So, here's the Skinny, Minny:
We had to move. Unfortunately, it was not because the man got the promotion we were led to believe was on the table. Nope, they restructured, and his future and current positions in the security department were decided to be redundant. So, we cut our lease short (thank god for a land-lord that was extremely reasonable about the whole situation and didn't hold us to the terms of our contract) and found a cheaper apartment. Thankfully, getting laid-off is the same as being fired, and he can pull down some unemployment while we job hunt.
So, things have been hectic and a little stressful. But, all in all, it could have been so much worse, so I can't complain too loudly. And, thankfully, school picks back up in a few weeks. Should be the last year-ish (depending on how easy it is to fill in my minor) before the last little bit is all finished up. Then I get to figure out whether or not I want to pursue a Masters.
In the mean time, things are chugging right along, but I make no promises to feeling creative in the near future. We've settled, somewhat, things feel calm now, and I am going to take a little time to rest and recharge. Then, when I am my sunny self again, I will be back with a vengeance to exact upon waiting threads... or new ones, if anyone would rather start something new.
In summary, I feel like a dog that's been kicked one too many times and I desperately need a good night's sleep, but I love you all and I will be back once I've recuperated a bit.