
"I'm home!" Westly announced he was home yet he wasn't anticipating to be greeted. It was nearly nine-thirty at night and he had just got off of work. On his way home he had seen his mother's Dodge Journey heading towards the hospital. Instantly he assumed she had been called to work. Working as an on-call surgical technologist her hours varied and she wasn't home much lately. Kicking off his shoe, his brown eyes looking around the entry area and living room, 'hmm, he must be in bed already.' There was no sign of life downstairs. A growl from his stomach, "hm, food." Heading into the kitchen, Westly would raid the leftover meatloaf and pasta. Spying a bottle of beer, he'd raise a thick brow, 'must be left from one of mom's boyfriends.' Deciding that he had earned the adult beverage, Westly tucked it into the pit of his arm before heading upstairs. He was tired, famished and needed to shower. As a ditch digger on the local pipeline, it was hard work but the effects had started to build up his body. Under his plain black t-shirt was a pack of deliciously developed abs that had yet to be admired. Along the tight sleeves, which were a relax-fit a few months back, a pair of impressive biceps had formed from his lanky arms. All of these features were thanks to his new job but at the cost of his social life. Between school and work, there wasn't much time for socialization outside of school aside from his little brother.
Lost in his own thoughts, he had a ton of school work to play catch up on, West didn't hear the subtle sounds of running water coming from the bathroom. He'd walk past then peer down the hall to see his younger brother's bedroom door was closed with the lights off. A heavy sigh escaped his lips and he prepared for another long time of studying. Entering his room, he'd leave his bedroom door open, it was right across from the bathroom. Placing the food containers on the side table and grabbing his history textbook, Westly tired to hold back a yawn. Sitting down on his bed, he'd face the bathroom door, it was the direction his bed made him look. Opening both the textbook and the plastic container with the meatloaf, he would start to read taking a bite just then the bathroom door would open.