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Who's The Boss [DoS x Jugger]

Nathan walked over and got into the passenger's seat yet again. He had a stone hard glare though it wasn't toward her, it was more at the windshield. He didn't want to look at her. "How about no one leaves and we forget all this fucking happened? Lets just get home and sleep this over like a god damn bad hangover."
"Agreed." She answered in a stone cold voice, detached to everything that was around her. She put the car in reverse and backed out of the position she was in, swinging it back into drive in order to head home. It was the most quiet car ride she had ever taken part in. She didn't look at him. She kept both of her hands on the steering wheel and she said nothing to him. She didn't want to. Maybe after they rested things could go back to normal. Whatever. She'd make them go back to normal.
When they arrived at HQ, Nathan got out of the car and closed the door as he headed back into the hideout. He entered it and ignored the stares of the goons as they watched him, seeing that he was a bit seething with rage at that moment and one even seemed to shudder. They then turned to look at the door and wait to see if Elisa would come. Nathan headed into his room and dropped the bag on the floor before dropping on the bed. "Damn...this pain won't go away...its not my leg...its my damn chest....why....?"
Elisa turned the car off, and sat inside of it for a little while. She took a few deep breaths, cursing the fact that she had to make her whole world come crashing down. She couldn't just accept the fact that he gave her money. Whatever, she was good at fucking things up. She could live with that...maybe. She got out of the car and walked into the house, trying to ignore the looks that the goons gave her. She just needed to go to bed.

She walked with her head down to her room and crashed down onto her bed. She pulled the covers up over her body and rolled over to where she was facing the wall. Suddenly, her bed felt big and lonely. What the fuck? What died inside of her and made her such a sap? Whatever. She could deal with that right now. Right now, she was just so lonely.
Nathan was tossing and turning in his bed, feeling like something was wrong. His chest was still with the feeling like it'd cave in. "Why...why do I..." The guilt was killing him and he didn't like it. He felt alone, and empty now...He lost the closest thing to a true friend he'd had since he was just a kid. He sat up and looked at his door wondering if he should make amends to see if things would get on the right track...but then, as stubborn as he was, he laid down and grumbled. "If she wants to fix things, she'll come to me." Though those words felt empty even as he said that. It just made the feeling in his chest worse.
Sure Nathan was a complete fuckhead, but that was why she liked him. She could play around with him without either one of them getting hurt. They were like two peas to a pod. Without one the other one couldn't function properly. This was just so fucked. She couldn't stand it anymore. She felt like the room was going to cave in and squish her so that she could no longer feel anything of what she used to be. She hated the feeling, and she wanted no more part of it.

Elisa got up off of her bed, clad in pajama pants and a tank top and shuffled her way over to Nathan's room. She didn't knock, she just silently opened the door. The only sound was a small creak in protest from the door. Great, the door didn't even want her anywhere near him. She sighed and scooted into his room, but she didn't go far. She just pressed her back against the wall and sunk down to the floor, gathering her legs into her chest.

Where was she going to go now? She didn't remember what she had been planning to say.
Nathan heard the door creak open and by this point, his back was toward the door. He didn't care though. He wasn't going to turn around unless he was for sure it was Elisa. If it was a murderer, he wouldn't care. He might actually enjoy being killed just to relieve him of the pain swelling in his chest that he couldn't understand. When he heard nothing, he turned over in his sleep but still seemed like he was sleeping.
Elisa sat in that spot for a few minutes while she tried to clear her head and think of what to say. She didn't know, so she'd just have to improvise while she went along. Allow her poor bleeding heart to say what she couldn't put into words. "Nathan...I uhm, I....don't want to loose you." She said finally, feeling like she had been defeated. "I care about you and well...I hate that I fucked up, but I don't know how to fix it." Her voice was soft, barely even a whisper. She wasn't even sure if he was awake.
Nathan opened his eyes to hearing her voice and he sighed. "I don't want to lose you either but you and I...we've kinda went around the wrong way didn't we? Look...seriously, lets just forget it happened alright? And if you want...well..." He cleared his throat as he looked at her and then to the bed. "The bed is feeling a bit...empty now..."
She heard his words and her lips extended up into a light smile that touched her eyes. They sparkled as she slowly got up from the floor and wandered over to the bed. She slipped into it next to him and pulled the covers up over her body. It was much more warm and comfortable laying next to him. She no longer felt like the room was going to cave in.
Nathan smiled feeling his chest's pain seemed to cease. He laid there with one arm wrapped over Elisa as he closed his eyes to fall asleep, now comfortable that he had a partner in bed with him like the night before.
Elisa smiled and snuggled against his form, closing her eyes so that she could fall asleep. It felt nice to feel his warmth beneath the covers, to have his arm around her body. It was like she had a protector, watching over her as she dreamed.
Before he fell asleep, Nathan pulled her close to him so their bodies touched ever so closely as he held his arms around her with his chin on top of her head. "Gnight Elisa..."
The feeling of his body so close to hers made her smile. Then she thought of what happened earlier that day in the bed. Shaking those thoughts out of her head she closed her eyes and nestled against him. "Goodnight Nathan, I'll see you in the morning."
Nathan smiled. " will..." And with that, Nathan fell asleep for the night until morning would come.

In the morning, Nathan awoke first with a yawn and smiled to the sleeping partner beside him. Carefully, he climbed out of bed and went into the living room to see if the goons were up.
Elisa was a sound sleeper and didn't even notice that he was gone. Instead, she just rolled over and continued to get the best rest she had in a while.

One of the goons was awake, sitting at the table, munching on something he found in the fridge. "Sup, boss?" He asked, not looking up from his meal.
"Eh hey goonie....whats on TV?" He sat down on the couch and began to rub his injured leg as he watched whatever it was that was on TV. Something that really didn't interest him.
He shrugged his shoulders as he continued to eat his meal. He looked up for a moment and tilted his head. "Where's Elisa? I went in to get her this morning and she wasn't in her room."
(Did you get my last PM?)

"She's in my room. Don't wake her...wait, why were you going in Elisa's room? Eh nevermind its none of my business. Do me a favor and make me somethin to eat. I can hardly walk with this busted leg."
(Yes, sorry. I was reading carefully. xD)

He didn't say another word. He just dropped what he was eating and moved to the fridge to find some food to make for Nathan. He didn't want to make him angry.

Nathan sighed and sat down as he watched TV, all the while he waited for his food and for Elisa to wake up. He wondered how'd she react to them...well, getting over it. He hoped she wouldn't change, he loved the snappy hot head that he once knew.
The goon started to cook some eggs that he had found, flipping them every now and then.

Elisa tossed in the bed as she woke up, opening her eyes to find the bed empty. How late had she slept in? Whatever. She tossed the covers back and got out of bed, leaving Nathan's room to sit on the couch. She snapped her fingers towards where Nathan was sitting with the remote. "Pass the remote, dickwad," She commanded in a sweet voice, mocking him once again.

God it felt good to be back.
Nathan chuckled and reached over for the remote and tossed it over to her. "Take it, this channel is borin as hell anyway. Whatever bad taste you have is definitely better than the news."
She took the remote and began to flip through the channels. It was going to be pretty boring just sitting inside the house for two more days. They were all going to get sick of each other. She put it on Animal Planet to watch some stupid show about animals that ate something they shouldn't have. She set the remote on the table and smelled the almost done eggs on the air. She waved her hand. "Hey, make me some too will ya, I'm starving."

The goon grumbled, put the finished ones on a plate in front of Nathan, and then went back to cooking.

Elisa looked over at Nathan's plate and grinned. "Nice use of the goons."
"Eh...I woulda settled for cereal. Pfft, I didn't bother to stop him." He began to eat his eggs and thanked the goon and told of how good it was just so the goon felt appreciated. "Man, you WISH you had eggs like these before me. Mmm."
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