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Fx M or F Story Driven Sci-Fi/Fantasy?


Jan 20, 2019
Hello~ I'm Astoria and I've been role-playing for ten+ years in dark corners of the internet. I love building characters, worlds and plots. I'm not here for your run-of-the-mill one shot style smutfests! I want substance, intensity, and romance. I am looking for advanced writers that want something that moves a little quicker, without sacrificing quality or thought.

If you're interested in anything here, shoot me a thread with your request or ideas.

Yes, please!
- PM or Private Thread only.
- 2-3 paragraphs per post.
- Decent grammar + description.
- Fantasy, suspense, sci-fi, horror.
- For when we get there: f-list.

No, thanks!
- Discord, Skype, Docs.
- Modern day/real life stuff.
- All smut with no depth.
- Pre-made characters.
- Non-consensual anything.

(Sci-Fi - Bounty Hunter/Bounty) These two have chased eachother across the universe: never quite catching up to one another, forever just a few stars away. Over the years they've built an unspoken bond without quite knowing the other, only their paths and how they've crossed in alternate timelines. When a ripple in time suddenly brings them (and a lot of other weird shit) together, it forces them to work as a team towards one common goal: staying the fuck alive.

(Fantasy - Witch/Knight) They grew up in the same farming town just outside the castle walls, and spent their days playing games and chasing sheep as the best of friends. But eventually they grew up, as time will do to all, and went on their seperate ways. He took up the blade as knight for the Royal army, and she gave her soul up to magic and joined the coven. As he gained rank and she gained power, they grew even further apart. But now war has come to the kingdom and the enemy is the Elves from the North who bear devastating ice magic and glacial golems that wreak havoc on farming villages in the night. Biting back his pride, the Commander summons the Head Witch to request she join the war council, forcing himself into an awkward reunion.

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