- Joined
- Jan 15, 2019

'The old man shielded his eyes, the sight of the growing infestation sickened him. He had started these experiments, but now they were a beast of their own.
The basement echoed with a piercing hissing sound. The insects demanded more food. The old man fell to his knees at the top of the wooden stairs, leaned against the door frame and sobbed into his wrinkled hands. He was at a loss now. There was only one option left he could bare to have on his heavy conscience. Rising with much effort, one weak hand on his knee to assist him. He marched to his kitchen supply cabinet and reached for the ammonia bottle. Tears streamed down his face as he pushed the cap off the jug.
'Here I go, I will end this tonight... I hope...'
He tossed his head back with the bottle mouth pressed to his lips. He took pleasure in the taste of the poison. It would all be over soon and no one else would have to be sacrificed for his mistake. His stomach started to cramp, the pain caused him to drop the now near empty bottle of ammonia. He hobbled back to the doorway of the basement, the hissing had grown even louder with demand.
One step down.
He could see black arches reaching for him, wanting their meal of human flesh. His stomach wanted to turn over, to rid itself of the substance he just consumed.
Another step down.
The coordinated black arms of insects just barely licked the bottoms of his shoes. He paused to clutch his gut in pain, but only a smile flickered across his sunken features.
The insects wrapped an arm of black around his ankle and jerked hard- '
Vvvrrrr vvrrrr
Natalie gasped, her heart pounding from the sudden spook and disruption from her phone. Answering it quickly, she heard her roommate's voice on the other end grumbling "dumb key, Nat! Nat! The door is broken" Followed by a whimper.
A long scratch outside the dorm room door caused Nat to jump again. She scolded herself for reading horror while by herself, it always got to her and made her paranoid. Her skin crawled imagining the monster of insects.
Dropping her book on her bed, she swung her legs over the edge and headed for the door. "One sec, Sam. There was something at the door. Is it you?" Peaking out into the hall, there was no one in front of their door. There was, however, a very drunk Sam on the floor and pressed against a different door two rooms down the hall.
Nat hung up the call and tucked her phone in her back pocket.
"Come on you." Nat slipped her arms under Sam's armpits and used all her might to drag her back to their room.
She shut the door behind them and stared at her friend sprawled out in the center of their room. Then Sam suddenly came alive again, she sat up with a goofy smile pasted to her face.
"Girl, I brought you something." Sam said, but it sounded more like 'gur-rl, Eyyy-broot youa ting... er someting'. Nat stifled a laugh, not wanting to distract Sam with her own fit of laughter, it was contagious after all. Crouching down before her friend, she wrapped her arms around her own knees and waited. Sam fumbled in her shoulder bag for only a sec before producing a short scroll. Nat raised her eye brow in curiosity and amusement. She reached out to snatch the roll away, pulled the rubber band off and unrolled it.
"A crapally drawn out Ouija board?" Her voice gave away all of her dissapointment. Sam reacted to it quickly, she lunged at her and retrieved her scroll. Nat watched as Sam snuggled it close to her chest and pouted.
"Do it with me." Sam slurred with begging eyes. Nat gulped, her mind instantly imagining Sam naked and sprawled out on her bed. Shaking her head, she just sighed and got comfortable in front of Sam.
"Fine. Ill play along."
Sam sprung to her feet and went around their dorm room. Nat was delivered four candles, a box of matches, and a pouch of M&Ms before Sam found her place again. "Okay, gotta light the mood" Sam half sung.
With the candles lit and at each corner of the Ouija paper, they were ready. They used a thick magnifying reading glass as their marker for the letters. They each placed their pointer fingers on the glass.
"Why are you humming?" Nat asked, holding back another laugh as best she could. Sam only shushed her, wobbled for a second then resumed humming before she spoke.
"Oooo spirits that surround us. If any of you are super hot and buff, join us now. Be with us.. erm.. me at least, and talk to us." Sam started to giggle. Then had a fit of laughter, her fingers slipping away from the glass.
"I have seen this on TV before." Nat started, "Let me give it a try." She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. "I, Natalie Crasster, call upon the Spirits here, I open this circle of mine to you and ask that you be welcomed to our plane." She felt the glass shift. Or at least she swore she did. She glared at Sam, ensuring it wasn't her doing. Then continued, "Spirits, we wish to speak openly with who ever is willing. We are but simple college girls who know not of the after life. We are also willing to help if there is anyone who may be stuck." Nat stopped, unsure of what to say next. Then "I offer up, Samantha Sharl, as sacrifice for your appearance!"
Sam gasped and kicked out at Nat.
"What!? It isn't real." Nat defended, rubbing her shin. "This better not bruise." She teased. "Let's get you to bed already." She leaned over and blew each candle out one by one, being careful to keep her hair from reaching the flames.
Nat felt restless, pulling herself from her sleep, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Something felt off, she noticed that the room was quieter than usual. Sam snored, but she snored even louder when wasted. There was only silence.
"Sam, you awake?" Nat asked, getting off her bed, she crossed to the other side of the room and reached out to pet Sam's hair. What she found instead surprised her. Sam's hair felt wet and oddly warm. Natalie searched for the bed lamp and clicked it on. First seeing her hand colored red. Her chest felt tight, her breath quickened.
There Sam was, her face frozen in Terror, blood covered her from head of toe, then Sam's eyes twitched quickly to look at Natalie.
Nat fell backwards, horror struck. Was she dreaming? This couldn't be real. Then from her side of the room came the sweetest voice she has ever heard.
"Thank you, Natalie."