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Overlord of Cross Reverie (Wiki X Arc)


Oct 23, 2012
The Twins

Ken looked around as his vision slowly cleared from the darkness like from a very long dream not remembering what was between staring at his screen, and this morning as he moved his fingers as if pressing the keys of a keyboard before looking down at his hands they did not look right somehow. Looking forward he did not show any emotion as he took in the fresh air, and scene of the large field that as far as he was concerned was right out of his dreams. Slowly he started to look down at his body feeling odd when he noticed the thick armor made from animal bone that hugged his chest, and sides the small leather covering his heart making him realize that it was the magic armor he wore in game. It was not very comfortable though had some of the best stats due to magical properties yet for some reason it felt wrong right now. He felt his hand rest on the hilt of his long sword that might as well been a great sword by it's size it would drag on the ground behind him except for the way he lift it gently though it strained his arm very quickly. The large shield buckled to his left arm covered up along his entire arm as well as some of his shoulder.

Ashton was taking it a very differently, "Wow, where did we end up?" He had a large grin on his face wearing a simple black vest adorned with gold trim. His wrists were wrapped with cloth bracers, and white silk pants he placed his hands on his sides feeling the large silver tome he had tied there which he felt lightly. "I do not think we are at home." The obvious statement seeing as they could not feel their controls they were not in a chair at a desk they were somehow moving around. He turned to face his brother ignoring everything else around them for the moment, "Hey what the hell happened?" He noticed his brother was thinking trying to take everything in it would be a short bit before he would have anything to say. "Well then whatever shall we do now..."
Mitsu slowly got up and held her head, her white hair falling all over her face slowly trying to get up before eventually moving to a tree and leaning over it to stay up. Right now she just really hate the strange feeling before looking around oddly then down to her hand and herself to see the odd armor. It was weirdly similar to the character she had mostly remembered, raising her hand behind her to feel the handle of the sword and pull it to be more of a black and blue glowing greatsword with skulls and dark energy like the armor turning then to just even wander off a bit with no point for now.
Ashton noticed her move his skins snappy to game mode, "Hail friend have you come to challenge the Most powerful Twins ever to grace this land?" He made a flourish that turned into a bow, "Do you dare challenge the two that rival any Demon Lord!?" It was clear the familiar wrote of his story helped relax him his wide grin as he was ready.

Ken looked to his brother then to her as he pulled out his sword feeling the weird weight in his hand followed by the sword glowing before he cried out in pain as the sword rejected using it in combat unworthy of it's power as he was now. "Blasted blade is not supposed to do that." He leaned down picking it up trying to figure out what happened.

With a grunt Ken shook his hand feeling the same burn as his brother did, "Hey we are only supposed to hurt them not ourselves brother!"
She moved over to hear a voice and two brothers even possibly and easily twins as well, her clawed hands on her hips as she watched them already pull out their weapons. “ hmmm I don’t have much power but I have more than enough for you, pulling out her own greatsword, a huge black pulsing blue blade matching of course her armor as well. “ hmph, well I’ll make it easier on myself then...” raising her hand with the sword on the ground in front of her as a blue light would surround her. “ I activate my class ability, dark armor transformation, juggernaut overdrive! Legionnaire gamma omegus!” Her body changing into light then a very dark blue glow as light came off the middle of the sword being absorbed into her body and changing into the shapes of armor before finally turning black and solid. Eventually she would start to attack, slamming her sword, down before charging off very fast for its size as well.
Ken raised his shield as if the attack was nothing, but as she struck his shield he felt his arm buckle some as he slid her attack to the side rolling away cursing his misfortune that whatever was wrong was effecting his shield. He unbuckled the useless shield letting it fall to the ground reading for her next attack. His mind racing at the turn of events wanting to know why his gear was not working then feeling his melee skills he could tell despite knowing then he could not activate them.

Ashton let out a sigh as he was finding most his buff spells out of grasp right now running to the lowest teir spell that felt right, "Cure light wounds" He watched as his bother's light damage vanished running over what was going on. "Weakling spells work just fine, Brother re-equip your novice twink gear!" Taking his own advice he took the powerful tome he held placing it in some kind of portal feeling the powers gained from the low level well worn tome he pulled sighing a little in relief.
“ hmph I feel strange as well, luckily my base powers are strong but they could be better.” Giving a sigh as she looked at herself. “ other than my end armor I’m not really that much strong beside my base class abilities I can only use as well...” Explaining as waited for an attack to block then.
Ken smirked at her waiting for him as he picked up his previous gear putting it away, "Class skills work fine, good to know." Pulling out a very simple looking long sword feeling the magic item fill him with strength taking a small buckle out. "Here I come!" Lunging forward he sent his blade forward baiting her to swing at the opening he left on his right.
She blocked the spot he did get her into though blocked his sword with her arm guard as a shock of blue lightning flowed out as she moved in to grab him and slam him into the ground in front of her. “ hmph...glad I finally put work on this damn good armor, it really was annoying to get...” slamming her foot onto his chest to hold him down. “ typical....” not really impressed at all. “ so make your move then, “ charging a blue ball and throwing it at the other.
Smirking he slid her leg to make her aim off for his brother rolling to his feet grinning wildly, "Oh, but this is getting fun right now!" Ken was not taking her serious the benefit of a healer meant over time he could easily wear her down. Surprised she had not tried to go after his bother for healing, but he knew it would not work anyhow they were good at protecting that flaw.

Ashton was just as relaxed as the ball of blue energy veered off from the target shaking his head, "Let me know when your ready to get serious brother!" He laughed softly there was a reason they were hard to beat as a team. A powerful tank, and a healer made for easy wins with prolonged fights.
“ fine then....” slamming her sword as it changed into a heavier form but with her strength it wouldn’t be hard to swing it as fast. “ aura of despair level 1. Living shadow level 1...” as a the shadow behind her would rise to be another copy before rushing off being a bit less stronger than her but still hard to kill going for the healer then as her aura would buy her a few seconds if the other charge and with the copy attacking anyway, “ chain lightning...” moving her hand out then.
"Time out!" Ashton chuckled as he activated one of his class abilities his brother taking his place, and he was near her for a moment as he jumped back ready to defend against her to redirect her chain lightning spell seeming to be used to this. His stance was completely defensive almost impossible to break through, and actually attack him.

Ken was all to ready to switch spots as he grinned, "Parameter up, Breath of the Fallen" Ken moved taking out the shadow with ease as the power up for a short time made him much more powerful though it clearly caused some wear, and tear on his body as he grinned at her, "That was a good move, are you a fellow player?"
“ psh what kind of question is that...” smiling with a laugh, “and it looks like my weak shadow still gave you a bad time mostly. Would have been worse id there were bodies here or even just human heads here...” giving a hint to an ability as she would jump back and dodge the lightning then. “ living shadow level 1.” Moving in to charge but changing that it was much more coordinated attack though with the two of them now.
Ken swapped with his brother so her target would be the brother who had melee skills, "Guess it would not make sense for you huh...? He pushed his blade out to parry her attack slipping between her shadow so he would be behind her still trying to figure out the best course boosting his stats again to slip between her.

"Can't keep healing you forever brother stop spamming, I do not have access to the eigth teir spells right now." He cast cure on himself which was appearing to heal his brother the more powerful self heal would keep them going for some time even using his bothers classs skills which all hurt him for powerful boosts.
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“ and with the that she sent the shadow again against the other going for the healer, trying to grab him and slam him down to the ground again with her foot over him. “ hmph well I don’t really feel it right now, but I guess screw it and I’ll think about getting some power and rule even maybe, so I guess you have to help me then..hmm maybe summon a demon or something too, but don’t know.”
"I mean just cause a beauty like you could bring a ruler to his knees with a glance does not mean you should" Ken seemed to pause standing straighter and less of a combat pose, "Also if you try to rule the world all kinds of fun challengers will rise up..."

Ashton chuckled softly knowing his brother was always looking for a challenge one of the highest rated PvP players, and with the two of them it made things very easy. Though he tried not to notice the flirtatious comment as he put hand hand up using a holy spell to blast at the shadow.
“ and what are you gonna try to stop me or something, and thanks for the damn obvious...well I guess I’m gonna go to the damn kingdom then...switching her armor and sword before turning to walk.
Ken watched her turn half shocked she seemed so suddenly to change. "Must be half loose in the head or something..." He shrugged with her loss of interest in battle deflated his own fun of it. "Well I ain't no lap dog gonna chase after you like some damn lost child."

Ashton did not get involved here using another health spell then relaxing to regain his mana watching her walk away. "Combat blue balls apparently is a thing." Chuckling to himself he knew his brother would be on a rampage to train unable to access a great deal of their gear or skills did not sit well with either of them.
She turned around, “ fine guess I’ll just destroy you then.” Summoning her armor back before moving to attack, “ and I’m not about fair shouldn’t even have trusted me still when I stopped dummy...”
Ken saw an opportunity in this as he put up a hand as if to ask her to hold up a minute, "I have a proposal for you, If you would be so kind as to humor me" Still taking a defensive position he watched her to see if she would listen to what he had to say.
“ ummm and you can’t say it already without asking first? Well a ruler does need people like that anyway but whatever...” shrugging as she held her sword on her shoulder, “ so what then unless your gonna surrender or make a dumb bet...”
"Gonna make a dumb bet of course" he put his hands out with a laugh, "if you win my brother, and I will do as you please for a year." He smirked knowing if they both battled her, and he took it serious it would be unfair, "Just me, my brother will stay out of it as much as he can. If I win you have to do what I say for a month" His grin showed his confidence they had been playing since the game came out, and he had many tricks up his sleeve.
"Gonna make a dumb bet of course" he put his hands out with a laugh, "if you win my brother, and I will do as you please for a year." He smirked knowing if they both battled her, and he took it serious it would be unfair, "Just me, my brother will stay out of it as much as he can. If I win you have to do what I say for a month" His grin showed his confidence they had been playing since the game came out, and he had many tricks up his sleeve.
“ really annoy me...” already charging and doing an attack as she made another shadow clone, and being able to block most of his attacks with very good dodges or her weapon making it very hard at all for him.
"Does that mean we have a deal?" He was ready for her attacks parrying her seeming to actually focus gaining a more serious look wanting her to take him seriously he was a skilled fighter, and treating him like this would be no good if they were to spend any amount of time. Ken needed someone to anchor to this world, and she seemed hot headed enough to take a bet that he seemed sure he would win for some reason.
The girl just ignored it as she would rush in and attack then, using some spells to hit his blind spots and sides as she hit the front of course before jumping back and sending the shadow.
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