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Fx Any Switch Looking for a Giant/Tiny Role


Feb 4, 2019
Hey, I've done my fair share of roles and one of my favorites is the giant/tiny role! I love being either unrealistically smaller or unrealistically taller than my partner, it's a great feeling to have either complete control or being at complete mercy to your partner. I am switch so I'm perfectly fine playing either as a sub or a domme depending on what you're looking for.

I'm up for anything really from the role, though personally I prefer dark roles such as noncon, dub-con, threats, vore/dolcett, pain, and other things found on my F List., but I'd honestly be fine with *almost* anything my partner is looking for, whether that be dark, clean, smutty, romantic or whatever.

*my hard limits include scat, pee (though I am fine with bladder denial), farting, breeding, and incest (including step)*

Roles I had in mind (but I'd love to hear your ideas too) are:
(I'm writing this like I'm a sub, but it can always be switched up :)

-I'm a borrower and have been living in your house, trying to survive and avoiding footfall for 6 months. But tonight I got cocky staying out far longer than I should.

-We are both scientists and after a night of heavy drinking we wake up with me shrunk down to as long as your hand. And since you can't turn me back to normal quite yet (or so you say) you decide to...experiment on me.

-You are a collect rare and valuable things, and you've just found something very interesting. A fairy

-There's my Hybrid Role found here

If you have any questions or any role ideas then please let me know, let's make something we both enjoy!
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