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An Unconventional Guardian (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Raven didn't work well with any of the personal guard the council had given her. They were either fired for "incompetence" or they quit after the first few weeks. She was insufferable; being one of the greatest and most well known supporters of the council, she was a rather high priority target. They were growing rather annoyed with her constantly having her guards replaced, so they called her in to give her a guard she would not be able to scare away.
She scoffed and entered the council chambers, her dress elegant as always. Being the heir to the largest armament company in the district, there were many who wanted her money. She had grown indignant in her short time as the chief of thr company. "So where is the next 'escort' that you have decided to appoint me?" She asked.
"And hello to you, too, my lady." The elderly elf grumbled before gesturing to the council guard. He bowed and left the room briefly before coming back with a minotaur. Though, rather than the head of a bull and legs of a man, it was reversed. He had the head and torso of a man and legs of a bull. He was built, massive and muscular; his fire red hair was swept to the side with a side shave, a soft matching stubble lining his jaw line. His brown eyes bore down on her as he towered over her, his tail flicking irately.
"This is Derek. He is your new guard. He is not easily replaced."
"Charming." She said. "Good to know that he openly threatens his clients." She scoffed.
"I haven't had a client openly doubt my strength." He replied, "Usually it's behind my back when they think I'm not listening."
"Oh I can tell this is going to be fun. Come Derek, I have work that needs to be done. As much as I love this idle chatter I do have better things to do." She said as she began walking off.
Derek bowed respectfully to the council before following after her. "What work would that be?"
"I have to arrange meetings and review the council's request for less expensive weapons." She said.
"Usually is." She said. She made a noise and soon enough she was at her office. "Just.. Stay here and make sure no one tries to kill me please." She said.
"I can't rightly do that out here, now can I?" He asked, "You have windows, don't you? There could be snipers, or an assassin."
She made a noise. "I.. Fine. Just don't make a sound." She said as she moved to sit at her desk.
She sat down and thumbed the holo-pad on her desk until she reached the directory for her board of advisors. She sighed and dialed it in, and began her very lengthy meeting.
He stood quietly, as ordered, his ears moving in the direction of any and all sound that they caught.
The meeting dragged on for hours, grumbling and stretching when it ended. "Damned foolish advisors." She said.
She scowled. "I'm attempting to side with the council. The fools in the board are attempting to raise prices through the roof." She said.
"I have to tell the council about progress then I have to eat and I don't know what else." She said.
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