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Fx Female Witch Academy (Orgies, Fantasy, FxF, FUTAxF, FUTAxFUTA) and Witch BDSM Dungeon (FxF)



This is 'Witch Academy' play


Academy is teaching 5 schools of magic (4 elements + spirit):
  • Spirit
  • Air
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water

Academy has at least one witch from each school:

Magic concepts in Magic Academy
  • Purpose of magic is to simplify stories without adding complexity
  • Magic performs only support function in a story development
  • Magic was purposely created simple to allow new player learn it instantly. This is why it consist of 4 elements + 1 spirit.
  • Player may play only Students of Which Academy
  • Only requirement to Student character is that it mast be able study Magic. All creatures not capable of studying magic are excluded

Example of magic

Water Witch needs to clean her dress. She casts "Steam Spell" and applies steam to her clovers, clothes are instantly cleaned but remains wet.
To dry her clothes Water Witch may:

  1. Ask Fire Witch to cast "Heat Spell"
  2. Ask Air Witch to cast "Wind Spell"

If you like to play, but have no idea how to create your character, below are examples for your inspiration
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the plot for the RP? Witch Academy can be viewed as soap - opera. Each day in the academy is a new plot. Plots share with each other environment and characters.
2. Definition of Witch Academy is broad, is this done on purpose? Yes, it was done on purpose to allow bigger selection of daily plots.
3. Which character I may play? We all play students of Witch Academy
4. Do I have to play existing characters? No, you may create you own character or used existing one.
5. Is it more smut or plot play? Witch Academy was create to allow both. Currently, players are choosing Smut more often.
6. How complex is Magic How long it takes to study it? Magic was purposely created simple. Any high school student has sufficient knowledge to use it. Time to study magic is 0 days, you already know it.
7. Magic academy seems to be complex and large. How I can play if I have limited time? I am obligated to certain number of hours on line? You may come and leave at any time. No obligation. All players are treated equally.
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Witch Academy Map

Witch Academy is located somewhere between Hungary and Romania. Exact location is a secret.

Witch Academy has:

Locations near Academy:

Tavern "The Delicious Knight" is the place for witches to meet traveling Knights. Never is too late and Nothing is too much.


Tavern "Laguna Rose". No one tells what happens Laguna Rosa. What happens in "Laguna Rose" stays in "Laguna Rose".


Strict but affectionate Domme is looking for a submissive and sensitive girl for BDSM adventure.

BDSM Dungeon

Dungeon Furniture

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-Comes from a wealthy family
-Family consists of fire magic users, Anica is the black sheep of the family because she is gifted in Water magic
-Resents her talents in Water magic
-Dominant, sometimes a bully
-Some sexual experience

-From Peru
-Comes from a high middle class family that has always been encouraging in her choices especially school.
-has fire
- loves to read usually found curled up on a couch and a book in hand if she doesn't have a notebook in her hand writing to her hearts content.
- despite her cool demeanor, she's warm, funny, and is willing to help
-Sexual experience: some a few friends before they knew she had ‘magic’

Lyra Hannelore
- Comes from a family reowned hunters
- Here to study healing magic as is required of each family member
- Acts dominant at times but likes to be submissive
- Kind-hearted to most people
- Plenty of sexual experience because she bedded plenty of other hunters she met

-From China.
-Family lives under the average and are farmers
-Specializes in Earth magic
-Wants to help her family by learning magic that will help their farm
-Always seems to be cheery
-Very outgoing
-Sexual experience: ???

-Comes from a political family in Russia
-Tries to be nice, but is no pushover
-Specializes in Air magic
-Family is using her to gain more of a political standing
-Sexual experience: none, but curious

Nikol Asenova
- Lived in remote area in northern Russia
- here to study and control Fire magic
- Not the first witch in her family but seems to skip a generation
- Easy going person that tries to be at least friendly with everyone
- A bit awkward as this is first time she has left her village
- average student
- Sexual experience is limited only having fooled around with both, still a virgin.

Nymphonia of The White Roses
-From UK
-Comes from a wealthy family but was always frowned upon because of her 'wild' tendencies
-Uses spirit magic, one specific spell which has been passed down in her family for ages binds a specific spirit to them like a pet/partner who can be summoned at will till the person passes away, Nymphonia's spirit bond is with a succubus spirit named Demonia, another torn in the eyes of the 'perfect family'
-Has a preference to mostly use magic for 'fun' instead of good
-Cheery, outgoing and doesnt mind getting straight to the point if it gets her what she wants
-A busty lustful lesbian with a switch attitude
-Sexual experience: Rumours say Nymphonia and Demonia have a lot of 'experience' together, however this has always been denied by the family

-Comes from an Orc village known for their pure blood and no mixing among other species.
-Petite for an Orc which mostly resulted in beatings or seclusion
-Wants power, to show her people that she can be a force to be reckoned with
-A little outspoken, hides a softer side that not a lot of people have seen
-Acts like she's experienced in sex but has only recently lost her virginity
-Only open to women or women with cocks

- Comes from an average family in India
-Has a gift for Fire magic
-Fears losing control
-Shy, sometimes reclusive, at least when it comes to meeting people for the first time.
-Sexually inexperienced
-Does not really care one way or another for boys or girls

Shayla O'Dell
-Irish pure blood Druid
-Her family owns a magic potion store in their local city.
-Here to study Earth Magic
-She is here to hone her craft so that she can take it back to her family and continue the druidic tradition
-Can charm anyone or anything....
-Haughty and bossy sometimes because she has a high intellect
-Will melt at times because she has a huge heart
-Has a huge knowledge of sex as her family regularly participate in nudist nature activities, as per the norm of druidic rituals

- Comes from a secluded inhuman village
- A young devil of mixed heritage who fears her own potential
- Wears a thin blindfold that obscures her eyes without blocking her vision
- Has gift for fire magic
- Has minimal experience interacting with humans, regards them with fascination and caution
- Shy but not crippling so
- No sexual experience, but extremely curious
- No real preference with regards to partner's gender

Riley Romanow
-From Ukraine
-Comes from a poor family but her talent let her study
-Pretends to be shy
-It's easy to make her angry
-New young student, witch form the Lore of water
-A curvy dumb bimbo
-Seems to be still a virgin

Traveling Kinghts

Knight Leif Eriksson (Picture A, Picture B, Picture C)

-Nord Knight
-Son of the Erik the Red
-Here traveling back home from Holly War
-Good leader
-Has sharp mind
-Has Lions heart
-Has excellent fencing and acrobatic skill
-Stealthy assassin
-Direct and honest
-Luck of diplomatic skill
-Never says NO to Lady
-Does not know limit in alcohol and women
-Has basic healer, herbalist skills
-Knows few tricks from his mother old Spirit Witch
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