- Joined
- Feb 19, 2019
'Sup, nerds? So, in my past forum roleplaying career, I've had a bad habit of just making a million threads for every concept that popped into my head and taking up an annoying amount of space. No more! Starting now, I'm making a commitment to myself to keep things to one tidy request thread per solo section, where all my concepts will be collected for easy viewing. Let's get it!
Who's This Dork?
I'll keep the stuff about me brief. I've been playing RPGs since I was five, roleplaying on forums for about six years, and doing erotic RP for about three (I think). I prefer to disclose as little about my real-life identity as possible, partly for privacy's sake, and partly because I don't want any image of the real me to get twisted up with the character I'm writing. You'll never know me as anything other than text on a screen, so I figure my prose should be all that matters.
I'm also gonna be maintaining both a male character and non-binary character request thread, which can be found at the respective links. If you like my style and want to see some other concepts, feel free to check those out too.
What Am I Into?
Let me be up-front: I'm here to write smut. If I want to roleplay without it, I go elsewhere. So, most RPs I'm into will have a strong focus on the sex. That said, even in the most brainless porn-without-plot RP, I appreciate well-crafted prose and an effort to create believable, well-rounded characters with a full range of emotions and desires. I do enjoy a good plot as well, though, and if the added context improves the sex, so much the better.
I don't have an F-List (yet), but here's a by-no-means-exhaustive list of some of my favorite kinks and most consistent turn-offs.
On a less sexy note, I'm a slut for dedicated world-building. As a giant nerd, I love me some good fantasy or sci-fi, but I'll warn you, I can be kind of picky about my settings, in ways that are unfortunately way too complicated and detailed for me to explain by anything other than trial and error. Real-world modern stuff is always easy, though. Historical settings are tricky for me, since I'm both ignorant of a lot of history and kind of a perfectionist, putting me in the awkward position of wanting to get all the little details exactly right but not knowing nearly enough to pull it off and ending up just paralyzed. Fantasy taking heavy inspiration from history while technically doing its own thing, though, that I can do.
One other thing I should explain: you know that thing we tend to do in RP where one of us will write a post with their character doing or saying several things in sequence, and then the other person, in their reply, will have their character react to each of those steps in turn? I don't like that. It takes the flow out of the scene when there isn't a clear progression of events. When I write a post, I prefer to work from the assumption that everything you last wrote happened without interruption, and my character's action or dialogue begins at the point where yours stopped. For this reason, when I get into conversation scenes, my responses can get a little short, because my character won't be spitting out several paragraphs all at once. If the same ends up happening to your responses as a result, I promise I don't mind; in fact, I prefer it that way. Conversations made up of shorter posts feel snappier to me, retaining a brisk pace. In general, though, I'd say my responses average two to four solid paragraphs, depending on the RP and the specific scene.
Oh, and I roleplay exclusively via threads and PMs, with threads preferred but both perfectly acceptable.
If You're Such a Nerd, You Must Like Fandom Stuff, Right?
Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh sometimes. Occasionally, I'll come across a setting that I find so compelling that I'll want to write an original story in it with new characters. Even more rarely, I'll find a pair of characters I love enough and feel confident enough in writing that I'll want to roleplay as one. However, if and when that happens, you'll find it listed specifically among my starters. Such events are singular enough that I don't feel comfortable posting a list of fandoms that I'm generally open to RPing with.
This Is Boring, Show Us Your Ideas Already!
Fine, cool your jets! I was getting there anyway.
This is everything I have in my head and am open to playing right at the moment, in no particular order. If any of it grabs your fancy, feel free to PM me with your thoughts. None of this is set in stone; if you want to propose a twist on an idea here, I'm all ears, especially the ones that are more bare-bones.
It had taken years. Years of scouring the globe for the proper rituals, of failed attempts and frustration, of rites and sacrifices that would make most vomit to hear described. Renata knew that countless others had tried and failed. But she wasn't like them--she was better, more skilled, more determined, and most importantly, more ruthless. And finally, it had all paid off. She'd achieved the holy grail of so many magicians, shedding the last of her humanity and completing her transformation into one of the Alu--a succubus.
It was everything she'd dreamed of and more. No more shame to hold her back from her desires, no more conscience to shackle her to the species she'd always detested. She'd lost count of how many she'd consumed by the end of the first week. Her parents had been first, just like she'd always planned.
With eternity to look forward to, she knew she'd need a project sooner or later to keep herself occupied, but for now, she was content to simply enjoy her new existence. A job dancing at a seedy strip club in Chicago promised a stable hunting ground and a steady supply of prey no one would miss too much. It looked like she'd be on easy street for a good long while--she had no enemies left, and no ties remaining to who she used to be.
Of course, with a newborn succubus on the loose in the heart of one of America's biggest cities, someone was bound to notice sooner or later...
It's rare that I'm in the mood to just go all-out and play a total villain, but this is one of those times. This is another one that wants a freeform GM. I'm looking to play Renata as she comes to grips with her new position in the secret supernatural underworld, negotiating where she now sits following her transformation. Opposing her goals could be magicians looking to bind her into service, rival demons or comparable threats who don't like her muscling in on their turf, power-hungry bottom-feeders looking to ride her coattails, and whatever else we can come up with. Be warned, if the above narration wasn't clear, I want to play Renata as a totally heartless monster without a shred of empathy for humans (at least at first), so expect things to get pretty fucking dark.
Also, if you're open to it, I'd like to have Renata take advantage of her shapeshifting powers to switch between female and futa equipment as the mood strikes her. I envision her favoring the former most of the time, but it'd be nice to mix things up once in a while. Not essential, though.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, Non-Con, Futa.
Who's This Dork?
I'll keep the stuff about me brief. I've been playing RPGs since I was five, roleplaying on forums for about six years, and doing erotic RP for about three (I think). I prefer to disclose as little about my real-life identity as possible, partly for privacy's sake, and partly because I don't want any image of the real me to get twisted up with the character I'm writing. You'll never know me as anything other than text on a screen, so I figure my prose should be all that matters.
I'm also gonna be maintaining both a male character and non-binary character request thread, which can be found at the respective links. If you like my style and want to see some other concepts, feel free to check those out too.
What Am I Into?
Let me be up-front: I'm here to write smut. If I want to roleplay without it, I go elsewhere. So, most RPs I'm into will have a strong focus on the sex. That said, even in the most brainless porn-without-plot RP, I appreciate well-crafted prose and an effort to create believable, well-rounded characters with a full range of emotions and desires. I do enjoy a good plot as well, though, and if the added context improves the sex, so much the better.
I don't have an F-List (yet), but here's a by-no-means-exhaustive list of some of my favorite kinks and most consistent turn-offs.
Romance: Affection and mutual respect are hot as fuck. I can enjoy the most basic, vanilla premise ever if the chemistry between the characters is strong enough.
Sex-Positivity: I love sex. It's great, it's fun, it brings people together, it keeps the species alive. I like stories where sex is appreciated as the wonderful, positive thing that it is. Not that I never want characters who don't feel that way, but if they're a focus of the story, then I want to see them come to terms with and appreciate their own desires, and learn to love that part of themselves. Note that I want to see this applied to everyone, regardless of sex and gender. Too often, I see female characters lauded for embracing their sexuality, while the beauty and positivity of male sexuality is ignored or outright degraded. Not into that. Self-love is for everyone.
Exhibitionism: Probably my number-one in terms of actual "kinks". I love nudity and sexy stuff in public. For me, though, it's not so much about the risk and fear of getting caught--a furtive flash while clothed doesn't do much for me. What I love is characters who are totally shameless, doing whatever the fuck they feel like wherever they feel like it without a care for who sees or what they think. Whether that just means being partially or fully naked in public, or full-on fucking in front of a crowd of strangers, it's that attitude, and the following through on it, that makes things exciting for me.
Nudism/Naturism: An extension of the above. The naturist philosophy and its practice are immensely fertile ground for the kind of uninhibited atmosphere I love.
Casual Sex: Another outgrowth of the whole shameless mindset. I enjoy the concept of sex being no big deal, something people just do whenever the itch strikes because it feels good. At the same time, though, in RPs that aren't so much total fantasy and a bit more grounded in reality, I like exploring the ways this freedom can be a double-edged sword, when people actually catch feelings and get hurt as a result of someone's thoughtlessness. Great source of drama.
Futa: I personally define futa as female-presenting characters with breasts, penises, vaginas, and possibly testicles. I find the idea of having everything and being able to experience everything endlessly fascinating.
Transformation: Related to the above, the idea of being able to experience things one normally couldn't through bodily transformation always gets me going. I generally like to keep it more positive in tone, though: a character transforming of their own free will, or being transformed by another but soon coming to enjoy it, is great, while transformation against one's will that remains unwanted is less so.
Butt Plugs: Perhaps weirdly specific, but I love the idea of a toy you can wear casually all the time, while going about your normal routine, that is at the same time so powerfully sexual.
Messy Sex: Cum is great; let's get it everywhere. And a good clean sweat from the exertion of a hard fuck will never not be hot.
Older Women, Younger Men: I like the pairing of an older woman's experience, self-assuredness, and sexual confidence with a younger man's energy, eagerness, and, in some stories, vulnerability.
Femdom: Of the gentle, affectionate variety. No leather-clad dominatrices (yes, that's the proper plural of dominatrix, look it up) dispensing verbal abuse, please.
Incest: In certain cases. Probably my favorites are mother-son and mother-daughter; that's generally a fairly reliable way to get to me, though by no means foolproof. Siblings, brother and sister or two sisters, I can be open to, but it's not generally enough to appeal to me all on its own. Father-daughter and father-son...no, just no, thank you. No judgement, it just doesn't work for me.
Bestiality: ...Ok, I don't even know where this comes from. Don't judge me, we're all sick degenerates here.
Sex-Positivity: I love sex. It's great, it's fun, it brings people together, it keeps the species alive. I like stories where sex is appreciated as the wonderful, positive thing that it is. Not that I never want characters who don't feel that way, but if they're a focus of the story, then I want to see them come to terms with and appreciate their own desires, and learn to love that part of themselves. Note that I want to see this applied to everyone, regardless of sex and gender. Too often, I see female characters lauded for embracing their sexuality, while the beauty and positivity of male sexuality is ignored or outright degraded. Not into that. Self-love is for everyone.
Exhibitionism: Probably my number-one in terms of actual "kinks". I love nudity and sexy stuff in public. For me, though, it's not so much about the risk and fear of getting caught--a furtive flash while clothed doesn't do much for me. What I love is characters who are totally shameless, doing whatever the fuck they feel like wherever they feel like it without a care for who sees or what they think. Whether that just means being partially or fully naked in public, or full-on fucking in front of a crowd of strangers, it's that attitude, and the following through on it, that makes things exciting for me.
Nudism/Naturism: An extension of the above. The naturist philosophy and its practice are immensely fertile ground for the kind of uninhibited atmosphere I love.
Casual Sex: Another outgrowth of the whole shameless mindset. I enjoy the concept of sex being no big deal, something people just do whenever the itch strikes because it feels good. At the same time, though, in RPs that aren't so much total fantasy and a bit more grounded in reality, I like exploring the ways this freedom can be a double-edged sword, when people actually catch feelings and get hurt as a result of someone's thoughtlessness. Great source of drama.
Futa: I personally define futa as female-presenting characters with breasts, penises, vaginas, and possibly testicles. I find the idea of having everything and being able to experience everything endlessly fascinating.
Transformation: Related to the above, the idea of being able to experience things one normally couldn't through bodily transformation always gets me going. I generally like to keep it more positive in tone, though: a character transforming of their own free will, or being transformed by another but soon coming to enjoy it, is great, while transformation against one's will that remains unwanted is less so.
Butt Plugs: Perhaps weirdly specific, but I love the idea of a toy you can wear casually all the time, while going about your normal routine, that is at the same time so powerfully sexual.
Messy Sex: Cum is great; let's get it everywhere. And a good clean sweat from the exertion of a hard fuck will never not be hot.
Older Women, Younger Men: I like the pairing of an older woman's experience, self-assuredness, and sexual confidence with a younger man's energy, eagerness, and, in some stories, vulnerability.
Femdom: Of the gentle, affectionate variety. No leather-clad dominatrices (yes, that's the proper plural of dominatrix, look it up) dispensing verbal abuse, please.
Incest: In certain cases. Probably my favorites are mother-son and mother-daughter; that's generally a fairly reliable way to get to me, though by no means foolproof. Siblings, brother and sister or two sisters, I can be open to, but it's not generally enough to appeal to me all on its own. Father-daughter and father-son...no, just no, thank you. No judgement, it just doesn't work for me.
Bestiality: ...Ok, I don't even know where this comes from. Don't judge me, we're all sick degenerates here.
Non-Con: While there are a few specific ways I could possibly see myself enjoying it, in general, it's not something I'm reliably into.
Degradation: Also pretty much just a straight-up no.
Corruption: I feel like this is kind of a matter of perspective. A character being awakened to a new level of sexuality and desire that they come to love? Why should that be framed as a bad thing?
Alpha Behavior: Whether it's just a human male character behaving like a stereotypical meathead jerk, or a werewolf or other monstrous character in a position of power, I just find it terribly cliche, unlikeable, and unappealing.
Raceplay: Defined as the fetishization of racial characteristics, often exaggerated, or the treatment of interracial relationships as inherently transgressive or taboo. I love racial diversity in my stories, but I don't want anyone's race to become a kink.
Blood & Gore: Graphic violence is fine with me, but I don't want to fetishize or sexualize it.
Scat: Not a fan.
Degradation: Also pretty much just a straight-up no.
Corruption: I feel like this is kind of a matter of perspective. A character being awakened to a new level of sexuality and desire that they come to love? Why should that be framed as a bad thing?
Alpha Behavior: Whether it's just a human male character behaving like a stereotypical meathead jerk, or a werewolf or other monstrous character in a position of power, I just find it terribly cliche, unlikeable, and unappealing.
Raceplay: Defined as the fetishization of racial characteristics, often exaggerated, or the treatment of interracial relationships as inherently transgressive or taboo. I love racial diversity in my stories, but I don't want anyone's race to become a kink.
Blood & Gore: Graphic violence is fine with me, but I don't want to fetishize or sexualize it.
Scat: Not a fan.
On a less sexy note, I'm a slut for dedicated world-building. As a giant nerd, I love me some good fantasy or sci-fi, but I'll warn you, I can be kind of picky about my settings, in ways that are unfortunately way too complicated and detailed for me to explain by anything other than trial and error. Real-world modern stuff is always easy, though. Historical settings are tricky for me, since I'm both ignorant of a lot of history and kind of a perfectionist, putting me in the awkward position of wanting to get all the little details exactly right but not knowing nearly enough to pull it off and ending up just paralyzed. Fantasy taking heavy inspiration from history while technically doing its own thing, though, that I can do.
One other thing I should explain: you know that thing we tend to do in RP where one of us will write a post with their character doing or saying several things in sequence, and then the other person, in their reply, will have their character react to each of those steps in turn? I don't like that. It takes the flow out of the scene when there isn't a clear progression of events. When I write a post, I prefer to work from the assumption that everything you last wrote happened without interruption, and my character's action or dialogue begins at the point where yours stopped. For this reason, when I get into conversation scenes, my responses can get a little short, because my character won't be spitting out several paragraphs all at once. If the same ends up happening to your responses as a result, I promise I don't mind; in fact, I prefer it that way. Conversations made up of shorter posts feel snappier to me, retaining a brisk pace. In general, though, I'd say my responses average two to four solid paragraphs, depending on the RP and the specific scene.
Oh, and I roleplay exclusively via threads and PMs, with threads preferred but both perfectly acceptable.
If You're Such a Nerd, You Must Like Fandom Stuff, Right?
Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh sometimes. Occasionally, I'll come across a setting that I find so compelling that I'll want to write an original story in it with new characters. Even more rarely, I'll find a pair of characters I love enough and feel confident enough in writing that I'll want to roleplay as one. However, if and when that happens, you'll find it listed specifically among my starters. Such events are singular enough that I don't feel comfortable posting a list of fandoms that I'm generally open to RPing with.
This Is Boring, Show Us Your Ideas Already!
Fine, cool your jets! I was getting there anyway.
This is everything I have in my head and am open to playing right at the moment, in no particular order. If any of it grabs your fancy, feel free to PM me with your thoughts. None of this is set in stone; if you want to propose a twist on an idea here, I'm all ears, especially the ones that are more bare-bones.
This one is set at a college campus, a story between two roommates. My character is one Lisa Virgil, a newly-arrived freshman studying marketing. Lisa is the sort of girl who you can't help but pay attention to--confident, outgoing, extroverted, and, it may be said, drop-dead gorgeous. She also happens to be a naturist, raised one since birth.
Ever since she was little, Lisa was known for being rather headstrong and stubborn. Where her parents and older brother were willing to compromise and be flexible about their naked lifestyle, Lisa never developed that willingness; she refused, point-blank, to wear clothes at home, no matter who was in the house. Luckily, most of the family's friends knew about their lifestyle and were accepting, so it was rarely an issue. However, now that she's in college, Lisa faces a problem. Living in a dorm, she'll be sharing space rather closely with a roommate (that's you), who will almost certainly not be accustomed to her being naked. In fact, I would prefer it if your character were rather intolerant of Lisa's lifestyle, and not at all happy about her refusal to put on clothes in the dorm. The main conflict of the story would then revolve around this disagreement, as the two must learn to live with each other despite Lisa's frankly rather inconsiderate unwillingness to compromise on something where she is very much the outlier.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop at the nudity. Just as Lisa refuses to be ashamed of her body, she refuses to be ashamed of her sexuality as well, and it just so happens that she has a very active libido. As often as she can manage, which means basically every day, she'll be hooking up with some new guy, and much of the time, that'll mean bringing him back to the dorm. And, of course, Lisa feels little need to ask her roommate's permission, or even warn her, before doing this. Further conflict ensues. In addition, if you feel so inclined to take on an extra role besides the roommate, I'd love a partner who'd be willing to play one of Lisa's many hookups, someone who maybe ends up not being one hundred percent okay with being just a casual fling to her, and has to face the fact that she really doesn't care that much about him or his feelings...or does she?
Basically, I want to take a character who I often see put on a pedestal in smut--the young woman in complete control of her body and her sexuality and enjoying both to the absolute fullest--and show how that attitude can overstep its positive bounds and turn into flagrant disregard for the emotional well-being of others, with complicated results once reality catches up.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, Naturism, Casual Sex.
Ever since she was little, Lisa was known for being rather headstrong and stubborn. Where her parents and older brother were willing to compromise and be flexible about their naked lifestyle, Lisa never developed that willingness; she refused, point-blank, to wear clothes at home, no matter who was in the house. Luckily, most of the family's friends knew about their lifestyle and were accepting, so it was rarely an issue. However, now that she's in college, Lisa faces a problem. Living in a dorm, she'll be sharing space rather closely with a roommate (that's you), who will almost certainly not be accustomed to her being naked. In fact, I would prefer it if your character were rather intolerant of Lisa's lifestyle, and not at all happy about her refusal to put on clothes in the dorm. The main conflict of the story would then revolve around this disagreement, as the two must learn to live with each other despite Lisa's frankly rather inconsiderate unwillingness to compromise on something where she is very much the outlier.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop at the nudity. Just as Lisa refuses to be ashamed of her body, she refuses to be ashamed of her sexuality as well, and it just so happens that she has a very active libido. As often as she can manage, which means basically every day, she'll be hooking up with some new guy, and much of the time, that'll mean bringing him back to the dorm. And, of course, Lisa feels little need to ask her roommate's permission, or even warn her, before doing this. Further conflict ensues. In addition, if you feel so inclined to take on an extra role besides the roommate, I'd love a partner who'd be willing to play one of Lisa's many hookups, someone who maybe ends up not being one hundred percent okay with being just a casual fling to her, and has to face the fact that she really doesn't care that much about him or his feelings...or does she?
Basically, I want to take a character who I often see put on a pedestal in smut--the young woman in complete control of her body and her sexuality and enjoying both to the absolute fullest--and show how that attitude can overstep its positive bounds and turn into flagrant disregard for the emotional well-being of others, with complicated results once reality catches up.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, Naturism, Casual Sex.
For this, I'm looking for someone to play a freeform GM role. My character, Ahura, is a sorceress in a world of old-school sword-and-sorcery fantasy, a la the likes of Howard and Lieber. She lives as an itinerant adventurer, traveling in search of lost knowledge and objects of arcane power (and treasure--a girl's gotta eat--but that's not her primary interest). Like most aspiring sorcerers, Ahura is extremely ambitious, willing to risk life, limb, and sanity for power, but she's not a heartless villain, and wouldn't sacrifice innocents in her quest. Still, she's far from the heroic type.
While substantially skilled, Ahura has a long way to go before she can rival the world's greatest magicians. Her magic tends to be of the subtle and indirect variety, taking either a long time to perform, rare and precious materials, or both, and is often a partial solution to a problem at best. For instance, one of her most useful spells is an unnoticeability charm that renders her completely invisible to the senses of most creatures...as long as she holds perfectly still, not even moving to breathe or blink. The one exception is her tattoos. Over the years, Ahura has inked a series of enchantments into her skin that grant her certain permanent benefits, including enhanced strength, reflexes, and resilience to injury, though still within the limits of human potential. Most often, her success comes from her breadth of obscure knowledge and her own cleverness.
For whatever reason, Ahura's adventures nearly always seem to turn sexual at some point. Whether it's joining in a ceremonial orgy to petition a forgotten god, being railed by a beast that bested her, or simply using her feminine charms to bribe her way in somewhere she shouldn't be, sooner or later, the sorceress is certain to end up fucked. Ahura isn't one for shame, and her attitude toward these situations tends to range from enjoyment to resigned annoyance. Sometimes, she may even find herself seeking such things out intentionally--there's power to be had in the sexual products of many creatures.
While I'd love to see monsters as a focus in this, I'd prefer to stay away from things like goblins and orcs, which don't really fit with the sword-and-sorcery milieu. Think more in terms of beast-men, chimeras, and the like. Tentacled Lovecraftian horrors are welcome as threats, but I'd prefer to keep them out of the smut.
Primary Kinks: Non-Con, Dub-Con, Teratophilia.
While substantially skilled, Ahura has a long way to go before she can rival the world's greatest magicians. Her magic tends to be of the subtle and indirect variety, taking either a long time to perform, rare and precious materials, or both, and is often a partial solution to a problem at best. For instance, one of her most useful spells is an unnoticeability charm that renders her completely invisible to the senses of most creatures...as long as she holds perfectly still, not even moving to breathe or blink. The one exception is her tattoos. Over the years, Ahura has inked a series of enchantments into her skin that grant her certain permanent benefits, including enhanced strength, reflexes, and resilience to injury, though still within the limits of human potential. Most often, her success comes from her breadth of obscure knowledge and her own cleverness.
For whatever reason, Ahura's adventures nearly always seem to turn sexual at some point. Whether it's joining in a ceremonial orgy to petition a forgotten god, being railed by a beast that bested her, or simply using her feminine charms to bribe her way in somewhere she shouldn't be, sooner or later, the sorceress is certain to end up fucked. Ahura isn't one for shame, and her attitude toward these situations tends to range from enjoyment to resigned annoyance. Sometimes, she may even find herself seeking such things out intentionally--there's power to be had in the sexual products of many creatures.
While I'd love to see monsters as a focus in this, I'd prefer to stay away from things like goblins and orcs, which don't really fit with the sword-and-sorcery milieu. Think more in terms of beast-men, chimeras, and the like. Tentacled Lovecraftian horrors are welcome as threats, but I'd prefer to keep them out of the smut.
Primary Kinks: Non-Con, Dub-Con, Teratophilia.

It had taken years. Years of scouring the globe for the proper rituals, of failed attempts and frustration, of rites and sacrifices that would make most vomit to hear described. Renata knew that countless others had tried and failed. But she wasn't like them--she was better, more skilled, more determined, and most importantly, more ruthless. And finally, it had all paid off. She'd achieved the holy grail of so many magicians, shedding the last of her humanity and completing her transformation into one of the Alu--a succubus.
It was everything she'd dreamed of and more. No more shame to hold her back from her desires, no more conscience to shackle her to the species she'd always detested. She'd lost count of how many she'd consumed by the end of the first week. Her parents had been first, just like she'd always planned.
With eternity to look forward to, she knew she'd need a project sooner or later to keep herself occupied, but for now, she was content to simply enjoy her new existence. A job dancing at a seedy strip club in Chicago promised a stable hunting ground and a steady supply of prey no one would miss too much. It looked like she'd be on easy street for a good long while--she had no enemies left, and no ties remaining to who she used to be.
Of course, with a newborn succubus on the loose in the heart of one of America's biggest cities, someone was bound to notice sooner or later...
It's rare that I'm in the mood to just go all-out and play a total villain, but this is one of those times. This is another one that wants a freeform GM. I'm looking to play Renata as she comes to grips with her new position in the secret supernatural underworld, negotiating where she now sits following her transformation. Opposing her goals could be magicians looking to bind her into service, rival demons or comparable threats who don't like her muscling in on their turf, power-hungry bottom-feeders looking to ride her coattails, and whatever else we can come up with. Be warned, if the above narration wasn't clear, I want to play Renata as a totally heartless monster without a shred of empathy for humans (at least at first), so expect things to get pretty fucking dark.
Also, if you're open to it, I'd like to have Renata take advantage of her shapeshifting powers to switch between female and futa equipment as the mood strikes her. I envision her favoring the former most of the time, but it'd be nice to mix things up once in a while. Not essential, though.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, Non-Con, Futa.
Pleasant Beach is a neighborhood like no other in the US, maybe anywhere. Located in a suburb just south of Los Angeles, the wealthy gated community is home to prime beachfront property, a well-reviewed K-12 private school, and all the amenities of daily life a resident could want nearby. Many of those who live there work from home, and for those with permissive schedules, it's rarely necessary to leave the neighborhood if one doesn't want to. This is by design, because Pleasant Beach was built to cater to a rather niche lifestyle, one that would find little acceptance elsewhere.
The developers who acquired the land back in the '70s were libertines who sought to create a haven for sexual freedom and body positivity, and their vision still thrives today. Pleasant Beach is a clothing-optional community; it's very rare to see residents wearing anything more than sandals. That's only the beginning, however. The locals are proud to cultivate an atmosphere of sexual openness, where sex and sexual activity are normalized and accepted everywhere, even in public. Many sex acts and kinks that would be highly taboo elsewhere are considered quite normal in Pleasant Beach. The most common is incest; while it's far from the norm, a good number of families choose to be sexual with one another, and no shame or secrecy about it is expected. Bestiality is another example, with the local dog park famous as a spot where those with an interest can indulge, though it's far from common even here.
While the locals don't go out of their way to broadcast their lifestyle to the outside world, they don't hide it either, and it's not hard to find information about the existence and nature of Pleasant Beach online. It would be difficult for someone to wind up in the neighborhood without being fully aware of what they were walking into--but stranger things have happened...
In this scenario, I'd like to play two main characters: a single mother living in Pleasant Beach, and her high school-aged son or daughter. They're veterans of the community since shortly before the latter was born, and perfectly at home there. Opposite them, I'd like to see you play someone new to the neighborhood, possibly a classmate of the son or daughter, and/or the mother of same. At a minimum, I'd like them to be still getting used to how things are around here; I do like the idea of them having shown up completely unprepared and being taken by surprise, somehow, but in that case I'd like to start at least a few days past that, when they've had a bit more time to adjust. My characters would want to see yours relax and get used to the local lifestyle, and they could take any number of approaches to that, from the friendly to the downright aggressive. We can work out the details together.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, naturism, casual sex.
While the locals don't go out of their way to broadcast their lifestyle to the outside world, they don't hide it either, and it's not hard to find information about the existence and nature of Pleasant Beach online. It would be difficult for someone to wind up in the neighborhood without being fully aware of what they were walking into--but stranger things have happened...
In this scenario, I'd like to play two main characters: a single mother living in Pleasant Beach, and her high school-aged son or daughter. They're veterans of the community since shortly before the latter was born, and perfectly at home there. Opposite them, I'd like to see you play someone new to the neighborhood, possibly a classmate of the son or daughter, and/or the mother of same. At a minimum, I'd like them to be still getting used to how things are around here; I do like the idea of them having shown up completely unprepared and being taken by surprise, somehow, but in that case I'd like to start at least a few days past that, when they've had a bit more time to adjust. My characters would want to see yours relax and get used to the local lifestyle, and they could take any number of approaches to that, from the friendly to the downright aggressive. We can work out the details together.
Primary Kinks: Exhibitionism, naturism, casual sex.
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