Mx Female The "Amazon Chaser" Trope is Real!

Gym Rat

Lifting things up. Putting them down.
Jan 3, 2016
US west coast
Greetings! My previous request thread on this topic is getting old, and I'm tired of bumping it. (These threads are heavy!!!) And it was also somewhat non-specific, so I've decided to start from scratch, and include some actual starter prompts this time.

Exciting, right?

(You don't have to agree with me. I won't be offended. Not much, anyway.)

Okay Gym Rat, enough with the silliness. What are you looking for?
If you've seen my old thread, then you might have a basic understanding of what I love. Strong women. Very strong. My actual sexual kinks are pretty vanilla, so I apologize in advance for boring all of the more experimental writers out there. What I want is something sweet and fun. Romantic, even. YC's super strength is the sexual trigger that gets MC (and hopefully her as well) so worked up that they can't help shagging!

So....I'm not clear on what your style and goals are Gym this smut? Or story? You're not making any sense!
Fair enough--I can understand the confusion that I've caused. I don't know if it falls more squarely into one bucket or the other. I'm not a professional novelist, so the storylines themselves will likely be rather simplistic. Don't expect me to write mind-bending plot twists. You probably won't find that our story will be filled with complicated details that make the reader question reality. But that said, what my writing will lack in epic storytelling, I'll make up for in description, detail, quality grammar and punctuation, dialogue, sharing MC's thoughts and reactions, and good, pure fun.

Damn you Gym Rat! That didn't really answer the question. So, mostly smut then?
I love a good build-up. Teasing. The step by step increase in sexual tension. It won't jump right into smut. Despite the fact that the storyline will be fairly basic, we'll take our time getting to the juicy stuff. That makes the juicy stuff so much better, doesn't it? I think so, anyway.

I guess this means you want to be dominated?
No. I can understand how you would think that, but I don't really fall into any kind of standard "domme/sub" spectrum. I have no interest in pain, or having MC be made to suffer. Remember how I mentioned that I like things sweet and romantic? Think along the lines of the female using her power to seduce the guy. Imagine that the super strong girl has been unlucky in love, because most men are turned off by her power. Will she ever find a man who appreciates all that she has to offer? Imagine that the guy has always dreamed of meeting and falling for a girl whose physical strength is exceptional. I mean, they don't exist, right? Imagine how both of them probably never believed that it might ever happen for them. Well, now it will!

Okay, I think I understand. So, back to your "strong woman" fetish. Does that mean, like, muscles and stuff? Girls with big biceps? Ewww, that's gross!
Touche. It's a look that's not for everyone, and I understand that it's a turn-off for many, if not most. Though probably most. So, you'll see that some of my ideas revolve around girls who are buff, and others revolve around girls who are slender yet impossibly strong. Don't confuse strength or muscularity with "manliness." I love femininity, and I think that this kind of power accentuates femininity rather than detracting from it.

I assume you have a million rules, just like most other people, right?
Not many.
  • I greatly prefer PMs over threads.
  • I'm not a grammar nazi, but I hope you're reasonably competent. Post length can vary. A few good paragraphs is nice. I typically write a couple of fairly long posts earlier on as we're setting things up, and parts with more dialogue will have shorter posts.
  • I don't freak out over post frequency. I'll often do one post per day, sometimes I'll do multiple posts in a day, and sometimes I'll go a few days between posts. Whatever fits into your schedule works for me. Real life always comes first. If a week or so goes by and I haven't heard from you, I'll probably shoot you a polite, quick OOC message just to make sure that you're still interested.
  • I generally write in third person. But if you much prefer first person, then I can do that too. Second person is kind of weird. And don't get me started about fourth person--totally inappropriate for roleplay stories. And fifth person......okay, I'll stop being silly.

Thanks Gym Rat, I think I'm kind of getting it now. So, you said that you had some prompts in mind? I hope so. Your last request thread wasn't very helpful in that regard.
I did? Oh yeah! I did! Of course, all of them will be remarkably similar. Hey, don't hate--I know what I like!

I've never been a comic book reader, so I apologize in advance for my lack of perfect, specific knowledge. That said, as a fan of superwomen, I obviously have at least a passing understanding of the biggies. Hopefully enough to entice you, though if you're a real stickler for pure canon ideas, then this might not be for you.

It would be fun to spin a vignette about a heroine like Power Girl, She Hulk, Wonder Woman, or Supergirl with their new boyfriend. Building up to the moment when YC's secret identity decides that it's time to reveal to her beau that she's actually the famous superheroine! Will he be freaked out? Intimidated? Scared off? Or will he actually like the fact that she can lift a locomotive over her head? (Spoiler alert--he's going to like it. :))

Or we could pair her with Superman.....just as long as she's stronger than he is. What's sexier than a woman out-muscling the Man of Steel?

We could do something along the same lines, only without limiting you to those famous ladies discussed above. Create your own! Make her big and buff, or make her a skinny waif. Come up with your own origin story. Flex your creative muscles.

Remember the 2000 Bruce Willis superhero movie? To be honest, it wasn't that great. And don't worry, I'm not interested in re-hashing it or doing something canon related to it. But I do have an idea loosely based on it. Really, just one scene. (Or two scenes, if you count the deleted university weight room scene.) Anyway, Bruce's character is realizing that he's some sort of superhero. He doesn't lift cars and fly, or anything like that. But, he finds that, among other things, he's able to summon mildly superhuman strength as needed, enabling him to be a vigilante hero. The scene in question takes place in his basement, where his son goads him into seeing how much weight he can bench press with his weight set. He keeps adding more and more weight, and each time, he surprises both himself and his son by being able to lift it. By the end of the scene, he's using all of the weights, plus anything else that they could find to hang from the ends of the barbell. Somewhere over 300 pounds. (The deleted scene has him doing almost 500 pounds).

How about something along those same lines, only the character testing her surprising strength is a girl? And the witness is her boyfriend, husband, or friend-who's-about-to-become-more-than-a-friend? Oh yeah......and several more rounds of adding weight so that the final result is a lot more weight than good ol' Bruce was lifting. A lot more!

I've started stories like this a few times, but, as most of you know, many writers on here end up disappearing, so I've never finished one. I see this as being something 18-22, so high school senior or university age. YC's family moves in next door to MC's. MC's secret fetish is strong and/or built women, so he's familiar with many of the semi-celebrity females in the elite competition circles. When she's dressed in normal clothes, few people would guess, but YC is actually a champion bodybuilder or powerlifter. And she just happens to be MC's secret semi-celebrity crush!

He could, after a bit of setup and buildup, get over his shyness and tell her that he knows who she is, and that he's admired her from afar.

And for her part, she's been training privately at home even so much harder since winning the national championship last year, and her results are literally un. Freaking. Believable. And MC is about to become the first (and perhaps only) guy to whom she's going to reveal those results!

Yes, yes, yes......on my semi-regular visits to Vegas, just like many single men, I'm known to spend part of an evening at one of Sin City's excellent gentlemen's clubs full of dozens or even hundreds of lovely ladies. You caught me. I'm a degenerate. :p

A while back, I had a nice little experience there that I've fantasized about ever since, and I'd love to spin a story that starts pretty much exactly as that experience started, and then veers into delicious fantasy land. Sue me. It's been on my mind ever since!

Given my preference for extremely fit--or even buff--women, I'll keep an eye out for any dancer who matches that description. Given how physically demanding it is to put on a great pole dancing show, it's not uncommon at all to spot at least one dancer at the high end clubs who is (or could be) something along the lines of a professional fitness or figure competitor, or even more muscular than that.

On this visit, I spotted an attractive dancer who looked quite fit and toned, though I wouldn't have classified her as particularly "muscular" at first glance. Something along the lines of this girl. She noticed me checking her out, and she came over to where I was sitting and introduced herself.

She ran a hand across my chest and complimented me on being in shape. I returned the compliment. I didn't say anything about my preference for muscular women, but she must have sensed that I was one of the rare men who would be into that, because she dropped down to one knee next to my chair, raised her right arm, and flexed her bicep. Not only was she attractive, with an excellent stripper's figure, but she actually had some guns too! Significantly more impressive than what I was even remotely expecting!

She laughed at the expression on my face. "You weren't expecting that, were you?" she asked. She stood back up and again ran her hand across my chest, teasing me about my "nipples getting hard." They might have been, because she was cute and surprisingly buff--just my type.

I must have stammered out some affirmative reply, and I was probably staring at the lean, toned arm that had just produced that surprisingly impressive flex. She could tell that she was mere seconds away from selling me some lap dances, so she moved to seal the deal. She dropped down to one knee again, and once again flexed that right arm for me. The impressive bicep again popped up as if from out of nowhere. She took a long look at her own muscle. Then, while still holding the flexing pose, she looked at me with a cat-that-ate-the-canary look, and said, "Isn't that hot??"

It was. I was turned on, and she knew it. She sold me a lap dance. :D

I would love to spin a story around an exaggerated version of this experience. It could start exactly as the real experience did, but her bicep would be even bigger, she would have rather super strength, and there would be more "extra fun" to be had--perhaps during the lap dance, and definitely outside the club later that night or the next.

Let's have her muscle posing in the private lap dance area maybe be even more impressive than what she showed out in the open. And maybe even more impressive outside the club. And with gym equipment/weights at her home, he learns that she's truly a superwoman!

You caught me. I enjoy scouting out fit and buff girls at gentlemen's clubs so much that I now have a second setup for a similar scene.

On a recent visit to one such establishment, after doing a quick wander through the club, I spotted one dancer who seemed to me to be the prettiest girl working there that night. And it also appeared that she might be looking rather fit, but it was hard to tell. She was seated at a table with another customer, so I figured I'd bide my time and try to catch up with her when she became free. So I took a seat at one of the only open tables, which happened to be directly behind her and this other customer.

I sat for awhile, sipping my drink, enjoying the stage show, and admiring some of the other eye candy in the club. But all the while, I kept an eye on her.

Then it happened. Still seated with this other customer at the table in front of me, she raised her arms up to adjust her hair. And I'll be damned if a pair of really big biceps didn't pop up as she worked her ponytail!

It took her awhile to fix her hair just right, and the whole time, since I was right behind her, I was getting the muscle show of a lifetime. She was exactly what I love: the prettiest girl in the building, and with big, beautiful arms!

My eyes were glued to that gun show. My pulse was racing. My breathing had gotten heavier. And I was as hard as a rock.

Let's start a story along these lines, and then decide together where it goes from there!

If you have a kink for age gaps, that theme could very appropriately be applied to this prompt. MC could be a professor of whatever age you like, and YC could be a cute young coed at the university. His area of specialty is bionics, and he believes he's on the verge of a major breakthrough. She's the volunteer test subject.

I recently vacationed in Europe, and after joining the throngs of tourists walking through Amsterdam's Red Light District, this one has been bouncing around in my head.

(No, I didn't partake. I know you think I'm a degenerate because of my Stripper prompt, but I'm not THAT much of a degenerate!) :LOL:

Anyway, I'm imagining that the guy is doing that tourist crawl, really just there to see what the fuss is all about, when suddenly he sees a red lit window with a girl who's unlike any of the other professional sex workers that this famous district has to offer. She has generous feminine curves AND muscular curves. The other tourists walking past are turned off, or they think she's a freak show. But to him, she's the sexiest woman he's ever seen.

Maybe you've noticed this, and maybe you haven't. But it seems like anytime there's a movie or tv show with superheroines or other female action characters, there's always some tabloid feature about how the actress(es) got into "super" shape to play (fill in the blank) superheroine role. Usually the feature has some breathless blurb about how she's deadlifting more than two hundred pounds. I'd like to take this more into the extremes (of course!).

I have an idea where an actress actually DID get into "super" shape! Perhaps she's buffed up a bit (to be determined). But she's definitely able to move mountains of iron in the weight room! My character could be her boyfriend, or maybe he's a lowly but lucky production assistant on set. Either way, her trailer on the set is always shaking and rocking. Partially from the absurdly heavy weights that she's pumping in there between filming scenes. But also because of all of the energetic sex that she and the lucky guy are having in between workout sets!

I happen to have a thing for Supergirl's Melissa Benoist, but I'm open to other actual celebrities, or a fictional one. Let's hear your ideas too!

I'll keep this simple--see my other request thread.

I blame the boredom of quarantining for the fact that I watched this show on Netflix. :rolleyes: If you're not familiar with it, it's one of those "Bachelor(ette)" style reality shows. But the twist is that the participants don't meet face to face at first. They instead have dates in "pods" where a wall separates them. The idea is to forge a deeper non-physical connection, hopefully to the point of deciding to become engaged......before they ever even see each other.

This would work really well for a romance story......with, of course, my fetish for female muscle.

I'm imagining the two characters falling in love after a few of those physically-separated conversations, and deciding to move to the next stage of the reality tv experience. And he has no idea that she's a bodybuilder until the first face to face meeting. She didn't tell him, saving it for a surprise. Will he be scared off, or will he be turned on?

Spoiler alert: I think you know the answer to that question. :p

I got the basic idea for this premise from a post that I saw on one of Reddit's roleplaying subs. The foundation is that there is a family where the women annually go into heat. The backstory is open to discussion. Perhaps they're descended from mythical Amazons, or something like that. Anyway, they have a small vacation house in a secluded location where the women take their partners to get away during this annual time. Our story would be about a girl who's about to go into her first heat on her birthday (age is to be determined--perhaps it's her 18th or 20th birthday), and she chooses a nice guy who she trusts to not "kiss and tell" to be the one she takes to the vacation house.

When these women go into heat, they become insatiably horny. The Redditor who posted this prompt had her own ideas of how she also becomes irresistible to her partner during this time. But I'd like to apply my own idea. The women become superwomen! Obviously. I mean, this is my request thread, right?

The guy she chooses for her first heat (for a deliciously sweet and smutty 24 or 48 hours or what have you) happens to also be a female muscle-power enthusiast. How perfect!

Just yesterday, while online, I saw an ad requesting donations to a local university to further their scientific research. The specific field of study that they were touting, not suprisingly, caught my eye. I was able to find just a little more information on their research.

This could be explored with an age gap "professor/student" pairing. Or it could simply be the scientific explanation/backstory in another setup for why the girl is rather super strong.

Anyway, I wanted to throw that out there. Maybe somebody here will be as intrigued by this as I am. :)

Thank you for exercising your patience by reading this. All that's missing is your PM in my inbox!
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Continuing to keep my eyes wide open for more opportunities with new partners. (Also corrected a couple of typos that I'm disappointed in myself for having missed the first time.)
I just found a video of a woman lifting a car. Now I'm all hot and bothered. Let's bump this thing!
Here's a little poem written by yours truly:

Feeling very horny
For a superwoman story

Ahem......don't all applaud at once......

Don't be shy about putting a message in my inbox! I know I look intimidating, but I'm really just a cuddly teddy bear. ;)
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