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Conjunction of the Realms ( Sausage-Sama & ThomasRHellsing)

Saint Celestine

Feb 17, 2017
No one quite understood what had happened; the best minds in the realm world were baffled. In fact the brightest in the new realms were baffled, all that could be concluded was realms had somehow merged together. Perhaps merged was too light a term, more like collided massive storms and cataclysmic other weather events were the results, that and inhabitants off all the realms that had collided were at war both for land and resources.

Somewhere in the realm of Shinobi two companions were striding through the remnants of the great forests of Konohagakure. The forest was massive, although it was clear there had been fighting here, the conjunction hadn’t only merged the realms together it had opened up the fabric of reality letting monsters of all kinds spill in from the multiverse straight into the newly created world. The trees were burnt and ravaged, although as they walked they spotted some undamaged patches, for the most part bark had been clawed and split, “Orcs probably “ the larger companion muttered as there was also some metal weapons laying around and a recent trail. "This one is smouldering we must be getting close" the larger one named Prem said as he could hear faint fighting about a kilometer ahead.


The companion named Prem was a beast quite literally, some sort of horse lord distantly related to centaur but much more feral and beastly. The horse lord claimed he was the last of his kind, the rest wiped out in a brutal war that ravaged his realm until he fell through the cracks and ended up here meeting his companion. 7 foot tall and covered in muscles he was a fearsome sight that would strike terror into any man, but when he pulled out his black war hammer even monsters went weak at the knees.

“Well what’s the plan?” he asked turning to the smaller companion as they watched some women fight, two of them already collapsing from their wounds as the Orcs attacked the blonde one who seemed to be on her last legs.

My Character
Thomas leapt from tree to tree, while his ally and friend ran along the ground, the energy manipulator thought for a minute, "I've heard the target can split boulders with her punches, and neither of her students are weaker. But Orcs on top of what the intelligence suggests? Apparently the Ninjas from the water village are Master of assassination. Follow my lead and be ready."

Tsunade Senju wondered if this was how her uncle felt years ago, when he'd ordered his students to leave him behind and made his final stand against a Mist assassination squad. The thought made fire burn in her gut, or maybe that was hunger, or chakra exhaustion. It was impossible to tell for sure. The last Senju however, as much as she hated to admit it wasn't her uncle. She didn't want to die, not yet. Unfortunately her foot slipped and she was forced to kick off the branch hard with her right leg, shattering the wood she realized she might not have a choice. The battle hadn't been going badly, but 50 teams of Mist Anbu had snuck around the battle somehow. They'd attacked the medical pavilion. The medics, Tsunade, and her two students had managed to buy them time to escape. Unfortunately that had lead to a running battle. It didn't help that the entire valley was covered in fog naturally, and the Mist Bastards kept it super thick.

Only her decades of experience allowed the Kunoichi to turn and do a backwards low bend that would make a stripper envious. Throwing her left foot straight out she threw a right at the foolish anbu who'd gotten too close to her killer strength. Her fist passed right through the enemy as she swore, a clone, the burning she felt made her want to curse at herself. A clone attack to present an opening, she was in the perfectly wrong position to block the blade her surgeon's eye could already tell was going to pass through her heart. Even without that the acid clone she'd smashed was burning her skin something fierce.

Suddenly three crimson spears seemed to spring from the Mist bastard's eyes and mouth. They resembled Javelins but of pure solid energy. The now presumably very dead mist ninja's momentum carried him forward. A man suddenly appeared, kicking the corpse aside. He wore a strange outfit, black steel toed combat boots, black pants and a black shirt, but with a red symbol on the shirt, as well as a sash and gloves that were blood red. A golden amulet acted as a belt buckle, and a strange blade hung at his side.

What happened next, and the exact order it occurred in was a bit hard to peace together, but the man pulsed his chakra in a specific was. A way all Senior Jounin were taught to identify. In essence a way to know for sure the person with you more less likely to stab you in the back. The man thrust his palm forward saying, "Get to the trees! Got a plan!"

The blond jounin ducked as a green orb shot from his hand, nailing a poor Mist bastard who'd though she was open in the face in the face. From the screams of the mist ninja the green energy wasn't meant to just cause pain like the acid clone did. The blond couldn't keep the almost feral smile off of her face. She sent half a dozen chakra pulses to her girls, and downed her last chakra pill, pushing forward past the mercenary. In their exhausted state it was just enough to bump from Gennin speed to Chunnin, but it still allowed them to move faster. As they passed through a clearing, the man back flipped down, landing on his legs, he spread his arms, waiting, waiting, the exhausted and angry Mist Squad pushed forward. Determined to catch their target. Only suddenly they weren't moving right. Their limbs were slower, heavier, one realized what was going on, but a black hand of shadow had him tightly. The mercenary's grin was feral as a circle and symbol of blood red energy became visible where he'd spread his arms out. He smirked as he said, "Gotcha bastards. Shadow Animation spell success."

The healer Sannin smiled, "That's great, but how long can you hold them?"

The blond haired, and blue eyed merc shrugged, "An hour if I got lucky, but their's still the risk of more of the war band showing up. No, better to deal with these bastards quickly. Luckily I have someone who'se very capable."

Thomas slid a special whistle into his mouth and blew it, then spit it away. The whistle would act as a summoning beacon and summon Prem. The horse Lord wasn't exactly a master of stealth, and jumping from tree to tree would have just worn down the man. Better to let him rest and cover the signs of combat as best he could, then summon him when he had the target all arranged. As the glow of the summoning spell faded he said, "Ok Horse Lord, t-time to earn your cut. Or should it be their cut?"
Prem suppressed a chuckle and was even slightly annoyed at his friends tone, “the target can split boulders with her punches? You know I can probably do that I’ve just never tried, the only thing that is impressive is it’s a woman doing it” the Horse lord said under his breath a clear show of his misogyny.

Waiting in the nearby brush he watched as the blonde and her two what looked like apprentices fought the mist ninjas, they were slowing making mistakes. Even the best swordsman could lose to a mere child if he was tired enough, having the perfect technique mattered little if you were too tired to put into practice he thought watching as his friend jumped from tree to tree.

“Master assassins they are just running at them, I’m not sure who should be more embarrassed the assassins or these fools” he said as he lowered his voice mostly talking to himself as Thomas had leapt out of hearing range by now he thought.

And the mistake was made, truthfully the horse had no idea what magic these ninjas used, but the man burst into nothing spilling hot burning liquid on the woman burning Tsunade as the acid clone burst. The ninja about to deal a death blow, the only question was now would Thomas react in time? The horse lord found his answer as spears of enemy impaled the ninja, killing him as the body fell. The sight of Thomas killing the ninja made Prems blood boil, he wanted to fight but it wasn’t his time not yet no.

Patience, patience Prem whispered to himself as he felt his muscles ache the entirety of the mist squad began to move past the brush he was hiding in. What kind of ninjas were these? They didn’t notice a 7 foot tall monster hiding in a large bush, they deserved what happened next.

“Forgot my fucking Axe” Prem shouted as he burst from the brush, running towards the nearest target not stopping, his arm stretching out as he knocked the man to the floor, the force of the blow combined with the binding spell snapping the man’s neck only skin holding it still to his head.

The next minute or so was mostly the Horse lord running from target to target pummeling their faces in with his bare fist. All the chakra in the world didn’t help when his fist smashed straight into the skulls of the men shattering them open, and splaying their brains and blood all over the floor some of their bodies still held up by the spell despite their death.

“Didn’t even have to use my Hammer although I think Orcs are still coming, I can smell them from here” he said as he pulled out a large black Warhammer and swung it at a nearby man the last one left alive in the area as it crushed and caved his face in killing him.

“Thank you we are in your debt” Sakura a pink haired 30 something year old ninja who was covered in cuts from head to toe, her pink hair barely shining through covered in mud and her own blood from where a ninja must have managed to strike her head barely. “Don’t thank them yet, we aren’t out of this mess yet. Did you have a plan to get us to a safe place?” Tsunade said grateful at their help, but the large one did do a lot of shouting for killing immobilized opponents, he probably drew any nearby search parties straight towards them.
Thomas nodded as he said, "I had a few ideas, depends on how you want to do this. We could do it loud and flashy and send a message, or smaller, quieter, and let the enemy think it was a murder suicide. Your side would know the truth when you returned, and imagine the enemies surprise when who they were sure were corpses turn up. I've heard the might of the Sannin and Neo-Sannin, it's said a single one can alter the flow of a battle. Two, who were thought to be dead, showing up at the right time? That sounds like a war changer to me. However, at the end of the day I'm only a mercenary and Miss Senju is the ranking officer so what she says goes."

As he heard his friend finish up pulping the enemies he allowed his binding shadows spell to drop. Letting out a deep breath. The spell itself was low level, but the sheer range of it all at one time had been a pain. It didn't help that the enemy wasn't weak when it came to holding them in place. Looking at Prim he said, bowed his head lightly to the pink haired student, "Could you aid my friend in field stripping the corpses? He's good at looting but sometimes he forgets documents are as important as gold, weapons, and poisons."

Thomas meanwhile moved to the fellow blond, although her hair was lighter and spoke a word, she hissed but the angry red of a first or second degree burn bled off of her skin. Giving her a secondary boost in stamina. He moved over to Sakura and did the same. He then snapped his fingers and both looked like they'd just left the village for a fight. Prestidigitation was a useful spell. He spoke simply, "To make you harder to track. Sweat and blood are a trackers best friend after all."

Tsunade looked at him, "Ok, I've decided, go for flashy with semi-identifiable corpses. Nothing concrete, but enough to."

Suddenly six arrows seemed to hit the woman, two through the spine the others her lungs, the blond's eyes widening in shock. Only for her to drop to her knees as a massive orc came charging from somewhere a massive two handed claymore esk sword coming down and cutting the Senju Princess's head clean off. Only to draw a scream from Sakura, until suddenly Tsunade herself appeared where the orc had been fist extended as the orc slammed into a three it's torso pulping and sending dark purple orc blood along the hundred year old wood. The heavy steel plates bending and snapping like wood. Sakura panted out, "Replacement and Genjutsu, damnit Sensei."

Four more massive orcs moved out from the trees, one carrying an axe was an aura of anger and thirst, another a hammer that the head was almost as big as his head. The other a spear with serrated edges. Finally the "Smallest" one carried two wicked curved daggers each two feet long. However, Thomas was far from worried about the visible threats. Orcs were known for hunting as well as war bands, only the fact he was paranoid saved his friend as the four arrows loosened at Prem reflected off of a magical barrier. Thomas's eyes began to glow neon blue with arcane energy as he said, "Prem, The Blessing of Artemis is upon you!"

It was an old spell, that would allow the horse lord decent obfuscation from long range attacks, and increase his perception to potentially allow him to grab arrows out of the air. However, that was all the attention the wizard could spare his friend as a minuscule orb of absolute darkness landed in the middle of the clearing it began to grow in size billowing out darkness, until Thomas called out, "DISPEL MAGIC!"

The small orb which would have become a crippeling orb of absolute darkness, unless of course one had dark vision like the Orcs, simply ceased to be. Raising his other hand Thomas attempted to crush the now visible Orc Shaman's head his will and magical power versus the shaman's own. However, suddenly it was too easy to crush the head and he swore. The shaman had replaced himself with one of the archers with a shift spell. Thomas focused his magic saying, "Be wary of that axe, I think it has necromancy spells on it to induce excess bleeding, if it draws blood. I can't be sure exactly without a closer look."

Thomas was forced to use his own blink spell, luckily without sacrificing an ally as a putrid yellow orb formed where he'd been. A flesh rotting curse. He returned fire with a bones to glass transfiguration curse. The Shaman was old, powerful, and tricky, Thomas had more power, but he also knew less skill. Luckily he knew ninja versus archers and infantry never ended well for the archers or infantry. He just needed to keep the Shaman from crippeling his side long enough and sooner or later an ally would get free to aid him. Not that he'd avoid putting down the Shaman if he got a shot. Orc Shamans were just very good at hiding and sneaking around.
“I vote loud and flashy by the way” Prem said as he listened to Thomas give his suggestions, unlike his ally he had little to no clue who the Sannin were. Most of the jobs they took he left it to Thomas to do the background work, researching the area the clients, the foes. The only research Prem ever did was where were the closest taverns and brothels, and if any good blacksmiths could forge him some new weapons.

As he said that Prem had indeed missed a few ninja’s possessions, as he didn’t think mission instructions were particularly valuable. Gold however was, and only two ninjas seemed to be carrying any, “We haven’t ever found a document worth more than a good bag of gold” he said as he pocketed the two bags and dumped them into his loot sack he carried around, as well as two small steel swords and a dagger with a sapphire embedded into the pommel.

The horse lord was actually a bit surprised and caught off guard as the attack happened; luckily he had been crouched real low busy rummaging around a dead ninja checking if they had any quote on quote secret stashes of gold hidden on their person. Ah nothing like the blessing of Artemis, even if Prem did everything he could to dishonour the goddess of the Hunt he still liked the perks. Grabbing an arrow in mid air as he stood up, and leapt for the Orc with the two daggers, ramming the object straight through its eye as far as he could till it broke. The Orc screaming and writhing around on the floor, he would prove no threat anytime soon, no doubt the arrow had poison on if it was Orcs.

Looking around to assess the situation as time seemed to stop, the insanely strong blonde woman was busy fighting and winning against the Orc with the large axe. While the other two seemed fine winning their own battles, that just left Thomas and the old Orc Shaman. No doubt that weird black orb was his doing, as he had never seen his ally use a spell like that.

The Ninjas probably didn’t see the Orc Shaman, hell most likely Thomas didn’t know where the man was hiding. But Prem knew if there was one thing he enjoyed it was getting the back liners, the archers the wizards and showing them for all the magic and ranged stuff in the world half a ton of black steel would crush anyone's ribs. So he looked around studied the battlefield, and spotted a bush at the back that was vibrating with a familiar glow. Grabbing his war hammer he threw it with all his might, as a crunch of metal on bone and flesh meant he hit his mark killing the shaman dead.
Thomas smirked as his friend killed the wizard. Casting an "Aero" shielding spell he landed, putting his left hand on his right wrist, a symbol for lightning appeared before with a loud sharp "Crack" a bolt of lightning shot from the rune. Hitting the nearest archer, then arcing to hit the second, and third. The orc's screams filled the air as Thomas proved the old adage, "What happens to something hit by lightning? The same as everything else."

Lightning spells were some of the more draining, and As the spell ended Thomas dropped to his knees. Panting, only the sharp crack of bone had his turning his head. The Senju Princess had just snapped the axe wielder's neck. Her students were finsihing their own foes, the blond bringing her blade into her enemies eye socket, while pinky shattered skulls, she was using a slightly odd martial arts style. He made a note to see about getting Prem some training while they were in the village, he'd heard about useful techniques for the horse lord, even if he was an energy manipulation master. That was Thomas's true skill not magic, so much as mana was an energy that was easy to manipulate. Like the locals chakra, although he only knew the basics since until he was trusted he had a shadow tailing him everywhere he could go, and the ninjutsu library was of course heavily guarded.

The mission leader looked at the mercenary, "You got a plan to leave, you'd better use it. If their are any other hunter squads out they'll have heard that racket."

Thomas nodded and closed his eyes, focusing he began to cast, soon the headless enemies were copies of the last Senju and her students. Meanwhile the enemies have more grizzly damage done arms torn off, punched in half. Soon the clearing was covered in blood and vicera. Thomas had also pulled out a bag of holding summoning loot into it. He and Prem would doll out the loot later. Focusing he had everyone get close, and then used a druid spell to open a path between their location and a tress less then fifty yards from Konoha.

Soon they were at the gates, then being waved through the man was thrilled to see Tsunade. Thomas and Prem were asked to step outside as they gave a mission debrief. Thomas popped his knuckles as he said, "You ok Horse Man?"
The horse lord sighed loudly as he heard Thomas say those words, of all the spells the lightning ones looked the most impressive but his friend always seemed to spoil them with cheesy lines. He could feel his purple mane stand up on end, as the spell was cast lightning frying all the remaining Orcs. “Fucking thing is stuck” he grunted as he pulled his war hammer out of the dead Orc Shamans corpse, blasted thing had gotten stuck between the ribs and some muscle.

“Yeah I have a plan how about we walk Thomas and find some more bands to fight?” he said as he returned into the clearing where the blonde and her companions were standing with Thomas. He was however disappointed, when the trees parted to reveal a straight path to Konoha.

After arriving and Tsunade went in to debrief he was left alone with his companion, “eh this place looks kind of dumpy, I don’t see a royal palace or anything you sure the blonde one is a princess?” he said doubting that, what kind of princess wore a metal breast plate and went around killing men. “Whatever the case I hope we get paid, I don’t think the journey will be warranted if this is it” he said holding his large brown sack of looted items. “Well maybe if I can impregnate the bitch before we leave” he said chuckling to himself, the horse lord enjoyed spawning bastard children wherever he went, a favourite past time of his although most were to whores and tavern wenches, he imagined they were killed once they birthed the monstrosities.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "First of all don't talk like that in a place where everyone has enhanced senses. Second of all, in this world jobs are assigned based on a ranking system. Before we were running "Low risk D ranks", remember painting fences and shit that was super boring and barely paid. Well, I kept saying, "Trust me, it will pay off." because we'd built up so much credit we were assigned to rescue Tsunade, meaning we're now trusted members of the village. That means we'll get higher paying jobs, and ones more related to the war. Be glad life isn't like a video game, otherwise we'd have had to play though the boring low level stuff."

Sure enough soon they were invited into the Hokage's office, where they were both given outfits to show they were high ranking applies of konoha. Prem for a Hunnin flack jacket, and arm guards that doubled his strength. Thomas got a Jounin's uniform, and a "Seal Master's Coat" which enhanced energy manipulation. They also got custom headbands with "Will of Fire" in kanji on them. Also they were given 1000 Gold Pieces for completing the mission, with 3000 for bringing everyone back alive. 4000 gold pieces for a few hours work wasn't bad.

Thomas looked at his friend, "Shall we head to that barbecue place we like? Or the Sushi place. After a more thurough debrief apparently Sakura, and Ino, and Tsunade will be giving us our physicals to make sure we're ready for higher level missions. But they need to de-stress a bit. They'll find us in a few hours. I think I'll hit up the library they have some interesting strength based styles I can get you a copy of. Interested?"
Thomas rolled his eyes, "First of all don't talk like that in a place where everyone has enhanced senses. Second of all, in this world jobs are assigned based on a ranking system. Before we were running "Low risk D ranks", remember painting fences and shit that was super boring and barely paid. Well, I kept saying, "Trust me, it will pay off." because we'd built up so much credit we were assigned to rescue Tsunade, meaning we're now trusted members of the village. That means we'll get higher paying jobs, and ones more related to the war. Be glad life isn't like a video game, otherwise we'd have had to play though the boring low level stuff."

“Why I bet I could take most of them, at least cripple them before I went down” he growled looking around at the people some of who stared at the strange creature, although now the realms had began to collide it wasn’t too uncommon to see strange creatures outside the village walls. “Hmm these arm guards are nice I do feel stronger, not wearing that jacket though one it won’t fit properly and two it makes you look like everyone else” he said throwing the jacket on the floor as they left the office.

“Sounds stupid painting fences to killing people good scaling, don’t know why they trust us I would you know for a bit of gold” as he imitated stabbing a dagger into his back, the prospect of just being paid more by someone else. “This headband looks so stupid, I saw some people wearing it on their arms and waist, maybe I can wrap it around my cock “he said jokingly as they left the building. “BBQ you know its BBQ, I guess a book would be good much prefer you come back with a weapon that isn’t a piece of shit like this hammer” he said as they made their way to the restaurant. Arriving he took a seat outside, ordering a whole roasted pig for himself.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "The jacket is made to fit you. You should wear it, while I get it's a bit dumb, honestly as we get more skilled you'll want something to protect your organs Horse Lord. Ninja's aren't about force, if a single needle pierces your skin it's poison could infect you giving you a long slow death. So far you've been using your strength to get by, but from now on no guarantees that will work. Luckily I met a Jounin named Maito Guy, he focuses on the purely physical arts, and is as strong as Tsunade without her chakra trick."

He looked at the horse lord, "I wrote down his address, meet up with him at 5, and work on your skills. Otherwise you're going to become a liability. We have to improve if we want to get more famous and get more pussy."
He ripped a chunk of flesh from the side of the pig and quickly devoured it, all that muscle all that strength needed a farm yard animal a day to feed and sustain it. "I'd rather be dead that in the jacket Thomas" he said, although he did listen to the suggestion about this Guy person. "I could learn a few moves though, perhaps I can get a blacksmith to carve me some armor real armor though not a stupid jacket thing" he said taking the address and slipping it into his satchel.

"Speaking of pussy I'm going to try bed that Senju woman, what do you think? I think its win win, I get to fuck her and I'm sure since i've done that she will give us more gold for missions or something" he said trying to find some hidden benefit other than fucking .
Thomas rolled his eyes, "I don't disagree with you, but the reason why Ninja wear that lighter armor is because it's light and flexible. You're already slow as fuck. Besides this area wouldn't know the armor you need if it kicked them in the dick. Wear that for now, next time we happen up North, or into an Azaroth territory we can look into getting you some real armor. When we were last in the territory we were too broke. A good suit of armor is 100,000 gold, and that's bottom quality. Medium will cost us 200,00"
“Okay okay if you insist I will wear the damn jacket” he said sighing as he drank down some strange alcohol from a clay bottle. “Yeah that sounds more like it, I would have stolen some by now, but most blacksmiths don’t make armour my size for the everyday man, so it has to be a custom set” he lamented about being so big, that most items had to be custom made, and custom meant big coinage no matter the realm.

The next week or so Prem spent his mornings and afternoons training with Might Guy, it turned out the green beast of Konoha was stronger than even he was. When asked for his secret, the horse lord was disappointed to find out it was hard work and training, with some added hard work thrown in for good measure. Still he was here he might as well learn, going through the katas for strong fist style.

Sunday evening approached and he made his way to the hospital, for he had a medical check up with a Dr Senju. Apparently it was standard protocol before they could be given higher level missions, sighing he eventually found the room ducking to find the blonde busty lady already waiting for him. Fuck she looked hot in casual clothes, rather than that stupid ninja armour he thought as he closed the door behind him.

Thomas had followed the Horse Lord, heading to his own physical, trying to control his hardening cock. He'd been on his best behaviour in the village but as he stripped down for the blond apprentice. 10 inches long, and 2 thick, he was circumsized as he looked at the blond. Various scars on his torso as he said, "See anything you like?"

Tsunade nodded over her glasses as she said "Strip naked and lie on the table for me, this should be fairly quick."
Ino Yamanaka age 33 mother of one 9 year old and married to Sai to a captain in ANBU was forced to do medical checkups for the entire week. She had trained under Tsunade as a young teenager, but not apprenticed under her no that was Sakuras gift from the Gods. With the village in a new state of chaos after the merging of the realms, the medical division had taken a big hit. Running low on staff even the most senior of physicians were forced to do menial tasks, she had seen lady Tsunades name on the medical check up rota as well later on today.

“Okay Thomas please strip and take a seat on the bed” Ino said as she picked up a clipboard and scribbled his name into and rank into some of the empty boxes on the piece of paper. She had just finished filling in the details when she placed the clipboard on the desk behind her, and looked up at the naked Thomas. Eyes wide as she just stared at the limp 10 inch cock, it took a good and very visible 5 seconds for her to compose herself. “I just, well , I only really heard things like that existed in lightning country” she said gesturing to his cock, mentioning that the black men living in lightning country were often rumored to have larger than normal penises. Standing up she paced from left to right a clear blush on her face, as she pretended to be examining his body going behind him her pale hands running down his back, but really she was staring at his large limp member.

"So can you use chakra? I saw you use them strange red spikes when you rescued us earlier on the week was that chakra based?" Ino wondered although if chakra didn't work he could always club his enemies to death with that dick she thought.

Thomas smiled a bit, "No, not a bit. Well, ok, that's not true."

Shivering a bit at her hands he said, "You know how those born on impacted worlds tend to be a bit different? My home world has what are known as "Mutants" similar to your blood lines users, but they aren't exactly the same in a family. For example, one family I know of, the father can send out beams of force from his eyes, the uncle can send out beams of force from his hands, and the son can absorb energy and double it's damage. His mother also had an ability which he mostly took after."

The blue eyed man spoke, "My specific ability is energy manipulation. Before the worlds started ramming into eachother, that was normal energy, lightning, heat, sound, kinetic, you know. But, since the worlds have gotten more complicated so have my abilities. I can use chakra, both what's been titled sage, and normal, and arguably even demonic if I was near a demon to absorb it from. Sage chakra is easiest for me because I just need to be around it. Being close to a person would allow me to absorb some of their chakra without detriment. I could also potentially drain their chakra dry. However, my abilities aren't limited to chakra. In some worlds their is mystical energy, magic, which I can manipulate with far more skill then my age implies I should be able to. I'm also typically one of the most powerful magic users when using it."

He smiled at her, "Since I was made a friend of the village, I've been studying, and working on developing my theories. Just having the power is useless since control, and how it works is important. Ironically enough I think I also have blood line potential because of my exact control. I've mastered Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Fire, and some Yin jutsu. I'm not much of a healer though not into blood and too impatient to learn the fine details. Need a field of enemies burned no problem, a broken bone set? Yeah not my thing. Plus while my ability makes doing things really simple and easy, it's biggest draw back is multiple types of energy tend to clash."

Thomas raised a hand and said, "With my left hand, I'm casting a spell call Prestidigitation, it allows me to instantly clean, or dirty one square cube, cast a hand sized illusion, or a sound or smell within a certain range. With my right hand, a genjutsu rose, a basic level technique."

As he did so, she'd see both seemed a bit wonky the rose on his left hand fading from dull to bright and vice versa. He closed his hands before saying, "Of course, "I've got above Jounin level chakra, and chakra control with just over a week's worth of training.I half figured your village would be throwing women at me to try and introduce my blood line to the village. Then again it's possible they haven't noticed."

Thomas's body was lean, not quite as muscular as Guy or a Taijutsu Master, but his form could easily compete with Kakashi or Sasuke. Along his arms were various symbols that if she touched with her chakra she'd feel them humming almost as if they were veins. Not with chakra but with something close, no doubt another type of energy as he'd mentioned. On his back was a very elaborate Pheonix and Dragon tattoo, it almost hurt to sense chakra near it, no doubt these were also related to a spell. However, being married to Sai and knowing how his jutsu worked it was entirely possible she'd realized it was an advanced version of her husband's technique a sort of mix of summoning, with chakra to make up the physical forms. The blood and being part of the body would allow the forms boss level summons power and ability.
Ino tilted her head at his words, impacted worlds? More like invading monsters she thought having her own prejudices against even the innocents that had landed in the once lush plains and forests of the land of fire. “Yeah I know them, all too well “she responded listening to his tale. Mutants she thought that was certainly one way to describe bloodline users, although the bloodlines he spoke of seemed strange for them not to pass on. “That seems strange for parents and children not to have similar gifts it sounded like an unstable bloodline, there is a few here” she said as some clans had children who never inherited their clans bloodlines, or sometimes had a failed bloodline that was more of a hindrance than a help.

The blonde listened to his words, even as a medic her job as a ninja took priority and if he had any hidden abilities that could pose a threat it was her duty to inform her Kage. “You lost me at safe and mystical, the only person who uses stuff that isn’t normal chakra abilities is Naruto and Sasuke but good look finding them in the village with the current state of things” she said sighing

She perked up a bit as the conversation turned back towards chakra and stuff she actually knew, walking back around and taking a seat on a stool opposite the bed looking him over as she wrote some details down on a piece of paper before applying several pads to his chest to measure his heart rate and other bodily functions.

“Oh really you are quite presumptuous, well I’m sure there would be other villages that would pay just to milk your sperm or offer you a harem to start a clan, but you don’t strike me as the settle down and start a family type” she said as she turned the machine next to the bed on, as it began to beep. “We don’t try and practice such barbaric things anymore our village is plenty strong through teamwork and the will of fire” she said repeating the patriotic mantra.

“Although “ she said glancing and holding her gaze at his cock and balls, “I don’t think you need a marriage contract to get laid drop your pants a few times in the red light district plenty of whores will be paying you” she said with a smirk as the machine printed out some paper with the readings one as she grabbed it. “My god this is incredible!” she said gasping in shock, “it says here if I was 10 years young and not married I would have jumped your bones 10 minutes ago” she said jokingly.
Thomas shrugged a bit, "Different races evolved "Bloodlines" in different ways. In my home world it was through the experimentation of other races aliens, or summons for lack of a better word. Here it was chakra and presumably the chakra fruits. It turned good eye sight into super eye sight by adding a bit of chakra to a certain part of the brain. It's a trade off, your abilities tend to be weaker, while ours tend to be a bit more random. Those eye force beams I mentioned, it would require multiple earth jutsu barriers to stop him at even a medium strength beam. He could also vaporize buildings. Compared to that even the Sharringan is sort of weak."

The wizard shrugged, "A weapon is a weapon and your people are at war. The other countries will be going for bloodlines and new abilities, or ending up crushed. I heard Lighting is pretty much burned to the ground, they have the bad luck to drop onto an Orc and Drow colony."

Orcs were nasty in large groups because of the abuse they could take, and alot of Ninja techniques only caused supurflous damage to them. Drow were masters of necromancy and an untrained army with massively rising casualties was literally a gift from their dark goddess. Add in both creatures had either perfect or atleast decent dark vision and the fact lightning had appeared under ground is had been a massacre. Rain was fighting another civil war, but because of the twisted time lines the peaceful villages and the ones at war were grinding eachother to pulps. He knew Konoha was the most stable, which was why he'd approached it. The mage nodded his head as he said, "Konoha does seem to have the most skilled fighters. Alot of fires spring up, but between Toad Dude, Snake Dude, the blond twins, and the red head on defense I wouldn't want to fight it. I fought with Snake guy during one of the fights, he might be a bit creepy, but damn if he doesn't know how to use his sword and techniques."

Thomas smirked a bit as he said, "Well I do have an impressive cock, but it isn't just the size of a cock that matters, it's how you use it." He pulled Ino close, his hand dancing along her sides small pulses of chakra giving her a deep tissue message. Even as he ground his cock against her rather large ass.
“Well that is quite a theory you have there, although the only people who could discuss things like that with you would be Orochimaru and Kabuto and you should avoid those guys like the plague” she said a shiver running up her spine as remembered the snake like orphanage head. “Better than the Sharingan , better not let Sasuke or his daughter hear you say that” Ino said laughing at something as preposterous as something being stronger than the legendary Dojutsu of the Uchiha clan.

“Yeah we haven’t had a chance to scout anywhere near cloud, and have heard nothing by radio . My teammates wife is from cloud, I know she sends out ravens everyday hoping some of her family survived whatever the hell happened there” Ino said a little sad when she saw Karui last time the woman looked a mess compared to her usual strong visage.

She was facing away from him as she was placing the results of the machine on the small table nearby him, as she felt his hands send a pulse of chakra through her ass as thick as it was it made her jump a bit from the shock of his hands as she felt the slab of meat pressed against her ass. “I’m married Thomas-san in another life perhaps”

Thomas smirked a bit as he said, "Well I do have an impressive cock, but it isn't just the size of a cock that matters, it's how you use it." He pulled Ino close, his hand dancing along her sides small pulses of chakra giving her a deep tissue message. Even as he ground his cock against her rather large ass, she was married, although that hadn’t stopped her before in her younger years, but since having Inojin she had only 2 affairs which was a good record in 9 years.

Although as conflicted as the blonde was, her hand with perfectly manicured nails were already scraping along the mans 10 inch cock. “It is incredibly big, the only one who has come close was this black chunin but he was 7 inches roughly” she muttered her hand moving to his balls and cupping them. “You can’t tell anyone or I will kill you” she said as both her hands grasped his cock, one grabbing tip and rubbing over his unprotected cockhead while the other was on the hilt gripping it tightly as she tugged on his member.
Thomas groaned his cock hardening quickly in the skilled Kunoichi's hand. His testicles were about the size of pear seeds, and his scrotum about the size of an apple. He was big for a human, but not HUGE. He didn't gain much length when aroused but his cock got rock hard and stood straight out. Even as he groaned the muscles in his member tensing as he removed her top, with a touch it landed on the nearby table as he pulled her close and captured her right nipple. His tongue sliding up and down the super sensitive nub. His hands cupping and squeezing her thick ass, he pulled the top of her dress allowing it to pool at her feet before he moved his hands expertly rubbing the plump flesh and still using the chakra messaging technique.
The MILF didn’t stop her handjob, both hands put to work expertly as he grew hard. She even breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t much of a grower, and rather his cock just got hard as she stroked it she would be unable to handle anything much bigger she thought.

“Careful that is a designer “she said as he unbuttoned the purple crop top she wore, it was made in Suna the silk taken from rare sand worms. Ino wore no bra, the top she wore was tight enough and her breasts still held enough firmness that one wasn’t needed. She wasn’t Hinata or Tsunade that her breasts were back breaking, plus she enjoyed it when interns would blush seeing her nipples poking through the purple fabric on a cold day.

“You sure are eager, I can’t blame you its been 3 months since I last had sex” she admitted not sure if he was even listening, Sai her husband had been on mission after mission and had no time for Ino or even her son not that she could blame him the village was struggling. As the skirt dropped, she felt his hands on her bare ass shivering at his touch he was pumping chakra into her she could feel it.

Stepping back for a moment perfectly naked she gave him a twirl, “okay big boy you have two choices, one I suck you off or two I ride you for the next 15 minutes then you have to scram as I have other patients” she said grinning she enjoyed teasing boys seeing them get blue balls was her favourite past time.

Thomas chuckled a bit, pulling away from her nipple "You're assuming you'll be able to walk after taking my hard fat cock for 15 minutes. I do like the odds of that more then you trying to get it into your throat though. Maybe we can have some more fun afterwards with a friend or two of yours. No pressure, but well magic uses energy through the body."

He hadn't unzipped the shirt just teleported it away. The Prestidigitation spell allowed him to removed objects, with a bit of careful focus he just removed her top instead of vanishing it. He licked the spine of her ear saying, "My point is, while in a straight up strength contest, I might lose to a ninja, I have stamina for days or weeks. I seriously doubt 15 minutes will be enough for more then a warm up beautiful. But let's see how it goes."

He snapped his fingers on his right hand drawing a wand. Tapping the examination table it shorted and thickened into a love seat with a soft cover against his naked body. It would be easier for the kunoichi to mount him on this and more comfortable to be pressed against it. He also flicked his wand at the door saying, "Locked it, and made sure anyone listening will just hear normal medical talk."
“Don’t worry about me walking; I only trained with Tsunade-sama for one reason. So I could get some first aid after fucking big boys like you, sadly after marrying I had no need of it until now” she said as Sai was quite lacking in the cock department only being 4 inches, still he was loyal and paid the mortgage with his high risk missions.

“Oh that is handy I need to learn the , make a bed a fuck couch jutsu” Ino said jokingly as it turned into a comfortable looking loveseat. It was reassuring no one would hear him, the last affair that had gotten out had nearly resulted in a divorce, it was best she keep this one under wraps. “Sitting comfortably?” she asked as pushed his back against one end of the sofa while climbing onto it herself. Slowly, oh yes ever so slowly lowering herself onto his cock groaning in pleasure as she slid slowly down to the hilt letting out a whine.
Groaned low in pleasure, a smirk on his face as his big fat cock slowly sank into her. One of the few universal things he'd found, men and women fitting together. Ino was tight, if he had any doubt about some sort of ninja kegals he'd know now. He felt like he was losing his mind, so he leaned forward and began to suckle on her thick cherry tomato sized nipples, giving them the occasional nibble or bite to see how she reacted. His lips almost seemed to vibrate around her nipples as he groaned.
She let her body jerk from side to side as she did so, her pussy expanding slowly around him as she acclimated herself to his new size. She bit her lip hard- it was odd at first to be going so deep. She had to keep readjusting herself to get comfortable, because there was a difference between being big and being able to pleasure a woman. Though Thomas was not doing much, Ino knew exactly what she liked and was able to manipulate her body so that she sat on his cock in a very nice manner. Her pussy was getting wetter with every moment.

As she began to ride him, she started slow because she was unaccustomed to such girth and length. Thomas began to suck and bite on her nipple, but she was forced to ignore him as she became reacquainted with her own body and his. She bounced up and down on him experimentally, eliciting a groan from him and a squeak from Ino. ”Fuck you are so big” Ino rarely cussed, and when she did it was usually when she was right in the throes of a strong orgasm. She only cursed when her mind was so engulfed in passion that her mouth couldn’t really express how she felt.
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