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Mx Female Strange Worlds, Strange Characters


Sep 24, 2018
(Updated 7/3/2024)
Hello everyone! Thanks for taking a look here, hope you find something that interests you. I've recently come back after a hiatus, and am looking to get back in RP.

A brief biography of me, I’m a male in my early 30's living on Rocky Mountain time. I’ve been on sites like this for a while now, but have been playing pen and paper rpgs for years.

I’ve seen a lot of other people post their own personal set of rules for carrying forward an RP, I’m a little more laid back. It all seems pretty basic, respect other people’s “no’s”, don't ghost each other, put a little effort into making your post legible,and just be generally respectful.

Otherwise post length should end where the content does. I like to send and receive posts with some meat on them but sometimes a few sentences is the most fitting length of what’s happening in the RP.

I also enjoy chatting OOC for RP communication, but I’m also happy to just chat, though that’s not a requirement.

Now to the nitty gritty. I prefer my primary character to be male I’ve had some female characters before and have enjoyed them, but my primary character will most likely be male. I also enjoy having group scenarios where each of us takes on 2 or more characters in a single RP to broaden horizons. I’m flexible on smut/plot, that should be something discussed between partners on what each is looking for.

Major Kinks
-ANYTHING incest/taboo related, you name a MxF pairing and I’m probably into it. My biggest craving right now is family RP where we each of multiple characters to work though the various pairings and groupings.
-Older women
-Group Sex

Absolute NO’s
-Toilet Play
-Gore (During smut, for purposes of story telling go for it.)
-Vore (See above.)
-Adultery/Cuckolding (Swinging is fine)

More complete f-list can be found here.

Settings (Under Construction)
- OC Fantasy
-World of Warcraft
-OC Sci-Fi
-Star Wars
-Warhammer 40k (please)

Plot Ideas

Latest Craving Experiments
I've been getting more an more interested in a scenario incorporating body changes via fast acting pills, like the x-change setting, though I wouldn't limit the changes to just gender transformation. If you would like to discuss this idea more, please let me know.

Hucow Ranching

Something involving hucows and the lives they lead.

Swingers Resort
I'm currently craving an idea of playing a couple against another couple as they explore a swingers resort while on vacation for the first time.

An Older Woman

This idea isn't very well fleshed out right now but I'm currently craving someone to play the neighborhood milf/cougar or some similar role against my male character in his mid 20's.

For the Empire

A Star Wars RP, most likely set during the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic. My character is an up and coming Imperial Officer just given command of his own ship who has little to no force sensitivity. Your character is a Sith who is looking to carve out a name for them self within the Empire. Through some circumstance she finds herself on my ship. Sith have some level of authority but my character isn't about cede command of his ship and troops to some no name. The two have differing opinions, objectives, and priorities, but also can't deny that they find the other attractive at least physically.

This idea can also be adapted to a 40k setting as well.


This one is a little less fleshed out, but I'm currently craving an RP set in ancient Rome. Right now I'm seeing this going one of two ways. Either MC is a lannista, a trainer of gladiators, and purchases your character with the carrot that under his tutelage she might have a chance to become a champion and earn her freedom. A little nervously, I would also be willing to reverse those roles and potentially get into some FemDom action, an area that I haven't really explored before.

Dating a Couple
Looking to spice up their love life, a couple bring another woman into their lives. Rather than it just being for the benefit of the male character, this new addition is expected to be intimate with both halves, both physically and emotionally. I would play the male character while my partner would play the new addition, the female character could be shared or played exclusively by either of us, depending on preference.

The Island

Perhaps an idea that would be better suited to a group RP. As it stands, the idea would be to take control of a number of characters. An island, reasonably abundant in resources but low in technology is inhabited by a society of people who descended from shipwreck survivors living a hunter gather lifestyle, with complete sexual freedom within the society. On the other side of the island are a tribe of people who still cling to idea's of the "old world" and see the other tribe as sinful and in need in purging. Finally a new batch of survivors from a shipwreck or plane crash come on shore and have to choose which society they want to be part of and integrate.

Another version of this involves the survivors having to to contend with the fact the island is inhabited by monsters of various shades and species rather than simply human survivors.

If any of these catch your fancy, shoot me a PM. Hope to hear from you!

Best Regards,
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