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Fx Male Roleplays anyone?


Cute Innocent Fox Girl
May 12, 2018
Hello there! Thanks for taking the time to explore and read my probably pretty jumbled post. Congrats you are on your way, hopefully to a new roleplaying partner. I do have a few rules, outside of the ones that BMR have in place. I say rules but they are more like guidelines.

  1. Be ok with OOC chatter. I am very chatty and I see anyone I roleplay with as friends and I like to talk to my friends. Plus it is a good way to build a feeling for how the story will go, at least in my mind
  2. Please show me respect and tell me if you are going to be away for a while and I will show you the same respect. Also to go with this please tell me if the roleplay is starting to bore you as well
  3. PLEASE, NO ONELINERS. A pet peeve of mine. I love the detail and longer posts cause it gives me something more to add onto. I strive for at least 4 lines or a paragraph at a minimum.
  4. Please be patient with me. I am a writer first and foremost so if I do answer you that means I am wrapped up in either the artwork or one of my novels to be. Please do contact me if you don’t hear from me for a day or two.
Now that those are out of the way I will share just a few little things about me and my writing style just so you know: I am 24 and I want all my partners to be at least 21!, I rp in third person and ask that my partners do as well, I can do most types of rps and am willing to learn new things to keep an rp going. Another thing I rp doubles usually but I will do singles but not if I am playing strictly a male character.


I have a wide variety of OC characters I use and I am also willing to create new ones to fit the theme of the roleplay as well. Most of my characters are female but I don’t mind playing a male character either. I tend to build and create new characters each roleplay, rarely reusing old ones but sometimes if the situation is right I will.

Genres and themes~


~Sci-fi (It will take me a little learning)



~Romance (both PG and M)

I have several ideas for the above genres or am willing to hear others as well. Please feel free to leave me a message and I will answer as soon as I am able to.
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