Passion, heat, sweat, madness
- Joined
- Mar 7, 2019
- Location
- East Coast
I'd like to think I'm more like a French Vanilla Bean... Tasty, you can customize it to suit your pallet... And I mean, Ala Mode

What to expect from me:
Anywhere from 200 to 2,000 words depending on what we're writing about
Lots of communication
Pop culture references and slang
At least 1 response a week, at most 1 response an hour
3rd Person Perspective
Passionate characters
What I'm into:
Story-Based RPs with sprinkles of smut (okay, more than sprinkles)
Character development
Multi-Character stories
OOC chitchat and side planning
Hair Pulling
Nipple Play
Cunnilingus (giving and receiving)
Fellatio (giving and receiving)
Risk of being seen
Delayed Satisfaction
What I'm NOT into:
taboos like incest or age gaps, non-con, Sadomasochism, waste products, bodily torture, or beasts
Because I'm a twin, I hate incest rps. Please, don't ask me. It gives me The Ick.
Because I'm a (US) Miltiary brat, I am wary of Military-Setting RPs. You can ask, but I can only suspend disbelief so much.
Because I'm as soft little bean, I can't Domme for you-- But I am a Switch so do with that what you will.
less than 5 sentence replies
Racial fetishes
Cheating (I can/do bend this rule a little from time to time)
What I expect from you:
Anywhere from 200 to 2,000 words depending on what we're writing about
Lots of Communication
1 Response a week (or one a month if you're chatty)
Respect my limits -
-waves- Hi, I'm Dearest! I'm a ThiRty YeAr Old LaDy and I work a fun and rewarding day job at a Not-for-Profit. I'm a battleaxe bisexual with a doting partner and a goofy dog. I sing lead in a bar band, play D&D, and I enjoy cooking. I live in CT, USA, and haven't traveled much.
I've been writing text based RPs since my days of NeoPets and hidden Freewebs links. I enjoy Slice of Life RPs and the rare supernatural one here and there.
I have a great job, fun hobbies, and a lot of social activities so bear with me! I'll never ghost but I can go a week or two without replying to the RP if life gets in the way. I do love side conversations as well! Not sure what else to put here but feel free to as me anything.
Current RPs
Why Be First When You Can Be Best (From Friends to Lovers plot)
From Friends to Lovers (Thruple - Bestie X Bestie's boyfriend x Bestie)
New Roomies (FxF College Roommates) via PMs
It's All Fun and Games Until... (College Sweethearts/Open relationship/kinkship/Cheating-ish) via PMs
Abandoned RPs
A Guardian and an Angel (Demon x Human x Fallen Angel) -
City or small town
Off Campus Living
--With parents or apartments or a mix
Pairings (including but not limited to…)
I'll play any binary gender since it's what I can relate to, but Your Character is not limited to that ♥
Bestie x bestie
Bestie x bestie's sibling
Bestie and Bestie's boyfriend x Bestie (thruple)
Bartender x Patron
Cowoker x Coworker
Baker x Patron
Student x Student
Professor x Professor
Professor x Student* (not in a power play)
Abusive Relationship (never done it, but interested)
Pretty much ANYTHING Slice of Life
A hit it and doesn't quit it (hookup that turns into more)
Supernatural (this will take some convincing)
Demon x Human
Demon x Fallen Angel
Human x Fae
Anything involving excrement
First Person
Incest (and that includes Step family)
Storylines lacking any kind of affection, even faked. What is life without love or the illusion of it?!?! -
This is inspired by the Alisha Keys song... Intro below
"Who are you today?"
That was the question Harper was asked at the start of every shift. Every day she would print out a new label to stick onto her name tag. Today she was Riley.
Harper Esposito waited tables a few nights a week to supplement her income. She made okay money as an administrative assistant for the main office an auto parts chain but her health insurance had gotten a little expensive so she deiced to pick up another job so she could afford her creature comforts. She hadn't waited tables since high school, but fell back into the flow easily enough. She'd been at this diner for 2 years, and very happy with where she was. She had regular customers who appreciated her memorizing their orders and they tipped her well.
She had a degree in social work she'd never use because her heart broke with every case she'd worked. She had given it up only 3 years after graduating. At 24, she bounced around from job to job until she settled in with the autoparts store. She did well for herself, though, making extra money with the pastries she sold while she worked, and puppy sitting on the side, serving shots at clubs when her promoter friends needed shot girls, and anything else she could do to come up with extra cash. She'd gotten scholarships for most of college, as well as a lot of help from her parents, so she was debt-free and cruising along at this point her life. She considered herself lucky in that department.
Everywhere else though? Not so much. She tended to laugh it off, but she usually ended up in ridiculous situations on a frequent basis and had no luck in the boyfriend department. She had even taken to walking to both her jobs because her car had been totaled 3 times in the last two years, twice in the current. The third time she just paid off the car with the check she received and bought herself bus passes with the rest. When she was in a rush she'd uber, but she just didn't need a car in the city and she definitely didn't ned the aggravation.
"Hello.... Riley," Harper's regular customer, Samuel, said from his seat at the counter as she rounded the corner once he saw her name tag. He was an old man, long retired, that would come in just for a few cups of coffee and danish nearly ever day. He favored the days that Waitress-with-no-name made. He eyed the bag in her hand and asked, "What have you made or me today, sweetheart?"
"Filodough turnovers with raspberry compote and cream cheese," she told him, opening the clean dessert display and piling her danishes into it neatly before closing the lid. She knew that Sam needed another cup of coffee before he got his daily dose of sugar.
Her eyes scanned the place for another customer. It was only 6am, but the moment she walked in she always looked for her favorite customer. He generally came in on his lunch break, but there were times he came in for an early meal. She worked at the diner on Tuesday and Thursdays, working at the office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7AM-5:30PM. She liked the schedule she kept because she had her weekends to herself and her evenings free if she wanted to pick up extra shifts or go out.
Not spotting him, she went getting settled into her usual flow.
This is open to any muses
Your character and my character were childhood crushes who became high school sweethearts, they were each other's firsts and onlys. Your character got a big mouth about when they finally "did the deed" and my character was so upset about this, she broke it off with him and they never spoke again.
Until now. They're back in their hometown for a mutual friend's wedding, and this mutual friend is a bit of a busybody, as well as a hopeless romantic. They've sat our characters together at the same table in hopes they'll rekindle what their entire friend-group deemed True Love.
Yeah, you have the right to talk about your sex life if you want, but it's MY sex life, too, and I DON'T want the whole student body in on it! For fuck's sake, Jay, you took something that was really fucking special to me and made it a JOKE. Go fuck yourself, Jay, because you're NOT fucking me again. Call me when you grow the fuck up!
Aliana still felt a small pang of guilt when she reflected on that conversation. It was the last one she had with her highschool sweetheart. Apparently he'd never grown up, because he'd never called.
"You sure you're going to be okay with seeing him at the wedding," Kaylani asked. Kay was Aliana's oldest friend, a year older than her, and one of the bridesmaids at the wedding they were back home for. Kaylani's twin sister Talia was getting married.
Ali was sure she was just invited as courtesy. She wasn't even that close with Talia, but they'd been on the Volleyball team together, and their fathers were best friends, on top of Kaylani being her best friend. Kaylani was on the phone with Aliana while she was doing a last minute run to the store for her sister. The wedding was in a few short hours and there were bridesmaidly duties to attend, of course!
"I'm pretty sure Talia sat you two near each other, too…" Kaylani said in a warning tone.
"I'm not going to spontaneously combust if he looks in my general direction, Kay!" Aliana said defensively. In all honesty, though, she wasn't sure how true that was. She wanted to believe she'd moved on, but the thought of him still made her heart race.
College had been good for Ali. She'd casually dated a few guys since, and hooked up with a few, but none of them had made her feel a fraction of what she'd felt with Jay. Their relationship had been full of jokes and fights, and passion. So much passion. No one had made her feel the way he had. But… he apparently didn't share the sentiment, since the radio silence between them had yet to be broken nearly 5 years later.
"I dunno Ally-Cat…" Kaylani said, unconvinced. "Maybe…"
"That stuff doesn't happen in real life, Kay," Aliana said, cutting her off and blushing brightly. "Go do bridesmaid stuff. I'll see you at the reception," Aliana said by means of goodbye and worked on getting herself ready.
This was definitely an occasion where she was glad she'd opted for a hotel instead of staying with her parents. She was going to spend quite a long time in the bathroom, cleaning and primping. People hadn't seen her in years, and she hadn't changed since she left for university, but she didn't want to look 17 to everyone who hadn't seen her since!
Aliana was just as thin as she'd been, sports keeping the dreaded "freshman 15" at bay. She never got into smoking cigarettes or drinking excessively, so her skin and teeth were still bright and flawless. She had a tiny scar near her right eyebrow from attempting a backflip off of a pickup truck back in junior year of high school (Jay had bet her she couldn't, and he'd been mostly right), but it had faded over the years to not be noticeable without really looking for it. Her hair was longer than it had been during her teens, and she let the waves do what they willed down her back and over her shoulders. She took her time washing, shaving, exfoliating, and more or less pampering herself all day before she took the time to apply her makeup and get dressed.
She opted to keep it simple, just doing her eyes in a few different tan and brown tones, applying mascara, and a little eyeliner. She put on a little blush on the high part of her cheekbones, and put on a natural colored matte lipstick that was supposed to be kiss-proof. She decided to skip nylons and shimmied into her blue lace bikini cuts before she pulled on her dress. The royal blue cocktail dress with the plunging neckline didn't call for a bra, instead showing off the whole of her sternum and the space between her breasts in a way that no one who knew her back in highschool would expect from her, especially since it let peek the little tattoo she had under her right breast that read Chase the Moon. It was her favorite pastime-- Just drive around, following the moon, and hopefully you ended up somewhere fun. Usually the drive was more fun than the destination.
Ali put on a simple pair of heels and sprayed herself with the same vanilla perfume she'd been using since she was 12– drugstore brand in the scent of warm vanilla sugar.
She took a cab to where the wedding was to be held, a clutch with her essentials in it, and a gift bag that held a card with cash and cheesy piece of wall art that had their names and the date. She was horrid at giving gifts and by the time she'd gotten to the registry everything was bought up.
She couldn't help but think about what Jay might think of seeing her again. Had he changed at all? Did it really matter? They'd both been volatile teens when they last saw each other. Ali had found a bit of a rebellious and party streak in college, sure, but she had calmed down otherwise; she was better at thinking more rationally and didn't let herself get pushed around by others the way she had previously. She didn't realize how heavily she relied on Jay to keep the assholes at bay until she was set loose on a college campus with manipulators and douche lords all around her. They made Jay look like a saint, really.
"God, I can't go down this road. It's history," she muttered to herself and took a deep breath before heading out into the venue, ready to enjoy the beautiful ceremony and hopefully an open bar afterwards.
This is for Muse A
They say if you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they're yours forever.
My character and Your Character were childhood friends who grew up in conservative households. They were entirely in the closet, even to each other, meanwhile madly in love with the other with no idea how the other felt. Your character has to move away due to their parents' job change, and decides to come out to My Character the day of their going-away party. My Character's father finds out, has a blow out about it, and your character never hears from mine again.
Until by a serendipitous twist of fate : They've enrolled in the same school and get assigned the same dorm based on the university's compatibility quiz.
A year in the dorms at her last school and Kyle was ready to get the hell out of there. It had taken so much convincing to get her father to not just let her change schools, but to live in an apartment instead of the dorms. Once he realized that the school that she'd been accepted into had co-ed dorms, it was a much easier sell. Especially when Kyle had managed to find a sublet from someone for a far more affordable price than campus housing. She hadn't bothered to ask a single detail about the roommate that lived there, though Amanda did say that she was pretty quiet and a nice person. Kyle couldn't have cared less, she just wanted out of the dorms and out of her father's jurisdiction. Sure, he still had control of her trust fund, but at least he didn't have lackeys who could spy on her around town. Having a decent sports scholarship and a phenomenal computer science program made the college a no-brainer.
Even more in Kyle's favor was that she already had friends on campus. Riley, who looked every bit of Serena Williams' doppelganger, was on the volleyball team and had given Amanda's contact info about the sublet. Riley and Kyle had met through High School travel tournaments, and Kyle had come out to Riley in the summer before Senior year when they'd been at summer camp for NCAA hopefuls. Riley had been out and proud bisexual since she was old enough to have crushes, and Kyle envied her for that. Kyle had even given Riley the G-Rated version of her own story of crushing on her childhood best friend, only for her father to find out and never let her speak to her again. Riley had encouraged Kyle to try to find her online, but Kyle felt like it had been so long there was just no way to bridge that gap, and surely she had moved on!
"Lucy! I'm hoooome!" Kyle called out when she let herself into the apartment, arms laden with reusable grocery bags full of toiletries, odd&ends, and her favorite tumblers. Riley was working on backing her truck into a space close to the doors so they could unload Kyle's belongings easier. Mostly clothes and keepsakes, but also a guitar and an electric piano that were placed on top of it all so they'd have a soft ride.
Kyle wore an old high school volleyball shirt that was a little over-sized, the arms and some of the sides cut out to show off the powder blue bralette she wore beneath. Sport shorts that were already giving her a wedgie from the short walk from the truck to the door left her short but shapely legs on display. They were smooth, with only one scar on her left thigh to speak of that was silver and faded from time. Her dark hair was in bun on top of her head, messier than a lost and found box but she was the type of person that looked purposefully disheveled when she wasn't trying to be. Her choice in sneakers hadn't changed since she'd been a kid– chunky Skechers were still her favorite, and she had them in an array of colors. Today she'd chosen white. Her cheeks were flushed with nerves and effort, and her eyes were bright with optimism and curiosity as she scanned the apartment.
"Anyone home?" She could have sworn Amanda was going to meet her so she could get a tour and an introduction.
This is usually for Muse A (with bleached hair like so
This is a college roommates story!
My character has a rather over-bearing father who using finances to control her since she's too old to be physically intimidated or manipulated. Her mother passed when she was in her early teens, and the trust fund that her father controls until she's done with college is constantly held over her head. The fear of insurmountable college debt is very persuasive. BUT My character has a rebellious nature and an adrenaline fixation.
Her best friend and teammate has fallen in love with your character's best friend. They want to live together, so want to play a little game of Roommate Swap, letting Your Character take the room at My character's apartment that her bestie will be vacating in favor of your character's place. My Character is loudly against it because her father would cut her off, but quietly it's because she finds your character irresisitable, in spite of her relationship (or we can leave the boyfriend this part out)
My Character's boyfriend is T*R*A*S*H that needs taking out. Care to help?
"Nothing risked, nothing gained," Amanda recited as she carried the last box from her now empty bedroom through the living room. "Right Harper?" Her blue eyes were bright with excitement as her long, brunette ponytail bobbed cheerily in her wake.
Dakota and Amanda were opposites. Amanda was tall, greek mixed, on the skinny side of thin, sun-kissed, with naturally brown hair in a high pony. Dakota, conversely, was only 5'4", on the stronger side of thin without losing her curves, with thick thigh muscles and a stacked behind to match. She could squat 175lbs "no problem", she'd found out while giving a friend a piggy-back ride, and she was quite proud of the fact that she could do exactly 3 pull ups. She dyed her hair blond and her green eyes were natural, like her father's. She was on the paler side, more prone to burning than tanning just because she didn't do it much. Both women wore their school issued shorts and shirts, but Dakota's was cut up into a v-necked tank top so that it fit loosely and showed off the black bralette she wore under it when her arms moved. Amanda had only cut the neck of hers wider and tied the bottom of the shirt so it fit like a crop top, showing off the flat plane of her stomach. Amanda's shorts reached 2 inches below her butt, while Dakota was fighting a losing battle as her ass continued to eat her shorts.
This was no less than the 6th time that Amanda had thrown Dakota's own words back in her face. Normally encouraging taking risks was Dakota's thing, and her exact words of "Risk it for the Biscuit" or "Nothing Risked, Nothing Gained," were what she tossed Amanda's way anytime she went on some adventure that the more sensible woman deemed less-than-optimal. Bridge jumping, tagging public property, sneaking into the frat party… For once, it was Amanda who had convinced Dakota that taking a risk was a good idea. That risk? Letting Amanda's boyfriend's roommate move in, so Amanda could move in with her boyfriend. Dakota had, of course, put on a brave face in front of the boys, but privately with her best friend/team captain, she had voiced some concerns; the biggest of which was her father finding out and cutting her off.
"This risk might gain me a lot of student debt," Dakota countered.
"The Sergeant won't find out. He never comes here, I'm not changing my mailing address, and I haven't made any announcements on Facebook. Everything will be fiiiiine," Amanda repeated as she came back into the apartment to do a last look around the place before she carted the last of her belongings out. "If shit goes sour, then tell Daddy Dearest how awful a friend I am, that I abandoned you, and forced you into this whole thing. You know, because you're such a helpless little pushover," Amanda went from deadpan to patronizing, giving Dakota a gentle shove to emphasize her point.
Dakota went with the motion and half threw, half flopped herself onto the couch. Amanda had sold her bedroom set, so she hadn't needing a moving van. She did have about 200lbs of clothing and a door-sized mirror which the boys took care of, but that was the worst of it. The rest was small knick knacks the girls had managed to box up and pile in Amanda's Honda Civic easily. The room had been more of a walk-in closet for Amanda than a hang-out space, though it was easily big enough to be both.
Dakota wasn't adamantly opposed to Vince moving in, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed, but she had reservations about it. Her father was tied for first as her biggest concern, though she did let Amanda believe that he was in first by leagues. Her real concern was Vince himself, and what it would do to her relationship. Vince intimidated her. Not in the way that Amanda was intimidated by him. Vince made Amanda uncomfortable in that Clutch Your Pearls kind of way, as much she tried to hide it. Amanda wanted to portray herself as an all-accepting, open-minded individual who saw the good in everyone, but she hadn't totally unlearned her judgy, upper-middle-class New-Englander from a conservative family upbringing. Big dudes with sharp features and few words made her skin crawl. Dakota, on the other hand, felt drawn to Vince like a moth to a flame. He made her uncomfortable, but in the delicious sort of way that jumping off a bridge into black water, or getting to the first crest before the big drop on a roller coaster did. He made her curious... among other things.
Jared used to make her feel that way, but over the last few months he'd just scared her. Well, she was afraid -for- him really. He had gotten so much thinner, and he didn't communicate with her as often as he used to. He chalked it up to stress of getting signed and putting out an album and gearing up for tour, but she couldn't help to wonder if there was more to it. She didn't suspect him of being an addict– her mental image of an addict was the folks who talked to themselves on the street, or begged for change, or sat outside the liquor store with brown bags and missing teeth. She did worry that he had some kind of anxiety disorder from worrying too much about "Making It" as a musician.
And then there was her father. Sergeant Harper never came to visit, and she had kept away from home for a year now with summer jobs and intersession classes. He was a bit distracted with a serious new girlfriend – his first serious relationship in the 6 years since her mother had passed. Dakota wondered if Kimmie created a distraction that kept her off her father's radar as much, and she wasn't looking the gift horse in the mouth. If she thought too hard about it, she'd feel sick to her stomach. Being a cop he had resources to keep tabs on her in a lot of ways. She did manage to evade most trouble with him, though, but not all. His main threat since she'd moved to college 2 years ago was to cut her off. Her mother's life insurance policy had been put into a trust fund that Dakota couldn't touch until she was 30, but her father as the executor authorized purchases with it such as college courses, a car, a house, or other important things on some list she'd never seen. Seeing how Jared struggled made her think that losing her trust was the scariest threat her father could give her. Shit, bruises faded but bad credit hung around for years.
"I've never lived with a guy," Dakota said, in another weak attempt at an argument. "I won't be able to walk around in my underwear... and what if he brings a girl home? And Jared isn't even talking to me after I told him I considered it-- he has no idea I even said yes! How am I gonna deal with all this without you?"
"Jared doesn't know," Amanda asked, too surprised by that info to take the bait to tease her friend more. She figured Jared wasn't here out of protest of her decision, not because he was still pouting about Dakota even entertaining the idea.
"It's not like I kept it from him," Dakota said sharply, "I tried to talk to him about it two weeks ago, but he flipped out over me even considering it and hasn't contacted me since! I told him that he can't move in with me because he can't split the bills, and even if he could it wouldn't make sense because he's always on the road with the band. I need someone here who can contribute and I don't want his band mates here all the time anyway."
"You don't have to convince me," Amanda said, holding her hands up. "I already told you I don't like the guy."
"You don't like anyone with ink or a smoking habit," Dakota defended.
"Hey, if you want to turn this into a Shit-On-Your-Tastes Session, I'll pull up a chair," Amanda teased.
"I don't need a shit-on-me session. I need to know how I'm supposed to deal with all this without you here," Dakota groaned.
"Adeptly and heroically," Amanda said with a laugh in her voice. "I'm not going to be far. Just call me if anything goes wrong, or tell Vince to leave. He's a grown-ass man. He can take it."
Dakota sighed. Oh, he was grown. With cheekbones that looked like they could cut glass and a jaw strong enough to break rocks…
"And honestly if he keeps Jared away then all the better," Amanda added with a smile that wasn't a smile.
"You're the worst friend ever," Dakota said with no venom behind it. "What kind of captain abandons her first mate," she complained, her last ditch attempt to guilt Amanda into changing her mind having little fuel behind it.
"I'm the captain of the volleyball team. You're the captain of this friendship, on the other hand, and I'm not going down with that ship," Amanda retorted, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure Vince would be down for whatever trouble you're going to get into, and be way less of a bitch about it than me. You're the luckiest chick on the planet. I have no doubt this will work out just fine," she said as her baby blues scoped out the apartment. She'd miss the size of it. Their leather couches and flatscreen mounted on the wall, with plenty of room for Yoga when they pushed the coffee table back. The kitchen, just big enough to stand around and drink wine while they cooked and gossiped. Their little breakfast bar used more than the 4-seater kitchen table. Well, they did use the kitchen table, but for homework, not meals.
"Yeah whatever," Dakota signed in defeat and looked down the hall, not arguing with the lucky comment. Dakota was the type to win raffles, catch the guitar pick at shows, and narrowly avoid mishaps that should have nailed her, but she didn't think she was lucky. Not wanting the subject changed, she kept her eyes ahead. Her bedroom door was closed, but Amanda's-- well, now Vince's-- room door was open, showing the empty space.
"I really gotta get going. Stop moping and hug me," Amanda said as she was satisfied that she'd gotten all of her belongings out of the apartment.
"Alright, alright," the younger girl huffed and peeled herself off the couch. "I just want to be clear that this is 1," she couted off on her fingers as she walked across the living room, "all your fault, 2, not my first choice in living arrangements, and 3," she grabbed Amanda around the waist, "that I'm doing all for you and your pursuit of happiness and love with your big strong man." Dakota hugged Amanda tightly as the taller girl groaned.
Amanda was taking a big step herself, even if she wasn't risking what Dakota was. Her conservative family would be agog when they finally figured out her boyfriend was black. Dakota knew that it wasn't going to be a real issue, though. Looking at it from her parents' less than optimal worldview, he was still the suburban family dream. A Dean's List law student, just churchy enough, and good to his Mom. He was the suburban family dream, even if he was a few shades darker than Grandma would have liked.
"Seriously," Amanda said as she untangled herself from the smaller girl, "you need to talk to your boyfriend. And Vince is totally your speed as a roommate. He's definitely going to be way more down with your adventures than I am, and not for nothing, he's a grown ass man. If you don't like something, just say so. He can handle it."
"Big talk coming from someone who can't make eye-contact with him," Dakota teased.
"Shut up. I gotta get going. No roping me in to staying longer," Amanda said firmly. She grabbed her keys and gave a last, longing look to their bright, open apartment. She was definitely downgrading, real estate-wiise, by moving away, but sharing her life with her man would make up for the change.
Dakota took a look around as well. The kitchen was a soft blue with sandy granite countertops and a blue subway tile backsplash, the cabinets a darker blue. The living room walls were a sandy color with black couches and a blue area rug in the middle, a black coffee table atop it. They normally moved the table and carpet to the side every morning to do yoga together. No more of that, Dakota thought as Amanda called out her goodbyes and left.
Once Amanada had closed the door, Dakota flopped back onto the couch, resuming her upside-down posture that she preferred. She wasn't sure why but she liked the feeling of the blood rushing up to her head after laying that way for a while, with her head hanging off the sofa. It helped her think, and she needed to do a lot of that. Jared had been ignoring her phone calls and texts, and she really wanted to talk to him before he paid her a visit. She knew he wasn't going to take the news of her living with a guy he didn't know with any sort of grace, especially not an attractive one. And good lord, was Vince attractive.
"Uggggh," she groaned and went to push her fingers through her hair, and then just slid them over her head as she came in contact with the two thick braids. She'd forgotten she'd plaited her hair on either side of her head. Her dark roots were just starting to show, and she contemplated touching them up to busy her hands. She really wanted to just play her guitar and not think about her new roommate or her volatile boyfriend, but she didn't want Vince to walk up on her playing. In spite of her talent, she never let anyone hear her play. Other than her mother, Amanda and Jared were pretty much the only ones who had heard her sing or play. "Can today just be over already?" she said to the empty air around her barren apartment.
Amanda had been the one in charge of decorating, so now that she'd taken her things, the place looked like it was staged for a real estate showing instead of lived-in. Well, aside of Dakota's room but that was another story entirely.
"Everything's gonna be fine," she said to her temporarily empty-ish apartment.
Baker or Barista x Patron: MC goes through a terrible breakup, and her best friend points her to YC's bakery to get some comfort food and eye candy. MC ends up enamored with everything the shop has to offer, including YC. She goes there nearly every day for a year before it becomes clear that YC is single and available, and that another baker is interested in him. She decides to take her chance after some goading from her bestie and the motivation of someone else scooping YC up.
Can I Ship it?
There characters are all in the same storyline of each other and interact with one and another (most of the time?). I don't work with them much.
Sorrento: The Devil's Right Hand
Upper-level demon, mostly in charge of cross-roads demons and collecting souls
Addicted to angel blood and tears
Keeps two as his prisoners/pets, using their blood and tears to feed his addiction and as a means of wealth.
Total Sadist and Voyeur
Aerona: Fallen Ex-Cupid
A lower-level angel referred to as a Cupid
She spent her time in God's good graces making sure that good souls found their way to each other
Was tricked by Sorrento and cast away as a result -- He lead her to believe he wanted redemption, and then had her cast out for associating with a demon.
Tortured by Sorrento routinely, but he wipes her memories to keep the experiences fresh for her each time.
Lumiere: Mid-level demon
Eats people. Has some traits of a succubus, but mainly just collect souls for Sorrento
Gets off on just about anything, but has a distaste for angels.
Thorne: Mid-level demon
Fire Demon. Was human about 40 years ago. Committed suicide by hanging with barbed wire because of Sorrento (is unaware of this fact). Named Thorne because the mark on his neck that looks like a thorn crown.
Story Seeds for Aerona:
YC comes across Aerona and decides that they'd rather have her, be it for their own gain with using her blood and tears for currency, or out of spite because Sorrento doesn't deserve the standing he has. FIGHT!
YC is another of Sorrento's pet demons, and catches feelings for Aerona because they can see what Aerona goes through constantly. YC is burdened with the memories of Aerona's tortures since her memory is wiped by Sorrento constantly to keep her innocent(ish)
Story seed for Lumiere:
Lumiere, in her search for a soul for Sorrento, accentually binds herself to YC. Because of this bond, she can feel everything YC does 10fold.
ex: YC is 5, in the car with their parents, when they get into a horrific car accident. Lumiere was on the side of the road because there was a previous accident on the road she was collecting souls from. YC's car crashes into the disabled vehicle because they didn't see it, taking Lumiere with the wreckage. Through the tumult, Lumiere's blood mixes with YC's and she ends up bound to them. She doesn't realize it at first, just thinking it's her own pain she's feeling. But, as she heals, and her pain only gets worse, she realizes she's bound to YC. Over the years, she stays, invisible, by YC's side. She interacts with YC as a child, but quickly realizes that it causes a lot of trouble because morals make fun of kids who have "imaginary friends" for too long, so fades in the background. Fast forward 2 decades, and Lumiere has decided to come out of hiding. Maybe she's just bored, maybe YC is developing some suicidal tendencies she needs to put a stop to? Your call!
Twist: I like the idea of YC using their bond to manipulate her, either with pain or with pleasure, since she can feel YC's emotional and physical feelings many-times-intensified.
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