Cheerleader, Damsel, Princess
- Joined
- Jan 15, 2017
- Location
- Rhode Island
DIGIMON: Digital Monsters | Conquerors of the Black Gears | ||
As the night grew colder over the vast digital Desert, the Moon began to become covered in shadow. A floating Castle Island crawled overhead like a vast storm forming inside the sky. The towers of the castle glistened as the howling winds began to pick up. Screams could be heard from inside along with some snarky laughter.

Inside the highest tower, A blond woman in a tattered white dress hangs by chains against the wall. A dark looming shadow rather tall in height raises a claw like finger against her cheek, "I GOT WORD OF MORE OF YOUR DIGIDeSTINY FRIENDS.....I am serious....I will break them just like you.....what has it been four months your time being my guest. Why not just give in and join my team.....your crest isn't lost....I can bring it back to you and your partner as well...she doesn't need to be deleted forever....I know many who have access to her data.....just submit." The girl tenses up as she pulls away from the dark figure again. He grits his teeth as he raises his hand and backhands her. "WHY DO YOU DEFY ME YOU ARE NO DIGIDESTINED ANYMORE AND ALL HUMANS IN THIS WORLD WILL PERISH! THIS WORLD IS MY BOSS' LAND AND I CONTROL MOST OF THE EASTERN CONTINENT!"
"Sire .....We found another one.....shall we bring him here?" The hanumon raises his bone as he shifts his weight watching his leader. The dark figure steps out into the moonlight revealing himself as Devimon. "Yes.....go dangle the bait tell him we got one of his digidestined friends....and that she will be killed if he does not come willingly."

A rope drops off the edge of the island as Hanumon holds onto clearly a human girl wearing a white tattered bridal gown. The ape smirks as it drops from the rope 10 feet off the ground and slams into the desert sand. It raises it's bone to the sky as it slowly stands as it shouts, "HELLO HUMAN or MANS WE GOT ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS....I SUGGEST YOU HAND OVER YOUR DIGIDESTINED CREST AND SURRENDER TO THE ALMIGHTY DEVIMON, RULER OF THE EASTERN CONTINENT!."
Kitty tenses up as she opens her eyes and begins to shout at a shadow of a man and some weird plant monster, "GET OUT OF HERE THEY HAVE NO HONOR. THEY WONT KILL ME JUST..." She let out a moan of pain as the rope was yanked and jolted dropping more to the desert sand. "Do not speak...unless you want me to put something in that pie hole of yours." Devimon pauses as he scratches himself smirking, "Better yet I her Lady Devimon is lonely....Hanumon...don't mess this up....and give me a few hours of can do as you wish with the girl her usefulness is starting to dwindle." The shadow devil slowly turns and walks off back out of view towards the castle.
Rustling could be heard around some bushes near the strange human. A small creature crawled out as it chirped and hissed. It glanced at the plant creature and leaped. The small arachnid had red eyes glowing. It twitched and quickly hopped onto a plant turning the plant black. As another small Kurumon, the jellyfish lesser ranked digimon appeared from the bush, the creature opened its mouth showing fangs as it hissed and launched itself biting into the jelly fish. It clamped onto the Kurumon's eye and slowly drained the color out of the creature till all that appeared was ones and zeroes. The creature then slurped up the data and glowed as it grew into a rather larger form. It's body glowed white but razor sharp praying mantis bladed arms began to emerge and a bipedal form grew.
Kitty's eyes widened as she let out a horrid scream. The creature turned as its head tilted back and forth before raising its claws and clicking with both blade arms clapping them together. The eyes glowed a brighter red as it tilted its head side to side more. The Arcadiamon's eyes shifted into a dark black haze as it sat down and then rolled in the dirt. The male human turned to raise a gun and soon the new digivolved pink bladed creature launches and slices the person in half with a silhouette of blood. The body fell into two pieces and the digital crest launched and shot into the sky.
The arcadiamon walked towards the Hanumon as it nodded it's head hissed and leaped up climbing up the woman and the rope towards the island. The yellow primate grunted as he looked over and followed. "Oh princess I think we are having a grand can hang here for a bit and think about what you've done to that poor defenseless human. I need to go welcome the master's personal pet home.." Kitty glared with crying eyes as if she saw some sort of ghost from her past. The Hanumon blinked as he spoke, "What's wrong human...did that pet of master's kill your old partner and all your worries it deletes and eats the data so there is no way you will see a ghost of them.....better yet there is no way you will ever see any of them ever again.." The ape like digimon climbed up rather quicker as he called up, "HEY FIDO SLOW DOWN YOUR OWNER IS BUSY WITH ANOTHER PET!"