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Slaves of the Illithid (Morathor and Kaybee)


Feb 19, 2012
Midwestern USA
The orc roared, raising its massive club above its head in both hands. That proved to be a mistake; its opponent closed the gap between them with a single stride of her long, lean leg and uncoiling her willowy arm in a lunging thrust that drove the glowing blade of her rapier expertly through a gap in its armor, piercing through its heart. The orc sputtered, faltered, and as it lost the strength to hold its weapon above its head, it tried with the last of its strength to at least guide the club's descent and take the woman down with it. But she had already whirled gracefully out of the club's path, the massive weapon crashing to the ground less than an inch from her heels. With a flourish of her sword, she flicked most of the foul blood staining its blade across the floor. The remainder burned away with a sizzling sound, cleansed by the holy power she had imparted on the weapon.

Elyssa's nose crinkled. "Ugh. Smells like bacon."

"Hey now," came the muffled voice of her companion, a woman nearly as tall as the holy knight, and a good deal broader, with full curves that strained at her snug clothing. She was pressing the sleeve of her heavy brown coat over her mouth and noise--warding off a similar smell from two charred corpses laying at her feet. "That is an insult to bacon, I like bacon. These things are..." Lienna's scowl was evident even with half of her face covered. "Rancid. I shouldn't have used fire."

"You really shouldn't have," Elyssa agreed, sheathing her sword as the glow subsided from its blade. She dug a kerchief from her pocket and began to wipe the sweat from her face and neck, reaching up her unarmored left hand to tidy the crown braid which encircled her head.

"You two got off easy, you didn' have to touch em." A third woman strode towards the other two, notably shorter than either of them--which was to say, of average and unremarkable height, as opposed to their towering statures. The wide neck of Leilah's loose tunic had slipped off her muscular shoulder, and she had not yet reached up to correct it; instead, she was holding her hands awkwardly at her sides, presumably so that the blood coating her knuckles would not drip onto her clothes. There seemed little point, as there were red splatters already across her face and chest, only some of them fresh. She stretched one of her hands towards Elyssa, vivid blue eyes fixed on the kerchief. "Can I borrow tha? When you're done?"

Elyssa screwed her eyes shut and placed the cloth in Leilah's hand. "Keep it," she said, trying not to gag as she imagined the battered orc corpses Leilah must have just walked away from. She wondered if it would have been better just to look--surely the real thing couldn't be as brutal as what her own mind was conjuring up. But she'd thought that before, and been wrong, so for now she would avert her eyes.

Elyssa took a deep breath to steady herself, then opened her eyes and cleared her throat. "Fiera?"

After a moment, one of the wooden support beams crossing the mine's ceiling creaked, and a small figure detached itself from the shadows, dropping to the ground in front of the holy knight. The girl--woman, Elyssa had to remind herself, a couple of years older than Leilah despite the difference in size and, more importantly, demeanor--slowly stood up, black eyes darting around the room, taking everything in. "All enemies deceased," she said, her voice quiet and raspy.

"Oh good. So none of them got away to raise the alarm?"

"No." Fiera looked up--and up, and up, standing a full foot shorter than the holy knight, and that wasn't even counting her leader's heeled boots--to meet Elyssa's eyes. "Acting strange."

Elyssa nodded. "Their tactics, you mean? I did notice they were more coordinated than orcs tend to be."

"Or humans. Or anything. And reckless. Moved as one, no regards for own safety."

Elyssa pondered this, glancing down at the orc at her feet. "I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it... I've seen plenty of orcs leave themselves open like that, but it tends to reflect a lack of skill. These ones were quite skilled, and yet, here we are." She glanced at Lienna and Leilah. "Any thoughts?"

"Religious fanatics, maybe?"
Lienna reached up to her face, pressing the knuckle of her thumb against the crescent-shaped silver cuff she wore on her lower lip--a sign of her own religious devotion. "Care more for their cause than their own lives?"

"Coulda been controlled, yeh?"
Leilah wiped the last of the blood from her face and pocketed Elyssa's kerchief. "Lienna?"

The sorceress furrowed her brow. "I didn't sense any magic about them, but there may be some powers that ain't magic per se..."

"Need more information," croaked Fiera. "Will scout ahead."

"Sure tha's a good idea?"
asked Leilah.

"No. But necessary. One scout, low risk."

Lienna reached down to ruffle Fiera's hair; the young woman fidgeted at the touch, but she lifted herself ever so slightly onto her toes, pushing herself into it. Lienna smiled at her. "You're a lot to risk in my book, kid."

Despite being pleased with the attention, Fiera spoke as forcefully as she could. "Intel is critical. Go in blind, all die. Don't want you all to die."

"Alright, Fiera,"
said Elyssa. "Fair enough, but be careful."


Fiera slipped silently through the tunnels of the long-abandoned mine. She blended beautifully into the shadows, the uneven patchwork of her clothing breaking up her outline. Her leather cuirass was the most likely to give her away--a solid dark brown that covered her entire slim torso. Still, almost nothing would be able to see her making her way through the darkness, not before she saw it.

Of course, not everything relied on sight to find its prey...
The rogue might have been invisible to the eye, but her mind shone like a little star, bright and shining in the psychic landscape of the caves. Few creatures interacted with the mind directly like he did. Mortals needed magic as an intermediary to perform such tasks, and while many of them could do so effectively on the attack, few could defend their minds so well when he could not be 'counterspelled' like them.

The orcs had been easy prey, capable and cunning, but ultimately simple in mind. He'd twisted them en-masse, turning an entire horde into his personal army. With them, he'd held this little corner of the underdark as his kingdom for decades, feeding on the minds of the tribe to slowly increase his power. By now, they were little more than puppets, vicious and capable, but animated by little besides his will, only the barest scraps of intelligence remaining in their skulls.

It had been a long time since anyone had passed them.

Three minds crept at the edge of his perception while one slowly stalked towards him. They were strong, quick and intelligent, a veritable feast for him dancing just out of his reach, but then there was the fourth, creeping towards him, thinking herself unnoticed. Idly he laid touches to her mind, feeling for the edge of her instinctive defenses. She was strong like the rest, and confident too. For a moment he considered redirecting another group of puppet orcs to grab her, but she was still high in his lair, and her allies were not far.

No... He would wait, and she would come to him.

He couldn't break her from here, but with every step she took, the more of his power he could bring to bear upon her, whispering little suggestions into her ears, directing her deeper... Deeper, down towards him.

And with her, he could take the others too...
Fiera crept deeper into the mines, past the point where they could even be called mines. These were just tunnels, now--naturally occuring, for the most part, though even in the dark, Fiera could pick out some scrapes in the stone where tools had been used to widen the passageways or clear out loose rock, decades prior. Fiera couldn't be sure how much of her ancestry was elven, having never known her parents (or any biological relative, for that matter) but it was enough, apparently, for her to have keen ears and sharp eyes far superior to a pure-blooded human's. She could hear the distant stomp of orc feet, echoing down the tunnels, could evade their patrols long before they came her direction.

It was too easy. It wasn't enough to challenge her; avoiding the orcs while scouring the featureless mine for details didn't hold nearly enough of her attention, which gave her mind plenty of leeway to dredge up everything she didn't want to think about--an extensive list. Her numerous failings, both recent and distant, and always circling around the one that had ruined her. It had been scarcely more than a year since it had happened, and that moment had replayed in her head a thousand times. She would watch herself stand dazed over her target as he bled out, instead of escaping the scene like you were supposed to, what are you doing stop staring and go!

She tried to push the thoughts out of her mind, but they just kept welling up. Part of her wanted to move towards the orc patrols, close enough to observe them directly; there would be more to see than these featureless walls, more risk to calculate, it would require more attention to detail. That might distract her from the pit that was knotting in her stomach. But, she was obeying Elyssa's edict. To be careful, to stay safe.

She was obeying another edict as well, although she still did not realize it. A force that was guiding her deeper into the tunnels, down a very specific path, growing stronger with each turn she made, every step she took. A power that guided her subtly to its source.
The deeper she went, the closer she came, the more of her mind was opened before him. Broken, Battered, someone had already made a puppet out of this girl once, only to throw her away after a trivial failure...

More fool he then, to squander such a wonderful toy...

Privately, the Illithid resolved to make better use of this girl than her old master had.

He began to press on other parts of her mind, searching deeper into her memories and thoughts. He couldn't break her at a distance, not like the savage greenskins, even as broken as she was, but he could distract her, weaken her piece by piece until her mind was defenseless before him, only, he couldn't tip his hand until she was too deep in to run for cover.

Silently, he encouraged the urges to get closer, to tread at the very edges of the orcs senses. They already knew where she was, linked to him as they were, but he saw no reason to have them react. Instead, he pushed on her desires, filling her head with lust in a slow and steady drip. Glancing at the orcs would see him sending her images of them discovering her, pushing her down and having their way with her. Looking away at the smooth walls would only bring even stranger imagery, sinuous limbs reaching from the shadows, slimes that could slither inside her and hollow her out, leaving her cumming even as she was utterly destroyed and replaced.

Dozens of endings, as final as they were orgasmic, danced through her mind ,no matter where she looked, but through it all, he still pressed her onwards. She was close, in a handful of turns, she would arrive in his throne room, and once there, she would be his.
The misery coiling in Fiera's stomach--and the power coiling in her mind--made her bold. Bold, but not reckless. She crept closer to the orcs than she'd dared before, she hoped close enough to learn something new of them. But she took care not to be spotted, or heard. She wasn't much of a fighter, not like the others. She wasn't much good against anything that fought back. Any one of these orcs could take her in a fair fight, and it would only take three or four to suround her, keep her from slipping away. And then...

It wasn't uncommon, for various terrible scenarios to play through Fiera's thoughts. The worst of them centered around what might happen to Elyssa and the others, if she let them down. When her mind turned to her own fate, it was never death--that didn't scare her. It was always pain, torture, helplessness. But this was new to her. She could picture it, feel it, the orcs pinning her, prying her legs apart, shredding her clothes, forcing their way inside her. It hurt, of course it hurt, but it also felt... good, somehow. Fiera knew nothing of such pleasure. She knew something of sex, in the broadest strokes; knew the basic anatomy, knew that it could be a useful tool for a spy. But not for Fiera; she was too defective to make proper small talk, let alone seduce somebody. And when her trainers realized that, they resolved not to waste any more time on the subject of sex or desire.

Desire still came, of course, as she got older. Another selfish want, rising unbidden from the depths of her mind, distracting her from her purpose. And like all other distractions, it was to be ignored until it passed--shoved out of her mind, not relieved, not indulged in, not even in fantasy. That was all she knew to do with such feelings, so that was what she did now. Maybe if she hadn't, maybe if she had ever had any other way to deal with such urges, she would have realized that these visions--and there were so many now, no longer just of orcs but of all manner of horrors that might be lurking in the caverns--could not have come from her own mind. How could she so vividly imagine sensations she'd never felt, never come close to feeling? If she had thought on this, she might have realized something was wrong.

Instead she tried harder to concentrate on the task in front of her. That was all she could do; double down and try harder, to focus, to ward off the distractions and weather the overload on her senses. Eventually, though, she would reach her limit and ruin everything, just as she always did.

Fiera slipped away from the orcs, no longer trusting herself to notice if they came closer or made an unexpected move that she would have to react to. Not entirely trusting herself to run even if she had the chance. She crept through the shadows, breathing ragged and uneven, thighs damp with desire that was beginning to soak through her trousers. She could scarcely remember where she was going at this point, or why, but she knew she had to press on...
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No more orcs around the corner, no more distractions from the images in her head. He'd made sure the last few corridors were clear of obstacles. When Fiera entered his vision she was bound in an instant.

It was a loose touch, a telekinetic field wrapping around her limbs lightly as the psychic pressure in her mind pushed her towards him. He stood, uncovered and physically undefended, his cock beginning to stir and his tentacles shifting slightly as their eyes met.

Then, he began to question.

Her mind was weak, but if he were to brute force his way in that weakness could leave her shattered, and he had no interest in another broken puppet, not yet anyways. Three more lights still danced at the periphery of his mindscape, brilliant minds with blazing souls that he so badly wished to claim and devour. The one before him now could be most helpful for that...

The images pressed in on Fiera again, scenes of domination, of rape, laying claim to her body by force. Sometimes it was him, sometimes orcs, sometimes other, darker, viler things that slithered from the shadows. He made her feel them, made her enjoy them, and all the while he held her back from climax. He stepped forwards as he worked now too, approaching her, giving a tender push to the back of her knees to make her kneel for him as her mind was enwrapped in layers of illusion, making her question the reality of her senses even as he guided his half-hard shaft to her lips and bade her get to work. Was it just another illusion where she did so? Or was it truly happening?

It feels good right?

It feels so good...

So just let me in, and all this and more could be yours...
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The grim fantasies that played through Fiera's mind were so relentless and so real that, when she rounded the corner and saw a hulking horror, her first assumption was that it doesn't real. She had to press on. A few paces later, though, she started to notice something was different. It wasn't clear to her right away, not with the distracting visions still dancing in the corners of her mind, but she soon realized that it was too slow. Whether it was being cautious, or simply patient, it was taking longer than any of the monsters in her mind. When it met her eyes , she understood: this one was real.

She tried to run, but her legs were bound by some unseen force that would only permit her to stumble forward--as she was alarmed to find herself doing, in any moment she wasn't actively concentrating on not walking into her doom. Her arms were similarly entangled. This was it, this was the end--she couldn't escape, couldn't resist forever, an sooner or later it would...

The images that filled her mind were more intense than before, and yet, somehow less complete. They left her... unfinished. Wanting. Fiera had never been permitted to want, not for herself. A tool should have no intentions of its own, but dutifully follow the hand that held it. But she couldn't seem to help it now. She told herself these thoughts, these feelings, weren't hers, weren't her, that they came from the monstrosity before her. She struggled to recall the books she had read, to remind herself of the passages detailing such creatures--illithids, they were called, or mind flayers. She was aware of them, aware of what they could do, aware of what this one was doing to her, it wasn't her, it wasn't real--

But knowing that didn't change anything. Telling herself the thoughts weren't hers didn't banish them from her mind. Didn't cool the feverish heat spreading through her body, or dry the wetness that made her leggings cling to her thighs. Knowing where the feelings came from didn't stop her feeling them.

Vaguely, she was aware that the illithid had begun to walk towards her. Terror twisted in her gut. It was unarmed, unarmored, and yet she knew that if it got its hands on her, she would never escape it. She tried once again to run, but still her legs were bound. Gritting her teeth, she focused instead on her arms, struggling against the force that held them. Her shoulders strained and her muscles burned, but slowly she moved her hand across her waist and managed to draw her dagger from its sheath--a wicked curved blade, ideal for slitting throats. She didn't think it would be enough, but if she could not escape she was determined to go down fighting.

Then her legs buckled and gave out; as she fell to her knees, Fiera realized she would not have the strength to stand again. To mount even this most feeble defiance against the creature that loomed over her. A moment later her fingers loosened and her dagger slipped from her grasp, clattering on the stone floor with a terrible finality.

Her eyes fell on the monster's cock, inches from her face. Even now, half a dozen illusions swirled through her mind, of hard appendages like this one piercing her, filling her, flooding her with ecstasy. Her lips parted with a shuddering gasp, and as her shoulders went limp she slumped forward, her nose and open mouth pressed against the shaft, letting its scent wash over her as she panted against the illithid's smooth skin. A whimper escaped her throat.
For a fragile and brittle mind, there was a surprising strength, a single-minded will to resist that allowed her to draw a dagger before he finally forced those last vestiges of opposition out of her mind. With the orcs it had been purest simplicity, a wave of his hand had seen their eyes glazing over and their minds falling under his sway, but her alone, a little broken bird, why... Even now, surrounded by phantoms and kneeling beneath him, some desperate part of her still resisted his power, still held to her fractured sense of self.

Lick it... He commanded silently, his arms staying by his sides as he manipulated her body with his mind, pressuring her psyche even as he forced compliance from her physical form. There was no escape any more, not here at the very heart of his power. Take it into your mouth. Psychic caresses brushed against Fiera's womanhood even as more images assaulted her mind. Before they had been a jumble, a tangle of scenes with only the element of her body being conquered to unite them. Now they shared another element in common, Him.

Sometimes he watched from afar, other times he commanded up close, sometimes he even participated. In one scene she bounced between two massive orc shafts, writhing as they pounded her in the purest ecstasy. In another he claimed her from behind, his tentacles wrapping around her neck as his monstrous manhood pistoned in and out.

In the real world, telekinetic force grasped the back of her head and forced her deeper, pushing her to take him into her throat. He hadn't even moved an inch as he violated her mind, forcing her to ravage herself on his cock, pressing down upon her with every second that passed. Good right? It feels good. Hopeless to resist. Hopeless to fight back. No point. Just give in. Feeding her thoughts of submission, of surrender.

You'll break if you hold on too long, he won't stop, so just give in, better to serve willingly than to be made a drooling puppet.

She was fucking her own throat at his command before finally he pushed her back, letting her take a breath as he slowly sat down, folding his legs under him as his cock jutted up.

Ride him. Fuck him. Cum for him.

Give him your mind, your body, your everything..
Fiera panted as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and she ran it slowly up the shaft, the smell and taste of the illithid's arousal overwhelming her keen senses. She couldn't tell, as her gaping mouth settled over the tip of the monster's cock, whether it was controlling her body or her mind at this point. Was there even a point in distinguishing anymore?

She tried to resist. To ignore the burning want that kept building in her, the jolt of pleasure that bloomed from her groin as she lowered herself, the head of his cock filling her mouth and stretching her jaw. But, she couldn't anymore. Fiera had never learned to cope with such a relentless assault on her mind, never learned to cope with anything really. She had only ever learned to force herself and to try harder, and if that wasn't good enough it was only because she wasn't good enough. She was too weak, too limited. And now she was at her limit.

There was little resistance left as he forced her to take his cock deeper and deeper into her throat, just autonomic responses: a feeble gag reflex, a cough, a spasm of pain. It hurt, it hurt so badly. The same childhood injury that rendered her a near mute--so ancient she didn't even remember how it had happened--now left her throat tender. As the thick shaft was forced roughly down her throat, she could feel it chafing, brusing. She gagged, coughed, choked; a torrent of drool began to ooze from within her mouth, her body desperately attempting to lubricate the massive cock and spare herself the worst of it.

And despite the pain she still wanted. The taste, the smell, the feel of the monstrity's slick skin against her lips, it was strangely intoxicating to her. It mingled with the scent of her own desire, wafting up from below. Her eyes began to roll back in her head.

Even so, there was a certain relief to feel the shaft sliding out, freeing her. She coughed and sputtered, her desperate gasps for air nearly as painful as the cock that she had been choking on, but instead of being smothered by the musk, the rush of air left her light-headed. It took her a moment to become aware enough of her surroundings to see that the monster had sat down, his upright cock eagerly awaiting her.

Fiera knew that the desire filling her mind was not her, that it came from him. But it was merely a flat acknowledgement, not any vain attempt at defiance. That had passed. Though her hands were unsteady and nearly numb, she managed to find the waistline of her pants and pull the garment down to her knees, peeling the cloth away from her drenched thighs, exposing her womanhood to the monstrosity before her. She shifted her hips, pressing herself to the tip of his cock. But, as eagerly as her body yearned for him, taking him in was... complicated. She squirmed her pelvis futilely against him, the slickness of her sex frustrating her desires as he slid teasingly against her flesh without ever quite entering her.

With a whimper, Fiera reached forward with trembling hands. The nimble fingers that deftly picked locks in the pitch black, now seemed clumsy and childish as she wrapped them around his shaft, still slick with her drool. She held him steady as best she could, before pushing her hips once again against the head of his cock. This time, her lips parted, swallowing up his tip until it strained against her hymen.

"Haa--aaaahh..." The strangled sound that escaped her lips, raspy and grating and more like a bird than a woman, expressed both relief and yearning.
It was an inevitable outcome, but all the same, he felt approval as her resistance finally folded. No last dramatic gesture of defiance, no final hopeless bid for freedom, just a quiet collapse into total submission as she peeled away her undergarments and mounted him. He allowed her clumsiness as she ground against the tip of his shaft, the tight entrance slipping against the bulbous head of his cock until finally she managed to brace herself and sink down, her walls parting around him as far as she could go.

He allowed that too, let her hang there for a moment as the guttural moan faded into the darkness before he had enough.

You wish for more. He was inside her mind now, ice cold fingers of his mental touch teasing their way through her thoughts. You wish to please me. If she could take him all, it would be for him, not for her own pleasure. You want to let me in. Into her womanhood, into her womb, into her mind. Slowly, his tentacles reached out, caressing her cheeks, twining over her face. One slipped into her mouth in an inhuman mockery of a kiss when it twined around her tongue while two others curled around her ears, their tips twining inwards until they slowly pushed in, a tingling touch directly against her brain.

With so much access he could rewrite her entirely if he wished, turn her into anything he desired, but for the sake of gaining her companions he could not afford to make any obvious changes just yet. He teased his way over the gray matter, seeking out the triggers for arousal and endorphins, for pleasure and reward. While it was no effort to push lust into her mind, he had seen her recognition of its foreign state, and sought in turn to rectify that issue by triggering arousal from within.

Meanwhile, the other trigger was primed to dispense rewards, to grant true satisfaction for her service. He triggered it as she drove herself downwards, washing out the pain of lost virginity with the pleasure of having done as he commanded.

Ride me.

His tentacles squirmed, his thoughts infiltrated hers, and as she began to bounce on his cock, he layered control upon control, steadily subsuming her, making her wholly and willingly his in every single way.

You want to live for me. You want to die for me. You want to serve me with all that you are, have been, and will be.
The muscles of her neck went limp and Fiera's head lolled back as the illithid's tendrils descended on her, caressing her sweat-slick skin. A sharp, "Hahn," burst from her lips as his tentacle coiled around her tongue, and she shivered as the tendrils toyed with the folds of her ears, shuddered when they plunged in.

Rewriting her mind was perhaps even easier than he had anticipated. She had exhausted the last of her resistance, so there was nothing left to hold back the carnal desires she had been repressing since puberty. A nudge, and the floodgates were opened. Then there was her need to please, which was rooted far more deeply, and just as unfulfilled.

Fiera had always obeyed the spymaster to the best of her ability, but her ability had never been enough. Even when she succeeded in her objectives, he had never praised her--that served no purpose. Instead his debriefings were instructive, focused on what she could have done better; never once had he been without comment. Never once had he been satisfied, and so, neither had Fiera.

Not until now. As she drove her hips downward and took more of the monster's cock inside her, she felt fulfilled in a way she had never been before. It made the sharp pain of her hymen tearing, and the bruising ache of her tight, inexperienced passage stretching to accommodate the thick intrusion, bearable. She could tolerat pain, if she had to, and right now she had to. She had to obey, had to serve him, please him. She had to, she wanted to. Wanted to be used, wanted to be useful again. And this being could use her, in ways the spymaster couldn't and Elyssa wouldn't.

She rocked herself up and down on his cock, each pump pushing a pained cry from her throat. Before long, though, they gave way to moans, as her body grew more used to the size and the roughness. She was still terribly small, and her passage clung tightly to his shaft, but the pain sank beneath the growing tide of pleasure, of ten years worth of frustration and self-denial set free.
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With the dam broken at last, it was all to easy. She craved fulfillment as many mortals did but her fulfillment came from servitude, raised from the crib to exist for the sake of another. First the spymaster who had never let her feel accomplished, then the paladin far above them, who had never used her abilities to their fullest. Both of them deplorable to his mind for failing to appreciate such a well-trained servant.

Her cries began to take on a distinctly pleasured edge as she worked herself up and down on him and he let her feel his satisfaction, share in the knowledge that he was truly contented with her performance.

Good Girl.

He began to thrust up into her, rolling his hips to meet each descent, filling the cavern with the wet sound of their flesh meeting, a primal drumbeat to set a rhythm to her pleasured cries and the wet sounds of her almost-too-tight passage working upon his shaft. His tentacles worked deeper, detaching her from any good memories of her former masters, any happy moments, any reasons she would ever have to go back to them. The information in those memories might yet prove useful in punishing them for their inattention but he was sure to make them distant, like memories of a life belonging to someone else.

Good Servant.

So long since he'd last been able to relieve such carnal pressures, even he was beginning to reach his limit in fairly short order. Fiera's mind had surrendered itself to the last and her pussy was incredibly wet and tight, clenching around him as her body begged instinctively for his seed.

Good Slut.

He didn't need to hold on any more, she was his now.

So he let go, his length pulsing inside her before unleashing his load. He made sure she shared in the orgasm, drowning her brain in pleasure from both his tentacles and his psychic touch, sealing her to him with that primal act, perverted praise for a job well done.

But even as the climax ebbed and the pleasure settled, his tntacles slowly pulling out of the elven girl with a series of wet sounds, his thoughts were turning outwards again. Fiera was his, but three yet remained, and he desired them all.
As he began to move inside her, Fiera's moans and pantings turned into short, sharp yelps of pleasure, as each powerful thrust seemed to knock the wind out of her. Her head was spinning as he picked his way through her memories, severing ties one by one.

The spymaster gazed down on her with an expression she had never seen before. "The life I have given you has been a cruelty; let us not either have any delusions about that, Fiera. It is not good, or right, to raise a child in this way, but it is necessary, as is all my work. Our work, the work you will join me in as you grow older. Do you understand?"

Good Girl.

"There's a look in your eyes that's very familiar, Fiera. I see just such an expression every time I look in the mirror." A wry smile played at the holy knight's lips. "Which, I assure you, is far too often." Her expression became serious again. "In my eyes, it reflects my self-doubts. My... sense of inadequacy." Fiera must have let a look of surprise cross her face, because Elyssa smiled again, this time gentle and slightly sad. "I know. I try not to let it show; another vanity, I have far too many, it's a wonder the gods have not taken steps to humble me. But... if you feel as I feel, then perhaps I can let you know you're not alone." She chuckled. "And if I'm wrong I've gone and embarassed myself for no reason, but it's worth it. You're worth it, Fiera."

Good Servant.

"Hey, listen... don't ever think, you can't have what I got. Love n' sex and all that. Maybe yer not ready yet. Maybe, this ain't even what you want, that's okay too. You'll find what does for you. Ain't no one can't find happiness." Lienna paused, brow furrowing as she mouthed the words of that last sentence again. She stopped and met Fiera's eyes, pointing at her. "I know what yer thinkin, I can tell. And okay, you ain't wrong, I'm a little drunk. Don't mean I'm wrong. You got all the time in the world to figure out what you want, and to go after it. You know you're allowed to want things, right kid?"

Good Slut.

"Can't sleep?" Fiera flinched at the unexpected noise that interrupted her nightly litany of self-recrimination. Leilah must have taken that as an answer, so she continued. "Me either. Wanna try together?" Before Fiera could ask what she meant, Leilah was crawling into the bed next to her, leaning against her back. Slowly, with great hesitation, she draped a muscular arm over Fiera's slim form. "When things were... bad... for me... they taught me some breathing exercises. Supposed to clear your mind but they never worked for me. Not when I tried em alone. But you find somebody to breath with..." She tilted her head back as she inhaled deeply through the nose, and exhaled through her mouth, her breath faintly rustling Fiera's hair. A bit dumbfounded, the young woman tried to match, and soon found herself falling into Leilah's rhythm. It was... soothing. Leilah sighed. "'s alright to need other people. Everyone does."

The memories faded, until they might have been someone else's. The only thing in her mind, in her world right now, was the pleasure, and the being from whom it stemmed. The carnal pleasure of the cock ravaging her tight passage, the joy of his praises echoing through her mind. She had a purpose again, and unlike the one she had lost before, it seemed she was good at this one. She never wanted it to end.

Until it did; until the pleasure that had been building inside her finally peaked, explosively, her master flooding her womb and mind with his own climax and dragging her along with it. Her cunt clenched tighter still around him, rooting her in place as her body quaked and spasmed. Her throat was already sore from the various cries and moans she had uttered thus far, but that didn't stop a rasping howl of ecstasy from clawing its way free.

She stayed upright, shaking and twitching, until the last echo of her final scream faded. Then she went limp, falling backwards, sliding off of his cock and hitting the ground with a thud. She lay panting and shuddering, a puddle forming beneath her thighs and buttocks as their mixed cum oozed from her passage. Her nerves were ablaze and already she ached for more, but she wasn't sure her body could take it.
He slowly pulled himself to his feet as she lay there, finding the tableau she made as she panted for breath on the cum-spattered stone surprisingly distracting. It made him content to watch as she slowly recovered, content to wait, casually flipping through the memories he'd parted her from before as he did. It had been so long since he had seen anything outside these caverns, so long since he'd been anything but the little ruler of this small slice of underdark, to see the way the cattle of the surface world had built cities and raised civilization of their own was fascinating.

Weak minded as so many of them were, he would never have thought they could grow so much, and yet it seemed that civilization after civilization of leaderless mind-weak humanoids had conquered threat after threat, and began to grow strong in their own ways.

To dominate them, to set himself above them all, for a moment, dreams of a grand conquest danced in the illilthid's head, but he was not one for flights of pure fancy. He was still only Lord of Underdark, a minor power amongst minor powers, albeit one now possessed of a powerful pawn. His eyes slid down to fiera again and his cock stirred in its half-hardness at the sight, twitching as he felt the aching want for more in spite of the danger that could pose to her small frame. He contemplated a moment all the same, tempted by the prospect.

Then he sat down again, facing her. He had leafed through her memories briefly, but to sort out the most meaningful and useful ones for his present purposes would take time, time he could save by simply asking Fiera directly. The ones who came with you into these caves, I wish to make them mine as well. That she would help him did not need to be stated. Tell me about them, their strengths, their weaknesses... Another twitch of desire through him, shared with her. You may attend me at the same time if you wish. He added as an afterthought.

It was time to plan.
Even as her orgasmic ecstasy faded, the sense of contentment did not. Fiera could have laid there forever, basking in the satisfaction of being useful and appreciated.

Only, that wouldn't have been useful, and it wouldn't have been appreciated. He wanted much more from her than a few minutes of carnal pleasure, and she was eager to give it to him. Even so, her mind was foggy and her body was unsteady. Awkwardly, she lifted herself up onto her knees, planting her hands on the ground between them to balance herself. When she was sure she was steady, she reached back behind her and pried the shoes off her feet, then began crawling towards him, leaving her pants behind as she did. Her black eyes were fixed on the illithid's cock as she approached.

'Attend me' he had said, or rather, thought. And because they were more than words, they had carried meaning that might otherwise have been lost on Fiera. But understanding that he meant something sexual did not mean she knew what to do. He had taken the lead before, even if he had done so from within her mind, guiding her body step by step. She wasn't sure how to please him, but she was keen to try.

She began to lick the shaft, as he had commanded her earlier. The taste and scent of cum, hers and his alike, was a heady reminder of the joy she had just experienced, and her body burned with anticipation of more. But now was not the time; she had to answer his questions. This proved difficult to do, however, with her tongue on his cock. "They, mm, they're ss--ahn, ss, smmff... they're..."

She paused, hesitating, then closed her eyes. He was in her head. She didn't need to speak; she only needed to focus her thoughts so he could more easily pluck the ones he needed. She pressed her lips to the head of his cock, then began taking it into her mouth as she concentrated on her... associates. She had been analyzing them, just as she would an enemy--to compensate for their weaknesses, cover their blind spots. But now, perhaps, that information could serve a different purpose.

They're strong. They're all much stronger than me. He might have severed the bonds of her loyalty, but Fiera's assessment of the other three had not changed. Combat. Mental fortitude. They will be much harder than I was.

Not that she expected this to dissuade him; he had decided what he wanted, and she would help him get it, but for that to work he needed accurate intel. Leilah Karim. Hand-to-hand specialist, exceptional coordination, timing, stamina. Preferred strategy focuses on counters, utilizing enemy momentum. Even without counters, offensive power quite high for unarmed combatant. Evasive skills also high, but durability only average.

Flighty, restless, impatient. Tends to wander off by herself when situation not holding her attention.
Fiera doubted if the others grasped that was why Leilah walked away, but she recognized the behavior on some level. There was some dread or misery that filled her mind the moment it was still, and while Fiera dealt with that by doubling down and focusing harder on her current situation, Leilah's response was simply to leave and look for something better.

Lienna Rieza. Elemental mage, offensive power exceptional, excels in both ranged and area attacks. Sometimes employed ice-based restraints as well. Defense poor, attempts to compensate with preemptive strikes. Will push out of melee range with wind magic as last resort.

Behaves recklessly when others are in danger. First inclination seems to be putting herself in danger instead.
Fiera paused, pulling her mouth off of her master's cock to catch her breath. It would never have occurred to her to think of this as something to exploit, if only because she didn't have the talent to exploit it. But he did. Suspect very high libido. Very active sex life, multiple lovers.

Fiera resumed licking her master's shaft as she turned her mind to the last. Lady Elyssa Devana. Holy knight, master swordsman, exceptional battlefield awareness and tactical insight. Augments weapon with holy power, especially destructive to undead, possibly others. She wasn't quite sure how Elyssa's divine power would interact with an illithid, but even if it didn't do much of anything, it was as fine a blade as any, and it cut through flesh quite well. But, that was hardly the biggest concern. This... was not going to be what her master wanted to hear, but he needed to know.

Defenses appear impregnable. Adept at reading opponent's movements to avoid attacks. Armor covers little, but mostly for show; body and mind both shielded by divine power. Not sure how to get through.

That wasn't a good enough answer, she was sure of it. She had to think, there had to be something, something her master could use against Elyssa. She cared about her appearance, but not so much that it could distract her in battle. She often clashed bitterly with other nobles, but there were no nobles here--none whose status she would accept, anyway. There had to be something, there had to...

...insecure. Fiera remembered a conversation she'd had with the holy knight once. The details had been vague, but the feelings had seemed genuine. Feelings of doubt, inadequacy. Unclear as to source, but possibly useful.

She hoped it would be enough. It was all she had to offer.
The genuine eagerness he'd instilled in her was delicious in and of itself after so long enduring the scant emotional cues his orcs had been reduced to after he claimed their wills. Between that mental stimulation and the tentative touches of her lips and tongue to provide physical pleasure it was easy to let himself sink into a trance as he considered her thoughts, the slick sounds of Fiera's ministrations the only things to break the silence as he began to plot.

She was right that none of them would be easy to claim. They were fallible to be sure, but they were not fragile as Fiera had been, had not already been instilled with instincts for obedience and desires for purpose and reward.

The paladin would come last, that much was clear from the start. Even leaving aside the divine protections she held, the one weakness Fiera had given him, her insecurity, would be best used if she was isolated. If he could play on it by putting her in a position to fail her friends, then she might crumble all the more easily. More importantly however, leaving her for last would give him time to find ways around the aforementioned protections, since he could not be certain they would falter with her will.

Which left the other two... How to deal with them?

Leilah... She would be easiest to isolate given her impulsive nature. She will be next.

A little pulse of approval rolled from his mind into hers, both at the lips she wrapped around his cock and the knowledge she'd provided him. You will return to them once we have finished here, and lead them deeper into the caves. The orcs would fight of course, but fading battles, retreating bit by bit. Tease the martial artist with a fight but keep her from a true brawl, slowly wearing them down. Fiera could lead them to a defensible cave where they could rest partway, and from there...

Good Girl, deeper. He added the command as an afterthought before continuing.

Can you push Leilah into a little exploring off on her own once they camp? Without alerting any of them to your change of course... He'd position himself nearby, and then set to work bringing her down once she wandered into his clutches...
"Mmghh..." Fiera couldn't help the muffled choking noise that escaped her lips even as she forced them farther down her master's shaft, taking him into her abused throat. It hurt, but she wasn't about to disobey, or complain. She was glad to obey. Glad to do as he asked.

If she could. But, what he asked of her now... I'm not good at... Even communicating with thoughts, she struggled to convey her meaning. ...pushing. Social things, manipulation. Hard to influence behavior. Mostly pass along data. She paused, brow furrowing thoughtfully even as she bobbed her head up and down on her master's cock. May be able to bore her into leaving? Too many details... for long reports I sometimes write. Leilah usually doesn't read, not sure she can, might wander off while debriefing. Should be able to do that without rousing suspicion. Fiera wasn't much of an actor, but in this case, her social awkwardness might help. Any atypical behavior she displayed, might well be assumed to be part of her usual struggles to interact with people.

She wasn't sure what she was going to do about the smell, the dampness of her leggings. The others' senses might not have been as keen as hers, but she doubted it would go entirely unnoticed if she returned in her current state.
That expression was a delight as well, the little quirk of her eyebrow and the thoughtful countenance of her gaze even as her lips suctioned around his cock, spit and precum steadily beginning to add a lewd sheen to her lips. Then there was the fact that she gave input on his plan, another welcome change from the mindless obedience of the orcs. He considered, splitting fragment of his attention off to reward her with long psychic fingers teasing her slit as he pondered.

Has she any special mental defenses that you know of? He wouldn't need too much power if she was as flighty as Fiera claimed. A few little extra pushes on that restless boredom could be enough on their own. Less satisfying than having Fiera do it for him directly, but there were always two more afterwards... A single shield or mental ward he hadn't prepared for could give him away immediately though, and he had no interest in facing all three of them at once.

It was a thought at least... Though that did leave the last question of how to see her returned without suspicion. He knew of some pools however... If you were to bathe, might they be willing to believe you slipped and fell into an underground pool while running from some of the orcs? He knew better than to believe that she would have actually been caught without his mental dominion over the area, but what he knew didn't matter. The real question was: What would her former teammates believe?
Fiera shivered as his power teased her aching slit. She wanted, desperately, to mount him again, but she knew they had work to do.

I think they will believe it. I'm inconsistent. Unreliable. They are aware of my shortcomings. The others had shown unusual patience with Fiera, with the way she got overwhelmed or distracted. Normally acknowledging that prompted... complicated feelings. Confusion, guilt, gratitude. But her master had severed the connections that gave meaning to such emotions. Now it was just data.

Leilah has no special defenses or resistances that I know of. Strong will, meditation techniques. Harder to break than me, but should not be beyond your power.
Good. A bigger wave of satisfaction, he was pleased with her. The psychic digits merged into something thicker, parting her womanhood with its girth while little tendrils shimmered against her clit. His physical hand moved down, stroking her throat where it bulged around his shaft. He could feel her want, feel the raw desire straining inside her as well as the discipline that held it back.

With the planning finished, he began to meet her motions with thrusts from both ends, intent on giving her a psychic orgasm and a belly full of cum.

Once Leilah was in his thrall he would give her more, but for now, this would serve adequately to express his pleasure.
"Hmmmmmghhh!" Fiera wailed with shock and pleasure as his power parted her, filled her. She squirmed her hips as the psychic shaft penetrated her, and her eyes began to roll back from the tendrils teasing at her clit. The sensations were still so new and overwhelming, she didn't notice his hand move until it had wrapped delicately around her throat. With a needy whimper, she leaned her face into the skin of his wrist, her cheek rubbing back and forth against him as she continued to bob her head on his shaft. Drool poured down her chin and drizzled onto to the ground in long threads; her pussy was in a similar state, gushing with fluids that dripped onto the stone floor.
He indulged in her eagerness, delighted in her compliance, letting just a little of that considerable self control slip as he began to move in earnest as well. His hand stayed at her throat, his cock pulsing and bulging as it stretched her out. In front and behind he spitroasted the little spy, each thrust pushing her to meet the other in a rhythm that only the most coordinated of mortal lovers could hope to match. Take it. The mental words were sharp, accompanied by a very physical hiss from the mouth behind his tentacles. Take my seed pet. The cavern filled with the wet sounds of sex.

He was getting close, the link helped her feel it, warning her of his impending orgasm. Take it ALL.
Fiera grew light-headed as he began to move in her, rocking her expertly back and forth between his cock and the mental force that penetrated her from behind. She felt weightless, riding a wave that rose and fell. Choked cries and muffled moans escaped her lips with each thrust; she was still gagging on his cock, but she hardly noticed. The pain in her throat was subsumed in the carnal pleasure, and the bliss of obedience.

As her capacity for coherent thought faded away, Fiera managed a mental reply to his command. Give... With that plea, her conscious mind sank under the wave of pleasure; for the moment, Fiera was nothing but desire.
The hissing grew harsher as he felt the pleasure crest, one final sloppy thrust burying himself as deep as his size would allow. His cock bucked, hard and jerking with each pulse of his seed sprayed down her throat. The psychic shaft pistoning in and out of Fiera's spasming cunt couldn't match the sensation of cumming deep inside the girl but it pulsed and flexed in much the same way, little shocks of psionic energy frizzing against her inner walls as it decohered very slightly within her.

The hand on her throat migrated up to her head and ran two slim fingers through her hair in a twisted sort of affection. Good girl.

He lingered a little longer, sharing the afterglow between them, drinking down her bliss as he finally pulled out of her, the length of his cock shining with spit and seed as he came free with a long wet sucking sound. A moment later the psychic counterpart to his shaft pulled free as well and dissipated into nothingness.

He allowed her time to recover, and then plucked her pants up with a telekinetic lift and deposited them next to her. I will accompany you to a pool, you will bathe, and then we will begin.

He couldn't wait to claim his next prize...
Once again, his climax pulled Fiera along to a new orgasm--not quite as intense as the first, which had carried the weight of a decade's repression, but nearly so. A muffled scream rang through the cave as she shuddered, back arching and pussy quivering around the psychic force that intruded on it. Gradually, her shakes subsided, the telekinetic shaft dissolved, and he pulled his cock from her throat. She gasped for air, coughing and sputtering, then took a deep, whooping breath in as she tried to gulp down the seed that threatened to escape her lips. He had told her to take it all, and she could not allow herself to fail such a simple command. Still, it took a few tries to force his thick cum down her abused throat. Finally, when she was sure she had swallowed all of it, she looked up at him, breath escaping her lips in short, raspy pants, eyes beginning to water. She glanced down at the pants as he brought them over, and nodded, tangling her fingers in the cloth. There was work to be done...

Half an hour later, Fiera stumbled back to the other three, her clothes and her body drenched. They converged on her, concern clear on their faces. Leilah and Lienna spoke over each other, and rather quickly; she couldn't make out a word of it. But Elyssa's voice cut through their chatter. "What happened, Fiera?"

"Close call. Had to hide underwater."
She coughed; her throat hurt with every word, and her voice was so rough as to be barely intelligible.

"A river? Or an underground lake?" Elyssa held her hand up as Fiera opened her mouth to answer. "I think a map would be the most straightforward. Leilah?"

"Yeh, here."
Leilah woman passed Fiera a small pack--the spy had left it behind while scouting, taking only her most essential tools. As she dug out charcoal and paper, to draw a layout for Elyssa, Leilah sighed and began pacing the perimeter of the room. This discussion was going to be long and boring and didn't concern her; she didn't need to know where they were going. That was Elyssa's job. Leilah's job was to follow along and hit things. And if she didn't get something to hit soon, she was going to go mad... she began to pace faster. Every few steps, she began to jump off the ground, soon kicking off the walls to get more height. It was something to do, at least.

After what seemed like forever, Elyssa and Fiera had finished their business, and were ready to go. Leilah fell into her place at Elyssa's left shoulder, with Lienna a pace or two behind and Fiera bringing up the rear.
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