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Fx Any Skype based roleplay


Dec 23, 2018
Hello all,

Firstly a big thank you to all for the warm welcome I've received since joining yesterday. This really does seem like a friendly and supportive community!

I am a UK-based, 31 year old girl looking to roleplay with males or females from the UK. I prefer to play via instant messenger (I've been using Skype of late) which makes it almost impossible, in my experience, to maintain any sort of continuity with those from other time zones. So, with apologies, I am only interested in roleplaying with those from the UK.

Now onto content. I've been roleplaying for roughly fifteen years and would say I've dipped my toe into a quite a number of different genres. However, my preference would be for modern day, realistic scenarios. Fantasy roles just don't appeal to me, and I doubt my ability to do them justice. Currently I'm interested in ageplay and incest, with a particular preference for school-based scenarios. I'm also quite taken by the idea of a cult, or at least some form of structure whereby characters are "turned", either forcibly or through their own free will.

I enjoy character development and lots of plotting, though given I prefer to play via instant messenger, my responses will likely be somewhat shorter than some I've seen here on Blue Moon so far. For me, I prefer a quicker exchange of messages in real time. This, in my opinion, makes the roleplay feel more realistic and brings it to life. I appreciate this may not be everyone's preferred style, but I certainly enjoy it.

So, if you'd be interested in discussing ideas, please feel free to get in touch via PM or Skype, where my ID is live:lucia_petrovska

I look forward to meeting and playing with some of you very soon, thanks for reading!

Best wishes,
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Hi there, I'd be interested in plotting some ideas out with you that could match. I would PM you with more details, but as you don't have the privileges yet, what's your skype addy and we could discuss more there?
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