, but it electrified his skin and sent his nerves into a frantic dance that left him breathless and aroused. Slowly he worked to get his breathing under control, sending little puffs of breath out his nose, calming his body from within. The arousal he simply ignored, willing it to dampen down before it became physically obvious, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. She needed to heal, to get better, and she couldn’t do that if she knew he was attracted to her. Worst of all for him was the realization that what he was feeling went deeper than mere physical attraction, much deeper. It was as if her soul called to his, beckoned it to come forth and meld on a primal level that went far beyond lust. He’d felt it from the minute he’d met her but it wasn’t until she’d become so ill and her inner strength failed her that his desire, nay need, reared to the surface so forcefully. The urge to protect her, surround her with warmth and love, was so strong it frightened him but instead of ignoring it he embraced it.

“Yes, Rue” he answered in response to her single word, his hands stroking lightly through her hair. When she nuzzled into his neck, he trembled slightly, struck again by emotions he didn’t completely understand. Closing his eyes for a moment, he centered his thoughts inward, imagining the two of them sitting by a fire, one that he fed with wood and grass, building the flame ever higher, brighter, and warmer. When the air around them seemed to heat up more, he opened his eyes and slowly stroked his hands down her bare back, his fingers caressing her spine. Each movement drew the heat to her body, surrounding her more and it caused a hitch in his breath. Was he doing this? Was he projecting heat and manipulating it like one would a blanket? Or was he simply imagining all of it? He did not know, and in truth didn’t care; he simply continued to lightly stroke his hands over her body, willing warmth into her. Right now, more than ever, she needed him and he would not fail her.
Feeling Caleb's heat soak into her skin was making her purr more, and she knew it but she couldn't help it. A smile up-turned her lips when he spoke in response to her words before she felt his hands roaming down her back. He was careful and tentative with his touch, but with his fingers along her spine, she gasped at the sensation. It felt...really good. She opened her eyes until they were half-lidded and stared at Caleb's throat, seeing how he swallowed more often than before and that his touch was light but so very warm. She couldn't figure out why she was suddenly getting so much warmth so quickly - but damn was she not uttering a complaint. Yet his hands on her body made her squirm in a way that was unfamiliar and she tried to contain herself from wiggling around. The sensation was too new and it wasn't irritating her, but it was making her worried. What was she feeling?

"That...feels good.."

She murmured against his skin, curiosity and confusion in her tone as he stroked her skin. She could feel his pulse speed up and could smell that fiery smokey scent get thicker and wrap around her. It smelled so good that she really wanted more - wanted more of Caleb's touch and his scent and she didn't understand why. Could humans bewitch dragons? She was fearful then that she would lose control of her faculties, but she sensed her inner dragon reassuring her that wasn't the case. It wasn't so much in words as in feeling. Rue didn't know exactly how to handle the stream of emotions and feelings that flowed into her mind as most of them were new. And for one insane moment, she wanted to know if Caleb found her worthy and beautiful.
Her body was trembling as he touched her…….that wasn’t quite right….it was more like a rumble from deep within and for a moment his hands faltered in their touch, the surprise from what he was feeling stopping him. It was the oddest sensation to experience with her body nestled in so tightly against his but he found that he liked the way it danced across his own frame, pulling at things deep inside that had never before been pulled. Smiling, he enjoyed the sensation and let his hands return to their light caresses, stroking her bare back softly. Holding her like that, with no specific motive behind his actions other than to help her get better, was rather nice and he found that he didn’t want to let her go, though he knew he would have to eventually. The heat in the bed had reached a very comfortable level and seemed to settle, basking them both in waves of warmth that seemed to stroke along their bodies in an almost sensual touch. He should have been sweating within his clothes from it but he wasn’t; he found the warmth comfortable and stayed where he was, letting it bring her cool temperature back up.

It was the words that drew his mind back to the immediate moment and he blinked then smiled. “I’m glad” he murmured into her hair, his hands deepening their strokes just a little, fingers spread wide. He continued to keep his hands safely away from intimate areas, just using his touches to sooth her and spread the warmth but finally he knew he’d done enough. Letting his fingers slowly come to a stop and then rested them against her back, holding her. Pulling his head back just a little, he moved one hand so that he could slide it under her chin and lift her face so he could see her. Smiling, he stared at her face, tracing the curve of her sensual lips and smooth cheekbones before reaching her eyes. “I think…” he paused, mouth suddenly dry, and swallowed to buy time before trying again. “I think you are warm enough now, Rue” he murmured “but…I don’t want to let you go.” He closed his eyes for a moment then pressed on. “Something about you…it calls to me…and I don’t understand it…so I’m going to hold you for just a few more moments before I leave.” Bending down, he placed a delicate kiss on her forehead and then tucked her back against his chest, closing his eyes to rest until the time came to leave.
His fingers along her chin made her shiver and when he was this close, she felt a kind of panic settle in. But his words were so gentle like his touch that she absorbed it, drinking it all in like a thirsty man in a desert does when finally given a drink. She was starved in a way she hadn't realized from just his simple words and touches and it made her so curious and cautious. Her maroon eyes, almost coppery red in the sunlight, took in his features and she found him handsome again. It wasn't a thought she wanted to hold onto, but found herself tracing his features with her eyes as he had done to her own face. When he stopped speaking, she clamored to think of why he would say such a thing. And his kiss was so soft that it made her feel cherished. Why did she want another? And why should she want to hear more of what he had to say? Tucked against his chest, she mulled over his words before she sat up carefully, the blanket slipping to reveal her uninjured shoulder. She couldn't sit up much, but she wanted to look down at his face when she spoke. He was taller than her but equal here.

"Why, Caleb?"

Her voice sounded hoarse and it sort of shocked her that it was so different from how it usually was. Truly, speaking felt like she'd swallowed gravel but after a few swallows she found her throat less sore and more usable. She had never openly touched Caleb and found her using just the tips of her fingers to trace the lines of his face. He had a worry line along his forehead. He had a thin scar along the edge of his jawline; from what, she didn't know. It was so strange to just touch someone and she knew it was unlike herself in one's presence to be so tentative and curious, but was she really herself? Or was she becoming herself? The thoughts confused her so.

"Why do you hold me as if I will vanish?"
After the kiss, Caleb closed his eyes and savored the moment, still not entirely sure why his soul vibrated with the need to experience it. It was an unusual feeling for him, akin to feeling that first tingling of attraction for someone but different at the same time, and he found it very odd considering he’d just met Rue. It was understandable that he’d grown somewhat attached to her; after all, that happened when one pledged to keep another safe but to not want to let them go? That was truly weird. Surprise, irritation, befuddlement, and confusion all swept through him then, riding the wave of one emotion after another, and try as he might, he couldn’t shift through them quick enough. When she suddenly sat up, he scooted back a little to give her space, his gaze noticing for the first time that her blanket had slipped, causing one creamy bare shoulder to emerge into the air. Swallowing hard, his eyes locked on that tantalizing peek at her flesh for a moment, the sudden urge to nip it riding his mind hard. Curling his fists at his sides, he dug his fingernails into his palms, using the brief burst of pain to still those thoughts and bring his head under control.

“I…I don’t know” he said, the words faltering on his lips for a moment before finally coming out. Three simple words yet they spoke so much….and yet also left so much unspoken.

When she reached out and touched him, trailing her soft fingers along the edges of his face, a shudder ran through his body but not one of revulsion. He closed his eyes again, letting the sensation slide through his skin and slither along his nerves, sending tingles through every aspect of his body. The touch was tentative, exploratory, and he let her do it, wanting the touch as much as she seemed to need to do it. Finally, though, it became too much and he opened his eyes, scooting away from her in the bed to put distance between them. His heart was pounding behind the protection of his ribs and his hands suddenly felt clammy, almost moist, and he knew he was nervous then, nervous about what he was experiencing and about what he wanted nay craved. Gazing deep into her eyes, he blinked and then shook his head as if to clear it, finally giving up.

“I don’t know why” he repeated because it was true. He had never felt this way before and didn’t know how to explain it to himself much less her. With a frustrated sigh, he slipped from the bed and moved to the door. “I will fix a plate of food for you” he called over his shoulder as he slipped out, suddenly glad for the space. Moving into the kitchen, he quickly prepared a plate of warm meat and potatoes with some salad on the side then returned to her room with a glass of water.

“Here you go” he said, setting it on the table next to the bed before stepping back again. Looking at her, he let a wan smile grace his lips. “I’m glad to see you are feeling better and I apologize for taking liberties with you.” Ducking his head for a moment, he quickly added that he’d be back to check on her later and then slid from the room once again.
His words made her frown as she lightened her touch a little bit. When he shuddered and then pulled away, she felt something cold slice through her. What was it? It made her internal organs feel frozen. Her heart stuttered a moment as he pulled away and put distance between them - distance she felt on a deeper level. It was like a league had been set between them rather than merely inches. When he gazed at her and spoke, she felt it then and finally put a name to it: rejection. Her heart shrank and she curled her body into herself, feeling cold again but in a different way. When he left and said he'd prepare her food, she turned onto her back and felt all warmth she had felt towards him sliding away. She'd been so stupid. She'd let her heart do something it shouldn't for him. She couldn't care about him. He was just going to help her heal and then she would vanish. She would be alone again and that was for the best. There was no reason to let a stranger's kindness change that. Being alone was for....the best. A tear slid down her cheek, leaving the faintest trail of blue. She angrily wiped it away and shut her eyes.

When he returned and set the food down, she didn't bother to roll back over. Instead, she just listened to him talk before waiting for him to leave. She wasn't going to eat in front of him if she decided to eat at all. She wanted to be stubborn and not eat anything he made her so he might feel what she felt. But it was stupid and she needed the energy. She hoped he wouldn't come back. With a sigh, she sat up carefully and brought the food over to her. She didn't move it like a normal person would have, however. She concentrated her mind to lift the plate and glass to her. It took a lot of effort, but she needed to see what her limits were in her condition. Even over the short distance, she felt clammy and flushed from effort. Whatever was effecting her was effecting everything. At least she hadn't lost all her ability yet. Still, she worried...What if she could never fly again? The thought killed her appetite, but still managed to marshal food into her mouth. It tasted like ash though she knew it to be good. Setting the plate and glass down manually, she curled back up with the blanket, pretending it was the arms of someone who loved her.

It was a small comfort in a foreign land. But it was still comfort.
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