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Onyx Landing OOC


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis

Interest Check | Character Thread | Game Thread

Current Players:
Have posted to the game thread at least once, and have been active in the last week. This includes being active in the OOC thread.

Victoria Freeman- Brothel Owner, part time prostitute.
Xia Song- Prostitute and Gambler

Cassandra Turner- Muscle for the Dusky Belle
Tom Cavendish- Cowboy. Hopeful prospector

Shiva the Cat
Jules Barrow- Newspaper Editor/Press Operator/Typesetter
Jess Barrow- Newspaper Reporter/Editor

Kilted Pervert
Jeb Morsey- Gunsmith/Soldier/Trapper

Missy Huntington- Claims Hunter / Railroad Heiress
Clint- Huntington Family Associate

Grace Ravigne- Emptying men’s pockets

Elias Horne- Rancher, occult expert and researcher, adventurer, and man of leisure
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I just posted my first character a little while ago, and I definitely gave Cassie an interesting past that will come back to haunt her. Clearly, a Mormon kidnap/murder squad should show up at some point.

I can go either way on the steampunk elements. Maybe keep it low-key at first, and escalate it as the magic levels escalate? We could assume that the steampunk pseudo-tech is the simplest and safest way for human to harness the extradimensional energies bleeding through into the world. But each device becomes another tiny rip in the barrier between the worlds, allowing more energy and more spirits into the world.
Should have a character sheet up by tomorrow. Have some research and tinkering to do for it.
I just posted my first character a little while ago, and I definitely gave Cassie an interesting past that will come back to haunt her. Clearly, a Mormon kidnap/murder squad should show up at some point.

I can go either way on the steampunk elements. Maybe keep it low-key at first, and escalate it as the magic levels escalate? We could assume that the steampunk pseudo-tech is the simplest and safest way for human to harness the extradimensional energies bleeding through into the world. But each device becomes another tiny rip in the barrier between the worlds, allowing more energy and more spirits into the world.
I like this idea. Maybe the mine has unearthed some strange new material, that serves are potent fuel for these new devices.

But exposure to it changes people. The miners who first encounter it are immediately affected, going stark raving mad with a day of exposure. This can be our first story arc, trying to figure out what to do about the maddened miners, and what caused their change. Then trying to figure out ways to safelt handle and harvest this new material. I know @xavierrol wants his character to become more predatory after his exposure, and perhaps this effect builds over timem especially if he is spending a lot of time around it, tinkering with it in his experiments?

The fact that this stuff turns out to be valuable, could lure dangerous bandit gangs to the town, which can be another plot for our characters to deal with. Any other ideas here? Any better suggestions?

The changes should be mental to start with - impulses and urges and passions all become magnified, both good and bad. So someone might give twenty dollars to someone down on their luck (when he might have just given a dime, before) and then turn around and commit rape (rather than just be pissed iff that the woman turned him down). And the longer they’re exposed, the more extreme it gets.

Physical transformations set in eventually, with the speed depending on levels of exposure and the type reflecting in some fashion both the self-image of the victim and the impulses being brought to the front. A miner who sees himself as strong gets stronger, with an exaggerated build. A foreman who sees himself as tough starts developing scaled or leathery skin. Things like that.

Bandits are a must, obviously. Maybe hired by an Eastern industrialist with few scruples, looking to increase his wealth by getting a monopoly on the stuff? The local Apache tribes may have legends about the mountain, and are now trying to chase the miners off.
I'm not a huge fan of physical transformations. I was leaning towards starting with an accident at the mine and bringing the victims to our lovely wanna be doctor (assuming she jumps in with a profile soon). Maybe the injuries on the deceased are more consistent with violence than a cave in and the deceased turned out to have murdered each other? A possible voodoo connection opens some rather obvious possibilities, as well as a substance that increases the power and ability of the primitive technology. I like the local tribes getting involved, perhaps they have legends warning of the mountain's magic, sort of being Native American Templars in a way. Ultimately I like the idea of a more malevolent evil deep in the mountain and they are literally just scratching the surface and bringing it back life.
Much as I proposed the “breaching the otherworld” idea, I do have a fondness for the “mining a giant monster” idea. It’s got flavors of Ken Hite’s Day After Ragnarok setting. But it leads to a question: would the big bad be dead? Or just asleep or imprisond? And if it isn’t dead, has it even noticed the humans scraping at its hide?

Also, it gives us a ready source of hideous monstrosities, in the form of analogs of skin mites and the like.
Oh, I really like that idea. Gradual hints that whatever this new material is, it's not without consequences. The big bad might not even bad "evil" is a sense. It may just be trying to defend itself. As Apache Warriors in a Templar role is also intriguing.
Ah, apologies for not getting back to this! I think the alerts system needs some work...
Anyway, I’ll make sure to get a full character sheet up today!
A small update to my character profile.

Is anyone thinking of playing the Templar role of a Cherokee? If not I may ponder a second character along those lines.
Since we have a town doctor, I probably won’t post that third character. Not until I rework him significantly, anyway.
Thank you, no hurry on my part. You've given us a nice setting which makes it a lot easier to write.

I'm still interested in a Native American, probably Navajo since they were in the area around this time. I originally thought he would be something of an unknown in the town as he doesn't have much interest and white (brown or yellow) folk at least not until the mountain was disturbed. But I thought it also might be interesting if he and Victoria had some back story. Not necessarily sexual (though I wouldn't rule it out) but perhaps some sharing of information, or maybe he helped her out on her way out West, that kind of thing? I can make it work either way but we should coordinate a bit if they are going to have some history so think about it and let me know. I still have some reading to do before I will be ready so again, no rush.

I’m sorry everybody, I’ve been trying to write something up, but I just can’t work up any inspiration or enthusiasm for this. If anyone else comes along, please tell them my character is available for use.
@Davian_Veq I am sorry to hear that. I hope you don't feel I wrote you into a corner and if I can change anything to help, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks, I appreciate the offer. It wasn’t anything you’ve written, they look amazing - I’m just finding it hard to get into the correct mindset to write my character at the moment.
Alright, I'll modify my post so we can continue but will try to do it in such a way that you can jump back in if you get the urge.

Though it might be a good time to ask if everyone else is still playing?
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