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Mx M or F For Whom the Bells Toll

Dec 11, 2018
The Great Red Desert
...they toll for thee.

• I am one of the more laid-back roleplayers out there. I understand things like dead muses, RL chewing up time, general bad moods and other frustrations. I am also not super picky; people make typos, sometimes just don't have a huge long post in them at a given time, and there are times when one is just not 'hearing' the voice for a given character. Happens to the best of us! I promise I won't get mad as long as there's some communicatin' going on. It's all good as long as you keep me in the loop! I care about my partners, and I do worry.

• I did an F-List for two of my characters, but I hate doing them, and I have at least one other character I'd love to find a partner for. I'm going to just give the details on him without an F-List because he's an odd one, and also... yeah, I hate F-List!

• As can be seen here, I am not all fancy with the formatting in my posts. For me, the important thing is always the content of the posts. If you require all kinds of BBCode gymnastics to remain engaged, I might not be the partner for you.

• I can play by thread, in private messagtes or through Discord. Chat will always be a favorite for me because it is very dynamic and I feel that more gets done. I'm easy, though; I am willing to go with partner preferences.


Sair Baltis

Baltis of Bitter Ridge is a Paladin—but more in line with the original Paladins, the Twelve Peers of the court of Charlemagne. These men were good and honorable, but they did their deeds in the name of their God, and they were crusaders. People that think Paladins are always in line with what's posited in the AD&D universe; not so. A Paladin does what is in the interests of his deity. A small note: 'Sair' (pronounced 'Sire') is an honorific denoting knighthood. However base his origins, Sair Baltis is indeed a peer, with all that implies.

• I am looking for long-term play with this character.
• I am a worldbuilder, and that will show most strongly.
• Any smut has to be framed within a lot of story.
• This character most definitely is a Dominant.
• Fantasy only, please.
• I'm open to general fantasy using this character. Depending on scenario, he sometimes has wings.

Kharúthmir of the Black Dire Wolf

His Serene Grace, Kharúthmir of the Black Dire Wolf, is the ruler of the city-state of Ashtárias, a great city within the magma chamber of a massive volcano. The F-List will give you kinks, but... well, to have a taste of what Kharúthmir really is, I shall let him speak for himself. Worldbuildiness abounds!

• Same bullet points as above
• One major difference is that I do have what I feel is a compelling scenario for Game of Thrones, using this character. It's definitely an AU, but the Ashtóri are really no weirder than anything else in Game of Thrones, so I would love to explore it.

• The words of the Black Dire Wolf are below!

We are partly demonic in origin. Thousands of years ago, the arch-demon Azhgalôth the Foul set his eyes on the world, seeking conquest. To this end, he needed ample leadership to control the massive horde of demons he intended to propel into the world to dominate it. Such beings quickly fall to fighting among themselves without close guidance and control, and even a great demon cannot be in more than one place at a time when enfleshed.

Thus it was that Azhgalôth captured ten women, five human and five Elves, and sired ten sons upon each. Their suffering and torment was indescribable, both from the horror of being bred upon by the foul demon, and from being forced to bear and bear until finally they died. These children were the Áúmnyakh Lóšyi—the One Hundred Sons. The eldest of these was Rákhåsh-na Kharúnaroth, my distant great-grandsire, with whom I share Rákhåsh, the Black Dire Wolf, the most ancient of all spirit-fetches. Autåmnos the Dragon may be strongest and the insect-swarm fetches the most adaptable, but Rákhåsh is the most highly-revered. Kharúnaroth the Great did not deem himself a slave, and he saw that the world contained beauties and things worth his respect. He turned against Azhgalôth and his ninety-nine brothers followed. And Azhgalôth was sent screaming back to the coldest of the hells forevermore. The One Hundred were the first of my kind, and we sing their names when the suns and moons grow dark in eclipse, when the sea rides its highest and some nights when the stars are right.

Azhgalôth rose from the fires of Jherei-Dûm, the greatest volcano known, and within its mighty magma chamber, my ancestors chose to make their home. The earthen fires were bound by sorceries and Azhgalôth's very blood, allowing us to forever protect even the weakest of us from the heat and fumes. Ashtárias rests at the confluence of three magma rivers: slow Ůnálakhås, so viscous that a body thrown onto it will rest upon it until burned to black bones, swift Pyáršéa, largely a komatiite upwell from the deep mantle and explosive Måtu-Mútua, which flows as thickly as Ůnálakhås save for mighty explosions of flame and cinder. My city stands at the point where Måtu-Mútua divides himself to feed Pyáršéa and cool into the grinding slowness of Ůnálakhås.

How might I describe to you a city that forever burns but is never consumed? Ashtárias is a three-quarter circle, like a pie with a large piece taken from it, clinging to a protrusion of rock that divides the magma chamber into lobes. That protrusion is where Víyi-jhchlíyaš—Blackspire—resides. Víyi-jhchlíyaš is my Palace Royal, and I am humbled to walk where once Kharúnaroth walked. Ring upon ring and arrayed in tiers is my city, divided by tunnels, bridges and high arches of ancient stone. The buildings are black basalt, grey komatiite and shining obsidian in many hues, and channels allow magma drawn from Pyáršéa to light the city. There are fire fountains and canals of melt, and the vault above us is gemmed with crystals in all their hues. This city of just over a million souls is magnificent, but she has her problems...

A few final thoughts:

I've been roleplaying for a very long time—longer than a lot of RPers have been alive, tabletop, LARP, online, you name it. Since about the early 00s, I have been saddened to see a lot of unfriendliness and ill-will spread over a lot of sites and servers. As i say above, I am one of the mellower players you will meet, and I'd like to think those that encounter me here will be the same. We all ove this pastime, after all! I promise that even if things don't quite work for us as partners, I will be kind to you and treat you with respect, and I hope that you will do the same for me. Anyway... hope you've enjoyed what you've read above!
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