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Fx Any Looking for doms. Tons of plots. Fandoms included.

Oct 8, 2018
Disclaimer: These plots are written as gender neutral or for female/male, but they can all be female/female too

Disclaimer: Please, for any modern setting roleplay, I request we pretend it's in an alternate timeline where covid never happened, unless you offer up a good reason why the plot would work better with it. Thank you.

Been craving sharing lately, where MC is passed around to YC’s friends, but isn’t in any sort of actual relationship with them, but this isn’t a required element, just bonus points

All plots involving non-adult characters will have them as 16+, as per site rules

Rules/Requests/About Me

Hi! I'm Alex. I have no life so I'm typically on all the time except for when I'm sleeping.

I'm looking to include smut in all my plots, but story is important to me as well. Doing nothing but sex gets boring.

I'm also extremely relaxed and easy going. I'll mirror your post lengths as best I can, and I don't mind you dictating the setting or plot or any of that.

I will only play submissive. I don't like playing a dominant female unless she’s co-domming with one of your characters . Sorry.

I'm totally fine with doubling/tripling/etc, though I prefer to keep relationships at even partner numbers. So two/four/etc, where we both have an extra character to add to the mix.

I will always play a super masochistic female, and I can't do vanilla. So please, kinky people only. If there is non/dub-con, my girl will always at least unwillingly enjoy it. So her body will say yes, even if she otherwise says no. I also have no limits in terms of violence and such, so unleash your sick desires on me. I survive off the depravity of others. Just follow the guidelines.

My fetishes and kinks are available here. Please let me know what on my list isn't doing it for you so I know not to include them in our roleplay. There's a lot of extremes, but I'm happy to skip them if they're not your cup of tea!

For my partners I ask you have decent enough grammar. I'm not perfect and especially since I type on an iPhone, I make typos. But at least put an effort into remaining legible.


Lighter Plots (Plots where darker themes like abuse, non-con, bdsm, etc aren't central to the story)

The school outcast typically tries not to get involved in anyone's lives. They just want to finish school and get the hell out. Until one day they find the school nerd getting badly bullied. Unable to stand by and watch, they step in and help. Problem is, now the nerd seems to have nominated them as their protector.

MC is a quiet nerd who's worn baggy, frumpy clothes since she started developing. No one realizes she has the body of a porn star until someone finds pictures of her online from some sort of fandom convention, where she was cosplaying as someone who does not dress frumpy. YC is instantly drawn to her, and eager to figure out how to get her to date him.

The popular kid, the one that almost everyone likes, is almost jumped walking home one night, but the attackers are chased off by the school outcast, the one almost everyone in school is afraid of. The popular kid, as thanks, starts trying to hang out with them at school and get them more accepted.

Plot One

My character is the popular dumb slut. She’s sweet as pie, loves sex and knows she’s hot, but she’s dumb as a box of rocks and anything school related confuses her. She comes to your character for tutoring. I’m willing to play a pair of dumb best friends here.

Plot Two

My character is the rich, popular, bitchy queen bee. Her boyfriend cheats on her and so she decides to make him jealous by going after the least popular guy she can stomach pretending to date.

A well known superhero with lots of enemies encounters the supervillain during the supervillain's law breaking or whathaveyou and, either unlike every other encounter or unlike every super they’ve fought before, the hero is beaten badly enough to be incapable of fighting back any longer. Unsure what to do and unwilling to leave the hero for the multitudes of arch-enemies, the villain brings them back to their house/hideout

A young man/woman who uses their superpowers for petty crime (either to survive or just because) is caught when they mistakenly target a superhero's secret identity. Faced with the choice of jail time or using their powers for good, they reluctantly agree to be a hero, with the veteran as their mentor and trainer.

A petty criminal with super powers makes the mistake of trying to rob/mug/otherwise trouble the alter ego of a powerful Supervillain. The villain is less than pleased and in exchange for not killing the criminal, they wants the criminal to become their new sidekick.

It was either community service as a camp counselor or jail time and a fine they couldn't afford to pay, so they obviously picked being a counselor for a bunch of brats. Of course they’re assigned a watcher, a fellow counselor who, unlike them, loves their job. They wished the guy/girl wouldn't take their job of keeping an eye on them so seriously.

Two former friends on opposite sides of a war are trapped together when a mission goes horribly wrong. Separated from their comrades and with only each other to rely on, they struggle with their opposing views and the memories of good times they shared, while at the same time trying to get back with their lives.

A civilian finds an enemy soldier badly wounded near their home. The legal thing to do would be call the police, but they can't bring themselves to sentence someone to death, so they take the soldier home and patch them up. The only problem is now they have an enemy soldier recovering in their home, and if caught they would be killed as well.

A guard has been guarding their prince/princess almost since birth, assigned as a child to protect them at all costs, even at the cost of their own life. One day usurpers storm the castle and the guard is forced to flee with the prince/princess on orders of the king. Now in hostile lands with someone who never left the pampered life, they must keep their charge safe and happy at the same time.

Plot One

Everyone has their own personal God, like a guardian angel but more. They stay with their assigned human from birth to death and then get assigned another. Deities are the voice of consciousness, they are the little voice in your head telling you this will be a good idea or it might not be. Some deities are good and some are bad. Able to see a few seconds into the future, they can either influence their humans positively, negatively or anywhere in between for the good of their human or their own sadistic enjoyment.

Humans cannot see their deities or the deities of others, but deities can see each other. They are completely invisible and while they can solidify themselves, they have to concentrate very hard to actually interact with the world.

One day, a deity's human experiences a near death experience and wakes up able to see their god. This, of course, is not supposed to happen and even people who have had near death experiences aren't guaranteed to see their god, so neither of them have any idea. Of course, now that they know their god exists, they begin interacting and getting closer.

Plot Two

A god/goddess wakes from a long slumber to discover that not only have hundreds and hundreds of years passed, but humans have almost completely forgotten about them. Confused and weak due to lack of belief, they’re found by a human who they manage to convince of their divine heritage. Together they work to bring the god/goddess back to full power.

Plot Three

A god/goddess has long since fallen in love with the human world, and one human in particular. One day they can't stand it anymore and turn themselves into a human so they can be with the one they fell in love with. But though they’re in love, their human has up until this point had no idea they’ve even existed.

In the massive MMORPG Exploration Life, players can feel like they are their characters. What their character sees, hears, tastes, feels and smells, they experience as well. Of course the pain sensations can be modified to be lesser, so a stab feels like the prick of a needle. An experienced player who's already done everything there is to do takes it upon themselves to help out the new character, and help lead them through their adventures until they can handle themselves.

The prince/princess is spoiled rotten. Everything they’ve ever wanted was handed to them and they want it to continue that way without having to do any work involved in being king/queen. Their parents have tried for years to get them to take a more active role but don't have the heart to do anything like threaten to disown them. They've hired plenty of people to try and convince them but they’ve made them all quit rather soon after starting. Enter the Royal advisor. They're the latest assigned to teaching the brat to be a normal person.

It happened. The apocalypse. Maybe it’s disease, zombies, aliens or any other number of reasons. But the world’s ended.

We could start with the apocalypse or after everything’s settled. One of our characters could be a roving bandit, or we could just be trying to survive as best we can and run into each other.

A spy was sent to get close to their target and gather blackmail or some damning information their employer could use against them, either to kill them or just ruin them. The spy has never before fallen for their target, but as they get closer to the victim, they find themselves slowly growing more and more attracted, and less and less interested in spying. With their employer putting the pressure on, they need to make the choice between their job and their heart.

Plot one

A war is going on between the deep-sea merpeople and the tropical ones, who have been steadily pushed into deeper water by humans, in an effort to remain undiscovered. The deep-sea merpeople refuse to see it that way and claim they're trying to invade their waters. A mer who doesn't agree with the war finds an injured mer from the other side and takes them in to nurse them back to health.

Plot Two

A mer who has been a human's pet almost since birth is released back into the wild by their owner's son when their owner dies. Having absolutely no idea how to survive in the wild, they’re found by a wild mer, who takes pity on them and decides to help teach them how to act like a wild mer would.

A human is cursed/blessed with the ability to turn into a mer whenever they come in contact with water. They’re found by a full mer, who is amazed and fascinated by this human who can become like them, and befriends the human, eager to learn about the human world while also helping them avoid being caught.

For the unique take on vampires, it's that vampire saliva is a crazy powerful aphrodisiac. Even contact with the skin will make that area rapidly grow more sensitive, and it's easy to get addicted to the stuff. It's so their prey doesn't struggle while they drink. On top of that (and this is vital to one plot) a vampire's first drinks need to be monitored by their master or they go into blood frenzies and will kill anyone they drink from without meaning to (unlike the vampires who purposefully drain their victims) then continue attacking other prey until they're stopped or run out of humans. Likewise if they go extended periods without a meal.

Plot One

A vampire hunter who has never been bitten before encounters a group of feral vampires (The ones that intentionally kill their prey). They almost get overwhelmed (either they’re bitten or there are too many of them or something else) when another vampire joins the fight on their side and chases the ferals off. Depending, they’re either badly injured during the fight or the hunter is injured enough to require the vampire's help. Whoever isn't injured takes the other to their home to patch them up and an unlikely partnership rises from there, especially once words gets out that a vampire helped a hunter.

Plot One

Having magic is seen as a dangerous thing, to the point that being a witch or wizard is illegal, and it's not uncommon for them to be turned in by their families when they unlock their powers. The ones who are able to keep it hidden have a variety of skills, and the more powerful are able to create or summon beings. Typically these wizards create or summon servants who are forced to do their bidding no matter what, to the point where if they order their servant not to die, they can only be gotten rid of through banishment or sealing them away. One day however, a wizard/witch decides they don’t want a brain dead slave, but a companion. So they create/summon a servant who has free will, but is loyal to them, in the hopes that they won't be so lonely anymore.

Plot Two

A servant bound to a great wizard is given one last command by their master. They must find someone worthy as a successor to his talent and knowledge, teach them, and only then will the servant be able to return to where he came from/allow themselves to be unmade. Unfortunately they could find no one worthy and as the years passed, fewer and fewer people were born without magic until one day they could find no one at all.

Hundreds of years later, and the servant still wanders the world, unable to leave, seemingly for eternity. Then, a miracle. They stumble upon someone with magic. The first person in centuries, and they decide if this person can unlock a skill lost to the ages, they must be worthy. The servant takes it upon themselves to train this person to be a wizard/witch, wether they want it or not.

Darker Plots (These involve force, incest, violence, sadism/masochism, etc as a main point)

A girl is raped and ends up loving it, much to her shame. As she’s trying to get home, she’s helped by a wonderful guy who gets her home safely, helps clean her up and tucks her in.

Unbeknownst to her, they’re the same guy. Even as her rapist returns to dominate her anonymously and force her to admit to her perversions, his other half can’t help but begin to fall in love as he comes back again and again to help her pick up the pieces of her encounters with her attacker turned Master.

Plot One

A new teacher noticed the trouble student isn't nearly as troublesome as their coworkers made them out to be, just uninterested and abrasive. When they find out the student is being badly abused at home, they do what they can to help, but the student wants none of it. They just want to finish school and get out of their house as soon as possible, and don’t need anyone butting into their business

Plot Two

Over summer break, a teacher had a wild fling with someone she met at a party. She breaks it off at the start of the school year though. On the first day of working at a new school, she is startled and horrified to find that she recognizes her summer lover as one of her students. One of her underage students. The student recognizes her as well, and is eager to hook up again, whether the teacher wants to or not. After all, he holds all the cards now, and one slip could land the teacher in jail.

MC is a quiet nerd who's worn baggy, frumpy clothes since she started developing. No one realizes she has the body of a porn star until someone finds pictures of her online from some sort of fandom convention, where she was cosplaying as someone who does not dress frumpy. YC wants her, and he doesn't care if she wants him back.

Plot One

My character is an outcast at school. She's a bit of a target for the bullies, but she always snaps back, so she's not usually bothered. She ends up making a bet with YC that she expects him to never win. Maybe it's getting the dumbest girl in school to get an A on a test. Maybe it's joining the cheer team for a season. If she won the bet, he'd have to leave her alone for the rest of their time in school. If he won, she'd have to do what he wanted for a week. And he wins.

Plot Two

Similar to plot one, in that a bet is made, but instead of doing whatever he wants, she has to come with him and his friends during spring break as his girlfriend. Either he's genuinely trying to get her to like him because he's actually interested in her, or she doesn't realize that spring break for him and his friends involves a lot of sex, drugs and alcohol and he expects her to play along.

A new student who had never been bullied before discovers that she actually really enjoys the verbal sparring and even the physical violence. The bully finds out and is surprised to realize they enjoy it too. This can also be turned into the new student fights back and finds out they like hurting the bully, and the bully finds out she likes being on the receiving end, if you'd prefer.

A semi-popular kid is invited to a spring break get away in the woods, at another student's summer home by a lake. They insists on bringing their best friend, who is badly bullied, because they don’t want to leave them out of it. Once they get to the summer home, people of the group start disappearing one by one. (If you want spoilers I can go deeper into it)

There exist in the world beings who are drawn to those with evil hearts, and instinctively want to help them remain good and not act on their desires. They're called Consciouses. A new conscious, never before assigned, finds someone who takes great joy in killing others. Torn between her purpose and the love she's grown to have for her human, the conscious struggles to rein in her human's murderous urges while mostly she trying to ensure they don't get caught.

Plot One

He swore he'd killed his last victim, so why is he seeing her everywhere he goes now? Why can she walk through walls? And why is she slowly getting less and less see-through?

Plot Two

A man who takes great joy in torturing his victims to death finds his latest victim is stubbornly refusing to die. No matter what he does, it reverses itself after only a few hours. It's annoying, but on the plus side, his non-victim is begging to help him find actual victims, if he'll just stop hurting her.

A scientist brings his child to work (either for a bring your child to work day, because the child is off school, or if the son/daughter is an adult, maybe to show them around and amaze them with science to convince them to study it) and while there the son/daughter finds a room that's supposed to be locked but isn't. In there, they discover the prototype experiment the lab is working on: an attempt at making a super soldier. Appalled at the conditions and treatment of the subject, they realize they can't leave the lab without taking the experiment with them. The only problem is what to do with them after.

A skilled thief decides to go for the big job, and break into the house of a very rich man, planning on clearing him out while the man is on vacation. Unbeknownst to her, the rich man comes home early and catches her in the act. In exchange for not going to the police with the security camera recordings from his security system, the thief has to become the rich man's servant.

She was a master spy, never caught, often already home by the time her work was discovered halfway across the world. Until one day she's sent to infiltrate a party and lift something from one of the high profile guests. She manages it, but someone else saw her do it, and they're very interested in her and what she'll do in exchange for not turning her over to one of her many enemies.

In order to keep a proper cover, an assassin seduces a woman into loving him, eventually moving in together. But once he has his cover, he stops trying to care, and though the girlfriend still loves him, she's also starting to miss the romantic side of the assassin. One day, while drunk, she orders food and ends up trying to (or succeeding) seduce the delivery boy just to confirm if she's still attractive enough for people, and once the flame starts, she can't seem to put it out, even after the assassin starts getting suspicious.

Plot One

A girl goes to a Halloween party, where she is raped by a masked man and ends up secretly enjoying it. He leaves her there and she never reports it. Weeks later she received a text from him, offering to fuck her again.

Plot Two

A girl is secretly kinky, and goes on a forum for fellow kink lovers. She meets someone who begins dominating her online, and after exchanging pictures, she doesn’t realize it, but he recognizes her.

In a traveling circus filled with lions jumping through flaming hoops, bearded ladies and clowns, the star of the big top show is a being who could pass as human, but she has wondrous abilities. Of course they need to be forced out of her every night, but they whip the elephants too. For extra, people can pay to enter the tent the star is kept in, and poke and prod at her in her little cage, so long as they do no permanent injury.

A man dragged to the circus by a friend is appalled at the way they treat the star, and breaks her out, stealing her away. But once he rescued the star, he can't get rid of her, with the star refusing to leave her protector.

A merman falls in love with a human, though he never reveals himself, and one day the human has an accident out at sea and nearly dies. The merman brings her to an cave that can only be entered through the water, intending on keeping her there so he won't lose the human he's come to love, no matter what the human may want.

For the unique take on vampires, it's that vampire saliva is a crazy powerful aphrodisiac. Even contact with the skin will make that area rapidly grow more sensitive, and it's easy to get addicted to the stuff. It's so their prey doesn't struggle while they drink. On top of that (and this is vital to one plot) a vampire's first drinks need to be monitored by their master or they go into blood frenzies and will kill anyone they drink from without meaning to (unlike the vampires who purposefully drain their victims) then continue attacking other prey until they're stopped or run out of humans. Likewise if they go extended periods without a meal.

Plot One

The world has been taken over by vampires. Humans are little more than servants, food and sex toys (though the humans don't mind this thanks to the saliva's addictive pleasure). A group of vampire hunters, the last resistance, send their best agent to infiltrate the vampires and get close to their leaders, hoping to one day take the world back. Depending, either the hunter captures a vampire or lures them over to the hunter's side, or is found out and captured by the vampire they were trying to get close to.

Plot Two

Years ago, when they were young (at the latest, late teen/young adult), one of a pair of siblings was lured into becoming a vampire. Unfortunately, their master was not a kind one and purposefully didn't help them through their first feeds, resulting in the new vampire ripping through their family in a blood frenzy. Only their brother/sister lived, because he wasn't home at the time.

Years later, the human sibling has become a vampire hunter, and a good one at that. So good, in fact, that they have a price on their head and the vampires are thinking of sending an elder to kill them. The vampire sibling, realizing their brother/sister is in danger, escapes their master and tracks them down, hoping to warn them.

I also have a few fandoms I’m willing to do:

Harry Potter (Any era but Cursed Child, I’d play an OC.

Pokemon (I’d be an OC)

Naruto (Any era but Boruto, I’d play an OC

My Hero Acadamia (Any era but Vigilantes, haven’t looked at that. I’d play an OC)

Skyrim (I’d play an OC and preferably not dragonborn)

Divinity 2 (I’d play either Sebille or Lohse)
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