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Fx Male Lily's Launchpad


Nov 10, 2018
About the Writer:
  • Writing style: Third person only. I would prefer to write on BMR rather than on any off-site messenger.

  • Posting availability: I’d like to be able to post every day but that won’t always be realistic. I’d like partners who can post at least once a week. Posting rate will probably depend a lot on the story.

  • Post length: I think 3-5 paragraphs is a good size for a long-term story. More and it’s too much to respond to coherently, less and it’s unsatisfying. Again, open to substantial variation.

  • Expectations: I expect my partner to respect my limits, try to communicate problems, and be honest if things are not going well. I hope to offer the same in return.

  • Grammar and spelling: No text-speak or all-lower-case, but other than that, all that I ask is that I can clearly understand your posts. I use British English.

  • Communication: I do like to communicate OOC, both before setting up a story, and on an ongoing basis, via the PM system or an OOC thread. I find it difficult to write without any OOC feedback or socialising over a long time. That said, I am not looking to get into cybering or an online relationship.
Story ideas

Here I am going to start off listing some simple ideas. They are not fully fleshed out plot requests, but I want to give an indication of the kind of thing I might like to write. They’re not that original or anything but I hope we can give them our own unique spin. In all cases, the story will need some (or a lot of) planning first. Please feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss one, or pitch something else that might work.

Super-Simple Ideas

Noble × Commoner

Healer × Tank

Witch × Witch-hunter / Witch-hunter × Warlock

Vampire × Vampire-hunter / Vampire-hunter × Vampire

Pirate × Pirate-hunter / Pirate-hunter × Pirate

Exchange Student × Host / Host × Exchange Student

Good Girl × Bad Guy

Rich Girl × Working Class Guy

Magic Believer × Magic Sceptic

Ex-girlfriend × Ex-boyfriend

Girlfriend × Cheating Boyfriend

Random roleplay generator

Use a die or random number generator to pick from 1 – 10:

A story set in…

1. …a world of ancient magic…

2. …Viking Age Europe…

3. …a world of medieval fantasy…

4. …the age of piracy…

5. …Revolutionary France…

6. …the Wild (or Weird) West…

7. …Revolutionary Russia…

8. …a wealthy modern neighbourhood…

9. …a cyberpunk criminal underworld…

10. …a future of interstellar space exploration…

…where my character is…

1. …a princess…

2. …a priestess…

3. …a healer…

4. …a magic-user…

5. …a college freshman…

6. …a politician…

7. …a dancer…

8. …a cook…

9. …a writer…

10. …an assassin…


1. …has a broken heart…

2. …is recovering from drug addiction…

3. …wants to prove herself…

4. …has lost everything…

5. …is on the edge of insanity…

6. …has lost her powers…

7. …hates your character…

8. …has an unrequited crush on your character…

9. …is in a complicated relationship…

10. …is impersonating someone else…

…and your character is…

1. …a fighter…

2. …a criminal…

3. …a father…

4. …an outcast…

5. …a noble…

6. …a bully…

7. …a vampire…

8. …an athlete…

9. …a teacher…

10. …a musician…


1. …has gone from rags to riches…

2. …is already in a relationship…

3. …is prone to aggression…

4. …is suffering from an injury…

5. …looks down on my character…

6. …is in love with another woman…

7. …has been travelling for a long time…

8. …is on the edge of insanity…

9. …is a liar…

10. …is trying to save the world…

…and together they…

1. …go on a quest.

2. …settle down and make a home.

3. …steal a ship.

4. …fight on first meeting.

5. …discover a great treasure.

6. …share a secret.

7. …must flee at once.

8. …are the only two survivors.

9. …are part of a group.

10. …must pretend to be a couple.

Character Traits

I think these are the most important things to agree upon beforehand so in most cases I’d rather we pre-planned rather than relying on ticks and crosses on an F-list. That said, to pick out a few:
  • Mental characteristics: Much of this needs to be agreed beforehand. That said, I am not interested in stupid characters or partners, in virginal naïveté on either part, or in submissive men; these are some of my strongest turn-offs.

  • Physical characteristics: I’d prefer to agree specifics of appearance beforehand. In general, my tastes are fairly predicable: athletic/muscular male partners who are taller, perhaps significantly, than my slim/athletic characters. I know, it’s a total cliché! But, it’s what I like and it’s difficult to get into a story where there’s not an attraction to the characters. I’ve listed older partners as a like, but don’t think I’m DILFHunter3000 or anything; it’s just a preference, which (like most of my preferences) can be waived. I would be willing to try playing a little variety, such as playing an older character or a more muscular character, if it fitted the story. I am not interested in overweight characters or partners in any way.

  • Races and species: I’m primarily interested in human characters and partners. In fantasy, I’m open to human-like species, such as elves; in science fiction, to human-like aliens (such as alien species on Star Trek that seem human except for funny ears or bumps on their forehead); vampires are cool so long as they are human-like vampires (think True Blood rather than Nosferatu the Vampyr!). The involvement of animals is a hard limit, and I have no interested in animalpeople/furries. Degrading raceplay (between human races) is also a hard limit.

  • Sexual characteristics: I’m not generally interested in non-human sexual characteristics (such as exotic genitals or tentacles).

My favourite genres are adventure, comedy, romance, and tragedy; I think any story probably needs a little of each of these in order to interest me. I’m interested in trying other genres such as action (with the exception of superheroes/comic book stories, in which I have no interest), horror (providing there is ample pre-discussion about limits to the horror!), and mystery. When it comes to fantasy and science fiction, I enjoy both, but my tastes tend more towards low fantasy and soft science fiction over high fantasy and hard science fiction.


My favourite settings are modern-realistic; historical; and fantasy. After that, I also enjoy settings such as science fiction, modern fantasy, gothic horror, and cyberpunk. I have a strong preference for original settings. By ‘original’, I mean ‘non-canon’; not that the settings have to be especially original in being free of tropes and clichés. For example, I’m happy to play a post-apocalyptic world, but I have no familiarity with the Fallout series so I’m not interested in a story that relies on its canon. That said, I’m a big fan of world-building, so I’m very willing to play games set in players’ own original settings, even if that is a ‘canon’ of sorts. In general: fantasy world of elves and dragons or space opera featuring laser swords and androids, yes; story set in Middle Earth or the Star Wars galaxy, no. I should also mention here that while I love alternative history, I am not interested in either of the following: “what if the Nazis had won the Second World War?” or “what if the South had won the US Civil War?”. When it comes to Dungeons & Dragons, while I would like to play [5e] games, I don’t have that much familiarity with the underlying lore.

Sexual Elements

I promise you this: I will try to be flexible. While I don’t think my own personal kinks are particularly outré in real life, this isn’t real life and they’re just words on a page. Even some extreme kinks that have absolutely zero sexual appeal to me could be included if you think they fit within the general story; as such I have tried to be sparing on what I have listed as hard limits. Similarly, I have listed an interest for some relatively extreme kinks (by my own vanilla standards) don’t think that I’m at all attached to including them if they’re unwanted by you. I’m going to go through and clarify a few specifics:
  • Anal: Anal in general listed as a maybe as it’s not a huge priority for me, but is a very frequent request that I’m generally willing to go along with. It’s not a kink, it’s not a turn-off..

  • Bondage: All good fun. Collars (and in more extreme moments gags) are particular favourites. While I mostly considered these from the perspective of the submissive, I would be willing to try some as a dominant.

  • Breasts: By default I tend to play less busty characters, and I’m not disposed to playing characters whose main, or sole, attraction is their large cup size. “She boobed boobily down the stairs, boobing her boobs as they boobed around in her boob-revealing outfit. Boobs.” is not a sentence you’re likely to come across in my writing. That said, I am of course willing to play bustier characters, just so long as they have something going on for them besides that.

  • Dom and sub: I don’t think D/s themes need be jammed into every roleplay. That said if D/s is involved, I tend to lean more submissive; if I’m to play a more dominant character, I’d prefer she be more of a wily seductress than a brutish physical domme. I want to point out degradation as being a strong limit; while I sometimes like playing humiliating scenes or having my characters be tested, teased, or just plain mistreated, I am not about their being degraded for their identity, whether it’s racial, religious, gender, or other status.

  • Fetishes: Insert here more generally whatever your highly specific fetish is. (For me, it’s ‘fingers in mouth’; unf.) Bathroom stuff is a ‘dislike’ rather than ‘never’ in the interests of being open-minded; in the interests of being closed-minded, feeding/weight gain/inflation stuff is a hard limit. This is just about my hardest limit. Please don’t even ask.

  • Foreplay: Yes. Fore-, during- and after-play are all appreciated.

  • Male genitals: The whole ‘worshipping an oversized penis’ thing is so totally unrealistic. And just a little bit super-hot. (But don’t take this one too seriously.)

  • Multiple partners: I love playing multiple characters and appreciate those willing to do so for me. (Though it’s not a requirement!) Most of the details of this should be pre-planned when discussing characters but in general I’m open to most combinations.

  • Oral: Yes. I enjoy this kink a lot. Basically no variation of it I don’t enjoy.

  • Pain and torture: Pretty much no interest in this. I wavered on castration, but even then it’s more an interest in the humiliating/dominating nature of the clinical surgical procedure, not in forcibly inflicting it as a means of causing pain or torture.

  • Perverting nature: Absolutely no incest. I will not play any story featuring any incest between characters. (I said this twice as it’s been a repeated request.) I have little interest in playing out a pregnant character, but given my perverse interest in risk of pregnancy it’s not a hard limit.

  • Rough sex: Adored.

  • Safe sex: Not the liveliest of kinks. I have no desire to include sexually transmitted diseases or similar in a story of fantasy romance, and I am perfectly happy to wave away realism when it comes to safe sex discipline; it’s enough of a hassle in real life without dragging it into a story. Only really of interest in stories featuring risk of pregnancy or comparison between partners, both of which I’m into.

  • Sex apparel: Sure. No particular interest in pierced genitals.

  • Sex toys: Fine. I’m not that into strap-ons but depending on the gender dynamics of the story they could be employed (though see the note on pegging, above).

  • Vaginal: Duh. But no ‘deflowering’ (please picture me shuddering in revulsion while saying this) or virginity.

My default preference for all games is freeform. I do not have very much experience using systems. The only system I have actually played is Dungeons & Dragons 5e; even with that, my experience has been limited to character creation and plotting roleplays that never got started. I’m not unwilling to use systems, though, and based on D&D 5e I believe they can be fun. All that I ask is the system be reasonably comprehensible to a complete newbie; that any required resources such as a Handbook are (legally) freely available; and that if you’re asking me to play a system you’re willing to help me learn how to use it properly. Additionally, it would be helpful if myth-weavers (or similar) supported character sheets for the system, but this isn’t a requirement.

Apologies for any formatting errors and stay tuned for updates.
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