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Fx M or F Vigilante Justice on the Dark Web (noncon)


Aug 1, 2017
Seattle area
As you'll find upon reading this post, the possibilities can get pretty dark with this plot. However, I do not consider myself to be capable of enjoying some of the darker possibilities, such as snuff, mutilation, or being sold into sexual slavery. I pretty much draw the line at "all things up to and including rape". Even that definition can be a little foggy, so I encourage discussion in order to sort out what that means to you. However, that is not to say that those darker implications and possibilities do not have their usefulness. The fear of those things happening is perfectly okay to factor in. I would even say that it's encouraged.

- Scat
- Mutilation
- Gore
- Incest
- Pregnancy
- Requests to Play Forest Guardians (be thankful if you're not sure why this is posted here)
- Anything similar to the limits listed above or that can be logically derived from them

- Raceplay
- Age Gaps
- Subjugation
- Territorial Doms/Dommes
- Gags/Collars/Cuffs

Plot Necessities:
- Rape
- Kidnapping
- Bounty (will be explained in plot description)

The above kinks, limits, and plot necessities are sort of conditional ones that I have listed specifically for this plot. Here is my full F-List.

Premise of the Plot:
Commuting to work. Walking to the coffee shop. Running into the store to just grab something really quick. There are countless reasons that one may venture out into public. Even more countless than that is the number of people that we interact with or expose ourselves to each and every one of those times, 99% or more whose faces we'll never remember. So just how many people do we walk past on a daily basis on average? Who knows, but considering the fact that they say that the average person walks past over 30 unapprehended murderers in their lifetime, my point is that you can never know just who's out there, or who's watching.

This plot centers around what happens when a girl catches the eye of a sociopathic man with an undisclosed amount of money, and uses the Dark Web (under some codename, perhaps "Alpha") to fulfill his fantasies of using... extreme measures... to make people pay for crimes which regularly go unchecked in American society. This man would go about his life just like any other person, hence blending in with the scenery when out in public. If one were to pay attention to him specifically, they may spot some red flags or some offputting behaviors, but since he's just a plain looking, everyday guy, that doesn't turn out to be much of a problem for him. You would not be playing the role of this man, but it's still important to know about him at least (I may turn this part into a "Key Character" listing above at a later date).

One day, while out on his daily routine, "Alpha" would spot a girl (MC), who commits a significant enough "social crime" (racism, classism, harassment over one's sexual orientation, etc.), and he just can't get her off of his mind. Regardless of the specifics, MC would be placed front and center in Alpha's fantasies of retribution, in turn becoming his next target.

Alpha would spend the next few weeks observing MC and her regular routine. Where she goes on each day, at what times, and so on. He would take candid pictures and stalk her on social media, as well as noting any further infractions she makes while he's observing her. After a few weeks, or maybe a couple of months, he would have nailed down 95% or more of MC's routine, and after attempting to predict where she will be at any given time with *complete* success, the next stage of his plan is put into motion.

Utilizing the normal channels he's accustomed to using on the Dark Web, Alpha makes his usual post - a photo of MC, a first name, a brief description of what she has done to make his list, and a bounty. He would intentionally leave the info on MC brief, as part of the thrill for him is the hunt, as well as the fact that anybody capable of fulfilling his request would not need any further info anyway. This post would then be made available to his usual "clients" who have made a living off of these bounties. The particular bounty on MC? That depends on the circumstances of her offense, but would go something like this:

"[Profile of MC's Victim] shall kidnap [MC's Name], transport her to [Location], rape her as seen fit, for [Duration], for $XX,XXX. Marked rooms and locations within [Location] must be used, as cameras are set up specifically for these locations. Failure to do so will result in no reward."

(Or something like that... I've never written out a bounty before, lol)

So basically, the bounty is only open to the type of person who was victim to MC's "crime" (such as a specific minority, a lesbian, etc.), who is then to exact revenge for this person in a way that both satisfies Alpha's rape fantasies, as well as ensures that MC will likely never do such a thing again. The incident will be recorded and sold on the Dark Web to a different set of clients who share the same fantasies that he has - seeing rape videos of certain girls who were made to pay the ultimate price for their ignorance.

End note:
I'll likely be tweaking this post as mistakes are pointed out to me, suggestions are made, things that I realize I forgot to mention... etc., so expect changes to be made over time. This also means that you're free to make such suggestions to me ;)
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