
Tie me up?
Jan 17, 2009
Good day to everyone who dropped by! :3
I'm Yurina
I stay in South East Asia thus English is my 2nd language
I do have a job so please expect my replies to be rather slow
I am a literate to semi-literate kind of roleplayer
BOLD is what character I play
Strike is a plot I sadly do not want to RP at the moment
RED TITLES are what I'm craving at the moment
Prefers story build-up more than smut (unless it is a smut-heavy plot)
Prefer anime pics over real-life pics
How active I reply depends on the RP
When you PM me, please pat my head because I love pats! (also it'll show that you understand my rules)

Current original craving:
General x Childhood Sweetheart *Plot in the works*
Alpha Twin Werewolves x Mated Omega *Can discuss about plot*

Obsessive Master x Cute, naive neko pet **IF ITS BONDAGE FOCUSED I LOVE YOU**

|| P L O T S ||

Under Senior Student/TeacherxJunior Student
A junior student had been accepted in a school where only teenagers with amazing talents were only allowed to enter. So this girl was the talk of the whole school because of her talent, being the champion of extreme sports consisting of roller blades, skateboards and BMX for 5 years straight. Everyone thinks she's cool, everyone wants to get close to her especially the seniors. One day, one particular senior obviously had heard not to mention had taken interest of the young girl and luckily for him he had spotted the said junior practicing alone, thinking he would like a chat with the girl only to find out that the girl was mute!

Under BestfriendxBestfriend (I'll play the girl that would be solving riddles)
Students often moved from one class when one subject was concern such as Science for instant. For class 1-A, a girl who sat down on the second row table in the Sciences Lab 1 would always encounter riddles on her desk. She had been answering new riddles every time she was in the lab for the past month. Obviously curious, the girl was determined to find out who made the riddle was. Unknown for her, it was her best friend who laid out the riddles for him. Could the girl find out that it was her best friend before she solves the final riddle?

Can be under a few suitable themes
A comatose young woman had just woken up from four years state of coma due to an accident. Her lover was by her side every single day till the day she wakes up. When the girl did, he was overjoyed but his joy died when he found out that the girl had no memory whatsoever of her lover. This event sadden the lover but he was determined to bring back her memories. All of them. It was not a simple task to be done since the lover's old rival was competing in this too.

Under HumanxMermaid
A young man was curious upon his father's midnight disappearance in the mansion of their home. So far he had found out that the father seemed to go into one room at the end of one of the many halls within. The room where he and his mother himself was prohibited to enter. Curiousity grew within the young man until one day the father past away mysteriously, leaving the room for him to explore. When the mother went out for a business trip one day, he spotted an opportunity. Upon entering the said room, he was shocked to find himself within a large laboratory, with viles of weird liquid and strange equipment. But besides the mad scientist theme in the room, there was something else that caught his eye. A large aquarium with underwater plants, rocks and sorts. Plus it was somehow connected to other tanks, channeling a good rotation around the lab. But it was not merely filled with exotic fishes... but a young mermaid within! So, would the young man continue his normal life? or would he step in his father's shoes and find the perfect solution to change the young mermaid's fin into human legs?

The SkeikhxRoyal Pet
A young woman managed to go overseas for a vacation after about a whole year and a half pestering her diplomat father. When she finally reached the country of Asalie, a country somewhere within a desert, where the buildings are similar to Arabia and the people wore robes and such, she found a royal artifact on the busy market streets. She decided to return it and stepped into the Royal Palace where she was captured by the guards. Along came the Skeikh, the King of Asalie, who wore a black robe tells her in English that she had stepped into a sacred harem where no one except royalty was allowed to be. After much protest, the young woman had her passport cut into pieces and was given the brand of the King on her left hand by the Skeikh as a royal pet because in this country, anyone who trespasses can meet a horrible death. Within those many desert nights, the young woman was forced to perform various things with the Skeikh and tries her best to escape her fate. What will become of her? Would she escape and return to her country or would she eventually falls in love with the king?

Under PilotxAir Stewardess
Modern world, modern humans roamed about in their everyday lives. House wives stay at home to take care of the children while the husband goes off to work overseas. Going overseas, means that he was well on his way towards Narita Airport like anyone who wishes to get aboard on airplanes to get to their destinations. Everywhere in the world one wishes to go using a fast and effective method, they would have to get on those planes. Although, at this particular airport, there is an abandoned terminal where it remained empty and unused for years. But it all changes when night falls. Oblivious to mere human eyes except for a few, was a gateway to those wishes to cross between worlds. Not country or continents, but worlds. Where every race from the past comes alive. Vampires and lycans and such would board a few of the planes available, through a portal of their own dimensional sky to their destination. We'll be playing a particular airplane where the crew are all beauties and because of this its popularity increases day by day by many. So, care to start on this journey?

Older brother x Younger sister
The eldest prince of the kingdom disappeared on his day of his coronation as crown king, having stress issues and also another reason why he left was because he has feelings with his younger sister which he knew all too well that it was taboo but he couldn't help to fall for her. He was even scared that if one day he hurt his younger sister physically or mentally so he disappeared. After probably about 10 years, he emerged as a well known thief, leader of the bandits around town. One day his men dared him to go the castle to steal a precious jewel (which started when one of them didn't believe that their leader was so scared to step into the castle since he never stole anything from there yet so they wanted proof that he could do anything to stay as their leader). When he did manage to push himself into the castle, the younger sister caught him red handed but he did not recognize him one bit. From then on he would come by the castle night by night to 'be friends' with the princess so he could hand him over the key to the treasure room or relish an old love for her.

Neko x Girl
A girl came home crying because she had been cheated by her lover. Calming her down was her own pet cat who she smiled and picked it up in her arms to walk out of the balcony. Then she saw a shooting star across the sky and wondered if the old saying 'Wish upon a falling star and your wish will come' was true. Out of curiousity and desire, she did wished upon that said star. Her wish was if anyone would be her significant lover, it would be her cat since he had always been there for her. They retire to bed and the next morning the girl felt something warm cuddled beside her. She thought that it was her cat but when she turned around, she was surprised to see a naked guy with cat ears and a tail! Not only that, those cat features looked very familiar..

Older brother x Younger sister
Two half siblings lost their father in a mysterious murder and they ended up living together for a good whole month or so. Then they found out how their father was in a big debt with some bad company and they only knew one way to save their skin from getting the same fate as their father, the younger was reluctant to be indulged in the AV (adult video) world by the older brother but ultimately did it anyway to keep their safety.

Detective x New Partner
There was one name that everyone in the justice field would know in an instant. This particular woman who solved so many cases and faster than anyone would accomplish earned her the greatest detective mantle of all time. However one day she disappeared from the eye of the public. Something had happened to the detective that made her fearful to touch anyone. Keeping herself away from the main scene kept her sane. A young hopeful who idolized the great detective followed her footsteps in dreams to become like her due to the past that the same woman had saved him before, was assigned to a rather secluded detective's office only to find out that it was his idol herself!

Blind Neighbour x Childhood Neighbour
Two childhood friend grew up in a small and peaceful neighbourhood. One of them was blind since she was born while the other was a perfectly healthy young lad. However their fun days were over when the blind girl's parents decided to move all the way to Germany. When years had passed with no news about the young girl and the neighbourhood boy who had developed feelings for her now turned a fully fledged adult, noticed someone had finally moved into the house where his childhood friend used to stay so he decided to come by and say hello to the new neighbour only to find out that it was his blind childhood friend!

Gypsy x Dragon Knight
In a world where your very soul takes form as an animal is called a daemon, should anything happen to your daemon, you yourself would have the same effect so if your daemon dies then you share the same fate as well. There was a well renowned gypsy known for her extraordinary healing skills had just returned to her village after a whole year of travelling around the world. Word of her magic had spread far and wide till it reached a warring country that yearns for her powers, thinking that it would be a great boost in their war. The king sends one of its majestic Dragon Knights with his daemon the mystical creature of the dragon, to kidnap the said gypsy and bring her back unharmed.

Prediction Demon x King's Right Hand
The king of the underworld was bored. Why? Every single one of his pet died. None of them lasts through his cruel plays or they were just too boring for him that he killed them. He then heard that there is one last Prediction Demon still alive in the human world. So one managed to survive the demon massacre up there? He thought so he ordered his right hand man to retrieve said demon and train her within a month. He was given strict orders to not harm her and by any means no penetration by anything of flesh as the king would be the one to deflower her. Within that one particular long month, said right hand man and demon fell in love. So would the right hand man be able to hand over the new pet or would they escape to try and live a free life?

Dragon Deity x Human/Deity's Right Hand Man
The Kazeyuki family has been around for centuries and has been the oldest family around in Hokkaido. The only child of the current family has been brought up with the family tradition, customs and worships routines that as he grew, he felt fed up or bored of how he was always being preached or nagged at. After moving to Tokyo and finally returning after nearly 7 years for a cousin's wedding, he ended up at the attic where it was forbidden to go and somehow got himself called and transported himself into a feudal Japanese world where the folklore and legends of what Japan was popular for were alive and living. There he met upon a captivating dragon deity that his family had been worshiping for their whole lives and the one whom he had been neglecting his beliefs.. You can play as the guy who you can develop to something else maybe or... someone who has been around the dragon deity as her right hand man and closest friend for such a long time that maybe grew jealous at the new attention the dragon deity was giving to the human.

City Twin x Slum Twin
The world is set in the futuristic times where the legends of the dragon riders were just in children's fairy tales. This world was where the people are now separated by a gigantic dome between the highly educated, clean and healthy people within while shunning the murderers, poor and sickly to the other side of the dome known as the Slums. A pair of twins were separated on each side, never knowing of each other's existence but as their grew older, a certain pull they constantly feel towards each other was growing stronger by the day till they eventually managed to meet each other and found out who they really are. Either one can be the dragon or the rider. The challenges they might face could be the government who the head actually feared a prophecy coming true of a pair of twins that could destroy what he built thus killing off any twins for the past many years.

Dragon Rider x Dragon
There was once a time where the world had a special human race who could communicate with dragons, becoming known as the Dragon Riders. A dragon can live for hundreds of years to find their one true rider. Once a pair are bonded, they are for life and possibly immortal. However the normal humans were not satisfied with this and started a war which ended the race and shun the dragons. Fast forward to the current modern world, a young woman enrolled in a military camp/elite academy where the lineage was nothing but a legend and she was approached by someone high up in the authorities to go and find her one true dragon. MC was not aware of her bloodline and just thought that it was joke but went out anyways. YC can be the dragon in slumber for hundreds of years in the mountains only to sense MC in the near distance and bonded. They face many things together especially the military who researched about her and just wanted the dragon's powers to win their wars.

Geisha x Foreigner
Set in when Japan was still called Edo, in the province of Yoshiwara there was a young uprising geisha who serves people by the day but by nightfall she becomes a hired assassin. A foreigner who had recently touched land from afar for international relations reasons falls for the beautiful geisha and frequently visits her until the lord of the city orders him to find and capture the infamous assassin Akai Bara (Red Rose) whom the lord believes was after his head but when foreigner did manage to capture the assassin, he was in shock to find out that it was the geisha all along.

Black Cat x Master
Black cats are a mark of bad luck but not for the Head of the Mafia. Who's cruel and intimidating ways of finishing off his enemies was known far and wide, even his own henchmen feared him that is until they see their boss cooing a black neko (half human and half cat) with love and praise. This 360 degree turn was only special to this black cat that he had picked up on the streets and trained her in his ways of assassination so it wasn't weird to have the black cat doing most of the killings than his owner.
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