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Mx Any New RP Requests (In the mood for plot and smut) (Dark Romance inspired plots recently added)

Jul 12, 2013
Hello everyone, I am a long time rper and I go by Voxla. I currently have quite a bit of time on my hands and am looking for Non-Sexual rps to fill my time with. Now, before you leave my page thinking this is not for you, I will say right away, I am fine with having sexual content in the rp, so long as it happens naturally (That includes dub-con, and non-con scenes), so please don't think these rps have to be without sex, I simply don't want the whole focus of the rp to be about sex. I was not entirely sure if this could/would belong in Non-Sexual Requests, since I do like having things happening naturally, and no 'fade to black' moments.

No Real Photos, or face claims of real people or models. I prefer art, whether it be Anime, digital art, or AI generated art.
3rd person only please (Meaning no 1st person because I can't really get into that)
Do NOT control my character unless you ask permission. (What I mean by this is don't control his emotions, or actions unless it has been discussed that such a thing will happen, it's my character, let me determine his feelings)
I do not do Slice of Life, or Cheating RPs, if you message me with that I will just ignore the PM and not even reply.
Don't ghost me. If you lose interest in the rp, just say so, but don't leave me waiting for weeks or a month waiting for an reply that will never happen.
I only do rps over PMs or Forums, NO DISCORD.

Kinks: I have an F-List for a reason and my NO's are hard NO's, meaning I will NEVER approve of them being done to my character.
I also have a dark mind, so please let me know the level of dark you are willing to delve since I don't want to make you uncomfortable or to go past a limit you personally have.

Plots: Now to the fun stuff: Please keep in mind the setting and plot can be changed, these are just ideas and to get some of my ideas out there for people to see. If you want the setting change from medieval to Sci-fi, let me know and I will see what can be done.

In this world there are the normal people going about their daily lives, thinking everything around them is normal, then you have those who are part of various secret organizations, one in particular being (create name for the group). Within this group, the number one rule is to have absolute loyalty to the organization, and those who don't suffer either death, or worse, The Prison (place holder name if you prefer another). This place is a location that is surrounded by tall cement walls, barbwire, and run by three of the most terrifying members of the organization that existed. They are not related, but given that they are raised together, they might as well be siblings, and they were raised to run this place, using it as their own personal playground. The rumor is that once someone goes in, they never come out, and so far, that has been true. My character, is the son of a member of the organization, and was now in college, having just turned 19 and pursuing his dream of becoming (insert profession I feel like). However, his father breaks rule number one, and before his father and his people can get to him, he is captured and eventually brought to the prison for safe keeping. He is not a prisoner exactly, at least, not yet. First, the organization needs to determine what to do with him. In the mean time, he is to be at the mercy of the wardens, and while they had been told not to torture him, what they consider torture, and what others might consider torture are totally different things, after all, no one said they couldn't play with him, they just couldn't leave permanent visible marks. With every passing day the warden(s) are becoming less and less inclined to give their new toy up, but how far will they go to keep what they now believe belongs to them? (I feel this would be a kind of captors to lovers kind of thing, but starting out as more of toying with their prisoner and breaking him to see just how far down the rabbit hole they can take him before he breaks or reaches his limit.)

My character once lived on a small island off the coast. A lovely little place that consisted of only a few thousand people, a tight knit community with much superstition. However, when he was about 4 or 5 his family moved, his mother and father wanting to live in the big city and to find more fulfilling jobs, so they left. fifteen or so year later, he is returning to the island to finish his college degree, and plans to live in his old house while his parents move away to Ireland to retire. From there he begins school, makes new friends, and everything seems to be fine. You are a demon (I have a list of a rough hierarchy that we can play around with) and have been stuck on earth for the last few hundred years because one of the founding families of the island has it in their head that they are going to summon/awaken a powerful being, but to do so, they need very specific sacrifices, and for all this time they have been using you to hunt them down and bring them back, and MC is your newest target, but the targets must be willing to be sacrifices, or else the plan won't work. The only reason you are still doing this work is because your true name is in a grimoire and the man in possession of it keeps it on himself at all times, until a few days after MC's arrival when he loses it while trying to order you to retrieve my character. You instantly know, he no longer has control of you, meaning you could leave, but your name is still in that book and someone has it. As a gift from a new friend in town, MC is given a grimoire as a present for his return home, the very one with your name, but the only way to get your name from the book is to convince him to give you the book, it cannot be taken by force, but that is the least of your worries, because the moment you meet MC and interact with him, you want him, body, mind and soul, you want to possess him forever, to keep him as yours, but human lives are short, and in a few years he will die, unless you can convince him to give his soul to you. The race is on, will YC get his soul, or will those who once enslaved you get it first? (We can keep it simple to magic and demons, or open up things like the fae, eldritch beings, angels, werecreatures, ect.)

The church (any corrupt church type in a fantasy setting) has overstepped its bounds, deeming that any religion or following not of their own following are heretics and must be converted or exterminated. However, they are not above using devious means to reach their ultimate goal. My Character is a healer for the church, an orphan who was "found" as a baby and raised to pay back what he owes them for raising him. During a battle, the enemy forces find his power to be beyond anything else they have ever seen, bringing a dead general back to life right before their eyes. Your character's group (lead by your character as the leader) sees the chance to gain a very powerful tool (my character) and so instead of killing him, they take him back to their base (unconscious so he doesn't know where he is). From there the group think of means for making him join them, either convince him to join them, perform a ritual to bind him to the leader, or use some other means to bring him over to their side, the end result being to bring down the church, or at least reform it if possible.
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