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I Love You Master (Nihil & Cheshire Pup)


Jan 19, 2009
Master Alexander relaxed his tense body. He slouched slightly, allowing the hot water to sooth him. He lay within a massive circular tub, bedecked with only the finest of decorations and accessories. The water was scorching hot, but the Young man had always seemed to prefer it this way. He slowly reached over and turned the nozzle which was in the shape of a snarling wolf, ceasing the running water. The air was thick with steam and incense, a smell he simply adored.

Alexander was a tall, strong , and handsome young man, with long dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes. His body was littered with scars a testament to his many years of training and battles. His family was, after all, a powerful noble house within the empire. It was his duty to the emperor and to his land to go into battle. it was also his duty to find a suitable bride and continue his family's bloodline but he had no such luck.

"Servant!" He called out, his patients wearing thin. " Where is my drink!?" He was not angry with her. He knew that the kitchen was far off and that it would take awhile for the clumsy girl to bring him an 'intact' glass of wine.
She had been a gift to the man as a child so one would think that she would be used to this by now but it seemed that she wasnâ??t. She was clumsy at times and that was the end of many a good glass. However this time she did manage. The two of them were there alone so she was able to do something to ensure the glass would make it there in tact and on time. She held the glass in one hand and the tray in the other and she hurried towards the bath. Once she got to the door she put the glass on the tray before he had the chance to see it off and then she brought it to him. â??Here you are master.â? She said as she kept her head down.

There was a blush hanging on her cheeks now. She hated to be called while he was in the bath but those words never left her lips. The only reason why she didnâ??t like it was because she had to try extra hard to avoid staring at him. She had developed a crush on him since they were little and seeing him naked and bathing didnâ??t help her keep her concentration on the glass, thankfully though the glass made it to him unharmed with the wine still inside.

â??Will there be anything else master?â? she asked him as she kept her head down. Her beautiful chocolate bangs hid her face and hopefully the blush from view, the rest of her long hair was pulled back into a braid that ran the length of her back all the way down to her backside. It was inappropriate to have your hair down when serving your master so her hair was always kept in a braid when she was serving him. Her large breasts strained against the fabric of the maid outfit, this was very embarrassing because she had been too busy to adjust the outfit to their new size. She wondered if he had found someone yet to marry and, though she would never admit it, every date he went on she hoped it turned out badly for, even though it was so unlikely, she hoped that some day he might see her as a possible bride. Even if it was near impossible she could always hope.
He looked up at her for a brief moment, accepting the glass of wine and gave her not another glance. He sank into the tub for a moment, taking a sip of his wine without answering her question. Placing the glass down, he pulled himself off of the bath wall and stood in the middle of the tub. "Get in here and scrub my back. I cannot reach it..." He ordered her. He looked up at her, smiling softly. She was a beautiful young girl, and he had taken her to bed on many occassions but he never saw her as a possible bride. It was against his laws.
She heard what he said but she blushed deeply at his command. That didnâ??t mean that she had any choice whether to follow it or not. She put down the tray and went off to the side where the hooks were and she undressed. She hung her clothing up and then she walked over to the tub, blushing deeply as she did so but not protesting. She put her foot into the water only to jerk it back out. That water was scorching hot, he seemed to like it that way. However her skin was more sensitive then his so getting into the water was difficult for her.

She needed to get in slowly, she bit her lip before stepping in enough to allow the water to reach a more sensitive part of her body. A small yelp escaped her lips as she moved back quickly to get to a shallower part., her hands flew to her mouth, she knew she shouldnâ??t have done that and prayed that he would not get angry with her. She had the cloth to scrub his back with her and she had an idea, â??Master, perhaps I could wash your back right here?â? She asked him, this would likely go one of two ways. One, he would go there and let her scrub his back without her having to be waste deep in scorching hot water or two, she got into trouble for the request. She hoped it was the first one.
At first he simply turned his head and gave her the dirtiest of looks. "Why must you always be so loud..." He muttered quietly as he began to feel the makings of a headache coming on. His eyes slowly surveyed over her lush naked body as he scolded her, but he then realized her situation and shook his head as if to take it back. He would have appologized to her but customs told that a master should never appologize to his servants.

He stood up within the tub so that he was now waist deep, shivering at how cold it was outside of his bath. He steeled his body and slowly walked before her and turned around. He reached over and turned at the cold nozzle, allowing some cold water to pour into the tub to cool it off just a bit for her. "I forget, sometimes, just how hot I enjoy my water..." He said, the appology rolling on the tip of his tongue yet he could not let it out.
She looked down, she hadnâ??t meant to be so loud, the water was just too hot for her to go any deeper. She felt his eyes on her body and she looked away. It seemed like all he saw was her body, she wished that he would see more, that she could tell him how she really felt about him but she just couldnâ??t get up the courage yet. She hoped that she would be able to soon, it killed her to have him not know then watch him take those other girls to bed.

Then he approached her, she looked at him and smiled, he wasnâ??t going to force her deeper into the water. She saw him turn on the cold water nozzle and she smiled. She heard what he said and knew it was as close to â??Iâ??m sorryâ? as she would get. She took the cloth and began to wash his back, a gentle blush clinging to her cheeks as she scrubbed it. â??Master, if I may speak out of turn?â? she asked him. She wanted to be able to speak to him like one person to another person, not a master to a slave.
He did not answer her at first. For a moment her merely stood there to contemplate what she was going to say. He could not think of anything she would have to say, so he might have just get it over with. "You may..." He said wearily. He had a strange uneasy feeling creeping into the back of his mind but he tossed it aside and allowed her to wash him.

Her hands were soothing to the touch. They were soft, gentle and warm; and it always sent shivers up his spine when she touched him. Perhaps it was the bath, but he could never recall the touch of another woman ever doing that to him. She alone could do that and he could not think why....
She continued to wash him and was happy for the permission to speak freely but she was hesitant with her words, she hoped that this would go well. She was going to tell him that she loved him right there but she lost her nerve so instead she asked him a question. â??What do you think of me? Not only as a slave but as a person.â? She asked him as she continued to wash him.

She finished with his back so she began to wash his shoulders and strong arms. Surely he had already washed them on his own but she didnâ??t think that he would mind if she washed them again. She put more soap on her hands as she washed him, her body getting sued to the water so she went a little deeper into it. The fact that he added cold water to the mix really helped.
"A total clutz. That much is for certain..." He said with a simple smirk, stiffling a soft chuckle in the back of his throat as he watched her wash his arms. He enjoyed the feel of her soft hands against his skin. It was soothing to his mind and soul, just to relax and savor the tranquility.
Hearing him call her a klutz was not exactly what she was hoping for. She winced just slightly hearing the response. For a few moments she let the conversation laps as she went to wash his other arm. Now that she finally had the chance to speak freely she didnâ??t want to let it slip through her fingertips. Taking the chance she went to wash his chest, keeping her eyes down as the blush continued to collect on her cheeks. She had to do it. She knew she needed to do it now or else she would never be able to bring up the courage again.

As she ran the rag over his chest she took the chance to feel his muscles. â??Master... speaking freely.... I-I have something I-I have to say...â? she told him nervously, keeping her eyes down. She bit her lips for a moment, closing her eyes tightly then forcing the words out of her mouth. â??Master I love you.â? She said quickly. After that she didnâ??t know what to say. She went on washing him and hoping he would take it well. Even if he gave her permission to speak freely he could still punish her for what she said. She could ony hope he wouldnâ??t be to angry with her.
Alexander merely stood there in shock, blinking slightly as he was standing in the hot water. He had nothing to say. Really, what could he say? He did not speak, he did not turn to face her. He did nothing, just stood there like a statue.
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