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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: I think Misha has a cute name
Fact: I know it's unhealthy for a ds to not be turned off
Fact: I have the highest sex drive out of anyone I know
Fact: It's more unhealthy for the DS's owner for it to not be turned off.
Fact: Zeromus is a very hard boss.
Fact: Reaper has a hawt name =3
Fact: I bought a bottle of water named fred that looks like it should be alcohol. (I wanted it for the looks)
Fact: The King isn't really a king. (think about it)
Fact: The King likes to draw anime.
[[black_rose]] said:
Fact: I will never smoke
Fact: I will never drink
Fact: I will never do drugs
Fact: Ive done all those and still do and most likely will always do
Misha Hiroki said:
Fact: It's more unhealthy for the DS's owner for it to not be turned off.
Fact: Zeromus is a very hard boss.
Fact: Reaper has a hawt name =3

Fact: I want to see what Misha looks like
Fact: I rarely turn my DS off either
Fact: I can sometimes be a hipocrit
Fact: I enjoy pissing people off most of the time
Fact: I am hardly ver serious unless I say I am
Fact: I have been banned from darker 5 times
Fact: It's very hard for me to keep a grudge
Fact: Admins with favrotism piss me off
Fact: I think i've told too many facts.
Fact: I can't be banned by IP
Fact: I don't have a camera so unfortunately nobody gets to see what I look like.
Fact: I'm the most sexually jaded person I know
Fact: Reaper needs to tell me his IP tricks >.>
Misha Hiroki said:
Fact: I don't have a camera so unfortunately nobody gets to see what I look like.
Fact: I'm the most sexually jaded person I know
Fact: Reaper needs to tell me his IP tricks >.>

Fact: Is dissapointed Misha doesn't have a pic
Fact: Really doesn't understand jaded
Fact: Reaper wants to know whats in it for him?
Fact: Trygons knoledge of proxies is second to none, but I use privates.
Fact: My favorite icecream flavor is creamsicle
[[black_rose]] said:
Fact: I will never smoke
Fact: I will never drink
Fact: I will never do drugs
Fact: I smoke.
Fact: I drink.
Fact: I don't do drugs, because marijuana is a plant, not a drug.
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