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Overlord of Cross Reverie (Wiki X Arc)

Ken sighed as she did not seem to enjoy the banter. "You're no fun, always looking down on others I bet... Not seeing the attempts as valid." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a potion throwing back the red liquid. Then snapping another two items felling the free instant cast of his highest class skill. "Activate skill, blood of the demon lord" he felt the skyrocket of all his attributes taking the battle serious though with her behavior seemed to lose his humor as he dispatched her shadow with an careless sweep. With her he suddenly went all out smashing the back of his blade into the armor joints hoping to break the armor or greatly weaken her wanting to teach her some humility.
She slid her hand across her face as a helmet appeared, “ aura of darkness!!” Swiping her hand out as black lightning surrounded her to block the hit. “ I didn’t get this damn armor for nothing and I maybe slower but don’t screw with me...” attacking with her sword and blocking with her darkness when she would need.
"Please do not take offense, normally we work as a tag team makes us near unstoppable." Twisting around with several more blows to the darkness taking the time to beat at your defences before twisting again to block the blade though clearly having some trouble. "I can not even tell if I am making a dent." Ken was grinning clearly loving the fight though could feel his attacks starting to weaken.
“ I was fighting both at the same time anyway and I was good.” Crossing her arms, dodging still and using her powers before moving to attack and mostly go with two fast slashes before blocking.
Ken smirked as she said that like either of them had really been going all out though did not push the issue she was such a prideful one. "You know you did do quite well." While blocking the first blow made a misstep lept back instead of attacking looking at the blood from the second strike running down his arm. Now in his head his options ran she was a darkness user that allowed an advantage if he took it. "So do you really look down on everyone like that?"
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