- Joined
- Oct 31, 2018
Do most genre but at the moment feel like doing more of a slice of life with a bit of realism. So many scenarios and story lines to delve into and experience situations otherwise never ever likely to. Love putting myself in the mind of different characters out of comfort zone. Can be in rare situation and in unusual pairings, especially contrasting personalities that one wouldn't otherwise have any thing in common.Like everyone else expect partners to be literate and write on average up to and around three paragraphs if not more. Generally prefer detailed, imaginative and thoughtful posts. There is the basic etiquette expected to follow, including restricting godmodding to minimum. It is also nice for partners to contribute to story lines and be inventive too.
Generally prefer M/F rps but not adverse to doing F/F. More recently tried more multi-charactering as with M/FF amd MM/FF. (Not sure about M/M but don't rule out entirely) though usually prefer characters to be human or largely so to relate to. Smut more often than not has a part to play but tend to like rps driven more by other things, especially scenario setting, dynamics between pairings and plot.
Like to believe I'm quite open minded and have a general F-list though isn't exclusive. Have variety of cravings that vary from time to time but welcome any suggestions for possible plots. A good starting point I find is often agreeing a compatible pairing of characters which can be relatives, friends, neighbours or associated with professional positions like teachers, bosses, therapists etc as are so many.
Would prefer any interested in discussing trying a role play to PM me and not clutter up this thread, which I hope to update as and when.
Open to most ideas but some recent suggestions and RP include-
Brief Ideas

Friends With Benefits (as an F/F but could be an F/M or even try an M/M for a change)
Two women meet weekly for a rendezvous they use as an alternative sexual outlet to vent their frustrations and reflect upon their lives. They could be any age, married or single, from completely different backgrounds, straight or lesbian (even a taboo relationship like one being a nun if wish.) They meeting could be strictly secret and be at one of their houses or a place they arrange. The possibility of being caught could be a risk factor. Who are they? Who do you want them to be? Apart from their gratification do the rendezvouses have any future?
Just a basic idea that has the potential of being relatively short or more drawn out (but either way much more than one-liners). It can also include most kinks, depending on preferences that can be fitted in.
MM or MF - Revenge - YC was mistakenly or unfairly convicted of an offence that he did not commit and it took him almost two years (whether in prison or not) to successfully appeal and be finally exonerated. The conviction was largely through the role of MC's husband (he is either a top prosecution lawyer, judge or even attorney general) and is is seeking revenge who he wants to initially take out on his wife (MC).
MF or FF - Unsimulated Sex - Role play would be quite detailed. But outline is that one or both main characters earn first break into Movies as body double for top stars to do simulated sex scenes. The two may or may not know one another possibly from Drama School when they did not get on or could have even had an unsuccesful relationship. Lots to decide but PM if interested.
M/F or F/F - Interracial plot Possibly as a foreign exchange student but not necessarily so. It be nice to revolve around Nyadak 'Duckie' Thot as a faceclaim (she is actually an Australian model, with South Sudan ethnicity, who now lives in New York)
MF - Natural Insemination - A single woman, who does not particularly like guys, wishes to have a baby. She does not want to go through the usual routine of intrauterine insemination but prefers to select her own donor and use the natural route. She uses a local dating agency to find a likely 'father' for her child, planning to offer him the proposition after arranging a first date
MF or FF - Caught in the bathroom
Where is she? Who is she? Who is your character?
Could be in locker rooms at gym, or just finished swimming or having sleepover or at health centre in hotel.
Like to hear other suggestions.

Where is she? Who is she? Who is your character?
Could be in locker rooms at gym, or just finished swimming or having sleepover or at health centre in hotel.
Like to hear other suggestions.
MF - Staying Over Tonight - a friends with benefit scenario. It is one of the nights when one of them decides to stay over at the other's apartment/house. While in bed they reminiscent how they met and their arrangement started and gradually built up. Do they both see their relationship in similar ways, do they have any future? Does something happens that changes their dynamics, could be anything even including her deliberating wanting to get pregnant and does she want to tell him? Offers many variations.
MF or FF - Dreams Seldom Come True - Again so many variations. The two main character wake up in the morning having experienced similar realistic dream of having steamy passionate sex with the other. But who are they? They could be step siblings, a parent with a step child, neighbours, school mates or work colleagues. Virtually any one. In addition to usual M/F I may on this one be prepared to try M/M for a complete change.
MF or FF - Mistaken Identities - Like many ideas open to so many variations and pairing possibilities. One of the most obvious I suppose is Cop and Suspected Drug Mule that can lead to being abused but many others
MF or FF - Amnesia - I have always wanted to do a RP to include amnesia and I'm open to suggestions.
FF or MF - Arranged Marriage - but which could include a sexual orientation twist. Love the concept and can be many variation but one could be an F/F version something along the following lines. One of the main characters is being pushed by her father (or maybe both her parents) to become engaged and marry the son of a rich businessman, believing it will be the best for her (and the family's upward mobility). But she is not keen at all. She doesn't really like him and isn't sure if she likes guys very much anyway. The only person she can talk it over properly with is her best friend (who may or may not already know her sexual orientation).
M/F or MM/F - Secrets - My main character was brought up to believe that the only way girls can succeed in society was to use their bodies but that it was one of the great secrets of life that no one should ever talk about. It could start at High School or College. Have ideas but would welcome any input.
M/F - High Class Prostitute - Could be along lines of The Escort movie (out of the league of your character) or depending upon which character or characters you want to play (could be a MM/F if wish or other combinations F/F or MM/FF.) Open to variations and ideas but prefer partner to have input in deciding so both own it and be much more fun. Let me know if interested by shooting me a PM.

MM/F - Cuckold theme - husband asks wife to alter her lifestyle, to stop being so vanilla and started to flirt with other guys, leading to taking them to hotels and other places to have sex but with proviso he can sometimes watch or even occasionally join in. Male partner would be required to play either all the major male parts including husband or just the husband with all the other guys simply referred to or described indirectly. Open to other variations in plot and characters.
M/FF - Love Triangle -- Characters essentially based on an usual love triangle between a step father and his daughter and a one night stand (would require me playing two roles)
- Step daughter secretly returns from college to surprise her step father one weekend ahead of his birthday on Sunday. She arrives late, lets herself in the house only to hear her father having loud sex with a one-night stand. Up for debate what happens from there, or alternative ideas welcome.
MM/FF - Lockdown - are numerous comprising situations caused by sudden introduction of strict restrictions placed on people (that can echo the current virus or something else if prefer). Two, three of four characters find themselves having to live closer together and become more dependent. I'm sure here is much can be developed if basically interested in idea. Let me know.
FF - Sexual Awaking - The general theme of the role play will include discovering sexuality and can apply to both of the main characters or just one of them. Usually it would be during puberty year, perhaps a sudden attraction or a longer term infatuation. Could be between student of similar age, even something happening during a sleepover, or one can be older, teacher is obvious, but can be neighbour or even stranger. There is also the option of something developing between two wives later in life sent by their husbands to a spa hotel for the weekend. Lots of variation if interested in develop and playing a part.
FF - Two Wives - Two husbands treat their wives to a weekend break at spa hotel and discover many unexpected things - different versions
PM only if interested.
PS - Compilation of faceclaims for possible characters in next post if any to your liking.
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