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Mx F or NB Take a Ride on the Sleepy Express (open ended Sci fi / fantasy RP)


Oct 8, 2018
The Heart of Red Mountain
Howdy-hi-ho, Neighborino,

Word on the street is that you like to Roleplay with the themes, settings, and subtexts that come along with fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. Well step right up, let's pair up:

Before you take a ride on the Sleepy Express, you must be about this tall to ride (*gestures vauagely with hand*). Aside from the nonexistent height requirement, your gender behind the screen is completely irrelevant. I am comfortable to play with men and women, so long as we can act like the adults we are.

You must be literate, and must post more than a one liner. I dont ask for perfection, just a good story.

I dont have much of an F list. I'm cool with weird crazy stuff, with the exception of vore and toilet play. My favs are Monsters, Excessive cum, corruption.

Alright, right this way! Make sure to keep your hands, feet, tusks, and eldritch tentacles inside the car at all times. My desired pairings are as follows:
-M x F
-M x M
-Monster x F
-Monster x Female
-Throw non binary, xenos, and fantasy bullshit in as you please
I am not bound strictly to these pairings.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, now that ride has began its treacherous climb, you'll see off to the left, astride a glorious view a few half baked plot ideas. These are scant on details by design: build a world and story with me. Like everything else here, I am not bound to these:

1. Temple of Rim'Sak (fantasy, horror):
Far on the edges of civilization is a Temple. No one goes here to pay homage. No one enters in hope to find a miracle. No Oracle holds court in this place. It is a home to monsters, this Temple- creatures of lust, corruption, desire. Worshipers party endlessly in its twisting halls, making blood sacrifices to their God of revelry and torture. It is said that down deep, passed the parties, the harems, the lairs is Rim'Sak himself, the God of Rape, patron of art and music and torture and pleasure. Who are you to enter this place? A band of adventurers, seeking your fortune? A captive of this place's inhabitants? Perhaps even a monster yourself?

2. Master & Slave (sci fi or fantasy or post apocalyptia)
This one can go either way with the smut/story ratio. Rough synopsis is a man of some amount of wealth purchases a slave, or perhaps a pleasure bot for his own personal use, but throughout the course of the adventure, the relationship will change (master frees slave? Finds empathy? Becomes the slave?)

(More to be added at a later date)

Interested? Intrigued? Curious? Offended and outraged?!!??!!!!1! Shoot me a PM.
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