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Fx Any Lullaby's Melodies [FxF or FxM (or maybe more!)] (Update: 13-1)


Dec 30, 2018
Right Here

So, I am looking for a partner to roleplay with! As I said before in my introduction thread, I'm not particularly experienced with ERP, but I'm not clueless either. So, without further ado, here are my interests, my non-interests, and potentially some plot ideas!

I play via PM, but if you want me to play via Thread we can discuss it. I can post at least once per day, depending on how busy a day I've had. Maybe more if I get lucky, but generally the longer the posts you want me to make, the smaller the chance I can make multiple a day. I'll try to get in at least 3 per week, but if I fear I won't be able to accomplish that I'll inform you of it.

I don't really have a 'minimum post length', as I feel like I myself am not yet good enough to guarantee several paragraphs per post. I do, however, want partners that are able to write properly. While I can't guarantee perfect grammar and giant posts myself, I'd like for there to at least be proper writing.

First up, I play submissive (though having neither character be sub or dom is fine by me too) female characters, but their sexuality can vary (lesbian, straight, or bi). They also tend to be on the shorter side and such.

I will not play real-life people (or 'lookalikes' or any similar loopholes), sorry. I also have no interest in incest RPs, especially not parent-child.

While I enjoy being submissive, I definitely do not enjoy being abused. What this means is that it's fine to boss my character around and tie her up and stuff, but if you start mutilating her or something then I'll most likely be out, sorry.

I also like the idea of sex while wearing clothes, but taking them off is fine too~

As for settings, I enjoy Fantasy settings. I'm not too big a fan of more modern or futuristic settings, but I'm open to trying them out. I do, however, enjoy magic, so any setting that has magic is a plus. I also would like for there to be plot and not just sex and such.

I have also created an F-List for those interested, though I'm not entirely sure I interpreted the meanings of the four categories correctly, so here's how I interpreted them (so you get a better idea of what I like and such):
Fave - I'll certainly do it. Yes - I'm completely fine with it. Maybe - It depends so ask me about it. No - Not happening in almost all circumstances.
F-List Here!

I also did a 'BDSM test' thing if anyone's interested in that.

I'll probably be updating this list based on questions people ask me about my preferences~

Feel free to send me a PM if you're interested or have questions~

I'm also open to Group Roleplays! So if you're looking for a member and your roleplay fits the interests I've listed, message me!

Anyway, now for some potential plots! This is just random ideas I came up with, so they might be trash ;-;
Still, feel free to suggest plots of your own!

(Should be obvious, but MC is my character, YC is yours~)

First up, some Completely Generic Pairings(tm). Left is YC, right is MC

Master/Servant (or maybe Master/Slave)
(Dark) Lord/Prisoner (YC could be something simple like a Warlord, or maybe a powerful mage or something else)

Some random character ideas I've had (not requests, but if you're interested in anything in here, let me know!
Most, if not all of these are for my character unless labelled otherwise.
- I got this weird idea to play a mute character. She could probably still moan and such, just not talk.

Below are the plot ideas, ordered from the one I want to play the most to the one I want to play the least (either least interested or already taken)

YC is a powerful person. Perhaps they're a king, or a Dictator, an evil warlord, or something else. They've at the top of the food chain of their country, and all the stuff that comes with a position of power.
One day though, MC is brought before YC. MC holds some sort of power (probably a powerful mage) that prevents her from being executed (either too valuable or actually impossible), and thus she's given to YC (as payment or something, or a birthday gift). YC, then, has a problem. For they will need to keep MC in check as they cannot fall in the hands of YC's enemies as with her help they can be overthrown. But how will YC do that? Be too kind and it might be taken as a sign of weakness, MC needs to know YC owns her after all. Be too ruthless and YC might find their death as well, as MC is not a kitten without claws.

I'm intending for this to be at the very least a Master/Servant Relationship. YC owns MC, so he/she can treat MC as such, but they can't be too ruthless either. Though, that doesn't mean YC can't slowly break her resistance.
Whatever reason that makes killing MC not an option also mean YC will have to decide how publicly they'll show off MC. Will they keep her a secret to ensure as little enemies know of her as possible, or will they make a public fuss about her as a power symbol?

MC is a noble. Or, well, she was a noble. But she (or even her entire family) has lost said status, and now MC has lost the life of luxury that she grew up with. Through one way or another, she meets YC. Perhaps YC is a noble, perhaps they aren't. The point is, MC now has to rely on YC (or their family) to survive as MC has essentially no way to make money on her own. Will YC treat her like the noble she used to be, or like the status-less girl she is now?

Additional Ideas:
Perhaps MC was royalty, but her parents were dethroned (and maybe dead). Perhaps YC is involved in that somehow (ruler of a rival kingdom, revolutionary who overthrew the monarchy, etc.).
YC could be a noble (or royalty. Or just a regular person) who takes MC in as part of a favour MC's parents once did for YC (or YC's family).

MC is an adventurer, doing what she does best; adventuring. She decided to explore an abandoned manor that is said to be haunted in the hopes of finding valuables.
What she does not know, however, is that the house is definitely not abandoned. YC, a vampire (or demon lord or something) rests in the basement, and MC's exploration has woken him/her up. Re-awoken, YC wants to restore their home to it's former glory, and possibly do evil things. And the person who woke them up would make a great servant, and 'convincing' them shouldn't be too difficult.

YC is an adventurer (or maybe a member of a group of adventurers, or something else entirely, it's up to you), and they've found an ancient temple.
Beyond the fancy loot they've found, they also found a tomb underneath the temple, seemingly dedicated to some ancient mage. YC opens the tomb expecting to find a skeleton (or dust) and treasure.
Instead, they find an unconscious girl, MC. The ancient mage had managed to seemingly stop herself from ageing, dying or decomposing, yet she still got buried and trapped. Unfortunately for her, the decades of stasis have destroyed most of her memories, and now YC is stuck with a girl who, while a powerful mage, doesn't remember much. And she's rather clingy to the person who woke her up...

In this adventurer, YC is a person who's at the very least well-off, perhaps even rich, and they're travelling either via a luxury boat, luxury train, or something else (I'd be most interested in the train setting if I have to be honest). They've got a fancy cabin, and are enjoying the journey when they are awoken by noises coming from the baggage carriage/cargo hold/somewhere. There they find MC, a stowaway who sneaked aboard in the hopes of getting to her destination (likely the destination of the journey). If she gets caught, she'll either be forced to disembark at the nearest stop, be thrown in a prison, or be forced to work, so she begs YC not to reveal her.
YC, meanwhile, has a lot of options. He could be nice and let her stay, or reveal her to the relevant authorities. Or they could let her stay in his cabin, in return for... services.
How this ends can vary. Either YC will end up revealing MC, or they part ways, or MC ends up staying with YC.

YC is an adventurer exploring a land that has long since been abandoned either due to a dangerous being living nearby (maybe a dark lord has their base in the area), or because the area is dangerous in it's own way (I had the idea of magic behaving erratically in the area because of a failed mage experiment. As a result magic use is dangerous and there are dangerous monsters in the area). While exploring, YC comes across MC, a young mage who has managed to safely inhabit the area (If we go for the dangerous entity idea, she's not been attacked before. If we go for the dangerous magic idea, her magic somehow behaves normally). YC, deciding that having this girl/woman tag along would help convinces her (using 'convince' loosely here. He can make her come willingly, or not. Depends on what you're into) to come with him. And from there, a lot can happen. Maybe he brings her along to rid this area of what's making it dangerous, or something else happens. We can determine that when planning!

[More to be added later]
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I hope I'm doing this correctly, but this may or may not be a bump (spoiler: it is). I also added some extra information because someone suggested it, and added the Stowaway plot idea~
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