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Goat tells me that niceness is being encouraged lately.

Niceness? In MY Blue Moon?

It seems memories fade fast around here. Three more weeks, fuckers. Savor them.
In light of how bad things have gotten here, there will be a violent purging upon my return. If you think you're doing something that will piss me off, I'd recommend you KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.

That is all.
Trygon said:
In light of how bad things have gotten here, there will be a violent purging upon my return. If you think you're doing something that will piss me off, I'd recommend you KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.

That is all.
I have two questions.

Is September 10th the official day of reckoning for the idiots around here? If so, should I make a thread informing these fools that their demise is nigh?
Yeah, probably night. His first night back he's gonna be rather busy, and first day. Some celebrating is gonna be going on. Day of reckoning may be a little after that. Unless he WANTS it to be the 10th.
I see. I bet there will be plenty of partying. ^^

I wanted to figure out if Trygon had a specific date in mind. A specific time would make it that much more epic. >D

      • FUCK! Try gets on for the first time in months and I miss it... for WORK?

        -quits work-
'Tis a shame you weren't here, mi'lady. I like how he made his proclamation of destruction. ^^
-huggles Pretty tightly and pets her head-

It'll be alright. He'll be back. Insulting witticisms in one hand, a fully charged Banhammer in the other.
Trygon said:
In light of how bad things have gotten here, there will be a violent purging upon my return. If you think you're doing something that will piss me off, I'd recommend you KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.

That is all.
*bows down*

Make sure to fully charge your lasers, pick up all the missile tanks, and get ready for some extreme crushings. Because it has become a battlefield here with invasions.
Why is it that I read this and the only thing that comes to mind is...
Fucking great.... Here comes trouble....
GOD YES! The almighty Trygon shall return and purge us of the nice'ness! <3

I miss you!!! Come back, I'm allowed to drink and parteh now!! <3 and that means I have to parteh with our parteh master, Trygon!
The Parteh Master is counting down the days till his release! He contacted me yesterday, and we chatted a little. There will definitely be some fun upon his return!
Damn it. >.>

The king of parties is coming out, and I'm on the other side of the fucking country. Ah well, private one-person party for Trygon over here.
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