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The new Dragonborn (Trap x Firestarter09)


Sep 27, 2018
Merra still wasn't sure what was happening. He had been crossing the border to Skyrim, perhaps not at a regular crossing point but at least it was discreet, or it was supposed to have been anyway. Before he knew what was happening the Breton had found himself surrounded by Imperial troops, arresting not only him but several others that he hadn't even been aware were there. Escape had been impossible and soon enough Merra found himself clapped in Irons and on the back of a cart with several other prisoners, being transported to a nearby town he'd heard the guards call Helgen. On arrival it became rather obvious why they had all been brought there, execution. It seemed that one of the captured men had been some kind of rebel leader that Merra had never heard of, but simply being in his presence was enough to warrant an execution without trial it seemed.

He'd tried to protest, but Merra's words fell on deaf ears, and soon enough he had found himself on the headsmans chopping block, the axe raised up above him...and then...the Dragon had descended. The entire town had fallen into Chaos in barely an instant, Merra fleeing for safety, finding himself tagging along with one of the very Imperial Officers who had been about to execute him only minutes earlier. They had made their escape through the caves under Helgen, fleeing the destruction of the town, emerging on the other side of the mountain into the Skyrim countryside. At that point Merra and the Imperial Officer had parted ways, Merra now left to sit and gather his thoughts. Just what had happened? A Dragon? A real Dragon? He always thought they were merely stories. But now what was he supposed to do? He had come to Skyrim originally to seek his fortune, perhaps as a mercenary, or maybe a mage thanks to Skyrim having somewhat more lax rules regarding magic due to the abscence of the Mages guild, but now he wasn't so sure.

"Ugh...maybe it's time to head back to Cyrodil" Merra rubbed his face, looking up at the sky for a moment, then looking at the rusty sword he had picked up in the caves. It certainly wasn't anything like the blade he had with him when he had been captured, but it was better than nothing at least. "Well, just sitting here isn't going to do me any good" With a deep breath Merra stood up, glancing around, then starting to follow the trail through the trees, with a bit of luck he would come across a town sooner rather than later and could at least get his bearings.
It didn't seem like luck would be in his favor though, or well it could but at the most likely chance it would not. He would not be so favored, a faint humming noise would fill his poor little ears. It was alluring, sensual and attractive; it was like the most beautiful woman in the world was playing to him. If Merra were to head down to the nearby river, he would find a naked pale woman with flawless skin and long silky crimson red hair. She was sitting atop of a stump and what looked to be a hunteress of some kind-with clothing to big for their delicate frame- having thier silky hair stroked. Both of these women seemed rather endowed, at least from the back half. If Merra were to approach them he would need to keep any and all temptations down.
Merra stopped when he heard a noise, raising an eyebrow as he realised it was humming. At first he was going to just ignore it, just mind his own business and try to get as far from Helgen as possible, but there was something about it, something that drew him towards the source without even realising it. He quietly emerged from the line of trees by the river, eyes widening as he saw a naked woman with her back to him, sitting atop a tree stump. With her was another woman, this one dressed at least. He couldn't make out many details due to their backs being to him, but he found himself utterly mesmerised by the pair of them. The toned but still slightly muscular male took another step forward out of the tree line, the humming still drawing him closer, though he didn't realise he was stepping onto a pile of pebbles, the sound of it enough to be heard over the gentle sound of the flowing water.
The woman smiled softly down at the clothed woman, her hands raised and removed from the huntress (of a rather tall height) as the huntress stood up, a cute moan escaped her as she stretched and looked to be examining herself. Her hunters outfit was loose fitting and would require refitting and resizing, at least then the chocolate brown huntress would be able to show off her perfect form. A cute moan escaped again as she felt her loins and other bits down below heating up. "Ohhh! My goddess." She sounded needed and her voice was smooth like butter, sultry and exotic. Her hand reached behind to run through her butt length silky black hair before going down and running along her curves which were hidden by her baggy clothing. "Mmm!~." She placed both hands on her round rear which had been the only along with her wide hips that kept her pants from falling; her fingers squeezed tightly on each cheek as more moans escaped from her.

The woman on the stump chuckled as she looked at the tall woman. "You can come out darling~." She cooed out to Merra. She had heard the sound.
What was the clothed woman doing? Merra couldn't help staring as she seemed to be exploring herself, as if her own body were a new and fascinating mystery to her. He started to get the feeling that perhaps he should get out of here, that if he stayed long enough to be discovered then things wouldn't go well for him, but before he could really make the opportunity he had already been discovered, the naked woman suddenly calling out. Damn, it was more than obvious she knew he was there, that it was him she was talking to, well there wasn't much for it now.
Hesitantly Merra stepped further out of the treeline and closer towards the pair, though he carefully drew his rusted Iron sword in readiness to defend himself.

"...Who are you...? And just what is going on here?" Almost immediately Merra regretted asking the question, he got the impression that perhaps he was better off not knowing.
The crimson haired woman motioned for the much taller woman to leave them, to which she eagerly did. Standing up the crimson woman of five foot eleven turned on her heels, feeling no pain at all from the pebbles. Her breasts jiggled with each movement as her pale skin glimmered in the light as quite-yet-nord-imperial looks gave her an exotic and taboo feeling. Each tit upon her chest was at least bigger than a melon, and yet the seemed so firm and able to defy the gravity of the world. Her blue-green locked with Merra as a smile of relief escaped her. "Oh, it is you, the one, the only thing I've been truly looking forward too... You're him, my soon to be greatest servant." She gave off an almost otherworldly aura and the way she spoke was odd.
Merra gasped as she turned around, making no effort to hide her naked form from him. When she started to come towards him he knew he should back away, that he should just run, but his feet were firmly stuck to the ground. For some reason he just couldn't move away, couldn't tear his eyes away, especially from her breasts as they bounced with every step. "I...what..? know me...?" Merra finally spoke, bringing his eyes up to her face, raising his sword slightly, grasping the hilt with both hands, mainly because he feared he would drop it if he didn't. "Your....servant? What? Just who are you?"
"I'm a god." She simply stated as she pursed her lips into kiss, she stepped towards Merra breasts jiggling as her godly aura kept him from moving before forcing him to lower his sword. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closely as her breasts smashed against his chest, her lips would do the same as well. "Mmm." A cute moan would escape from her as she forced her tongue into his mouth, exploring and feeling around every nook and crany before pulling out. "Ahh, there, you're such a good boy. I should tell you, that I'm a Daedric Goddess, or god." She was blunt and straight to the point, she moved her hand up his back and ran it along the clothed curve. "You'll be my emissary, my right-handed man."
A god? There were many who would make such a claim, mages in particular, but there was something about the feeling of being near this woman that made Merra think that just maybe this claim had a hint more truth to it than most. He couldn't do anything as she pulled him close, gasping as his chest was pressed against her breasts, the firm flesh somehow squashing against him rather than keeping him away, his sword falling downwards by his side as any will to use it seemed to wash away. His gasp allowed her tongue easy access to his mouth, Merra feeling like his body was practically melting into her, his mind almost losing itself before she suddenly pulled away, leaving him gasping for breath.
"A...a daedric...?" Well that was starting to make more sense, though he'd never heard of any of the Dardric gods taking on a form like this. One thing he did know however was that few who got involved with Daedric gods emerged in a better position than when they started, though once one of them had set their sights on you it was unwise to rebuke them. On the other hand, rumours always had been around that making the right deal with the right god could reap unimaginable rewards.

"Your...your emissary? What..what would you have me do?" He tried not to sound too much like he was agreeing, attempting to coax more information from her first, though it was clear that he already had little real choice in the matter, though a part of Merra wondered if that was really such a bad thing.
"Mmmm, well you see... I'm a rather unknown god, most have forgotten of me; but I've still have a follower or two... and enough stored power to keep my form here." She giggled slightly as she felt the heat, the lust slowly coming off of the male. "I wish to make a return, in short, and in long term... change the fate of everything." The woman was strange for a deadric god, she continued to press up against Merra chest while a few moans escaped. "You see as my emissary, I will be having you spread my will and start getting my power back up." Her hands which trailed along Merra back began to glow, clothing burned where her fingers went as writing and inks started to form along Merra back. "Do not make a peep, I know this will hurt but I must give you power, new magic." Her voice calm and cool.
So this was a lesser known god, one whos power was fading. Well, no surprise there really, there were likely dozens, if not hundreds, of old gods that were lost to history. Whilst hearing that she wanted to make a return was no surprise, what did surprise Merra was the scope of her ambition. Change the fate of everything? Most Daedric gods were content with rather more focused ambitions.
"Spreading your will? Oh yeah? And why would I do that? I'm not exactly hearing what I'm supposed to get out of this arrangement if I agree" Though the use of the word 'if' seemed to be rather premature, the decision being taken out of Merra's hands as he felt something on his back, his eyes widening as he hissed in pain, attempting to raise his sword again, but finding himself unable to do so.
"Shhh, it is okay." Black lines were forming along his back, swirling and curving into strange formations. If one were to look at his back people wouls notice that they looked like tattoos. "You'll be given power, power that'll help your natural born powers... And women, women at your beck and call.. No war, such things would be relatively pointless." She brought her face closer and closer to his lips once more. "Go to the nearby mines, those bandits, use my new magic and reform them." She was of course talking about the Embershard mine.
With one hand Merra barely held onto his sword, the other hand going to the woman's shoulder and grasping onto her for support in order to stay on his feet, the pain burning across his back, though finally it seemed to halt, leaving Merra panting for breath against her, looking into her eyes. "I...use your magic and...reform them?" It was true that Merra there was something new inside of him, but he couldn't identify it, and he got the feeling that this woman wasn't going to give him any answers, or at least certainly not any clear answers.
".....Very well, I'll do it for now" Feeling his strength return now the pain had passed Merra gripped his sword a little more tightly, turning around to head in the direction she had indicated. He was all too aware that Daedric gods often made big promises that were then twisted, but at the same time there were also stories of some followers being rewarded more lavishly than they had ever imagined.

Getting to the mines didn't take long, Merra approaching slowly, sword in hand, crouched down to keep himself out of sight, it would be better to try and do this quietly after all...whatever it was that he was supposed to do at least. He could only hope that the words of the goddess would become clear sooner rather than later.
New magica coursed through his body, spells that were known yet unknown resting in his mind and awaiting use. Arriving at the nearby mine, the former prisoner would see two bandits one of Orcish descent, the other a redguard. The Orc was tall, taller than the redgaurd and stood about six foot or so, he wore many pelts that had been stitched together, along with fur pants and a belt. He had a mace off to his side and a leather shield on his left ark. The redguard didn't seem to have much different other than a bow and quiver loaded with arrows. It seemed now that deadric gods voice ran through his head. "Two unsuspecting beasts, my emissary call upon your powers, reform them! Search deep within yourself! Remember this though, you can be subtle, enchant items or clothing and let the reforming commence slowly or be direct and fast!" Her goddly ethereal voice would boom.
An Orc, why did it have to be an Orc? Slow sure, but they made up for it in strength, and Merra knew all too well that they certainly weren't as stupid as their reputations made out. He remained in the shadows, reaching up to hold his head as he heard the voice running through it, instinctive knowledge flooding into his mind, magic and enchantments that he didn't understand, yet somehow knew he could perform. Well, he'd come this far, might as well go the rest of the way.
Slowly Merra moved through the shadows, managing to get behind the Redguard bandit first of all. Deciding that stealth and subtlety was the best way with the Orc still close, Merra reached out a hand silently whilst their backs were turned, his fingertips pressing softly against the pelts the Redguard was wearing, an enchantment being cast upon them. Merra pulled his hand back quickly, stepping back further into the shadows in order to observe what he had done, and hope that it provided enough of a distraction that he could reach the Orc unseen as well.
Neither would notice Merra, or what he had done, but now something begin to fester and grow inside of the redguard. It would be a slow change in thoughts. The dangerous nature of these new spells were one to think about but that was for another time, the redguard slowly started to drift to perverse thoughts as thinking about watching and keeping gaurd became boring; neither noticed his hair starting to lengthen or how his facial scars were starting to heal. In his mind he'd see two figures, figures he didn't recognize but he could tell one was womanly in figure, but other than that he didn't know what else to say or even if he could say anything. His pants began to tent and his feet began to tingle.
As Merra watched he thought that, at first, nothing was happening, after all he couldn't see anything happen that seemed obvious. But as he continued to watch he started to notice, the Redguard seemed to be getting distracted, not by anything external, just....distracted. And then something else....subtle shifts in the Redguard's appearance, though Merra couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Taking the opportunity he startred to shift around, moving more towards the Orc this time, attempting to get close enough, waiting for the ideal chance for him to cast the same enchantment on the Orc's clothing.
The redguards lips were getting fuller, and any scars that had been too nasty on his face has been healed the faint ine going across his eye had still stayed, his skin was also becoming softer and his hair had looked silker. His bare arms were losing some muscle mass along with the hair that had been there, next came a shift in standing, he was rubbing his arms nervously and tapping his foot in shoes that were becoming too big for him. In his mind he began to feel intense pleasure while the woman was becoming clearer to him. The tent in his pants grew while his chest grew softer. Now would be the time to strike as the orc would start to notice the changes.
Merra's eyes widened as the changes in the Redguard's body started to become more and more obvious. The bandit was....transforming into a woman?! But that didn't make sense, there was a large bulge in the Redguard's crotch area...and the bulge was getting bigger?! What in the world was going on here? Just what kind of power had Merra used? As much as he wanted to get answers to those questions, he knew his work wasn't done, and that until it was then the goddess was unlikely to tell him anything further. Infact not answering his questions would likely be the best thing that happened.
Seeing his chance with the Orc quite understandable distracted, Merra moved quickly and quietly, placing his hand against the Orc's clothing and casting the enchantment once again, before slinking quickly back to the shadows. Even if this change made the Orc somewhat less hostile, there would still be a few seconds before that, and a few seconds was all an angry Orc needed to crush someone's skull.
Due to close proximity to another that was already enchanted, the effects would work faster than before. The Orc let out a pained noise, his teeth changing and straightening becoming more proper while his two longer teeth became more straight. Next his lips would heal from any cracks or cuts before becoming fuller and plumper, his cheek bones would crack and shift and break before reforming into ones that suited a beautiful Orc. The Orc head would grow smaller and more fitting for a female, while his Mohawk grew longer before falling to the right side of his head. In his mind he'd clearly see two women going at each, both had large cockc and fat balls; and it seemed they'd take turns fucking each other, first the redguard then the orcess. A tent formed in his pants. Turning back to the rearguard, Merra, would find that the first transformee was starting to slip off their top. This would show off their transforming upper half in which the bandit would grab and grope the budding breasts atop their chest. Rip! Rip! his fur pants had begun to rip and tear as his hips were widening to child bearing proportions along with his butt which was growing rounder with fat, his thighs would suffer a similar fate.

The transformation nearing its end soon, the soon to be herm would find themselves leaning over a nearby rock, pants slowly falling down revealing flawless skin, round growing cheeks and what seemed to be a maidenhood growing behind ber balls. Snap! his or hers back snapped and curved into a perfect arch while their growing breasts rubbed and pressed against cold rock, earning horny moans from a sultry voice. Turning back one find the orc moaning as their voice grew higher pitched, apparently their chest had begun to grow outwards as well and they were much bigger than the pair on the redguard at the moment. One could wonder what Merra reaction was too all of this.
Merra's eyes went wide, a hand coming up to cover his mouth to suppress the gasp of shock as he watched the two bandits physically changing, their bodies transforming drastically. He'd seen magic that could disguise a person as someone else before, but this was far beyond that, this was physically changing the two. Never had he seen a spell or Enchantment capable of something quite so drastic before. Even stranger though was the exact nature of the transformations. At first glance the two seemed to be female, but even a cursory glance further down would reveal their extremely obvious male endowments as well, and yet they had everything a woman would have at the same time. So this was what the enchantment had done? This was what the Daedric goddess had wanted him to do to the two bandits? But why? Why would she want....this?

Whatever the reason though, Merra found himself fascinated. It was impossible for him not to get turned on, a bulge rapidly forming in the loose clothing around his waist. The sight before him was certainly very arousing, and the sounds coming from the pair were only enhancing that. Even though he figured his work was done, that he should leave the cave and return, Merra found himself entranced by what he was seeing, wanting to watch just what was going to happen next.
Minutes would pass and both would be utterly naked. The now orcess with tits bigger than her head, blushed deeply as she saw the redguard woman approach her. "Mmm, time to fuck." The chocolate brown woman had a voice that conveyed authority, the orcess blushed more as their face turned a darker green. The redguard woman took a seat on a nearby stump, her cock was erect and throbbing with every passing second; stepping over to the redguard woman the orcess would turn around and straddled her lap back pressing against the chocolate bust. A cute low moan escaped the orcess as her womanhood had the redguards meat run along it, her fat green nuts were rubbed against and lifted by the erect dick. Her own cock throbbed and twitched as the reguard woman lifted her up a bit and forced her cock into her womanhood before slamming her down on to it.

At this time a small change would go through Merra, his chest would get a little less compact. "Are you enjoying it?" Asked the deadric god.
Merra could hardly believe what he was seeing, watching as the Orc turned around almost submissively to the Redguard....woman? And then pressing down, the two starting to fuck as if their lives depended on it...hell, for all Merra knew maybe it did? He didn't know just what other effects that enchantment had put on the pair after all. Still, he couldn't tear his eyes away, this was the most erotic thing Merra had ever seen and he couldn't help wanting to see more, to see this through to its rather inevitable conclusion.

When he felt a strange tingling in his chest he thought little to nothing of it, dismissing it as perhaps just a flutter brought on by what he was seeing. Not to mention he was rather more distracted by the sight before him and the voice in his head. "Y-yes..." Merra let out a breathy whisper in response to her voice, though it was more than quiet enough to be drowned out by the Orc and Redguard's moaning to prevent them from hearing him as he remained hidden, though his squatting position was making the now throbbing erection between his legs rather awkward, not to mention the constraints of his clothing were nearing painful levels of tightness.
Their lives did not depend on fucking, that wasn't what the deadric god would want. No their sex drives had been turned up to an eleven. Schlick! Schlick! one could hear how the cock of the redgaurd continued to get wet from the juices from the orcess pussy, how it would rub and create sexual noises. Her pussy would squeeze and tighten and massage the thick meat giving it the pleasure it deserved. The redguard woman would snake a hand up to one of the tits that were bigger than a head, fingers sneaking in a fat erect nipple and squeezing it between them while fingers dug into fat tit flesh. Nuts slapped against one another with each and every thrust, as their minds fully adjusted to who they're the deadric gods voice would come into Merra head. "Your work has just begun, watch them fuck and finish, then gather them, head into the mine and cleanse the flith there." Her voice rang like smooth butter.
So, Merra's orders were to watch them finish? He certainly wasn't about to argue with a demand like that, he was enjoying the show far too much, he would only have complained if he'd been told he had to leave them be. The two seemed to be getting completely into it, neither of them taking a even a moment to question just what had happened to them. Perhaps their minds had been altered in some way as well? Or perhaps their arousal had just been pushed to such unnaturally high levels that there was nothing else they could think about at the moment. Whatever the reason Merra was glad for it, as it gave him this rather incredible show, though he couldn't help but wish that he wasn't just watching.
Still, once they were finished it seemed his work wouldn't be over, these were just the guards. It sounded like the pair would listen to him once they were done, perhaps the goddess had granted him some kind of authority over those affected by her power. If nothing else these two would make a wonderful distraction to keep the other bandits in the mines occupied whilst Merra got to them, though there was no way he was going to be able to enchant them all without being detected. No, he'd have to take a more direct approach when he got in there.
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