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Yokai Acadamy (Wiki234 x Arclight1988)


Oct 23, 2012
The bus ride had been quiet not to man people seemed to take it as he stepped off the driver spoke seeming a friendly sort, "Watch yourself the school is a dangerous place." Seth hated the idea of being around so many people for a year preferring his private studies though his father's words followed him, "There are some things you just can not learn on your own, stop acting like a child you are going!" So it was, that now he had to spend a year at a school with no real reason to do so as he saw it. The pumpkin scarecrow caused him a pause thinking it seemed a bit much before he walked toward the path if nothing else he could get this over with. It seemed so quiet on the main path guessing most students did not take the bus from the human world it was not such a bother. Though, as he got closer to the school it then became clear such peace was not going to go far. The students were gathering he could see which were old friends meeting for the first day, and who was new to the school trying to either not be noticed or reunited with friends from before high school.

Seth walked quietly looking before the school that was to be his home for the semester it seemed like a nice place with all the mostly human looking people it was even refreshing to not be what he had first expected. He plucked at his uniform trying to make it sit more naturally on him something he doubted he could do anytime soon. The sound pulling him out of his own thoughts was that of a winy voice, "Give that back!" It appeared as though a larger man was holding the backpack of a smaller student teasing him. Seth waited a moment looking around seeing no one getting involved shook his head as he moved over to them. The smaller man jumped up to grab his backpack as the larger man pulled it back out of reach, "Come on I left my supplies at home I will just be borrowing them." The larger man chuckled before he noticed the interloper. Seth smiled as he waved, "You know if you need a few things to get through..."

The larger man dropped the bag now turned to the new target looking angry that the new person getting involved. "If you do not want to get hurt little man you should leave." Seth had to admit it was a bit intimidating the man was a head taller as well as a bit wider than even he was which should have made him back away. Seth motioned the other person to head off seeming calm as he was being stared down, "I was only offering to help, my name is Seth!" He faked a smile brushing his hand through his medium length hair to brush it from his face his green eyes peering at the man who looked ready to swing any moment now something Seth was ready for.
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Yuma sighed, arriving a bit later from the students as she wasn’t one to be early much especially not helping that she was strong physically but most of the time she was lazy to really do much of anything or hating the hard work she needed to put into the school. Soon the ground started to shake a bit around the school as a huge shadowy form started to approach a few hundred feet away from the school before quickly darting away behind a small cluster of trees as a reptilian like girl with a plain white uniform and a blue skirt, dark scale skin and armored feet plates around her arms and legs as well as her tails and horns added to the rather cute and odd appearance of the girl.

As most people looked or others ignored she stepped up through the crowd before turning to the other small group around a circle of a few students, pushing her way through and of course seeing it was one of the students being a bully as she stepped up. “ jeez...people like you annoy me so, so much...I’m glad that I get to do this...” dragging a foot behind her and leaning back a bit before sprinting toward him and using her armored right arm to basically charge into him and knock him back a few distance as she opened her hands showing off rather massive and sharp claws. “ if your so tough then you should teach me a lesson...” before taking the same stance and jumping up over the large boy, using her speed and strength to sweep him off his feet in one quick motion as well as push him back and into the ground a good few feet.

“ class should be starting soon and I wasted some of my energy....” giving a sigh as she turned to look at Seth for a moment before turning to walk inside.

Monster form
Seth widened his eyes as he turned to see her rush past him into the other man who was not near strong enough to stand before such an onslaught knowing he could do something in his other form however stopping her rush as he was would only end in damage to the school which he did not want. "You know he was not worth all that right?" He moved to block her path his brow furrowed at the way she was just going to leave him there, "Don't you think you should be taking him to the nurse?" It was the right thing to do just because the guy was a bully did not mean he needed to be treated so harshly he had not even really done anything yet.

He would block her path as long as he could or until she did the right thing not sure why no one was getting a teacher for her violence this was going to be different than he thought at least he could do this small thing before going to class being a bit late to help another student would not be too bad. The other students started to head to class so they would not stand out as being tardy. Seth did not want to admit he did not know where the nurses office was so he needed someone to show him where it was making her the only real candidate. Though he felt nervous staring her down as he was almost expecting her to try to attack him just the same though he was ready for that not about to back down to her any sooner than the other man.
Stopping before the door she crossed her arms, “ he got what he deserved, and besides I don’t trust or can’t even help him up if I could and my other form wouldn’t be any better...I have important things to do already...” turning toward the other door next to it and pushing it in before the girl walked keeping that blank expression mostly as she really didn’t have many classes especially taking in the title not many knew of one of the more aggressive members of the disciplinary committee at school handling fights such as these in a similiar manner as her most of the time but mostly behind the scenes keeping the human and monster student population safe and under control at least.

Walking into the school and stretched Yuma checked her phone for a moment before going for her locker and eventually to class as she was still technically a part of the student body itself but being more vigilant of things going on of course almost like an undercover detective when she usually didn’t have to go to some meeting or visiting the others after school.
"I do..." Seth watched her walk away letting out a sigh as he just stopped his sentence as she walked away from him, "I do not know where the nurses office is..." He spoke to the air shaking his head as he moved back to the fool who seemed groggy even now he picked the man up forcing his arm over his shoulder knowing he was risking the man hurting him if he woke up. Though he started forward stopping once in a while to ask where the nurse office was taking him a good deal longer than he wanted it too knowing he was well late for class now as he rushed up to the room asking where to go when he had to before he knocked softly waiting for the affirmative to enter.

"I am sorry, I know it is bad to be late my first day I got lost..." It was not really a lie he had gotten lost a few times before finally finding the nurses office he walked to the front of the class turning to face his fellow class mates, "Hello, My name is Seth pleased to meet you all..." He then gave a slight bow before walking to the only empty seat watching as the teacher explained the school rules of staying in human form as well as not revealing what kind of monster you were which was a fine idea to him he was not very fond of his monster form being like this was much more pleasant.
Luckily though it was one of those more boring days at least for the council that she didn’t really have to do anything than being able to really just go to her normal classes at least, sitting in the class as she didn’t really pay attention to who was there and not listening much to the introductions before it was actually her turn.

Standing up, Yuma have a sigh and closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and calmly introducing herself as well as obviously mentioning her higher position of being in the disciplinary squad of the school as well before sitting down and leaning back, seeing as she couldn’t take a completelay human form as it was mostly half of both.
Seth made a strangled sound when he heard her position though felt color come to his face he looked forward telling himself to just not get involved with her, she seemed a dangerous sort. He did take it as good news with someone strong like her who would dare start any real trouble here.

Despite his thoughts on avoiding her his eyes slid to her form wondering what it must be like to not be able to fully fit in guessing her strength like his was to massive to hide by oneself his seals allowed for his entirely human look after all. His disinterest in class was apparent enough that the teacher asked him to explain something he had just spoke to which he answered with ease to the teachers shock sitting back down.

When the bell went off he gathered his stuff darting out of class figuring it would be best to skip his next class for some fresh air heading to the roof of the school letting out a sigh as he sat with his back to the wall staring up at the sky.
With class finally ending, she walked deciding for the moment to check on the empty looking classroom and peering inside through the window inside, being that of course there wouldn’t be anything for the committee she needed to do just making sure as she turned to go off to her next class not really thinking about anything too much than the awkwardness that was this morning.
Jin had sent out to all the members of staff to meet at lunch as a teacher had brought up two concerns with him that had to be addressed as one of their responsibilities as the disciplinary committee so he set his food down in the meeting room having dragged two others with him to make sure everyone could get there in time.

"Got my lunch Jin, now answer me are you some kind of lion maybe?" Nathan smirked liking to bother his friend knowing he hated when people assumed to much of his monster identity setting his food down on the table next to him as he knew the rest should show up soon.

Alstare stepped in without a sound as he moved to his corner his only lunch an apple while he pulled a book up to his face blocking his sight to the others seemingly content in his own little world.

Jin flicked a little bit of food at Nathan ignoring the comment, "When everyone shows up I will let everyone know what is going on."
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Soon class ended for her finally before deciding then but also finding out anyway that there was an odd but also mostly random announcement that today there actually was a meeting before finally heading in as she sat down at a seat. “ you really need to be damn better about telling me about this...” crossing her arms and being a bit annoyed before leaning back and waiting finally which didn’t help that at time and also seen this morning that her temper would be easy to build up with her agressiveness but not being at least too bad when she was just mostly annoyed then.
Jin nodded his head toward Yuma, "Yeah sorry about that, this was all things that have happened today I did not have any advanced notice either..." He did not like the rushed nature of this, but while there were a few minor things one was quite disturbing. Taking his notebook he flipped it to the page where he wrote down the issues, as well as the little bit of information he had about it all.

Nathan paused getting more serious at the way Jin spoke it did not seem to be a good time to mess with him so he started eating glancing over to the notes keeping a passive look knowing that it would not end well for him if he pushed something he saw.

Alstare sat up a little more closing his book, and took his tinted glasses from his pocket placing them on as he turned to look at the rest more interested if something was actually happening at the school.

Jin sighed as he spoke more to give something to pass some time, "There is a new student that skipped all, but one of his morning classes someone needs to talk to him after the meeting. We can not have students just skipping classes."
“ and why would you think I would probably be someone to do that? I would probably be more annoyed at him at skipping classes like that and probably not much in the normal ‘ talky’ way as she was more infamous at getting her hands dirty more often than the other members. “ I’m not gonna go extreme like that but still...” leaning back and putting her clawed feet on the table with hands behind her head feeling lazy.
Jin looked to her, "Quite frankly because you are the only one with the strength to fight with him if he decides to do so!" He flipped the page as he read over his notes, "There is at least S class energy coming from the roof where he was last seen. It is ramping up then dying out so far no one has headed up there. Feel free to take someone with you if you are worried you can not handle it."

Nathan laughed a little, "I doubt he is worth all that he seemed fairly meek this morning, he stood up to some idiot yet he did not do anything before Yuma stepped in."

Jin gave Nathan a silencing look as he turned his gaze back to Yuma, "Also a student complained about you getting violent when the situation appeared defused." The tone of his voice he saw that as an idiotic statement as he knew the other student involved, but a teacher had brought it to his attention. "Please dial it back a little before you put someone in the hospital next time."
“ yeah I doubt it’s really worth it though for violence at least physical so you go talk to him...” sticking her tongue out. “ you call that defused when I told him to stop and then he threatens to attack me? I don’t back down from a challenge especially from a big stupid idiot who couldn’t even handle a mostly basic and predictable attack. Pshhh big bad monster my ass people like him don’t deserve much pity for their actions like that....” rolling her eyes crossing her arms now. “ so besides that is there anything not boring to do?”
Jin sighed seeming to expect her response as he shrugged, "As long as all goes well with the new student there has been a odd occurrence starting from the schools hospital a little past the first class. The student vanished this morning, then a strange energy has been popping up in different places of the school so far we do not have a lot of info."

Alstare turned his head his voice had a strange draw to it that made it difficult to not make him the center of attention, "Continue Jin!" He moved to sit up fully always able to see when there is more to something even when unsaid.

Nathan pulled his attention away, and focused on Jin, "You think the staff is hiding something..."

Jin shot Nathan a withering look, "I do not know, I just wrote that because I am not sure."
“ then I’ll just the violent one and probably use force and beat it out of them if I have to even...” laughing at the joke of course as it wasn’t hard they would say no ninety percent of the time to almost all her actions at least. “ I can look around by air then as a scout or something outside if you need...” shrugging as she already felt like doing something already before sitting up and leaning forward a bit wondering what to do then.
Alstare moved behind Yuma placing his hand on her shoulder speaking low, "Stop talking like that, one day you may be put before something you can't just beat up..." He put his hand up to the rest, "I'll take care of the new kid." Turning around he left the room not bothering to wait for any dismissal.

Jin sighed as he looked to Yuma, and Nathan, "Please just be careful... I have passed what I needed to feel free to do as you please." Moving back to his food he seemed a little deflated he had never been great at leading so he did the best he could.

Nathan looked over to Yuma, for a moment before shrugging, "Think snake boy likes lizard girl?" He chuckled lightly at his own teasing while he ate.

Jin shook his head, "You know Al, is not a snake... Yuma is not a lizard, and I am not a cat idiot."
The girl just shrugged, “ jeez fine...” turning to already see him leave as she gave a sigh wondering what to do then seeing as it was just something to watch than really do anything about so soon at least until Nathan decided to make a dumb comment. “ jeez and this is why you annoy me sometimes...”rushing over to pick Nathan up by the collar and lift him up before shaking him, “how dare you!!” Before dropping him back at the seat always coming off as annoyed with his comments before she left herself.
Nathan was only mildly surprised by being lifted letting her shake him his smirk not leaving his face, "Sometimes? I rather like annoying people all the time thanks!" He came down hard on the seat with a grunt though did not push his luck with her further.

Jin looked over to him, "Shut up, and eat your food your going to far..."

Seth had fallen asleep shortly after going to the roof with his head against the main stairway next to the door. The sweat on his brow as well as the way he was breathing made it look like he had been fighting this whole time instead of sleeping his energy flowing out of him leaving a small aura around him the other students were giving a wide birth even under the floor he was on.

Alstare did not move quickly though he started in the direction of the roof knowing if he needed help calling someone would be easy though from what he heard that was not a problem his gifts allowed him the luxury to not be scared of those who even were more powerful than he was. "What are your plans Yuma?"
“ plans for what? Do you need want me there or something, got no plans for anything....” hating when people were dumb not to be specific enough for that, crossing her arms in a “ really? “ expression as she wondered what he of course meant by that. “ jeez well if you don’t need me then bye....” starting to walk off.
"I was just being friendly Yuma, I guess you do not care to have friends?" Alstare spoke in a friendly manner, but he did not press the issue as he headed toward the roof she was always so hot headed it was hard to try to connect with her properly not knowing what to say without setting her off. "It's not that we 'need' you around we 'want' you around..." He brushed his hair behind his head moving into the stairwell.
At least she was still in range for a moment to hear that, “ what I just hate people asking questions that aren’t specific enough, I didnt say anything about hating you for that just annoyed so I shouldnt mostly be that hard.” Replying before she completely left herself. Yuma sighed wondering if they were really dumb enough to think she was that aggressive all the time at least.
Alstare hoped he had not been to harsh with his words, but she was devolving a reputation one easy to gain by tossing a bully on his ass so easily. He would set things right later he supposed she preferred directness he would remember that. Though upon arriving to the roof he chucked at the sight of the new kid just resting he had simply fallen asleep something so simple it would not be so bad despite the energy he felt coming from the young man. Leaning down he pressed two fingers to the other students shoulder, "Hey, you are missing out on classes."

Seth snapped out of his slumber his body shooting forward as he picked up the other man by the throat holding him off the ground his arm locking in place as did the rest of his body. Seth wanted to speak, move or anything his body locked in the state as he had just woken up.

Alstare felt his glasses hit the ground as he stared at the new student his gaze doing what he needed. The look of rage, and downright murderous intent was clear in the locked appearance of the other student. "Well that was a bit scary..." He pulled himself from the other's grasp keeping his eyes on him as he reached down picking up his glasses before noticing the other student was not idle.

Seth felt his powers still worked fine the three red crystals at the end of his shadowed tendrils pointed at the strange character he could not react internally yet external abilities were not locked by the effect. The threat was clear despite being unable to move, though he also did not know if fighting would do anything with his current situation.

"Well look at that..." Alstare looked away from Seth allowing him to move again as he placed his glasses on making it look like he was in control.

Feeling his body back in control he pulled back the crystals vanishing as he stood up looking a bit ashamed by his sudden outburst. "I am really sorry."
As things mostly had worked out with now that she had free time, Yuma soon stepped back outside with a stretch looking around very much liking the heat more in general besides being a reptilian species of course with wing stretched out before getting a running start and shooting up to the air with an almost loud sonic boom with how fast she started ran before pulling herself up from the ground. She soon spotted the two on the roof before hovering and crossing her arms just watching then.
Alstare looked a bit shocked by the action as he looked closer at the new student seeing the market change in his features softening looking ashamed by his actions, "Not to press my luck here, but why did you not actually hit me..."

Seth winced a bit at the question shaking his head slightly, "It is not right to attack someone who poses no threat." Moving to stand straighter he looked uncomfortable being watched like this the student seemed to have some authority by the way he spoke.

"Not a threat..." He paused feeling a little offended by the comment before laughing softly shaking it off, "Well I am one of the senior members of the Disciplinary Committee, Skipping class will not be tolerated." He put forth his hand his smile seemed genuine as he add, "Alstare pleasure to meet you."

Seth put his hand out more out of politeness than desire to greet the other student, "Transfer student, Seth, pleasure Alstare" He nodded his head slightly moving from leg to leg waiting for his moment to leave.
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