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Starcrossed in Hyrule (MarioxGunner)

Though the water was murky, what with it being rich in minerals and whatnot, Piran felt more relaxed than he had ever been in weeks. He knew that the water was going to refresh and reinvigorate him for the journey ahead, but right now all he wanted to do was lean back, breathe deeply and put his mind at ease. Kira being there with him would have been an annoyance a day or so ago, but already the two had formed a bond born from necessity. As such, the large, orange Zora more than tolerated her- he rather enjoyed hearing her voice cut through the silence.

And when he looked at her... Kira was coming closer; he could see it from the corner of his eye. Piran had never thought he could find a Hylian/Sheikah attractive before, and yet her body had him entranced at the worst of times. Beautiful silver hair, lovely red eyes, gentle, supple curves and a strong personality rounded her out and made her into someone Piran could see himself spending plenty of time with. Even more, he could see himself being affectionate with her, though Piran wasn't about to set himself up for failure. He was a Zora, and she was a Sheikah. Only once had this kind of relationship been heard of, and even then it was a one-sided relationship that didn't end well at all for her.

And then the big question came up just as Kira got close- close enough for Piran to reach out and grab her up, if he so wished. But he held back, sighed and looked down at her with a frown.

"Not all Zora are prejudiced against Hylians. Many Zora before the Calamity remained on good terms with them, and most born after the Calamity can't be bothered to hate anyone." Piran leaned forward where he sat and draped his arms over his legs. "The story, as it was told to me, was that the Hylian Royal Family brought together 'Champions' to pilot the four Divine Beasts, while the Hylian Champion was some young, plucky knight with the 'Sword of Evil's Bane' meant to dispatch the Calamity should it return. Well, our Champion was named Mipha. I'm told she was as fair as she was beautiful, and she was smitten with the Hylian Champion. But when Calamity Ganon came back, Mipha was defeated and Vah Ruta was overtaken.

"My people were distraught with grief while the elders seethed and blamed the Hylian Royal Family for this giant screw-up. They believed that Mipha was sacrificed in vain, but even more, they despised the Hylian Champion for not being around to protect her. I think the logic was... Mipha loved him, but the Hylian didn't love her back, or not enough to protect her." The Zora then chuckled and smiled at Kira. "So that's that, really. And, to answer your thought... No, I don't have a problem with you anymore. You're kinda pleasant to be around, actually."
Kira stayed put as Piran sat up and began to tell the story. It was almost startling how much bigger he was than her. Seated in the pool she was shoulder deep into the water while he could sit up and lean forward to rest his arms on his knees and not drown. Kira pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she listened to Piran tell the story. Her red eyes wide as she listened. Of course she knew most of the entire tale. The princess and her knight, the four champions. Every champion had died when the battle was lost, the knight gone, Zelda disappeared.

This tale had a new perspective. The tale was kept by the Sheikah, the broad spectrum of it. Though the champions were almost minor players in the way it was told by their Sheikah. In truth little had been known about them aside from their name, race, and the Divine Beast they would command. Kira was entranced by the story. Her chest tightened as she imagined the sorrow this Mipha might have felt. She had loved the knight but her affections weren't returned and then she died. Kira wondered if the knight even knew, if he cared. There were some assumptions that he might have held affection for the princess but it was just speculation. Kira wasn't certain such events should be enough to cause full blown xenophobia but that wasn't entirely for her to decide.

She was still taken aback by this revelation of the Zora champion. "You know...I've spent the last ten years of my life traveling across Hyrule. I've met...every race but this is the first time I've heard anything more about a champion aside from their name and their role. Mipha's story is...I don't even have the words for it. Sad doesn't cover it." Kira absently ran her fingers between her breast, touching the long scar. "I know a thing or two about betrayal like that...I can imagine how she must have felt...watching the hero follow the princess always....protecting her and only her. Then...dying and then that's it. Maybe the hero didn't intend on any of that happening...I'm sure he didn't but....your poor Mipha."

Despite the heavy tale his closing remarks made Kira give him a half smirk. "I'll take that as compliment," she said with a small laugh. "I've found I enjoy your company too. When you're not a boorish brute," she added with another laugh and a sly wink. "I'm teasing but...I'm really glad I met you," she said softly as she reached up and laid a small, gentle hand on his arm. "Kind of selfish but I was'll be a little sad to part ways when we get to the river that leads you home. Not much chance of me coming to visit," she added with a half hearted, closed lipped laugh.
There was that scar again. Piran remembered jumping in surprise when he first saw that jagged scar between her breasts and wondered aloud if that was from the Lynel, but Kira was quick to shoot him down. She didn't elaborate on what caused the scar, but as she remarked about understanding betrayal, Piran figured he got the message. Perhaps someone close to her had tried to gut her- maybe one of those 'Yiga Clan' people her father mentioned? Ach, well, Piran wasn't about to ask and bring up bad memories.

By the Goddess, why was Kira getting so close? Piran wasn't uncomfortable with her being so near to him, but still, her very presence had a strange way of bringing out the best in him while at the same time forcing him to reason with himself. She made him feel awkward at times, but also happy and flattered. Perhaps he had a thing for Sheikahs, or maybe it was just Kira specifically. In any case, that dainty hand upon his arm pulled him away from his thoughts and got him to lean towards her with his red eyes and sharp, toothy smile bearing down on her. The difference in size seemed absurd, but he made it work without getting too close to Kira, even if his face was a couple or so feet away from hers.

"Well, I could come visit you, you know. But really, don't worry about the other Zora not accepting you. Even if most of Zora's Domain finds me irritating- absurd, I know- I can assure you that you'll be welcomed. We don't forget those who aid us."

For a brief moment, Piran was motionless, yet his face told Kira plenty. He was nervous, and yet he wanted to be brave just then. Brave in what regard, Kira wouldn't know until she would feel the Zora's arm extend behind her back and grasp her naked hip. Piran's hands, though somewhat calloused from his line of fighting, were soft and textured. And what's more, the Zora actually slid closer to Kira and turned that one-foot distance into mere centimetres. His grasp on her hip was loose and gentle, almost as if he were afraid of being shot down. And yet here he was, arm behind Kira's backside like a scene out of a budding romance novel.

"Besides... I uh... Well, it wouldn't be fair for me to be here in your home without you visiting mine."
Kira didn't budge as Piran leaned down a little closer, her hand still on his arm. Her heart couldn't seem to decided what it wanted to do. It would skip a beat but then rush with a steady thrumming. Meanwhile her pointed ears were heating up, she could feel them burning and ringing as he leaned his towering form down towards her. She smiled up at him as he said she would be welcome at his home. Honestly she was still a little doubtful of that. It was still a nice sentiment. Perhaps she would take him up on it and try to visit one day. Hopefully he would be right about it.

Something changed all of a sudden in Piran. He went utterly still and there was something in his eyes. Not quite fear, maybe uncertainty and yet determination. Her head tilted a little at him wondering if something was wrong. She almost asked him if something was wrong when he moved. Kira jerked a little in surprise as his large, taloned hand went to her hip. His grip was gentle, his hands somehow rough and calloused but soft at the same time. He was closer, their legs just barely touching. Her hand remained on his arm while her other raised in surprise as he slid closer, coming to rest on his chest. Kira's face took on a red hue as he held her. His grip was so light, so gentle it would be easy to slide away. There was something in his face that still spoke of fear.

"I that. To see your home." That was why she had ended up fighting that Lynel, trying to just see Zora's Domain. More importantly to see Piran. Her heart was racing as he held onto her. She almost couldn't believe how she reacted with him. Never once had she considered being attracted to a Zora. Yet it was impossible to imagine not being attracted to Piran. He was brave, thoughtful, a skilled warrior and good Goddess the sheer size and muscles of him. Kira knew she had a weakness for strong men like Piran. Something in her kept shouting jump. Just jump. Well why not, it nearly got her killed several times but Kira was no shrinking Silent Princess.

The hand resting on his chest slid up to the side of his neck. Kira raised herself up as she gave a little pull to bring Piran just a little further down. She didn't hesitate. In one fluid motion she pulled his down and softly pressed her lips to his. Gentle, soft, very chaste she kissed him, letting it linger for a few moments before drawing back mere inches from him to look up, her red eyes meeting his with her own question. Go on or stop?
Piran almost flinched when Kira placed a hand upon his chest. He wasn't afraid of her in the slightest, but what he did fear was intimacy, or rather, crossing a firm, solid line. Again, he was a Zora, and Kira was a Sheikah. He was large and muscular while she was... Goddesses, she was curvy. Piran had to take a long and hard second look at Kira when he remembered this. Curvy and cushioned, yes, but also muscled in her own right and flexible enough to- It burned his cheeks to think of it even now as the two locked eyes, but Piran knew it was true: he and Kira were compatible despite their differences in size and race.

And when that buxom Sheikah slid her hand up to Piran's neck, he slowly came to realize that this could work. It took the sensation of soft, heated lips against his own to confirm his belief. Yes, this would work. His eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets at the feeling; he didn't dare pull away from her. Piran pushed his lips out just enough to reciprocate the chaste kiss, but with Kira drawing back to look him over, he looked like a suitor left hanging, wanting for more. His heart thumped away in his chest and the grasp on her hip tightened.

Go on, of course!

Life was short and fleeting in these times, so rather than pussyfoot about and brood over what could have been, Piran sought to take the dive just as Kira did. With all the grace his race was known for, the mighty orange Zora raised his free hand to cup Kira's chin or cheek, whichever was more comfortable and/or convenient, and practically fell into her. His light grey lips were soft in their own right and countered the razor-sharp teeth hiding behind them. Piran pressed them tight against Kira's own pair while his breath came out with a hushed, husky moan. The hand that had once been on Kira's hip was now travelling up her side; rugged fingers glided over Kira's navel before coming to a stop mere centimetres away from the underside of the Sheikah's assets.

There was little doubt that Piran wanted Kira, and yet his actions and kiss were carefully considerate. He wanted to know if she was alright with this... If she wanted him as well!
For the briefest of moment Kira thought she had overstepped. Maybe she should have held off just a little. She had never met a Zora before Piran and it would be a stretch to think they might have different body language. Perhaps she misread him? The brief moment passed as she looked in his eyes and his hand tightened on her hip. Maybe body language didn't differ too greatly. Her heart slammed against her chest as she caught the look. Her own questioning gaze softened to a smile. Well if he wanted more she was more than willing to give.

Piran, however, took matters into his own hands. Literally. Rough and somehow still soft she felt his hand cup her face. His hand large enough to make it chin to ear. Her hand on the side of his neck tightened a little. The other slid off his arm to rest on his chest. Her back arched just a little as he pressed his lips to hers. His husky moan sent rivulets of shivers across her body only amplified as his hand drifted off her hip. Slow and gentle but she could feel the slight, pointed drag of nails. Up until that moment Kira hadn't been aware of her delight in that sensation. Sharp, tending talons ever so softly grazing her skin. A balance of danger that sent a thrill from her flesh to punch her guts and gather to an electric tingle between her legs.

Still he seemed a little hesitant in his kisses, his caressing. His hand a hairs breadth from her breast as if terrified to move any further. Kira grinned into the kiss. She hadn't expected him to be shy. If it could be called that. Unsure perhaps. Well Kira was sure. One would think she would have learned caution a few years ago. Caution be damned. She never would have dreamed wanting a Zora at all let alone the way she desired Piran. It should have been crazy but Kira wasn't about to stop to weigh out political and racial matters. Kira stretched her leg out and slid with ease across Piran's thighs and settled over his lap, her knees on either wide of his hips but sitting up on her knees to keep their heights more even. If she were to sit on his lap she would only come up to his chin still, forcing him to lean awkwardly. The increase in height brought her chest out of the murky water. Each breast, bespectacled with droplets of water, a perfect size for his palm, perhaps overfilling just a little. She reached down and slid her hand below his, giving a little nudge and she broke the kiss. "Don't be shy Piran," she purred softly, resting her forehead against his. Her other hand carefully buried into the anemone-like tendrils that cascaded from his head, careful in case they had feeling in them.
When Kira slid onto Piran's lap, knees wide and straddling his hips, there was no more doubt in the Zora's mind. If she could be this brave, then so could he! Lust and infatuation battled in his soul and reflected in his piercing red eyes. His hand, nudged by Kira, slid up from its timid position and cupped one of Kira's plush breasts before it began to press into it, kneading it like fine dough. The Zora was amazed at the texture and give of such a fine breast and hissed his appreciation through clenched teeth. Indeed, though his hands were large, they could not fully contain Kira's chest puppies, but it didn't stop him from trying.

The grooves and creases in his hand rolled against Kira's perky nipple as Piran groped, kneaded and rotated that plush, pale orb. His eagerness to feel the woman's ample chest was reflected in his kiss, which turned somewhat needy and determined before it was broken. The Zora looked deep into Kira's eyes- still anxious despite this sudden burst of confidence- and felt another heated breath rumble out from the back of his throat. He felt her hand bury itself into the anemone-like tendrils on either side of his head and lit up like a dog when given attention. The nervous curve in his lips contorted and shifted into a pleasant, excited smile complete with a flash of those sharp teeth of his.

"You're so soft," Piran whispered. "I've wanted... I've wanted to hold you ever since last night."

With a free hand now ready for deployment, Piran went and grasped Kira's hip once again. However, instead of trailing up to her navel or back, the Zora slid it down to the curve of her ass. He didn't dig in with the same zeal as did with Kira's breast, but it wasn't pinned there, idle. No, Piran let it glide up and down Kira's curve- rubbing the peachy bottom lingering above his lap as if the Sheikah were a priceless artifact. Though she had positioned herself well enough to come up to Piran's height, there should have been little doubt that Piran was stirring down below. How could he not when he had a buxom, beautiful Sheikah straddling him?

"Just... let me know if you want to stop," the Zora muttered as he eyed a nerve on Kira's neck.

It just came naturally to him: Piran leaned in close and kissed the side of Kira's neck. His breath was hot, his lips warm, but his teeth were cool and smooth, and oh-so sharp. Kira would feel those sharp things glance against her neck once or twice, seeking to get at her skin but never daring to harm her in the slightest.
Kira grinned some as Piran found his courage, his appreciative hiss making her laugh quietly. What she didn't expect was the soft yet rough texture of his palm crazing her nipple and the soft, gentle pricks from his talons. Kira responded to the sensation with her own little boss of pleasure. Her eyes fluttered as chills ran along her flesh only throttling her eagerness for him. She leaned back just a little to give him room to play to his heart's content. Seeing his delight in her toying with the tendrils she lifted her other hand to the other side of his head and buried her fingers there. Still she was careful not to bend the tendrils too much, mostly just letting her blunt nails gently scrape the sides of his head.

A grin couldn't be helped with his confession. A sweet confession paired with one hand rolling her breast and the other starting to skim her rear. More of the light trails from his talons. The icy, electric assault from those sensations made her shiver despite the warmth of the water and his body. Just below her she could feel something new brush her thigh. He wanted to know if she wanted him to stop. To tell him if she wanted that. She opened her mouth to tell him to be quite and not say such silly things but all that came out was a strangled gasping noise as his lips found her neck.

Fully out of her control her knees buckled as the cool, sharp teeth toyed with the sensitive flesh. He should consider himself lucky. Between the support of the water and his hand on her rear she landed gently on his knees rather than a potentially problematic more forward and on top of his budding erection. Her head canted to the side as her back arched in delight. With her back arching it slid her hips forward just enough that the soft folds of her core brushed the underside of his length.

"Sweet Goddess," she hissed to the side of his head, her nails raking between the tendrils with a little more vigor. One hand slipped and grasped his taught, strong shoulder, clinging as tightly as one might to a cliff.
The most exotic feature of a Zora was, of course, their sexual organ. At first glance they appeared to have nothing at all, hence no need to cover their groins. But if one cared to scratch beneath the surface, they would find that Zora only revealed them when they were aroused. Should Kira glance down for a look or not, she would ultimately feel Piran's member brushing against her lower folds. It was a large, imposing thing that was a pale red in colour with small shades of blue here and there, though on closer inspection they seemed to be veins that ran all along the length. More intriguing was the fact that the member was ridged- nearly every inch sported a slight ridge to the point where Piran's cock looked like a double-edged, serrated blade. It felt so lively there, and as Piran entertained himself with Kira's body by kissing and fondling her wherever he could, the young woman would even feel it pulse beneath her.

Piran made no attempt to jab it in like a beast, but he couldn't help himself from lightly grinding it against Kira's entrance, or rather, he couldn't stop himself from moving Kira's hips back and forth to make her grind upon his cock. As this went on, Piran's hands continued to roam over Kira's body- kneading her breasts, gliding his fingers over her nipples, rubbing and squeezing her rear. Even as Kira held onto his rugged, sturdy frame and indulged in the feeling of his tendrils, Piran was still kissing away. He no longer kept his teeth out of play- instead he actively used them against Kira's neck, nipping at sensitive veins with just enough pressure to avoid breaking the skin. It became a cycle for him to nibble, kiss, suckle, repeat.

Soon he had to come back up for air and, with Kira grasped on his knees, he sought to test the waters. After all, he was hard.

"Kira," Piran gasped, his lips set in a strained grimace. He shot her a longing, provocative look and rubbed the small of her back. "Do you... Do you want me?"
Kira didn't entirely have an opportunity to look down but she could feel the strange, hard length of Piran grinding against her. Far different than she was used to yet intriguing. Her mind wasn't in the best of places to stop and think about the interest, ridged feel of it or even the size of it. His hands, lips, and teeth were doing magic on her body. She was like chuchu jelly in his hands and plenty eager to follow his guidance as she ground herself against his length. She could feel it pulse between her legs. Kira was wild and dizzy as he worked her, his hands seemed everywhere and he used his teeth on her so perfectly. Her breath came in short little bursts of gasps and hisses as he nipped and suckled at the sensitive flesh. A dusting of red colored her cheeks and the water nearly felt cold compared to Piran's body and her own.

Then he halted. Kira's eyes fluttered open as he pulled back and looked down at her. Her name nearly a pained gasp on his lips. His red eyes met her own and she saw the need there reflecting her own ferocious desires. The question made her blink slowly for a moment. Her own red eyes nearly delirious, glossy and misty, dark with desire. The hand buried in the tendrils on his head slipped behind his neck, holding tightly as the other slid from his shoulder. Slowly, almost agonizingly slow, it traced a gentle path down his chest and stomach. Further to his hips and pelvis right to the base of his rigid shaft. Small fingers wrapped around the base, just barely holding it in her grip. She rose up again so they were closer to eye level and she sat above the head of his cock.

Kira leaned forward and rested her forehead to his, the hand behind his neck shifting to his chest. She gave a decently hard shove, not enough to slam him into the edge of the pool, but make it clear she wanted him to lean back, leaning forward with him. "No," she whispered coyly against his lips before kissing him again and slowly eased herself onto his length. Kira moaned at the sensation as she eased herself onto him, her folds parting to accept him. Strange and different but exhilarating. The ridged edges tantalizing in a way she could never have imagined. Inch by inch she lowered her body. She couldn't help a small gasp or two as her core stretched to accommodate his impressive size. Finally their hips connected and Kira released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Her hands came to his jaw and she looked him in the eye. "I need you Piran," she whispered fiercely, her eyes hungry, nearly mad with want.
When Kira grasped him down there... Soft fingers wrapping around the base of his cock, Piran bit his lip in anticipation. By Hylia, was she really about to go through with this? More importantly, were they about to go through with this? He had never felt this way about anyone before, and here he was looking at a Sheikah just about to drive her hips down upon him. He gasped as Kira shoved him back into a more relaxed position- the seats in this hot spring suddenly felt far more comfortable than they did before- and he looked up at her in confusion as she came close and whispered her answer.

Oh, Piran was about to reply, about to breathe out a needy whimper and even beg, but then Kira kissed him again. Fuck, her lips were so soft, her taste so sweet! And then Piran felt her easing herself onto him. The sensitive head of his cock parted her folds as Kira shifted to accommodate him. She... She was tight, warm and wet, and unlike anything Piran had ever felt before. Sure, he had fooled around with a couple female Zora in the past, but they simply couldn't compare to Kira. Piran surged against Kira's body and kissed her back with greater zeal and fervour as more and more of his ridged, thick cock slipped up into her tight, silken sanctum.

"You... You do, huh?" Piran could still taste Kira on his lips even as she pulled away. He could see the lust and desire in her eyes, and as he looked closer, he could see his own desires reflected there. "Alright then!"

It was time to be confident again. Seeing as Kira was leaning forward against his sturdy body, the Zora would find it difficult to attend to her plush mounds that had captivated him so. He couldn't afford to be greedy at this moment, so with the Sheikah impaled on his cock and working her way towards taking more of him in, Piran sought to help her along. His hands slid over her hips and grasped her ass like it was an anchor. Sharp claws pricked against the sensitive, pale skin there but wouldn't dare cause any pain or discomfort, even as Piran began to knead, squeeze and pull at those succulent cheeks. As this went on, Piran started to move his hips against Kira's own; jutting them upwards, easing his cock further into her inch by inch until he was satisfied with the level of pleasure.

"You're so warm, Kira," Piran gasped, his hot breath tickling Kira's ear. The water rippled around the two of them as the Zora nudged Kira about on his lap, encouraging her to take him as much as she desired. "And so... so tight. You- don't be afraid to take what you want, okay?"
Kira smirked with Piran's response. A delighted shiver coursed her spine as his hands slid to her rear. The sharp claws pricked ever so slightly on the soft flesh. Never drawing blood, just stepping on that line. She didn't have the current mental capacity to reason it out. All she knew was how it felt when his claws and teeth played at her flesh. His play with her hindquarters adjusted how her hips moved, inching him in and out of her folds. Easing his length further and further into her body. Every inch strange and scintillating, hard and ridged. Filling and stretching. Kira's head spun at the sensation. Even more as his own hips began working against hers.

Piran's breath hissed across her ear sending a shiver down her back. She chuffed a small laugh at his offer to take whatever she wanted. Her hips ground against his as she nuzzled his cheek. A finger slid up and lay against his lips as she sat up in his lap. "Stop talking Piran. I'm never afraid," she said with a grin and a husky growl. Her fingers tucked behind his cheeks, her palms cupping his jaw. She kissed him once again, flicking her tongue against his lips. With the rolling grind she lifted her hips, just a little, and rolled back down. She increased the height just a little each time. Drawing him further and further out before taking him back in.

It was wild, the way he felt against her. His body hard but sleek and silky, warmer than she expected. Slowly she drew away and sat up on his lap, her hands resting on his chest as she rode him. Still slow and easy but rising up enough that only a couple inches were still in her before easing back down. Her chin tilted up and her eyes were nearly closed as she let the heat and sensation wash over her. Large, full breasts danced along with the rhythm for his viewing pleasure. She took her time with him, feeling every inch and movement of his length within her.
Piran didn't take offense to the way Kira took command of the situation. In fact, he found it was rather hot and sexy of her, which was one of the many reasons why he liked her, let alone respected her. A woman who knew what she liked and did what she could to get it was a welcome relief from ladies who took any handouts one gave them. His smooth Zora hands continued to feel up the Sheikah's hindquarters, squeezing and kneading here and there in between helping her out with little nudges so she could take his cock without further trouble. Piran was content to continue doing just that and keep with the rhythm, but having Kira lean in, cup his jaw and kiss him all while grinding her hips against him stupified him. By Hylia, the feeling was fantastic- her cunny was just perfect, her kiss so sweet and that tongue of hers just as playful as the woman it belonged to. Piran let out a long, held breath and kissed her back- of course- but also returned her tongue flick with one of his own in an attempt to get her to double down against him.

Alas, Kira pulled away before Piran could treat her to his version of a passionate kiss, but the view was spectacular. The pace was just right; she was taking him in as well as she could, though Piran desired her to take in even more. As she let the experience soak into her soul, Piran grasped her hips and guided a couple more inches inside of her- the ridges of his red cock slipped past her silken folds with a low hum of pleasure slipping from Piran's lips. He couldn't afford to be too greedy, so Piran relented and let Kira set the pace. Even so, the sight of those large, full breasts swaying and bouncing before him had attracted his attention like bait for a fish.

The Zora immediately cupped Kira's breasts and prodded her nipples with his thumbs. By the Goddess, they were so soft! Piran didn't squeeze them like toys, instead choosing to rotate them and guide them about even as the woman danced atop his lap. He even lifted them up just enough to reveal the creamy, pale undersides, and from there Piran guided his fingers along the crease. Then his gaze was drawn to that vicious scar that started from above Kira's left breast and ended around her right hip. He figured it must have been a painful experience for Kira... and yet, he couldn't keep his fingers off of it. With one hand kneading and pleasing the woman's right breast, Piran traced the scar with his fingers and indulged where he could, all the while making sure that this was a sensual experience for the Sheikah.

The pace was very, very good, though it was starting to come clear that Piran was steadily approaching his 'limit'. His thick member pulsed at a languid pace...
Kira grinned as she rode him, seeing the look of pleasure and delight on his face. Her own likely a mirror to his, feeling the strange, ridged length of him inside of her. Exotic, different, it was a wonder more women didn't seek out a Zora for a lover. Of course no one likely knew. Kira kept an easy pace, letting the feel of him was over her. Each grind against him sent delighted tremors across her body. It seemed both of them were intentionally keeping this slow which she was enjoying. The feel of him, and not just his length, but the way he touched her. Dragged. Those claws across her skin. It was tantalizing and each shiver, each tremor that darted through her body gathered where their bodies connected, making her face flush and her breathing some in soft little pants.

Piran was fascinated with her breasts. He seemed enraptured as she sat up giving him a good view of them. She hissed in delight as his hands worked them, more so with his thumbs on the sensitive nipple. Her eyes partially closed as she rode him she saw him slow a bit and stare at the scar. Kira's pace was interrupted for a moment. The scar was hideous, she knew that, a mark of her own shame. She wanted to stop him from staring at it or touch it but when his fingers gently laid where the shiny, red flesh stared she shivered. His touch was gentle over the old wound. For a moment, just a moment, she felt her eyes burn and her throat tighten. She held herself in check, raising a hand to lay on Piran's cheek. The way he touched the scar was so sweet, so gentle, she could almost be tricked into thinking it was a thing of beauty. Shit, that turned her on more than the soft rasping of his claws on her flesh.

Once more she found a pace with him. Riding his length with slow, easy strokes. It was more dance than it was just fucking. She could feel him throb inside her. The feeling brought about another grin. Kira moved her hips faster. The new set pace edging to frantic. Her eyes slid a little out of focus as she rode him, not only wanting him to come to that delightful finish but herself as well. For her that sweet pressure built, like flaming water trapped behind a dam. Her breath came in short sharp breaths. Then all at once the damn broke. Kira's body seized, her back arched, her inner walls gripped his length with sudden strength. She made a sound somewhat like a squeak and a moan in one before her body relaxed in waves of shudders.
It seemed absurd to Piran just how enticing Kira's scar was. Though it looked viciously gruesome, there was a profound beauty to it that had captivated the Zora. It wasn't the same feeling he got from Kira's breasts. Sure, he loved those large, plush orbs bouncing in front of him and loved to work them over with his hands, but for the most part these lovely things only served to fuel the fire of lust in the Zora's soul, and in his loins, of course. The scar was different- it fleshed Kira out for Piran and drew him closer to the woman; fueling the fires of passion and pure infatuation.

"You're so beautiful," Piran whispered once he finished tracing that scar. He looked up at Kira and laid a hand over hers that she laid upon his cheek. "You know that, right?"

Oh how Piran wished he could stay like this forever with Kira. They could just 'dance' together for hours on end, protected by the four walls of this bathhouse and constantly reinvigorated by its luscious steam and water. The Sheikah's body felt divine against his scaled, smooth skin, and her hot cunny went above and beyond anything he had ever had in his entire life. Alas, the Zora was still a mere mortal, and thus he couldn't stand to keep going for much longer. He could feel Kira's hips move from graceful to frantic while her breath came up in cute little gasps. She was gripping him tighter and tighter, and as the pace intensified, Piran realized that he too was nearing his limit.

Goddess... That sound Kira made melted Piran's heart. That and the vicegrip around his length, but honestly, Piran thought that noise was nothing less than cute. He held her hips down and, without even thinking of the ramifications, he released inside. Hot, white ropes of potent seed gushed from his exotic member and surged up into Kira's womb- there was quite a bit of cum that had been stored up for quite some time, but the pressure wasn't too intense to cause discomfort. The Zora gritted his teeth and nudged his hips up to tighten the fit and empty his load, and when he was well and truly finished he would reach for Kira's body and pull her close against his own.

With the fins of his arms trailing down the Sheikah's back and his spent member still wedged inside the beauty, Piran kept close to Kira, not wanting to be apart just yet.

"Kira... Kira, my goodness," Piran panted against her neck and ear. He paused for a moment to peck her cheek before opting to look into her eyes to gauge her reaction. "Are you... How was it?"
Waves of fire coursed her body as she shuddered in Piran's arms. Her core gripped his length and she felt him go suddenly stiff, grasping her hips and pushing her hips to his. Kira shuddered as she felt his release within her. Actually felt it, the warmth of his seed, the pulsing of his cock. Finally both were spent. Kira felt nearly fit to feint until Piran gathered her up and pulled her close to his strong, broad body. She nestled in tightly as if that was exactly where she belonged. The coursing fire ebbed like the tide and she relaxed into him. Both exhausted and invigorated at the same time. Her breath fell across his neck and collar bone as they held one another, reveling in what they had just experienced.

Kira smiled softly as his breath against her neck and his gentle questions. "You talk too much," she murmured against his neck, managing a small laugh. "But it was...I don't have the words...." she said before nuzzling into his neck, absorbing the feel of his arms around her, his fine trailing down her back. It had been years since she had felt this way. Warm, safe, protected even. In such repose they were both vulnerable and yet, for the time time in ages, Kira was alright with that feeling. More than alright. The loner was happy; happy to share with another.

After a few moments Kira finally sat up, peppering Piran's neck and cheek with butterfly soft kisses. "We should go. There are respects to pay and we should get some sleep. At least we will have real beds to sleep in tonight," she said with a small grin. Kira rose off Piran, she shivered as his length withdrew from her. She wasn't entirely certain of Zora anatomy but based on what she had seen before it would receded into him eventually. With another small smile Kira waded across the warm pool, her core aching blissfully, to the screen. There she washed up quickly before climbing out to dry and dress. Rather than her armor she put on a traditional robe, the belt tight and the sleeves wide. It was a bit cumbersome for her liking but they were safe there.

Her silvery hair was done up into a partial knot while the rest hung to her waist like a shining curtain. With her tights and armor tucked under an arm Kira led Piran through the village. He might note the lack of children. Kira was easily one of the youngest inhabitants. There was also a poignant lack of men to work the small fields they had. Kira left her armor at her parents' home and led Piran to the massive temple near waterfalls. A grand flight of stairs led them up to the sanctum, passing an old, childhood friend. "Paya! Good to see you!" Kira said in a cheery voice. Rather uncharacteristic of the woman but she was in an unabashedly pleasant mood. "H-hello...Kira..." Paya said as she backed away, staring at Piran. Kira ushered Piran inside. "Paya is terrified of men," she whispered to him with a small chuckle.

Impa raised her elderly, wrinkled face as the pair entered. Her white eyebrows rose before pulling together. "Mmmm...A Zora out of water. Interesting," she said with a piercing gaze. All Sheikah had red eyes, Impa was no different. She stared at the pair with a suspicious gleam before gesturing for them to approach. "Dorian tells me you wish for new gear and you leave again Kira...with your...friend." Her smile was eerie, as if she knew everything about them, especially what had transpired in the bathhouse. "Granted...but you know....a time will come when choices must be made..." She said cryptically. Her red eyes centered on Piran and narrowed. "A Zora warrior belongs with his kin as much as a Sheikah belongs with hers. If the fate of Hyrule depending on the loyalty of your kind...would you be so quick to rebuke it?" Everything was a riddle with the aged Sheikah woman. Even with her cryptic questions Paya appeared and disappeared a number of times, always glancing to Piran with a red face. She laid out swords, bows, quivers of arrow, packs of food, even some potions
Piran wanted to stay a while longer under the guise of actually bathing, but if he tried to tell that to Kira, she would see right through him. He just wanted to spend more time with her here in this secluded, safe and luxurious bathhouse. Alas, the both of them needed to carry on with their adventure- Piran needed to return to Zora's Domain and tell the others about the Lynel's death, and Kira needed to find Boko once again. He rose out from the water, made certain that his 'little soldier' was resting back where it belonged, took a good, long look at Kira wading away and then, finally, got out to put on what little armor he had.

As the two walked through the village, refreshed and closer than ever before, Piran was quick to notice just how sparse the population was. Indeed, there were very few children, but so few men as well. Besides Dorian and Cado, Piran only saw two other men- a Cucoo enthusiast and a pumpkin grower. Perhaps the Calamity had been hard on them, yet with all the years that passed since then, Piran found it strange that they, the Sheikah, weren't trying to pump up their numbers. At least this Paya girl was around and- by Hylia, this shy thing had curves for days. Piran did his best not to stare; he didn't want to be caught looking at another woman when Kira, the woman he had just had sex with, was so close by.

Besides, Piran had already made up his mind about Kira, even if he wasn't aware of it.

"I'll try not to make any sudden moves around her, then," Piran replied to Kira.

Meeting Impa, Piran had to check his bitterness at the door. He had nothing against Impa personally, what with having just met her, but the arrogant Zora had little respect for the elderly. He hated being lectured and hated listening to long-winded stories about nothing, and even worse was when they tried to teach him about nonsensical things or give him advice about events that were far beyond anyone then. They were too rooted in the old days and old ways- disconnected from the troubles facing the youth of today. He held his tongue at Impa's comment, but surely she would see the odd look on his face. Thankfully Piran was still in a very, very good mood- all thanks to Kira.

"Look... Impa, right?" Piran glanced over to Kira for reassurance before continuing on. "I'm not one for cryptic messages and deep philiosophy or whatever it is. I'm just here for the gear and supplies... and for Kira. So, uh, anything you can spare would be much appreciated."
Piran was lucky that Kira wasn't the jealous type. Well that wasn't true. Sure they'd just finished having sex but Kira wasn't exactly a fool or naive. Piran didn't belong to her just as she didn't belong to him. Even if she noticed the look, however fleeting, Piran gave Paya Kira wouldn't act on it. Never mind the little fire in her belly, the sudden itch in her hand urging her to punch something. She drew in a long, quiet breath and focused her gaze on Impa. There was no reason to get heated about things that, perhaps, didn't matter. Impa was quick to grant their request for weapons and supplies. Though she was just as quick to throw her warning riddles at them. Kira glanced to Piran as he looked at her and she gave him a small nod. She wasn't certain he couldn't say much to Impa that she hadn't said worse.

Impa's silvery white eyebrows rose at Piran as he spoke. Her eyes darted from him to Kira then back again. "Oh ho not one for deep philosophy and cryptic messages. Very well then I shall be blunt. Once you are returned to your domain I suggest you stay there. Choose a companion from your own species and stay where you belong." Though her eyes were focused on Piran it was clear the message was for both of them. Her gaze drifted over to Kira and softened almost to sadness. "I have never demanded or forced you to stay if you are called else where. Just remember where your home is, your family. I am sure the time is drawing near and I fear what that may mean for our people, for Hyrule. The Yiga grow stronger while we grow weaker. If there are no guardians, if the stories are forgotten..."

"Then share them!" Kira snapped suddenly, her fists clenched tightly. "They are stories, not secrets. All the races are so disconnected..." She paused and looked up at Piran. "Like Mipha...we do not know her story, it isn't shared...we're stronger together. Even Yiga can change...if you would just reach out to them..."

"Collective minds are not easily changed. Do as you will, Kira. You always have, despite better judgements. Despite turning your back on your people. I have hope that, when the day comes, you will just make the right choice. You as well, Zora. Take heed. Stay with your own kind if you care what becomes of your people. Clearly some cannot take such advice and would rather make another attempt with ally with a different group." Her final shot ended with a small, haughty sniff.

Kira was notably taken aback by the suggestion that she didn't care about her people. Enough so she stepped backwards, a hand resting on her chest. "How did you...never mind. Thank you for your advice my Lady Impa and for the supplies." Shaken by Impa's reference Kira bowed, her anger quelled as quickly as flames in a storm. Paya had made bundles of all the items, making two easy to carry packs with all the provided items. She had them by the door for the pair, her face red still and her eyes down cast.
Kira's anger might have been taken away, smothered or repressed in the effort to save face, but Piran couldn't say the same. He wasn't a Sheikah; he had no ties to his place and no say in what happened to the people here. He was a Zora, and as Impa implied, it was more along his business to stay with them and live his life without venturing too far out. But Piran was young and filled with hot blood that was boiling at that very second. Again, without thinking of the consequences, Piran took a step forward once Kira was finished and jabbed a sharp claw at Impa from across the room.

"Alright, now you listen here you little tart," Piran growled. "I don't care how old or wise or respected you are. If you want to be a bitter stick in the mud, more power to you; but don't you dare tell me how to live my life." The orange Zora could sense the other two Sheikah's eyes upon him, and yet he kept talking regardless. "And while we're at it, maybe those Yiga Clan assholes- whoever or whatever they are- are only growing stronger because you choose to grow weak. You seclude and disconnect yourself from the rest of Hyrule and you're going to find yourself left behind."

Piran knew that last statement was also meant for him and his people; a textbook case of the pot calling the kettle black. But despite his rash arrogance and loudmouthed nature, Piran at least had the decency to admit that he and his people had a problem. With his anger vented, Piran folded his long arms across his chest and awaited a reply, or worse, exile.
Why Kira was surprised that Piran wouldn't let thing lay she didn't know. Rather than back off and follow her Piran stepped forward. Her spin stiffened as he pointed at Impa and returned fire. Her mouth fell open as Piran ranted right back. It was, in a way, impressive. Piran was brave, bold, if perhaps a little foolish. Kira wanted to stop him, she should have stopped him. Instead she just watched with a small glow of pride in her chest. She didn't delude herself that this was in her defense. Impa had said enough about him and his people to warrant a response. The trouble was Piran didn't fully understand the implications of Impa's statements. Kira swallowed as Piran finished, her eyes drifting to Impa.

The old woman listened to the rant with distant eyes. Both bored and disinterested. His words washed over her, she didn't seem to care in the least. The irony of his words was not lost on her. The Zora were equally guilty of xenophobia. His little rant wasn't about to change her mind. All she could do was sigh quietly and shake her head. "The youth never understand until it is too late. Just go. Stay the night in the village and be gone. Kira, you would do well to teach this Zora some manners." She waved her hand dismissively.

Kira's body jerked into motion after being stuck and frozen. She reached forward and took hold of Piran's wrist. "Remember we are being given supplies," she said quietly with a little pull to his arm. Paya kept glancing at Piran as she handed the bundles to them. Kira quirked an eyebrow at Paya before shooting her a glare. Childhood friend or not she had best keep her eyes to herself. Paya was quick to leave once the bundles were handed over.

Once outside Kira heaved a long breath before suddenly wrapping her arms around Piran's waist. "That was pretty stupid but...I appreciated it anyways." She laughed as she stepped back and shouldered the pack. "Probably explains why I left pretty well huh?" She added with another laugh. Kira led him to her parents' house. The sun was setting, sending dramatic shadows across the village. As they arrived Dorian was already in bed. Kiyo was sewing by the hearth. She looked up as the pair arrived and raised her eyebrows. "You can stay in your old room," she said quietly before going back to her sewing. Kira nodded and waved for Piran to follow. Up a ladder and into a partial loft. Since she had left it had been used for storage. Still there were blankets, padding, and pillows laid out. It struck Kira that the loft was pretty open and certainly not private.

"Hope this is ok...what do Zora normally sleep on? Or in? Do you sleep in water?" She thought back to the morning. He had sort of dug himself into the river bank. "There are pools further up the mountains if that would be better."
Piran had said what he wanted to say. He scoffed at Impa's dismissive comment, turned back towards Kira and scooped up his own bundle before heading out with the one Sheikah he actually, genuinely liked. His temper was still roaring- he didn't mean to ignore Paya, but at the time he wasn't looking for intrigue or flattering, embarrassed gazes. He was irritated with old toads like Impa- those who sat in one spot for days on end and expected people to come to them for advice. Bah, the old woman could rot on her pillow for all Piran cared.

The hug then caught Piran off guard and put a blanket over the fire wrought by his temper.

"You're welcome," the Zora snapped back with a small smirk. He patted Kira's back in passing until the two had to step away. "And don't worry, I don't think any less of you for leaving this village. I can totally understand."

Back at Dorian and Kiyo's home, Piran marvelled at how the day had come to a close so quickly. Granted, so much had happened today... The Zora noticed the loft in the home and, seeing as it wasn't too private, he figured it would be a good idea to keep his voice down and, more importantly, his hands to himself. He clambered up the ladder after Kira and laid out his bundle of weapons and supplies for inspection.

"It'd be better if I stayed here with you," Piran replied with a glum nod of his head as he sat on his own little sleeping arrangement. "We Zora typically sleep in water. In Zora's Domain, there are multiple pools at comfortable temperatures that we sleep in. Even the local inn has a few water beds for travellers, should they decide to indulge." His frown kept for a moment longer until he looked over at Kira and couldn't help but smile. His sharp teeth came out as he let loose a little chuckle. "Yeah... Again, it'd be better if I slept here. If I went up the mountain and slept in one of those pools all by my lonesome, the whole village is gonna wake up tomorrow morning to a Zora deep-fried in a pool of water superheated by his boiling blood."
"It'd be better if I stayed here with you," Piran replied with a glum nod of his head as he sat on his own little sleeping arrangement. "We Zora typically sleep in water. In Zora's Domain, there are multiple pools at comfortable temperatures that we sleep in. Even the local inn has a few water beds for travellers, should they decide to indulge." His frown kept for a moment longer until he looked over at Kira and couldn't help but smile. His sharp teeth came out as he let loose a little chuckle. "Yeah... Again, it'd be better if I slept here. If I went up the mountain and slept in one of those pools all by my lonesome, the whole village is gonna wake up tomorrow morning to a Zora deep-fried in a pool of water superheated by his boiling blood."

For just a moment Kira felt a strange little pang in her chest. He sounded so glum and resigned with staying with her. His words. That was stupid. Of course he would prefer sleeping where it was more comfortable. Kira set down her bundle as he spoke of how Zora slept, unrolling it to reveal the supplies. Despite the foul interaction they had been well supplied. Very first she picked up the new weapon. Another Eightfold Blade. The hilt felt wrong, it was new and not worn in with her hand. It would need some breaking in. The water beds he spoke of sounded interesting, she'd like to give that a try. His comments about a fried Zora made her blink a moment before laughing quietly. That toothy, unabashed grin of his was delightful and made her heart light.

"Don't let them bother you," she said as she stood and unsheathed the sword. Perfectly balanced of course, sharp as a razor. It hissed through the air as she gave it a couple of one handed swings before a flick and sheathing it once more. "I found it just isn't worth it. Easier to leave than deal with her. All of them really..." she said with a huffed sigh, her thumb absently rubbing the hilt of the new weapon. "If people want to stay stuck in the past then I say let them. That's the point of the past isn't it? So we learn but not cling to." Her words were distant as if speaking a long memorized mantra. Quickly she brought herself back and set the weapon back down

Quietly she padded over to Piran where he sat on the bedding. Given their height difference he was at chest level with her while sitting. Kira leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek accompanied by a cheeky grin. "So don't let them boil your blood, ok? It's really not worth getting cooked over," she said with a small laugh. "We should get some sleep. I would like to head out early, preferably before anyone else wakes. I don't care for goodbyes." For a moment Kira hesitated, really and truly considering moving her own bedding closer to his. She had cut their after sex cuddling short and felt the need to remedy that. Probably shouldn't. Maybe it wasn't a Zora thing anyways. She stood back up to head to her own bedroll and turn in for the night.
Kira seemed to have a lot of experience with leaving inexplicably, or trying to make friends with other races/species, if what Impa said was correct. Oh yes, Piran was observant despite his pigheadedness and arrogance- he caught the way Kira held her scar and recoiled at certain words Impa drove against her. There was much to dig into and discuss, but it wasn't the right time to bring it all up. Besides, the night was coming to a close and it wouldn't be wise to sleep on bad thoughts. The muscled Zora hummed in thought as Kira vented and inspected her equipment, and when she came up to peck him on the cheek, his smile soon widened. To think that he would find himself falling in love with this Sheikah...!

"I don't care for goodbyes either," Piran mumbled as he watched Kira head back to her bedroll.

That would have been the end of it. Perhaps it was a good idea to just go to sleep separate from one another. But then Piran remembered just how warm Kira had felt against his smooth skin, the noises she made that melted his heart and her general aura that calmed his nerves. The Zora was big, strong and able, and yet he wasn't above the hollow, cold feeling of loneliness. As Kira retreated, Piran took up his bedroll and blankets and crept over to the young woman only to lay beside her should she settle down.

The Zora opened his mouth to say something, but figuring he had very little to convey and knowing that Kira had cheekily remarked that he talked too much, he shut it and let his lips fall back into that small smile of his. Wordlessly he would try and press his body against Kira's backside- his sharp, clawed hands would drape over and clasp around the woman's waist while his gaunt, strong face lingered near the back of her neck. Piran seemed inexperienced with this sort of thing, cuddling, but he was being courageously forward in desiring it. Of course, if Kira objected, the Zora would relent.
Kira laid down in the comfortable, soft bedding. Not quite as plush as some inns were but better than hard ground. She was not so tired, not so unaware, that she didn't hear Piran move. While she recognized his strength and prowess in battle he was no Sheikah. Stealth wasn't his style. She didn't move as he put his bedding down beside hers and laid behind her. As he wrapped his arms around her she nestled back, shifting to make them both comfortable. Kira couldn't keep a smile from her face as she felt his warm, smooth, strong body envelope hers. She snuggled back so close it might be hard to discern where one began and the other ended.

A low, content sigh heaved from her chest as she relaxed in his arms. One hand found his, winding her fingers between his own. Her other arm stretched out under her head. By the Goddess she hadn't felt so comfortable and content in ages. So safe and warm. She had been traveling alone for so long...but it was more than just having someone to travel with. Still more than simply having a lover. Piran was more than a comfort between her legs. He made her heart beat a little faster, her blood a little bit warmer. Her thumb idly brushed his hand back and forth as she reveled in the feel of him fully engulfing her back. The thumb began to slow, her breathing evened out, until she fell asleep.

The homes lacked a great deal of windows. Just enough to get some natural light inside. It was enough as the sun dawned. Kira, as always, woke with the sun. Normally she was quick to wake. Her eyes snapped open and she was up in less than a minute. This morning she yawned widely, her eyes fluttering sleepily. So comfy. Another yawn and a slow, languid stretch with a quiet but long and high pitched groan. Finally she hauled herself up and stretched again, reaching towards the rafters, with another wide yawn. Curled up so comfortably with Piran seemed to set a lazy effect on her. Still, she liked waking up in his arms. Finally up and awake Kira set about dressing. Piran had seen her naked already, no reason to be shy. She removed the traditional robes unabashedly and pulled on her underthings, bound her breasts with wide linen cloth and pulled on her usual stealth armor. She brushed then braided her silvery hair, securing it all to the back of her head with the clever use of a single pin. For the time beating she left the mask down. Bow and quiver to her back, sword at her ample hip. Quiet as a shadows whisper she waved for Piran to follow her out of the house.

No one was up yet in the village. The sun barely gracing them with light. They hadn't really discussed where they would go exactly. Kira knew she needed to head north. Following paths would make the trip longer but easier...but Piran said he wasn't the best climber and she was sure there would be climbing involved. "What do you think Piran? Is there a path through Zora's domain that will get us back to that plateau? My map is in my saddle I can't really say exactly where Boko will be. On the far side of the plateau where the Lynel was...but I don't remember there being paths. Lots of waterfalls of the only way I know is to take the road all the way around." Such a trip would take days. While it would be a good excuse to stay with Piran longer she wanted to get to Boko as soon as possible. He might be a strong horse but she worried about what might happen to him if left alone for too long. She looked notably concerned, rubbing her arm as she stared northward.
Again, Piran wasn't the best at climbing. Falling with style, however, was something he was fantastic at. With gravity at his back and water below, he had no fear of leaping off tall cliffs or mountaintops. Plus, thanks to his species' unique anatomy and masterful swimming, waterfalls wouldn't be a problem. What was a problem, however, was that most waterfalls were found mainly in Faron and north/north-east of Zora's Domain. Still, one couldn't complain too much, for water was nearly everywhere.

"There is a path back to that plateau, yes, and it shouldn't involve much climbing. East of Zora's Domain is a dam that has stairs we can climb up," Piran explained as he hefted his knapsack of travelling supplies over his shoulder. He still had his wicked dagger, but now his armament was supplemented with a good wooden bow, a quiver stacked with arrows and a long sword that was too cumbersome for a normal Hylian to wield. "If we head towards the mouth of Zora River, we can take the trail all the way into Zora's Domain and restock on supplies there; perhaps even get a good meal and rest at the inn while we're there."

For a moment the Zora paused in thought. His mind drifted to the sound night's sleep he got with Kira balled up in front of him. Piran figured he could get used to sleeping with her, or better yet, sleeping with her so close to him. His teeth poked out from between his lips as he offered a thoughtful smile.

"So, the way I see it... We could go straight north outta this cozy little hamlet, jump down into that lake and wade out over and onto the Lanayru Wetlands, go west down that big slope we came up on and follow the road past Wetland Stable to get to Inogo Bridge- and I don't recommend that because it'll take forever- or we could head northeast." The tall, orange Zora pointed up towards the forest overlooking the village from the northeast. Kira might have heard some legend about a Great Fairy watching over this area. "If we can get to the Rutala River, we can ford it and try and climb up to Zobodon Highlands. Though... That'll be a challenge for me to climb, and the river could be a challenge for you to cross, but I could always carry you. What do you think?"
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