Mx Female Looking for new players for my GM ideas!


Jul 23, 2017

Hey there, I'm Alty.

I like world/encounter building in roleplaying, so I have a few game master offerings below. But, I'm looking for all kinds of play.

For GM Games: I use discord only if I'm going to be using dice rolling/character progression. Will likely use simplified DND 5E or full on depending on comfort level of partner.
For non-GM Games: Anything goes, can use discord, PM, or thread.

I prefer to use 5th edition DND.

Here is my F-list: F-list - Warning
I would greatly prefer that you look over my f-list, and also tell me about your own kinks or f-list if you message me for one of these settings.



Lord of Demons

MC is the Lord of Demons, recently inheriting the title after the previous King was slain by a group of knights from the human kingdom. For a while, peace had been granted to the kingdom until several abductions had been reported across the realm. Women are stolen in the middle of the night and returned pregnant and ravaged. YC is tasked with discovering where these women are being taken and asked to put a stop to it. YC will encounter a variety of monsters and mythological beings during the course of this scene ranging from vampires to ghouls and incubi. The scene will have sexual focuses, but will also concern things such as combat and adventuring. Maybe you will recruit help on the way? Or even decide to switch your allegiance after developing a taste for evil?

Myth Rules All
We live in a modern day world where all the myths and urban legends you hear about on the internet and through the news have basis in reality. The Illuminati exist, and broker secrets in shady underground networks. The Templars are a religious group poised to exorcise the spirits that lurk deep into the night. The Dragon utilize ancient Asian ritual to subjugate eastern countries. Three major organizations compete to discover and sometimes control the secrets of the world. Your powers have recently awakened, and they've started to take an interest in you. What path will you walk?

It was a late October morning when the city of Roussillon would hit a peak of revelry. All manner of inhabitants had begun to celebrate Décès des morts, a local festival where most of the facilities were kept closed and performances were held in the upper portions of the city. Children were dressed in face paint, while adults wore a variety of costumes ranging in levels of elaborateness and relevancy. Nothing seemed to stop the town's merriment, including the overwhelming humidity and the threat of flood looming from the nearby coastline. Roussillon was a city split between the upper district, where most of the town's wealthy lived inside of a decadent manor homes that overlooked the city's beauty, and the slums, where many of the homeless and refugees from Arabian countries had sheltered throughout the night. The town's guard would work tirelessly through night and day in order to enforce this division. While Roussillion had been enjoying the festivities for the most part, there was one thing that had put many of them on edge. Les hommes en Blanc, they'd call them. The Men in White. The templar order had not typically showed themselves around France, but due to the auspiciousness of tonight's festival, many rumors had gone around town that they'd taken up residency in the Lllorona Cathedral.

A dark secret hid beneath the joyous streets of Roussillion. Bodies of women and children frequently appear washed up on the shoreline, upper class parties go deep into the night, only to have many of the partygoers disappear into the gilded halls of the homes. Grisholm, the head Knight of the Templar order had been ordained to be the leader in charge of the Roussillion investigation project. The city guard would be stationed around the Llorona Cathedral to ensure that none would be able to slip inside and witness the strange force that had invaded their nation. "This sinful nation must be purged, the dirty lepers will be provided with the succor of holy light!" A company of knights had been gathered around Pope Gerstein in the foyer, where each of them gazed upon the pope as he'd blessed them for the expedition for the night. "Father Gerstein! Please offer us your prayers as we venture into a nation of filth!" One of the knights break forth, kneeling before the pope.

Seraphina was mandated to be inside of the foyer to begin preparation on her expedition into the lower slums in order to investigate the festival activities and report and unusual situations. She was given free reign for the moment at the cathedral to prepare herself however she'd wish. On another end of the facility there had been a strategy debriefing discussing the creatures that had been typically located in the French territories. Head Knight Grisholm had been participating in a sparring session with one of the younger knights, providing lectures on the art of fencing.

You are part of a mercenary working on a lucrative proposal, where the reward may quite possibly net you your very own piece of land in the Eastern Kingdoms. Citizens in the land of Valharbor are tired of Dunfolk's regime. Taxes are at an all time high, villages are plundered by his men, and laws are created to benefit a government organized by bandits. Neighboring countries are tired of the unrest, and have assigned you and a group of other mercenaries to eliminate Dunfolk and free the nation of Valharbor. Whoever is able to bring the neighboring queen Dunfolk's head will be gifted their very own barony fit with the title of baroness.

On the eve of Deepwinter a group of diplomats would gather nestled up inside of a base on the mouth of the Icerim Mountains, gaurded by a variety of adventurers. Sellswords, colonists, guild leaders all fell into the allure of claiming a piece of the prize for themselves, signing themselves on wholeheartedly with their political representatives. The snowy trundras of The Endless Wastes stretched out as vast as the eyes could see, pockets of flame flickered at certain points, indicating civilization. It was at the Icerim Encampment that our three adventurers would meet to spin the tale of The Conquest of the Endless Wastes. Each of them were here with different goals in mind, some with fame, some fortune, and others with a desire to escape a past of torment and regret.

The encampment was fairly large because of the fact that so many had arrived to sign themselves up for the contest. After a number of days, the deadline had approached and it had been time to begin the debriefing ceremony. The queen of the Impultur region stood up on one of the stages to begin her speech. "Denizins of Fearun!" Her voice was exuded power, betraying her somewhat frail appearance. "We've come today to liberate the Endless Wastes, and claim what is rightfully our own. For too long has bandity roamed in these lands. For too long has this paradise of purity been corrupt by the likes of Danthael!"
Warriors had cheered from all along the crowd, howling for his death. "With him gone! There will no longer be a foothold in for chaos in these lands." She crosses her arms and grins, now choosing the opportunity to whet the appetites of the gathering crowd. "But alas, I would not send you to such an extreme task without proper comepensation. Defeat Danthael, and you will be granted your very own piece of land, connected to the political sphere of Fearun. Alongside being granted the opportunity to own your own piece of land, you will be given a starter grant to begin your barony!"

"Each of you will establish a hunting party of as many as you'd like. You may do so at this point. As soon as the sun rises, you will begin your hunt for Danthael." She takes her step down.

Vampire The Masquerade
Living in the busy downtown district leaves you susceptible to seeing all kinds of stuff, but tonight had been weird even despite that. What you'd thought to be a normal hook up has changed you instead. Your body now much stronger, faster, and sharper. A thirst has awoken within you, and the scent of flesh invades your senses.
You wake up tied to a chair after passing out unconscious, several aspects of your face completely altered, sharp fangs spilling from the edge of your lips.
This scene will deal with the world of Vampire Masquerade which was originally a tabletop roleplaying game that had been adapted into a video game by Troika. The game features several clans of vampires for you to choose from that each feature their own unique styles of game-play. For example, You have the Nosferatu who are absolutely hideous, but are given supernatural stealth abilities to stalk their prey.


Scenes where I am a player in the world you create for me (I am heavily craving this currently)

Hypno's Lullaby (I'm really looking for this scene - No. 1 craving. Harem of trainers and Pokemon, adventuring through region, Pokemon battling, eventual world rule)

Full disclosure: I've actually ran this scene before and enjoyed it quite a bit so I'm adapting it and adding it here.

The adventure will deal with the main character's first Pokemon being a psychic pokemon, namely Hypno but any psychic Pokemon will do. The adventure will start off like any other Pokemon journey with a man wanting to become the next Pokemon master. Though, unusual things occur along the way. Victories often cause female trainers to offer up more than just Pokedollars, some of them begging to come along or offer themselves to the trainer. Eventually, the trainer collects an enough of an infamous following to begin his own evil team along with a core group of harem members collected from the Pokemon society.


The following scenes will not need to use game systems, but they could if you'd like. These are more general in nature.

MC has lived in the city for as long as he can remember, but has grown tired of the city life. MC has chosen to move out into the country, buying his own plot of land and establishing himself in a natural lifestyle. Though the landscapes aren't the only things that manage to catch his eye. In this scenario, I'd like to work out a situation where I play with a cowgirl/southern belle character. Perhaps MC works on a farm, trying to build up a reputation before he can go off on his own and start his own ranch, but catches the attention of the landlord's daughter. The scenario will resemble more early western/cowboy era lifestyle fit with gangs, horses, and a vast stretch of open desert.

Our family has recently invested millions into opening an underground brothel. On paper, we advertise ourselves as being a family owned nightclub, but have the right contacts and we can provide you with your very own sin city. The men of the house spend their days busy filming porn shoots and managing the hired entertainment. While it's rewarding work, being around sex at all times of the day causes the men to come home delirious with need at the end of the day. Though they've done their best to keep sex out of the family for the longest time, they find themselves breaking and getting involved in sexual affairs, doing their best to conceal it.


Fandoms and Concepts
Fandoms - Any Ideas centered around these concepts would be fun for me
Pokemon - Would really like a Female Pokemon trainer harem or a GM concept for the male character playing the adventurer
Persona 3, 4, and 5
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