Bunny Wants to Play (fxm - craving BDSM & non-con heavy play)

Bunny Cake

sweet treat
Aug 17, 2010
down the rabbit hole

I'm a long-time roleplayer looking for a rp to distract myself with. I am available often and average 4-6 paragraphs per post.

I am looking for something bdsm and non-con heavy right now! I love playing complex characters with strong personalities, I love world building, and I always put my fair share of work into a roleplay! But I am, at heart, kinky and roleplays without my favourite elements just don’t hold my attention for very long.

Some Rules And Courtesies:
*I type multiple paragraph responses/can mirror but I'm okay with the occasional short reply if it's necessary to move things along

*I am willing to double if you are

*PMs only please, for replies and the roleplay! I will consider threads, but nothing off-site.

*I'm not really comfortable with a lot of OOC chatter - mainly the exchange of personal information in the beginning. Flirting with me OOC is never okay, please don't do that. Yes, I can tell the difference between friendly chatter and flirting. I’m friendly and I like to have fun! Just please don’t expect my sordid life details right off the bat.

*My limits are; incest, scat, watersports, vomit, bloodplay, bimbofication, severe mutilation/vore/death/anything that would keep my character from continuing the roleplay, and severe physical/mental abuse. F-List for Easy Reference

*At this time I prefer to play the younger role, but will play a switch, or more submissive character. Also I tend to be really, really, really nervous with new people so please be patient with me. It puts me in my comfort zone.

*I prefer to use realistic (celebrity) human playbys/descriptions/what have you. I'm not interested in anime characters, animal characters, furries and etc.

Specific Wants (in no specific order)

everything below this with a line through it is currently irrelevant/taken.

Original/Slice of Life/Modern: There's too much to list or talk about here, but I do love me some day-to-day scenarios. These can be completely realistic, or we can add a sci-fi/modern fantasy spin to them. The main thing is to keep it pretty much present-day to anything in the future. I love power-play roles (boss/subordinate, doctor/nurse, therapist/dangerous client or manipulative therapist/client, head chef/waitress, anything that you can put a dominant spin on really), but please keep what I wrote up under rules and courtesies in mind c:

F/F or F/M historical plot: I'd love to explore a F/F plot in a historical medieval/fantasy setting (I use the word 'medieval very, very loosely. I'm thinking somewhere in 1500's to early 1800's Europe, French court type setting - though I'd prefer to fudge things a little. History is fun but it's not really fun to nitpick in roleplay for me). I'd like the characters to be two high-born ladies, or perhaps a lady and a knight, who start off as close friends and evolve into more. This would be a fun and lighthearted plot, with occasional angst, built around two girls who are close and get closer. It's based around the concept of noblewomen being sort of sequestered together with often limited contact with men, enjoying playful pursuits and a lavish lifestyle together. Think the film Marie Antionette directed by Sofia Coppola, specifically this scene -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZByH4Wai_I

MCU: god I love the MCU and like many people, would do unspeakable things to frick-frack captain america. I'm up on all the MCU movies, Punisher & Jessica Jones netflix series, and am comfortable with playing as and against a wide range of characters, though OCs/Character pairings are cool too - like I said I double if you do and would happily attempt the Marvel guy/gal of your dreams in return for a good captain america.

GoT (television series): this is a huge maybe, but it's got that setting I'm into (dragons and high drama medieval political intrigue) so I'm really open to using it as a sandbox.

Mad Max: Fury Road: I would love to explore this setting, ESPECIALLY Nux/Capable!

I'm open to plenty of other ideas if you come to me with plot bunnies/etc, the above are just my main wants at this time c:
But please don't just PM me with a link to your own thread :/ especially if it seems like there's no overlap between your thread and mine? I respect the cold call - you gotta take chances to find what you want - but that really doesn't mean I'm going to be interested.

As much as I love kink and writing smut what hooks me in a roleplay, and what I love exploring, is characters. Their thoughts, their feelings and actions, motivations... I'm just never really going to be into a (male character trope)/(female character trope) roleplay, sorry.

so pls pm me ok thank you

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