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Issue Access to Discord?


Oct 19, 2018

I've been trying to figure out access to the Discord server. I read the instructions/rules and I think I should meet the requirements. With some help from @Sailing Sam, I linked my Discord account and that seemed to work. A day later I re-linked it, and I can definitely sign into BMR with my Discord account, so that seems to be working. But when I click the link in the Discord instructions/rules post, I end up on a page that says I don't have permission.

It's probable that I'm just doing something wrong, but could somebody help me figure this out? Please and thank you very much! :)

Are you leaving the BMR channel as you log off each time? You shouldn't have to re-link anything. Once you are in, you are in to stay, unless you leave.
I was forced to disable the Discord extension because it was causing errors, and we deleted the thread earlier because the plugin was handling it.

I will be reenabling it tomorrow, you'll see the Discord tab then and should be able to join.
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