Fx Female Looking for sub females

Jan 14, 2019
So... I’m not new to any of this and I sort of know what I’m probably getting myself into by posting a request thread as a dominant female. That said - I’m super bored and have an itch to play.

THAT said - I’m picky. Like, obnoxiously picky, so I’m not trying to be a bitch or anything but you’ve been warned. If I don’t feel like we’ll mesh well, I’m not going to play out a story I’m not feeling. I’ve been around these sites, so I sort of know it’s pointless to ask people not to message me looking for me to play Domme to a male. I don’t even like playing against men playing as female - just had some bad experiences in my RP’ing past.

Goes both ways though - if you feel like we aren’t a good fit, tell me. I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine!

I prefer to play the dominant/top role but that doesn’t mean I want to just write a story for someone. If you want that, literotica is great for stories. I want someone who will bring new ideas and, when things inevitably get stale, either be up for mixing things up OR we agree to drop the story (and start anew perhaps). While I occasionally like to play the sub or a switch role, I’ve come to learn that I just get antsy and, honestly, my subs come off uber bitchy. Put it this way - I probably wouldn’t like playing with me as a sub, so unless you’re itching for a challenge, just let me be the Domme, Mmm?

So, tl;dr - I prefer to play Domme. Women only (on screen and off). I’m unfairly picky.

As for kinks/limits and all that - we can discuss. I like humans and slice of life or modern type settings. I don’t really get into vamps and supernatural and monsters and all that. But in the bedroom I like it kinkier than most, I’d say. Some cutesy shit can be fun sometimes too, but I don’t do well with innocent little fawns who have never even fathomed the thought of being touched or was somehow unaware that sex toys existed.

I like to use real pics for face claims. Pornstars are usually my jam because you can find all sorts of naughty pics - which goes along with the idea that I’m a visual person. If you can include pics, fantastic.

I usually write around 2-4 paragraphs. Openers can be longer. Dialog scenes can be kinda short. I don’t godmod, I’ll drop you if you do so cause that’s not cool on these sites. I feel like I’m a fairly advanced writer. I don’t want to have to read your post three times and make assumptions on what you probably meant, so I prefer others who are descriptive and easy to understand.

This is just a mishmash of my brain dump because I’m bored. Hit me up if you think we’d be a good fit. I don’t have an f-list and I’m not too inclined to make one. I really don’t have limits kink-wise, love BDSM, toys, some mild torture, strict dominance training, stuff like that.

No one liners asking if I want to play. I’m picky, and that’ll get your message deleted without a response (if you don’t put forth any effort, why should I?)

I know I sound really bitchy in reading this, but I swear I’m actually fun to play with once we get going. I’m just bracing for the influx of messages from people who didn’t read this, so I have to write all this so I can respond to them in said bitchy tone about how they obviously didn’t read this! Hope to hear from some of you lovely sub ladies
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