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Slaves of the Illithid (Morathor and Kaybee)

Fiera shivered with excitement as her master contacted her again, though she did her best not to let it show in her face. Just to make sure, she let her head drop so her expression was obscured. The others didn't seem to notice. But when she was promised a reward, a pang of desire shot through her stomach, and it was all she could do not to cry out.

"We..." She cleared her throat. "We need to look for her."

Elyssa nodded. "Yes, we do." She gave Fiera a sharp look. "We, before you propose going scouting by yourself again. The orcs are on high alert, and you won't be able to cover much ground if you have to sneak past them."

"Won't cover much ground all going together."

said Elyssa, "but it will be safer."

Fiera dared not look up, lest her face betray something of her intentions. "Two groups? Lienna and I. Elyssa alone."

Elyssa pursed her lips. "Hm. That's--"

"Not a bad idea,"
said Lienna. "If anyone's gonna go it alone, you're the least vulnerable. And I'll be alright as long as they don't get the drop on me." She reached out and ruffled Fiera's hair. "You keep those ears to the ground for me, and we'll be fine."

There was a little more discussion, hammering out the details of where they were going, where they would meet up, how to signal each other in the event of trouble or success, and then Fiera was leading Lienna down the path her master had laid out for her.
Witnessing the discussion through Fiera's eyes, the Mind Flayer nodded in the back of her mind, sending a quick burst of muted approval to her as the group split from each other. He would be waiting for her.

These sections of the caves were looser, less slime and damp, more dryness and dust. The air was cold and the walls were streaked with crystalline formations, branching and spiderwebbing across the ceiling, walls, and floor. The cold disagreed with the orcs at least, but then again, it disagreed with everyone. Even the illithid himself came only rarely to these parts of his domain, and in some ways they only remained of his domain by sheer dint of fact that they lay at the edge of his influence and that no one else particularly cared to take them for themselves.

Fine sand crunched underfoot as the paired adventurers made their way through the darkened spaces.

He had told Fiera there was a trap here but not where exactly it was, a concession to ensuring that her reactions were appropriately startled when it finally did trigger. Lienna would be forced to expend her magic to protect her, and should the mage fail, he was close at hand to take up the slack. She were not -after all- expendable as so many of his other pawns were.

The only warning was a gunshot crack of stone suddenly starting to shift, a series of flaws in the crystal formations surrounding several sections of the ceiling giving way all at once and beginning to fall with an ear-wrenching grinding, tumbling directly towards Fiera.
Everything happened in an instant.

Fiera froze when she heard the crack--not an uncharacteristic reaction to surprise for her, but in this instance, she could have gotten out of the way. But she knew that would not have served her master's purpose. Although she didn't realize he was able, or willing, to protect her if Lienna failed, she was willing to give her life for this cause. In fact, the thought of laying down her life for the illithid gave her a thrill.

But his intervention wasn't necessary, as the sorceress dove towards her companion, right hand extended. A blast of air shoved Fiera away from the collapsing ceiling--she hit the wall hard, hard enough to split her lip and bruise her body, but it was nothing compared to what would have happened to her if the stone and crystal shards had been allowed to rain down on her.

Instead, they were raining down on Lienna, but as quickly as she had rushed in to save Fiera, she hadn't done so entirely thoughtlessly. With a wave of her left hand, she spun herself in the air with a precise gust, her long, tattered coat swirling around her as she reached up towards the falling rocks. Wind howled through the cavern as a gale force buffeted against the rocks. They did not stop, but they slowed--which bought Lienna enough time to conjure a coccoon of ice over herself with her left hand, and robbed them off enough momentum that they did not shatter her barrier. The ice cracked, but held, and most of the rocks bounced or slid off to the sides.

All told, it had taken two or three seconds, and it was over. Fiera pulled herself away from the wall, wincing, and made her way over to Lienna. The sorceress was panting with exertion, sweating despite the cold. She was all but completely drained. Fiera knelt at her side.

"You okay, kid?" Lienna said between gasps for air. "Sorry 'bout your lip..."

"It's fine."
She has no power left, master. Shall I take her somewhere? Or did you intend to send someone?
His fingers twitched, the power the sorceress wielded was formidable, not enough to best him, but enough to make her a potent challenge. Even just brushing the edges of it he'd been able to feel the force and skill with which she wielded the arcane powers, and even if he disdained such crude tools, he had to admire the artistry with which they were used.

...And how much better they could be used with his guidance...

Bring her towards me. A little tug of his mind set loose another rock fall in the distance, causing the caves to shake. It should provide adequate excuse. Keep her moving, I will meet you in person here. A brief flash, a sped-up traversal of the caverns ahead to the location they should encounter each other.

He began to walk, tentacles twitching in anticipation. Will you be able to restrain her once I arrive? Two down, the third within his grasp. Soon. Only one would remain.
Fiera considered her master's question. The size difference between her and Lienna was considerable--the sorceress stood nearly a foot taller than her, with broader shoulders and wider hips. On the other hand, Lienna lacked the physical conditioning of a brawler or a spy. She was a magician, after all, and although took its toll on the body, it didn't compare to the physical exertion of scaling a castle wall.

I think so. As long as it's quick and we don't give her time to recover her power. Fiera helped Leilah out from under the ice as she communicated this to her master, helped the sorceress to her feet. "Have to go," she said.

"Yeah, I know it... sorry..." Lienna stumbled out of the cave with Fiera, one arm slung over the half-elf's shoulders.

Fiera led them through the twists and turns, her pace growing quicker as she drew closer to her master, until finally Lienna complained for her to slow down. Fiera obliged; at that point, there was no more need to rush, excited as she was. He was almost here.
The changes came before he did, creeping over the dark stone corridors, warping them, manipulating them. Lienna's core, her self, was a fortress, a mental citadel forged from the discipline needed to control magic and the will needed to draw forth the inner power of the world. Outside that rock solid center however, so many little things could be tricked. Senses in particular were vulnerable.

Between one step and the next, the corridor shifted, stone becoming solid grey brick, luminous crystals coalescing into torches. Sight was first, then Lienna would breathe the air that now smelled of sex, taste air that was suddenly damp rather than dusty, and even feel the stone under her feet twist into cobbles rather than rough cavern floor. A comprehensive illusion, a taste of what was to come as he rounded the corner at last, marching with implacable steadiness.

"Hold Her." The command for Fiera was sounded loud enough for both of them to hear. A few seconds, that was all he needed, time enough to keep her from doing something desperate while he crossed the distance between them.

He stepped close, leaned close, and two tentacles slipped forth, sliding into her ears, caressing the delicate matter of her brain. He could break her mind over his knee in an instant if he wished, but she would become no better than the orcs if he did, a doll with not even a hundredth of the value she could hold if converted more delicately. These were not here to rearrange or influence her so directly, no, they now formed a link between their minds, making physical tweaks to keep her from closing it. While he worked, he fed her sensations too, making her feel the tentacles coiling over her mind, hear the slither and slickness as they moved slightly in and out of her ears, made her experience pleasure at the illusory physical sensations of having her mind violated.

All the while, the illusion he'd spun around her in the corridor was now being fed directly into her brain...
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"Wait..." Lienna's voice was shaky; she was still out of breath as Fiera led her onward. "This ain't... somethin's not right." She glanced around at the walls. Had they actually changed, or had she simply not noticed them reaching some sort of man-made tunnels again? The air changed as well, and quite suddenly--the temperature, the humidity, and that smell. She felt her own temperature rise, ever so slightly.

Normally, before leaving town on an expedition like this, Lienna would indulge in a night of revelry and passion. After all, there was always the possibility it would be her last chance. Even if it wasn't, she could be away from the people and places she loved for weeks; a good sendoff made the separation a little easier to bear. But this time...

This time the revelry had ruined the passion. She'd made plans with Ianto, and then had just enough liquor to forget that he couldn't bear the smell of it on her breath. That had gone... badly. They'd fought, and he'd turned her out. Scarcely given her time to get dressed. And then it was back to the bar--even if she'd still been in the mood for sex, she wasn't going to drop in on Harmonia or Noelle unannounced and expect them to indulge her.

So, she'd set out from town hungover and unsatisfied. The former had faded some time ago, but the latter had begun to gnaw at her. Not that it got in the way of her job; she was a professional, after all. It was just... unpleasant. And now, with the air reeking of sex, it was distracting. Maybe that was why, even as the tunnels changed to brick corridor, she went along with Fiera, offering no more than a protest. Until the mind flayer rounded the corner.

She had never seen one, but she knew it for what it was in an instant. Knew that it was responsible for the illusion--it could only be an illusion. Knew that she was too drained to slay it and that her mental defenses would only hold out for so long. And Fiera, how long could Fiera hold out?

'Hold her.'

Only when the illithid's command echoed through their minds did she realize. She had been counting on Fiera's sharp senses to alert them to dangers just like this. The girl could scarcely have missed this horror's approach, which meant she had withheld the information. Which meant she had already broken.

Lienna thrashed as Fiera's slim, but surprisingly strong arms slipped around her shoulders, holding her fast. As the illithid approached, the sorceress made one last desperate bid for freedom, pouring the scant reserves of power she had built up in the past few minutes into one massive burst of air. WIth her arms restrained, she could scarcely focus it, and it blew in all directions. There was force enough to drive the mind flayer back a pace, and if Fiera hadn't been clinging to Lienna, she would have been bowled over.

But it did not stop them, and once it was over, she had nothing left. She trembled as the illithid drew closer, its tendrils extending towards her face. "No..." she whimpered, green eyes glistening with tears as the tentacles slid into her ears.
After a long and lingering minute of contact, the tentacles slid back, slithering out of Lienna's head and settling. The dungeon around them seemed more solid, more real, was she sure that it was an illusion? He fed the information to her senses, everything needed to make it seem real to her mind. A dungeon such as one might find in a castle, a rack of implements on the walls, some clearly intended for pain, others for pleasure.

"Lift her arms." The Illithid directed Fiera, stepping forwards as she complied to catch the mage's wrists, tightening shackles round them. Had they been there before? Surely not, but Lienna would feel the press of the manacle around each wrist, sturdily forged, attached by a chain to the ceiling. Telekinesis provided the force while the illusion provided appropriate texture and sensation as the sorceress' arms were pulled upwards.

"So far from home... No one to come after you." He reached into memories, the recent ones coming the most easily, reminding her of Ianto's rejection, of knowing her other lovers wouldn't want her dropping in unannounced afterwards. A siblant chuckle wound through Lienna's thoughts as he laughed. "A slut so needy even men grew tired of indulging her." It did not need to be true, only close enough to the truth to make her doubt herself, he chased Ianto's memory, searching for earlier encounters, searching for fights, for strife, for the lowest points in their relationship.
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Lienna shook her head helplessly as her arms were lifted above her head and shackled. It wasn't real, she was sure of that, but... the sensations felt real. She could feel the iron clamping around her skin, the pull that strained her shoulders. But this was the illithid's doing--a sign he had already begun to penetrate her defenses. That she was merely struggling against the inevitable.

The memories that played through her head were also a result of the mind flayer's power. But these were real, and the mockery that accompanied them was... not wrong.

She approached Ianto, trembling with every step. She reached up for the buckle on the strap over his shoulder blade--he had scarcely waited for her to unbind his hands and legs before scurrying away from her, hadn't given her a chance to help him out of the rest of the harness.

She had scarcely laid a finger on him when he flinched away. "I'll get it later, can you just, wait over there?" He sounded panicked, nauseous, and Lienna was sure she heard and undercurrent of rage. She took a few steps back as he pulled a rag from a bucket and began wiping his neck where it met his shoulder--where she'd kissed him. Lienna's stomach twisted. The water had smelled stale, the rag mildewy, but apparently it was more palatable than the touch of her lips.

" I really that disgusting?"

He paused, set the rag down slowly, knuckles white and shoulders quivering. "This isn't about you, Lienna--"

She knew where he was going with this, why it wasn't about her. Knew how hard it had been for him to give up liquor, how scared he was of falling back down that hole. Knew how even the smell tempted and terrified him, knew she had promised not to bring that smell into his home--even going so far as to leave her father's coat behind when she came to see him, with its ancient stains that still smelled faintly of whiskey.

She knew all that, and yet, some part of her latched onto the words, frightened, furious, and strangely triumphant.
See? it said. Not about you! He doesn't care about you!

It was a ridiculous notion, but before she could properly quell it, it had already taken over her mouth and she was shouting at him. "Not about me? It sure as fuck feels like it's about me!"

The part of her mind that was still thinking rationally cringed over every word. It also commended Ianto on staying as calm as he had. But it seemed he had reached his limit. "Of course it does! What isn't about you? Is there anything in your world that isn't about Lienna?"

He'd grown tired of her. Tired of her insatiable desires, her suffocating needs, her broken promises, her selfishness. Of course he had. Who wouldn't have? Who hadn't already? A long string of broken hearts paraded through her mind--dozens of them, over the last fifteen years. And it wasn't just lovers who had abandoned her; friends, clergy, even her own mother. One by one, they' all grown sick of her bullshit.
Like a single tugged thread unraveling the whole of a garment the memories chained to each other. Ianto's rejection leading into other rejections, memories of strife leading in to other fights, other struggles. He teased through them, one by one, drawing the pain that everyone else had caused her to the forefront. The memories mingled, the people in them scorned her, degraded her cast her out.

All the while, he teased her.

He provided pleasure to counterpoint the pain of the memories, acceptance to soothe the sting of those remembered rejections. One hand teasing Lienna's clit with startlingly dextrous fingers while the other sealed another manacle around one knee, holding her leg up and opening her to his ministrations, leaving her with only a single foot on the ground. His facial tentacles coiled over her breasts, slithering over and under her shirt, squeezing them, flicking hardened nipples with their tips.
Arguments, rejections, regrets and betrayals paraded through her head--decades of her life falling apart as fast as she could rebuild it. All the way back to...

"Come on, sweetie."

"But dad's still asleep--"

"Dad's not coming."

Lienna pulled against her mother's iron grip. "I don't wanna go!"

She froze, paralyzed, under the withering glare of those green eyes, so much like her own. There was regret in her mother's gaze, but also disgust. "...fine." She released her grip, letting Lienna fall back as she turned and walked out the door.

Lienna writhed futilely in her bonds, misery mingling uncomfortably with pleasure. She was no stranger to such restraints; Harmonia had suspended her in a similar position many a time. There was a certain thrill to giving up control, not knowing what was coming, coupled with the unique intimacy of putting yourself at your partner's mercy and trusting them not to abuse it. But she didn't trust the mind flayer; she had not put herself at his mercy, not given up her control, it had been taken from her. The intimacy was gone.

And yet, the thrill remained. Fear fed her desire. And he was so, so, good. She clenched her teeth as his tentacles coiled around her large breasts, but even so a whimpered moan escaped her throat. "Hnnnn..." When his fingers easily found her clit, and teased it more deftly than any mortal she'd ever known, she couldn't help but cry out. "Haaaaahn..."

If her hands were free, she would have put a thumb to the silver cuff on her lower lip; instead she bit down, trying to press it into her flesh with her teeth and pray, desperately, for the strength to endure this monster's ministrations. But she knew it wouldn't work. The goddess had never helped Lienna, not once, not really--and why should she? There were more deserving causes than a selfish slut like her. Besides, could even a deity embolden someone so weak?
Abandoned by your loves.

The tentacles came away reluctantly as he circled around behind her, trading places with Fiera. His cock was hard again, monstrously thick as it jutted between Lienna's thighs, its shaft pressing against her womanhood, grinding into her slit as he rocked against her. The tentacles coiled over her shoulders, rubbing her ears, caressing her lips and teasing into her mouth to slip between her teeth and toy with her tongue.

Abandoned by your family.

His hands found her breasts as he silently commanded Fiera's assistance, inviting his servant to use her hands and mouth on both of them, with a little nudge to focus slightly more on Lienna than him.

Abandoned by the goddess.

The mother, who stood for all women, but who so rarely intervened on their behalf. Who had no power here, deep beneath the earth. Would she come for Lienna in another time? Another place? Maybe.

But not here, and not now.

I will not abandon you, as long as you serve.

Serve me mind, body, and soul.

There was the offer, the invitation. She might not take it now, but sooner or later...
Lienna shuddered as he pulled away--half with relief, half with unease, as the absence of his teasing gave her a chance to collect herself, while leaving her wanting more. But within moments, his hands were upon her breasts again, dashing the chance and stoking the want. She moaned as his tentacles crawled over her face, through, and shoulders, coiling around her tongue. Then as his cock slipped between her thighs, she jerked against her restraints, eyes going wide. Even through her pants, the feeling of the mind flayer's shaft grinding against her lips was alarming, exciting, milking heat and moisture from her sensitive slit.

Fiera knelt down in front of her, watching her master tease Lienna with rapt attention--panting slightly, want burning in her eyes. But duty came first. She reached up and pinched the cloth of the sorceress' trousers, carefully tearing the soaked cloth and exposing Lienna's cunt to the open air. She leaned forward, cupping the palm of her hand under her master's shaft. Fiera began to lick the crevice where the mind flayer's cock met Lienna's pussy, tentatively at first, but then with more and more conviction. Eagerness at least partially made up for her lack of experience.

Under the assault of all this, Lienna could barely make out the accusations echoing through her mind, but the offer came clear. And, for a moment, her heart soared at the thought.

Then she shut her eyes, her entire body tensing. WIth the tentacle still entwined about her tongue, she could scarcely offer a reply--and besides, with the pleasure racking her body, nothing would be coming out of her mouth but gasps and moans. But if there was any advantage to this monster digging through her mind, it was this: the ability to direct all of her hate and revulsion directly into its brain, carried by three little words.

Go fuck yourself.
The only response was the impression of a grin as he took hold of the bile she directed at him and tied it to those painful memories, forced it into other paths, directed at lovers, family, and friends. It was a crude working, the mental equivalent of brute force, easily undone by even a little bit of clarity and conscious reconsideration.

He had no intention of giving her either of those things.

His hips pulled back, sliding the length of his cock against her until the head was rested against her entrance, giving her just a moment to consider what would come next as Fiera helped to line him up with the sorceress' dripping snatch. He thrust, stretching her, filling her, feeling the satisfaction as her walls strained to accept his manhood. He allowed another moment then, a handful of seconds for her to take in the sensations, to feel every inch of him inside her, to be aware of how much pleasure she was taking from him, how much she liked this.

Then he began to fuck her, and everything resumed, ravaging her from every angle he could muster, tentacles in her mouth, two now, twining in an eldritch parody of a lover's kiss. Long fingers teasing her nipples, wrapping around her breasts, playing with them as they bounced with his thrusts, and below, Fiera, continuing her work as he slid himself in and out of Lienna's cunt. Now with the encouragement of a smooth pearl of psychic energy mimicking every press of her tongue on the sorceress to her own womanhood as a way of learning to improve.
Lienna's eyes went wide; she wasn't prepared for the psychic backlash, hadn't imagined her attempt at defiance might give him the tools to twist her like this. To turn her hatred towards all the people she'd loved, the people who'd abandoned her, hated her, the people she hated--

It's not real, it's not me, it's not--

She tried to pull herself together, but it quickly became hard to focus on anything but the massive cock that penetrated her. She gasped, the wind knocked out of her as she tried to acclimate to the intrusion, her cunt clenching hungrily around the thick shaft. Dozens of lovers, countless toys and tricks, and she'd never felt anything fill her like this. She'd taken entire fists that didn't strain her so.

And then he was moving, bouncing her on his cock, squeezing her breasts. The tongue teasing at her slit was becoming more skilled by the second; Fiera was a fast learner, a puzzle solver, and with her master's help in feeling what she was doing to Lienna, it wasn't long before she was homing in on their shared weakpoints, the agile tip of her tongue circling carefully around Lienna's clit.
Doubling down, his mind pounded against her mental defenses even as his cock pounded into her cunt. He bore down, grasping at the thoughts that threatened to sink under the pleasure and force them in the directions he wanted. You hate them. You hate them. Over and over, every person who'd loved and left her, who'd scorned her, who'd mocked her, who'd rejected her, no matter the reason, no matter the fault.

They abandoned you, they left you, they don't deserve you.

Conditioning her, twisting her memories, twisting her past. He couldn't touch her core personality, but he could play with the rest of her mind, warp the things that made her herself until she became who he wanted her to be.

You can be more.

He drew his own image in her mind, tied it to the pleasure, fed it with memories borrowed from Fiera and Leilah.

You can be mine.

Drowning out everything else...
"Haah! Ah! Aaah!" Lienna gasped with each thrust, the tendrils twining around her tongue keeping her mouth open. As his fingers skillfully teased her nipples, a feeling like lightning spread throughout her body. His cock pounded relentlessly into her gushing cunt; her juices soaked her thighs, his shaft, and Fiera's entire face, with enough left over to form a veritable pool on the floor. With her sensitive body so vigorously stimulated, her disciplined mind began to crumble under his mental assault. Little by little, she was losing the will to resist him, to defy a being who could make her feel so good...

What remained of her conscious mind was full of hate. She hated Ianto, who looked down on her as a drunken slut. She hated Harmonia, who forever held her past transgressions over her head. She hated Noelle, so passive and accomodating Lienna felt like a rapist taking her to bed. She hated the priests who had thrown her out, because it wasn't 'fair' to give shelter to one child when so many others when so many others went homeless. She hated the father who had died and left her to the dubious mercies of the world. She hated the mother who had walked out on her. She hated the Goddess who had watched all this unfold from the heavens and never once reached down to stop it.

Above all she hated herself. Because she deserved it. No matter how hard she tried to act like a good person, she wasn't one--if she were, she wouldn't have to try, she could just be. So more than anything, Lienna hated herself.

But he didn't. She could feel it. He wanted her, accepted her. He could pleasure her, satisfy her, in ways none of those other lovers ever had, ever could.

It was the memories from Fiera and Leilah that sent her over the edge. She wailed, quaked, and her passage clenched around him as she came. The orgasm washed away whatever remained of her mental defenses like a tidal wave; she was his.
There. He felt the moment where the core that was Lienna, that guarded fortress that housed the essence of the woman, began to change, warping as her memories twisted in his grasp. No need to strain yourself any more. He felt the self loathing bubbling up in her psyche, being 'good' was thankless, and he barely even needed to exert any pressure for that lesson to sink in. She had struggled and sacrificed so much to be 'good', but now...

Just accept yourself.

Accept the girl she was, the girl filled with hate for the world and lust for him.

The girl cumming all over a monster's cock as she watched the memories of her former friends being reduced to his slaves.

The wicked girl, the sinful girl, the Sorceress, the Slut. The Illithid gave a rasping growl as Lienna's walls tightened, milking his shaft for seed that it was all too happy to release inside her. It was not so large as some of his loads given how often he'd been cumming lately but it was still many times what any humanoid mortal could produce.

Slowly, he pulled back, easing his cock out of her until it hung between her legs. The manacles came away with a thought, releasing her wrists and thigh, then he beckoned to Fiera and sent a silent summons to Leilah as well. "Clean us up."
As he pulled out of her, Lienna shuddered and moaned. "Nnn... more..." Then the manacles vanished, and she collapsed heavily on the floor, knees splattering in the puddle of cum that still dripped from between her legs. She slumped forward, catching herself with her hands, breathing unsteadily, disoriented. But she was far more composed than Fiera or Leilah had been--her new master was beyond anything she'd experienced in bed before, but it still took more than one climax to render her senseless.

Fiera began cleaning the mind flayer's shaft with her tongue. "Master..." she whimpered between licks. Part of her didn't want to say anything, didn't want to ask, didn't want to need, but gods she needed. "You promised..." She scooted a little closer, leaning more of her weight against him.

It wasn't terribly long before Leilah stumbled in, unsteady, her legs still shaking with the strain of holding her up. She only made it to Lienna's side before collapsing to her knees. She crawled around behind the sorceress and began to awkwardly lap at her cunt.

"Ah, for fuck's sake." Lienna rolled away, onto her back, then spread her arms welcomingly. "Come here, lemme show you."

Leilah looked down at Lienna, her expression still dazed, her mouth hanging open slightly. Then she turned to her master, as if seeking his approval.
An affirmative nod to Leilah. "Learn from her. She can teach you much." Before his attention was drawn to the pleading Fiera.

Promise he did, and promise he would uphold, but he wanted Fiera to finish first. Reassurance pulsed briefly in the mental link, then teaching, tying Lienna's mind to Fiera's to let the rogue partake of the sorceress' skill in oral. A pleased hiss sounding from him as she improved under the rapid and direct tutelage. While she cleaned him off, he did the same to Leilah as Fiera had felt earlier as well, linking Lienna's pleasure to her own, helping her to learn in turn.

Once the last of the mingled juices were stripped away by Fiera's tongue however, he was quick to follow through, lifting the rogue in his arms and positioning her at the head of his renewed hardness, a rumble of satisfaction deep in his chest as he slowly pulled her onto his cock and then began to fuck her in long and powerful strokes, sliding all the way from the tip to the base and back with each bounce and filling the cavern with the flesh-on-flesh slap of their fucking. While he watched his other two slaves play with each other.
With a bit of guidance, Leilah settled her pussy over Lienna's mouth; the sorceress took hold of her hips and began to lick her gently. Leilah shuddered, before lowering her face to Lienna's lap and attempting to follow along. With the sorceress' example and the psychic link, Leilah proved a fast study--her coordination and her awareness of her own body extended to her lips and tongue, and after the illithid's earlier work in her mind the mimicry came easily to her. Soon Lienna was moaning from her ministrations. Even so, it was Leilah who came first, quaking and moaning even as she continued to lick Lienna's slit.

Fiera shivered with excitement as her master lifted her up, and cried out in pleasure as she was lowered onto his cock. She leaned forward, gasping, closing her eyes and leaning against the illithid. She rested her temple against his chest and draped her arms over his shoulders, savoring each slow, purposeful thrust of his cock.
He took his time now, one small part of his mind tracking the blaze of power that was Elyssa making her way through the caverns, the rest of him still working on the minds of his slaves. Most was devoted to Lienna, teasing through the pages of her newly opened mind and tweaking her here and there, solidfying her loyalty to him with little prods of emotion and desire, reinforcing the negativity he'd fostered towards her past loves and building her image of him as someone who would accept her and all she desired.

That her desires were as malleable as her memories to him made little difference in the end~

While his mind worked, his body was in motion, steadily fucking Fiera with long and powerful thrusts, savouring the slick grip of her womanhood around him with each push and pull of her body against his own. Good Slut. She had been extraordinarily helpful thus far and he recognized that with sensations of satisfaction as well as the physical pleasure of his claim of her body. Taking his time building her up as Leilah and Lienna played with each other. He would need to get back to the sorceress soon, but for the moment his first slave had certainly earned this reward.
Lienna was fully aware of the illithid probing her mind, changing her. Twisting her desires to better suit his own. She didn't care. It didn't matter where her satisfaction came from anymore, so long as she was satisfied. And while her new master's attention was largely on Fiera for now, Leilah wasn't doing so bad. By this point, the two women had become nearly synchronized, teasing each other in perfect unison. The next time Leilah came, Lienna came with her. It was not so intense an orgasm as she had experienced before, but it did soothe the need that burned within her slightly.

Clinging to her master for support, Fiera began to rock her hips in time with his movements, making sure to press against him each time he thrust into her, driving him in deeper and deeper. She was still impossibly tight around him, the soreness of his intrusion lost in the heat and need.
He had to appreciate the sheer tightness of Fiera's body wrapping around him, the knowledge that even though it must be hurting her to take such a monstrous girth she was still drowning in pleasure as he pounded her. Then there was the show the other two women were putting on as well, and the knowledge of their devotion, the awareness of their minds and bodies, sharp and capable, yet his in every way that mattered. Three new pieces on his board, and a fourth one just waiting to be claimed.

A sharp wet gasp as his desire boiled over and he came, slamming Fiera down onto his cock and holding her their as he pumped his seed into her eager womanhood. A reward for her role thus far, reinforcing his appreciation of her talents. His tentacles teased at her lips in an inhuman 'kiss' of sorts as he lingered inside her, hardness only slightly diminished thanks to the sensation that brought. He held her there on his length as he padded towards the other two, taking his time before finally pulling himself free with a long slow motion and setting her down. "Clean her up." He commanded Leilah before turning from the brawler to the sorceress. "Now as for you..."
Fiera's wail rang through the cavern as she came with her master once more. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she shuddered and spasmed. Then, her desperate grip on the illithid slackened as she went limp in his embrace. It didn't take a mind reader to see how far gone she was, but the mind flayer had a very clear picture of how completely overwhelmed she was by the sensations--Fiera was barely even conscious at the moment.

As he approached his other two slaves, Lienna pulled away and climbed off of Leilah, who gave a needy whimper as the tongue slipped away from her eager cunt. Still, when Fiera's shuddering form was lain on the ground, Leilah dutifully got up and crawled over to her, applying her new skills to the former spy's pussy. Fiera jerked and cried out, fingers clenching and toes curling, nails dragging against the stone floor beneath her.

Lienna, meanwhile, crawled towards the illithid, then lowered her face to the floor--prostrating herself before him, while pushing her full rump into the air behind her. "Master..." she said, breathless.
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