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Fx Any Mittens' box of fun stuff.

Oct 10, 2018
Manchester - England.
**Temporary Note for any potential partners **
Between the 20th November and 4th December I will be visiting a country with strict internet censorship. I do not know whether I will be able to access this site AT ALL (and suspect that I will not) between those dates. Take this into consideration if you message me.

Hey everyone!

It’s probably well overdue for me to make a request thread by now, so here we go! I’m going to keep this short and to the point mostly, with only a few plots, a couple of non-developed ideas, a handful of vague themes I want to try out… and of course a smattering of pictures.

Before we get into that though I’ll just put out a little bit of info about how I write, and what I’d expect in return from a partner. (Okay, yes, that does technically mean rules, but I was trying not to call it that)


I only roleplay in third person (very rare exceptions for GM style plots) and like at least a good paragraph per post*. I don’t care if your post is shorter than mine, so long as there is enough to work with.

Thread and PM are the only two methods of RP I will use. Please don't ask for anything else. I have a very slight preference for thread due to being able to edit posts if needed.

Good grammar and spelling is a must, doesn’t have to be 100% perfect, but make an effort. (pet peeves are your/you’re mix-up and there / their etc.)

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in a plot I write, I do not accept: Watersports / Scat, Rape, Blood / Injury, Death, Racism, Pregnancy, Fandoms, Vore, or Bestiality.

Wanna suggest minor changes to a plot or theme I asked for, that’s fine. Appreciated, even. But asking for something completely unrelated to what I posted? Go make a thread of your own! In other words:

No unrelated or unsolicited requests please!

Okay, so I guess that we all know by know that a paragraph is a totally arbitrary concept. It has no set length. So why do we all keep using such an unhelpful unit of size when it comes to post length? I suspect it’s likely due to a lack of a better alternative, and an unwillingness to sound like a teacher saying your homework must be at least three-hundred words. So that’s why I wrote this. This blob of utterly useless text. Useless in all senses except one important one – to me, it is what I would call ‘typical paragraph length’.

But without any further ado let's get on with my ideas and such! Unless you like ado, in which case, I invite you to re-read the previous ado in order to satisfy your craving.

Semi / Fully thought out ideas:

The Slap - MxF - brother x sister incest – Somehow, a sister (16-18) realises that her brother (or twin, 16-18) has an infatuation with her. She of course uses this to her advantage by flirting to help her get what she wants, but also, she just enjoys teasing her sibling. One day, the brother decides for the first time to make a bold move when his sister flirts, and tries to feel her up. In her surprise, the sister reacts by slapping him in the face – hard. She then runs away.

Their parents notice the bruise and ask the brother where it came from, but he lies, and rather than tell them that he was hit by his sister and getting her in trouble, he tells them he got in a fight at school. Of course, for this he is grounded, and ends up not being allowed to have friends come over for his upcoming birthday.

Later that day, feeling guilty, the sister sneaks into his room with a special birthday present to say sorry for hitting him, and thank you for not telling their parents.

It’d be easier to show you - FxM or FxF - age gap

A former pornstar (30-50) buys a home in a quiet little suburb as she moves on from her old job, and is not quite enjoying a peaceful life off camera as much as she thought she would. A few people give her odd looks, but nobody seems to want to admit to recognising her. That is, until one of her neighbours kids (16-17) comes over to talk.

His / Her parents are very conservative and would never answer questions about sex, and probably scold for even daring to ask. The neighbour has questions, which were brought on by an embarrassingly failed attempt at romance with someone their own age.

The pornstar finds the younger neighbour quite endearing, and since she's frankly a little bored with her new life, she decides to treat this as an opportunity for some fun. It would be easier (or at least more fun) to answer the questions by way of a demonstration.

I’m paying you to do it, not enjoy it - FxF - straight woman x bi woman

A young woman (18-25) is in a bar with a few of her friends, and seems to have been nursing the same drink for about an hour. When one of them questions her, she admits that money is very tight. Fast forward another hour, and a man sitting at the back of the bar who overheard this starts asking her a few slightly invasive questions (how old is she, is she completely straight, not bisexual at all?). Happy with her answers he makes her an offer.

One night of sexual antics, she’ll do whatever she is told (within reason, nothing dangerous or illegal). She doesn’t have to pretend to enjoy it, but she does have to be obedient. In exchange for that? A hefty £5000.

There is a catch however, the man admits that he isn’t buying her for himself. It’s his wife’s birthday. She has a fantasy of having her way with a completely straight girl, and the man wants to buy her a gift she’ll never forget.

And now some less developed ideas:
For these, I expect you to help come up with a plot that fits.

Auctioning her virginity – MxF

Not much to say for this one, it’s based on an old news story I saw ages ago, which in all honesty I presume is fake. Still, could be fun to play out! Watch the video below if you want the whole story.
A video of the article in question

Magical emporium - modern setting – MxF, MxM, FxF, Group (all female, or 50:50)

Nobody believes in magic any more, and so it’s no surprise that the little store that opened up is going out of business only three months after openingThe dark dusty interior boasts everything from magic potions to enchanted rings, and everything in between.

Our characters would never normally go in such a weird place, but who can resist a good going out of business sale? They buy something (or a few things) not expecting them to work, just to use as decoration or novelty gifts. But when boredom strikes and they try them out later…

The surgery mix up - MxF - (single partner, or a series of partners

At first it seemed like the worst possible news she could have received. Breast cancer, in both breasts. Things weren’t quite as bad as they could have been though, it had been caught early, and a double mastectomy was the solution. However, there was a mix up at the hospital, due to two patients with very similar names.

After the operation, my character (35-45) woke up to find that she had also been given large breast implants, much larger than her own breasts had ever been! (I’m thinking G-J cup). And oh boy, she was furious. To stop her from suing and going public, the hospital paid out a serious ‘hush fee’. As well as agreeing to remove the implants.

That was two months ago now, and the healing process has completely finished. However, the doctors say that it isn’t safe to remove the implants yet. My character can’t go back to work looking like a bimbo, so she decides to take a month-long vacation to somewhere tropical, somewhere that nobody knows her, while she waits for the all clear.

(Basically, the RP would focus on how people treat her differently based on her looks. Most likely a series of short encounters.)

And finally, a few pictures!
(Work in progress, coming in the next few weeks)
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