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Fx Female Mommy Dom/Little Girl


Apr 10, 2015
United States
Hey there!

So I am looking for a female RPer to play an older woman to my younger character. They will (consensually) be in a Mommy Dom/ Little Girl Relationship, even though they won’t actually be related. We can combine this with other taboo relationships like Teacher/Student or the like.

The smut can get rough, but the mommy Dom is meant to be rather caring. So there would be plenty of aftercare and cuddles! Main kinks would be Age play, MD/LG, aftercare, and maybe some other facet of a taboo relationship. I’d also like to include kinks like wetting, filming, voyeurism, light public embarrassment (being made to call her partner mommy in public, really juicy if the two are closer in age. This is the only way I’d allow the Mommy Dom to not be older), spanking, light choking, hair pulling, all the good stuff.

Anyway, drop me a PM if you’re interested!
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