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Yokai Acadamy (Wiki234 x Arclight1988)

“ really....and you call me aggressive as hell for attacking someone who actually was a threat or someone else that said that....” not remembering as she shrugged finally revealing that she was watching a little off. “ well anyway...I hope this doesn’t really happen again you know..I’m gone then...” suddenly falling back before disappearing back into the building.
Seth moved to block her path, but found he was too slow, "Is she always like That! She did it this morning to, and I just wanted to know where the nurses office was!" Frustrated he turned to Alstare.

Alstare looked surprised, "So you were at the nurses office this morning then?" He looked a little more interested in this small bit of information.

Looking skeptical Seth spoke calmly, "Yeah, the bully she knocked out this morning I could not just leave him there." It was clear the sudden subject change was off putting for him though he waited to see.

Alstare nodded his head thinking that put him as the last person to have seen the other student before his appearance, "Get to class, can't have you late again." With that he moved leaving Seth alone.

Having no argument other than wanting to know the sudden tone shift he dropped it heading off to class not wanting or needing any more trouble at this moment.
With that Yuma just headed to her own class then, not really having any plans after school like always to really do anything than go home or even on some days just to go around randomly around the town for a bit nothing mostly unusual besides when she was the mostly only thing that was scary enough to be seen flying around the place. As class soon began and ended, the girl had slowly left as usual hoping that there wasn’t anything to do or deal with beside the mostly usual stop to her own locker.
Nathan was leaning on her locker waiting for her clearly looking more serious than usual which of course for him meant he was there to pass on orders not wanting it to come off as he liked to tease. When he saw her he put up a hand, "Hey Yuma, hope your day went well so far."

Seth seeing as the day was over dropped his stuff in his locker not bothering to take anything with him he moved to avoid the large crowds of the students leaving he headed off to move into the local forested areas around the school.
Finally heading to her locker, she turned to the voice, leaning a bit as Yuma looked at him. “ nothing, boring as always, what do you even need then...does the big boy want something from me or what...” closing her locker after a moment of finishing what she was doing and standing there waiting for him.
Nathan nodded his head at her statement, "Ya Jin is held up with one of the teachers, and sent me to tell you to keep an eye on the new guy for a while." He put up his hand to indicate there was some more, "He said this is not an ask he needs you to do it for the committee!" This was a rare occurrence Jin rarely gave out actual orders though Nathan continued, "Al also said be careful something is not right about that guy Seth. He would not go more into it, but it is usually best not to question him on these things he tends to pick up on these things." Having said what was needed he seemed to relax a small smirk returning to his face, "I think I am supposed to make sure the grass is growing or something I am never trusted with these important things..."
“ jeez what makes him think I’m trustworthy enough to do that, besides probably the obvious or something though guess kinda see why anyway. won’t it be only for today or what, why the hell would he try to expect me to watch him for longer than that...” giving a sigh with crossed arms as she stood up straight.
Nathan looked around making sure no one else was really around before he lowered his voice a bit, "Alstare is worried he did something to the guy from this morning, Jin says until that is sorted he needs to be watched." With that he shrugged, "I am off to the hospital, gonna take a poke around someone shook me up real good earlier my head might be a bit loose. Do be careful!" Nathan started away from her off to do the checks he was good for.

Seth enjoyed the peace of the forest preferring to spend his time alone having done well to avoid most the students for the day at school other than the few incidents he found himself in. He figured it would be best to keep a low profile for now knowing it was bad enough he had somehow ended up dealing with two members of the disciplinary committee a group that he figured best to avoid if he did not want to have an interesting year at this school.
“ jeez I doubt dummy....until I see it or something...” giving a sigh before walking out with a stretch, before bending a bit forward with a roar and running straight so she’s could slowly start to move up through the air and fly already seeing she was mostly high and could see everything. Crossing her arms and looking around she did oddly see a figure still close to the school from a distance, deciding to go over there but hopefully not to close to noticed mostly as she wondered what to do then.
Seth had found a small clearing setting his bag down next to him he turned around resting his back on the tree looking off into the scene before him. Feeling alone he relaxed as a pitch black crystal the size of a palm appeared before him seeming to pull the light from the air around him, "Oh it's you..." He said it calmly as he let his shoulders slouch staring at the crystal, "No it is not like that." It was connected to his chest by a translucent shadowy tendril though he seemed to flinch back when it moved closer, and only relaxing when it retreated from him.

Soon a second crystal appeared a pale blue smaller crystal that seemed to grab Seth's attention differently, "Well I suppose yeah, I met two students today. One I hope I did not offend to much Basilisks are strange." The blue crystal moved closer to him as he puffed up his cheeks, "No it's not like that! I did not mean to analyze him..." He turned his head at the blue stone seeming to forget the other one for a moment, "The other one, she seemed like something else she was so decisive though she did not seem interested in talking at all." He shrugged as if he could take it or leave it as he seemed to just look from crystal to crystal as if they were speaking though if they spoke only he could hear it.
The girl could see the shadow under the tree before seeing a blue crystal and something else that was black that she could really see much at all, but seeing that she already found him though as she wondered either to get a little closer or watch, though deciding to just leave as she felt lazy and would rather do the watching when they had to be in school than now being that school was over of course as she turned to fly off then.
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