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Why is there a time limit on editing pms?

Drunkle Qrow

Nov 2, 2017
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy they can be edited. It used to suck not being able to. But it's just odd that after some time passes it becomes impossible.
I am unsure of the official stance on this but from a technical prospective it is done to prevent mass edits or duplicate edits. For example if you had really horrible internet you could resubmit the same request... Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing but think of a server trying to handle ten thousand edits of something you whoops reposted eighty times. Or for that matter if someone were malicious, broke into your account and tried to change a PM you just sent into a porn spam. Just my take... Hopefully an admin gets back to you on it.
I was going to ask the same thing.

Unlimited editing would do wonders. Especially since PMs are now set up as forum-style posts. It's frustrating when you've made a mistake and you can't fix it - so every time you look at it, that mistake is staring you dead in the face and there's nothing you can do to change it.
Just so people are aware, although there's no resolution on if/when it'll be changed, Admins have previously addressed the question of why there's a time limit on PM editing in this thread.
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Could the time limit be extended to like an hour? Sometimes rp partners discuss things that should be changed in a post and 15 minutes often just isn't enough time.
I would like to remind all inquiring about this matter that before the XenForo upgrade, PMs could not be edited -period-. That you now have a 15-minute cushion to edit a PM after sending is already a massive step up from where we started. If you find you truly need to "edit" an IC message in a Private Conversation, there is honestly no reason that you can't simply re-send an edited version of the message, just as you would have done in the previous MyBB forum software. (Sure, there will be a "duplicate and erroneous" message still in the Conversation thread, but it can simply be ignored.)

Only now, you don't even have to feel guilty about "cluttering" your PMs, because XenForo is orders of magnitude more efficient at database management than MyBB and having "too many PMs" is no longer a practical concern! :p
That you now have a 15-minute cushion to edit a PM after sending is already a massive step up from where we started.

Already mentioned that in my first post, thanks.
This is first forum I've ever seen ability to edit a PM after it was sent. Didn't know it was possible in case of the other forum designs.
I would like to remind all inquiring about this matter that before the XenForo upgrade, PMs could not be edited -period-. That you now have a 15-minute cushion to edit a PM after sending is already a massive step up from where we started. If you find you truly need to "edit" an IC message in a Private Conversation, there is honestly no reason that you can't simply re-send an edited version of the message, just as you would have done in the previous MyBB forum software. (Sure, there will be a "duplicate and erroneous" message still in the Conversation thread, but it can simply be ignored.)

Only now, you don't even have to feel guilty about "cluttering" your PMs, because XenForo is orders of magnitude more efficient at database management than MyBB and having "too many PMs" is no longer a practical concern! :p

I'd like to argue that with PMs before the conversion, you could easily send a new copy and delete the other one and resume with no erroneous post at all. There is no such luxury with the forum-based PM system as you have mentioned. To litter the conversation with edited posts (often minor enough that it doesn't make it worth it to post again) is unflattering to the conversation. Especially since there is subsequently also no DELETE option on posts/messages in private conversations.

Personally, I don't find it to be a massive step up. I find it to be a step down.

However I am quite obsessive in nature with these type of details.
The delete option unfortunately has the same problem as editing, as described in the thread Mr. Quixotic linked: no record, therefore, abuseable for rules-dodging, particularly on illegal content.
Then have it go to a recycling bin or something that staff could see if they wanted to. Just have a pseudo delete option so that you don't have to see it anymore in your pms.
I also hate the time limit/inability to delete posts when it comes to pm's.

I second the delete option but if that's not possible then what about making the time limit infinite and adding the "last edited:" thing to the bottom of pm's as well like how it is for threads, so that if anything, the staff can see if someone may have edited something? I mean I know nothing of coding so I don't know how difficult it would be to do that, or if it's even doable, but it's a suggestion I just wanted to throw out there!
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