Mx Female Let's Make Some Great Stories, Write About Tragic Romances, And Epic Adventures!


The Golden Apple
Sep 27, 2018
Under a golden apple tree
Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my request thread! Several ideas and plots below!

  • Hey there! I'm Torack, or Tor, and I love writing! Ever since I was a kid, my mind was full of worlds ready to be explored and I would always just scribble them down during class, or play them out with my friends when kids used to go outside way back when.

    Love of writing stories has stayed with me. And what better medium than making stories with others, sharing ideas, and making awesome friends in the process? I'm looking for a few partners to write with, make some really amazing stories that'll stay with us for for a long time; the type of story that your brain just randomly pops back into your mind years down the line and makes you go "damn, that was a great story".

    It's a lot to ask for a partner, I know but I'm pretty chill when it comes to roleplays. I only have a few very reasonable rules:
    • I'd like my partners to write in 3rd person and in past tense
    • Quality over quantity. I don't care about post length I care about quality.
    • Communication! Tell me if you're gonna be absent for an extended period of time, and I'll give you the same courtesy.
    • Add to the plot, this is a collaborative effort, let's work together to make something wonderful!
    • Fun OOC chatter, because it's more fun to make stories with friends!

    In the following tabs there will be settings and plots and all that fun stuff! I look forward to roleplaying with you all!

    Things About Me
    • I can write anywhere between 250-1000 words on any given post.
    • I usually like focusing on one character, but I'm tentatively willing to try more than one
    • I love my smut, I love it drawn out and heavily detailed and the whole nine yards. But plot always takes precedence for me. I don't have a specific ratio, but there will be an overall heavier focus on plot and character moments. If I had to put a ratio, somewhere around 60/40 or 50/50 plot-to-smut.

  • Under this you'll find some settings and other things that'll help you understand me as a roleplayer a little more!

    Settings and Genres
    • Fantasy
    • Medieval Europe
    • Ancient Rome
    • Ancient Greece
    • Modern-fantasy
    • Space / dystopian future
    • Cyberpunk
    • Supernatural
    • Modern
    • Slice of Life (if you give me a great idea for it)

  • So here I have some pairings that I'm open to do but don't necessarily have any plots planned out for. Though, most likely I will make some plots for some of the pairings in the future, but feel free to hit me up with a plot of your own!

    Assassin x Victim
    Spy x Spy
    Vampire x Human
    Knight x Princess
    King x Queen
    Lord x Lady
    Adventurer x Adventurer
    Demon x Human
    Demon x Angel
    Angel x Human

    Now for my kinks:

    Here's my F-list!

  • Now for the plots! I must warn you, for my plots I list all the major events, but just those. This will give us, I hope, plenty of room for creative freedom and creating all kinds of subplots and just generally flexing out creativity. They're there mostly to just give us a structure to guide our story to its eventual climax and end.

    More will definitely be added over time, but for now these are my current plots!

    I would like it known that all of these prompts, although they have a heavier focus on plot, can be made to have a heavier focus on smut.

    Plot Summary:
    Cursed by an ancient war god, two lovers must try and find a way to end their curse or have their souls destroyed.

    The Plot!
    Act I
    Ryland Var and [Your Character], blessed and admired by the gods for the strong love they hold for each other are suddenly cursed, in furious jealousy, by Kerionas the Manticore war god.

    Act II
    They set off to try and find a way to end the curse, but throughout their adventures the curse gets stronger and the love between them begins to rot.

    Realizing the anger and hatred they now have for each other is due to Kerionas they decide to end him, but upon entering his domain the resentment our characters hold for each other and the overwhelming power of Kerionas causes their defeat.

    Act III
    Ryland and [Your character] decide to work out their differences, making a momentary truce to kill Kerionas. They go back and kill him, but find that the curse has completely rotted away their love and both decide it is best to split as respected friends.

    Plot Summary:
    A reclusive, ancient werewolf and a terminally ill woman help each other find meaning and hope in their lives.

    The Plot:
    Act I
    [Your Character], a terminally ill patient stumbles upon Kenton Von Clausewitz's manor and after letting her stay she finds his journal and decides to help him find the beauty in life again.

    Act II
    They spend more and more time with each other within the manor and as Kenton's jadedness begins to fade, an accident in his chemical lab causes his house to burn down.

    [Your Character] takes Kenton to her house where they stay and he's quickly becoming less and less jaded, and falling increasingly in love with [Your Character], when she suddenly has an episode caused by her terminal disease.

    Act III
    Kenton rushes her to hospital where the doctors try to stabilize her, and although successful both know [Your Character]'s time is limited, thus he stays by her side in her final moments until she passes.

    Plot Summary:
    A pirate captain and the descendant of a legendary pirate try to find one of the most coveted treasures in the world

    Act I
    Connor Graves, a pirate captain and once a navy officer tracks down and finds [Your Character], a descendant of Captain Dorado in order to find his treasure when they find out it's deep within the Shattered Isles.

    Act II
    They set off and on their journey through the various islands in order to find a path through the Shattered Isles, Connor's ship is destroyed by his old navy colleagues.

    Taking a navy ship, and after finding a potential pat, Connor, [Your Character], and their crew go into the Shattered Isles, slowly making their way through the dense fog and craggy islands when they manage to make it through and come upon the island where the treasure is located. But they find nothing there.

    Act III
    Desperate, Connor and [Your Character] look around for the treasure when one of the crew finds a note that only blood can reveal Dorado's treasure. Thus, Connor sacrifices himself, revealing the immense treasure to [Your Character]

    Plot Summary
    An immortal hero, whose soul is bound inside a sword, and a young woman must try to save the world from utter destruction

    Act I
    Gao Long an immortal hero once tasked with protecting the Four Heavenly Keys now resides within a sword after failing to prevent their theft. [Your Character] comes across the sword where Gao tells her she must stop the Ten Yama Kings from releasing King Yan, [Your Character] refuses at first only to have a small horde of undead attack and destroy her home.

    Act II
    [Your Character] and Gao's spirit set off where they start to slowly grow closer to each other as he trains her to become a formidable warrior and shortly after starts taking down the Yama Kings. However, not long after an assassin attacks her and although [Your Character] kills him, she's gravely wounded.

    After some time recovering, [Your Character] and Gao manage to defeat the Ten Yama Kings, however they fail to stop the release of King Yan, and the world is thrown into darkness as the undead flood out from the gates of the Underworld.

    Act III
    Gao tells [Your Character] of a way to return King Yan to the underworld but it requires going into it herself. They go inside and [Your Character] sits on King Yan's throne, forcing him back to the Underworld where she defeats him. However, after his defeat, Gao tells her his soul must remain in the Underworld as an eternal guardian to prevent such a calamity from happening again.

    Plot Summary
    Two college students fall deeply in love and try to maintain their relationship along with all their other responsibilities

    Act I
    Ethan Hayes, a premed student, comes across [Your Character] in campus and after a quick conversation gets her number, but Etahn finds that she gave him a false number.

    Act II
    Ethan comes across [Your Character] again and confronts her and manages to get her real number and a relationship blooms between them. As the months go by and a new semester starts however, the relationship begins to strain due to Ethan constantly cancelling dates due to his studies and the two decide to take a break.

    In their senior year, Ethan and [Your Character], after having missed each other, decide to get back together and things go smoothly between them, until once more the MCATS drive Ethan away. Despite it all they manage to make it work until Ethan is accepted into a medical school across the country while [Your Character], for her own reasons, must remain at the institute to complete her PhD.

    Act III
    Ethan and [Your Character] try to talk it out, but ultimately decide that a relationship would no longer be practical and thus separate a final time.

    Plot Summary
    A husband and wife lose their only daughter to a pair of thugs from the most powerful gang of outlaws in the region. Unable to cope with the grief, the both of them start hunting the thugs one by one.

    Act I
    Brian Todd and [Your Character] are a happily married couple with a daughter, Grace, and a ranch to their name. But only three years into their marriage, a couple of thugs raid their home and in the invasion kill Grace.

    Act II
    Grief strucken, both characters go to the Sheriff for help, but when he refuses to do anything, they take up arms against the largest and deadliest gang in the wild west. With what money they get from selling off the ranch, they buy weapons and munitions and waging a two man war against the gang until they capture [Your Character]'s family in response.

    The two argue, but eventually decide to save [Your Character]'s family from the gang and use their grief to sway the Sheriff into helping them wipe out the gang; he agrees and a full force is mounted up against the gang only for them to spring a trap and Brian is shot int he chest.

    Act III
    The bullet missed his heart, but Brian and [Your Character] both know he's not long for this world, and he tells [Your Character] he wants to meet their daughter with the knews that she's avenged. They gather up their weapons for a final push and attack the base of the gang where they kill its leader, and they themselves are killed.

  • My story plots and prompts are designed to focus on the story and the narrative, with a primary focus on character development with very little to no smut at all.

    These are plot prompts that have a far heavier focus on smut while still having a decent amount of plot and story to go through. These are not intended to be 100% smut, more along the lines of a 60:40 or 70:30 in favour of smut.

    An ancient vampire that was asleep for nearly a millennia, in an attempt to reforge his unseen empire, stalks and turns a wealthy and influential human to be the empress of his new dynasty.

    In an attempt to keep his business empire at the top, a wealthy CEO arranges a marriage for his son with the daughter of another powerful CEO to keep the business acumen strong in the family line. The two newly wed couple have to try and find a way to live together, perhaps even find love, while dealing with the fierce competition between their respective parents.

    They were close friends and neighbours as well, going to each other's houses and playing for countless hours in the neighbourhood streets. Until he had to move away to a different state for college. Nearly a decade has passed, and he's back. Rugged and dangerous looking and the old friendship sparks back and both find themselves heavily attracted to the other...

    They've been playing cat and mouse for what seems to be years at this point. The detective always going after the criminal, over and over. And, through the years, they've developed a sort of understanding with each other, if not a slight relationship. Things take a slight turn for the worse when someone new steps into the scene and starts stepping all over the criminal's toes. Now the cop and the criminal must work together to stop this new figure while navigating their own feelings for each other.
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