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A Disturbing Love [Clonewar & Lunar]

Tears streamed down both of their faces as he fucked her again with her legs and arms gone now. Just a stub beneath him, her blood pooling. It wasn't pouring out as bad as it should have been but she was still losing blood, still growing weak and still losing her strength beneath him. The other girl screaming and squirming as they made the limbs do the horrific things to her and she cried out. "You disgusting pig." She snarled as she couldn't watch as he fucked and killed her friend, whimpering.

OCC- Nah. you're fine, lol.
He cut her head from her shoulders watching a minion catch the severed head and force it onto her friends sex. the other were using a hand to rake it over her chest as the other was shoved up her ass. "Look you're fucking you're friend" he watched the life over a full minute slowly fade from her eyes. he smiled as he pulled out her body quartering the torso as she then split her open taking out the organs. "hmm i was correct 105 pounds that should make a good profit" he turned to the girl dead arm sticking out of cunt and ass.
The girl whimpered, blood all over her body screaming as they forced her friends dead and severed head onto her sex her hands against her pussy and ass before pushing up into her. She squirmed and gagged at the smell and sight before throwing up, "P-please.. just.. just kill me now. Get it over with.." She stammered, shaking her head as she breathed in. "Oh god.. Aislyn." She whispered softly, she was the last one left. "Please.. spare Aislyn." She whimpered up to him, she knew by now Aislyn was fast asleep and that only scared her. He'd be after her next.
"Don't worry i have no plans to kill her" he slid into her ass after taking out the arms placing his hands around her neck. he fucked her ass hard as he split her gut up the center and over the bottom spilling her hot guts. "you know i think i will kill you this way" he pressed his hands tighter he would leave the rest for the minions. "you know this has been fun killing the four of you maybe ill do it again after i turn you're friend" he teased cumming into her tight and very clean ass.
Feeling him pull the hand but she cried out as he thrust up and into her ass, fucking her and she gasped out feeling his hands around her neck. Gripping tightly though she screamed out as he sliced her stomach open and her guts poured out. She quivered under him, gagging out as his hands grew tighter around her neck. Her eyes rolling back to her head, feeling her blood seeping out of her mouth before it only took a few minutes as the light faded from her eyes as her body went limp, dead underneath him just moments after he came into her ass.
Taking a quick shower he watched one placed on a grill the other was cleaned out and put on a spit to roast. "you know i think i may stay for breakfast" he left for his tent the next day he could smell flesh cooking. "are you hungry" he did not tell her that her friends had left but when she asked he suggested the got other rides. "thanks again for the help last night" thanked the owner the place was pretty empty.

ooc i feel my creative juices freed....think he will be nicer to the last one.
OCC-{Okay sounds good, just this time with her. No killing, like for her meaning no chopping off the arms. Killing wise,.. yes turning her to Vampire. But the chopping of arms and legs were fine for the others. x] ]

"I just dont understand why they all suddenly just left. I mean.. they would have told me they were leaving." She said and rubbed her head a bit with a soft sigh. "Oh well, I suppose?" She asked and looked over to him before she nodded her head slowly, "yes, I'm starving." She said, her stomach was growling quite loudly and she groaned a bit. They were going to get food and then get ready to head out. She wondered why they left, oh well. Guess that mean a better trip for herself and for him.
a big rack of ribs was brought out for the two of them it was hot and slathered in sauce. "I have a house by here" it was more like a mansion he had stolen from the family that he had eaten more then a hundred years ago. he smiled as she ate a piece of the meat taking it into her mouth. "how do you like you're food" he asked the place was almost empty most people came at night for the fresh meat.

ooc yep no hurty unless she asks...and no mutilation he might pick up some people but right now he is focused on her.
She smiled softly and nodded her head slowly, "It tastes really good." she smiled and licked her thumb and finger as she slowly finished her food and sat back. It was almost the best that she has had and she swalowed as she looked over to him. "Mmm, so shall we head out?" She asked and looked to him with a smile as she stood up slowly from the table.
He smiled taking her back to the van the blood of four women was small to all the hundreds he had killed in his lifetime. He smiled placing his hand on her leg "I always wanted to have you to myself" he smiled as he began to drive the place was like a museum to a world that never existed but could have a hundred years ago. "did i ever tell you how sexy you are" he leaned over kissing her on the mouth"
She sat down and she smiled, though she turned and looked as she felt his hand on her leg and she swallowed. She cocked her brow, "Excuse me..?" She asked, he always wanted to have her to himself? He...he knew her? she turned her head though when she spoke, she looked back over and she breathed in sharply as she felt his lips pressing against hers and she moved, pulling back. "Um.. no. Thanks..?" She asked, pulling back, her head resting against the window and she turned her head to look out of the front windshield again. "Maybe.. I should head home.." She said, as this began to beocme a little weird.
He turned away "well maybe we could meet again" he offered not sure if he should just take her. the others had been meat but he wanted her to like him and not just be his blood supply. "but if you want you can sleep at my place i have a lot of rooms" he offered continuing to drive towards the limits of the city. he looked back at her wondering why all of a sudden she was getting cold feet about this.
She sighed after hearing that and she shook her ehad, "No sorry. It's just that my friends have suddenly all left. And it freaked me out.. it still freaks me out on why they just suddenly up.. and gone." she looked over to him and nodded, "I'd like that. I'd like a bed to sleep on." she said and arched her back a bit, popping it.
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