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Fx Male Here be monsters {Always looking for monsters}


Probably drawing something
Sep 20, 2013
Art Hell
Back from a shaky hiatus edition: I will likely only take 1 at this time so if interested DM me.

Hi there I'm White wolf. I have been around role playing for more than a decade and still going strong!

Note: this thread gets updated every time I bump/look for something so it's always up to date accordingly.

Anywho I have some simple rules.

~ I look for decent post length, at the very least I expect more than three sentences worth of text per post. Sometimes more if there's plenty of things going on.

~ If you need a break or are no longer interested tell me. I won't take it against you. Life can kick you down sometimes.

~ Basic grammar- I'm not a grammar cop and sometimes I make mistakes everyone does on occasion. However I want to understand what I'm reading.

~ I like plot! at the very minimum I would like a 50/50 plot to smut ratio. I also like world building and expanding on fandoms if possible.

~ I'm fairly lenient on kinks but would like to stay grounded to a bit of realism. However I'm not into overly strange things like bathroom, gore, - yeah the really 'out there' stuff.

~ I'm open to Oc's and I can double if desired.

~ With that in mind I don't like OP Oc's. All of mine are balanced and yours should be too. Everyone has flaws and drawbacks. Mary/Gary sues are a no go. Follow the verse rules.

~ I'm fine with canon characters not being played super accurately so no pressure, just try to stay IC as best as you can- I tend to do the same.

~ All characters must be 18 or older (aged up is fine) no exceptions. Generally 20-30 tends to be my default character age.

~ I like talking in DM's and plot some stuff/muse so you can too.
~ PLEASE do NOT Note/PM me unless you are interested in what is posted here. I am not looking for anything else or drastically different plot suggestions.

As for a vague kink list: (Ask for anything else if its not on here)

Definitive yes-

* Monsters/monster people/shifters - both in appearance and anatomy. (Animal ears and tails, horns, claws, wings, dicks ETC) I'm a monsterfucker there I said it.
* Tomboys and not overly girly women - I prefer to play these types of characters, think Lara Croft from Tomb raider or Mirko from My hero Academia.
* Rough sex - I'm more into vanilla but getting a bit beastly is fine with me.
* Slowburn - Not necessary but I like to have some chemistry going on between our characters.
* Comedy - Where it applies, I don't mind silly moments to spice up an RP or plot. Especially if it fits the canon world or characters.
* Villains- Sometimes I like the dark side, especially if it makes for an interesting dynamic/plot view.
* Semi public/Risky sex- Does the need strike in an alley? don't matter some of my characters probably are into that.
* Romance- does not have to be vanilla either! Aka Rival villains learning to get along, or two characters who would have never gotten along normally begin to soften up to each other one reason or another.
* Risky sex - Rawdogging monsters can sometimes result in accidents, less in a sexual sense and more of a plot point depending on the situation.

Definitive NO'S
(I will never, ever RP these so don't ask about them or involve them in an RP with me.)

* Anything that should go in the toilet stays in the toilet.
* Vore
* Under age or overly young looking characters. So no 900 year old Lolis.
* Intense Sexual violence/Abuse
* Gore in any sexual way

~ Note that I have plot ideas for the fandoms below and i'm willing to share and collaborate to come up with one we both like.

- Since I rarely ever bump this thread do note that the fandom being desired tends to change once in a blue moon. Depends on my muse really.

Deadlock (That new Valve game)
I really like the setting of this game. This is still a vague idea but i'm willing to double up here and create an interesting plot with what we have so far. Setting is some alternative magic filled New york- all kinds of strange people and beings are just everyday now.

Though I am looking for someone to Play me a Seven specifically for a plot I have in mind against an OC. In return if you want an Ivy or something hit me up!

Symbiotes/Venom what If
I've always been down bad for Symbiotes and Venom what can I say? Marvel Rivals has just reminded me of this at full force.

I'm looking for a scenario of our own making- This could be an iteration of Venom where he along with some other Symbiotes were found dormant in a meteorite. Humans could be capable of space travel here already. A cyberpunk space dystopia perhaps?

These Symbiotes got experimented on to be turned into weapons- sure they still need a host and can do the usual but this iteration is also capable of manifesting outside the host as well if they are in good health but they need to be close together so they can't stray too far from the host.

My character would either be a janitor or a low rank scientist. She does not have much going on in her life and can start out as cynical since there's no hope to ever be free of how society works and well... its basically work and keep working for someone as unremarkable as her. However, one night the elevator at work glitches out and sends her into the restricted parts of the laboratory she works for... she decides to snoop around and ends up getting snatched by Venom who had managed to escape.

Unlike the rest of his 'siblings' he's the one that refused to be broken and remained a bit feral. He refused to bind to anyone, up until now.

And so the chaos begins, she can't let her job and higher ups know she poked around where she shouldn't have and ended up binding with an escaped Symbiote. And its not like she can hide away at home since he soon makes it clear he can just manifest around her and trash her room in protest for food.

The general idea is we can start out small here and progressively up the stakes as the world unfolds for both of them and they learn to co exist too... a little bit too well. Perhaps in this iteration the symbiotes who were experimented on took on sexual characteristics and 'unique' behavior. In true alien fashion perhaps upon bonding they take the opposite sex of the host for... reproductive purposes and thus the bond is seen as more than just an agreement its a mateship bond. So in true invasive species nature they are meant to eventually adapt to their host and propagate more of their kin with potential diversity thanks to the hosts.

Really there is plenty of potential here- from taking on the ruling powers on the starting colony and eventually spreading out further.

Monster hunter wilds AU-
Love this game and the series, since a lot of people are still playing I won't spoil it here. I have finished the main storyline and absolutely love it, I want to do something with this bit but a more... monsterish flare if you get my drift.

Story can go as usual save that my huntress during a hunt gets caught in the sandstorm. Its chaos all round as she gets separated from the rest of the group and ambushed by the monster she was hunting down. She's stubborn though and refuses to buckle down,.. one thing leads to another and before she knows it the cave she managed to lure the monster into collapses and they both end up plummeting into a deeper part of the cave system... one that hasn't seen the light of day in a long time.

My huntress would be saved and meet with a mysterious hunter in said caves- at a glance he appears to be a hunter just like her then she'd realize he's not as he seems. To evade spoilers here won't mention much about Wilds outside of DM's.

But to get the gist of this RP cue a variant plot of WILDS we can alter as we please and now there's my huntress and her new acquaintance... a strange seemingly hybrid monster man.

Kaiju no 8
An AU variant of this anime- Will put more deets on here later but the general idea is I'm looking for someone to play Kafka and turns out he's not the only kaiju shifter. I'd be playing a scientist/kaiju behavioral specialist from another country- both her and her crew have shown up to Japan to help with the sudden Kaiju influx and do some research. She also thought she was the only shifter after a lab incident gone wrong... and would be quite thrilled in a nerd way to learn she isn't the only shifter. Chaos and comedy can ensue. Got more details as mentioned but can DM if interested.
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