-Comes from a wealthy family
-Family consists of fire magic users, Anica is the black sheep of the family because she is gifted in Water magic
-Resents her talents in Water magic
-Dominant, sometimes a bully
-Some sexual experience
-From Peru
-Comes from a high middle class family that has always been encouraging in her choices especially school.
-has fire
- loves to read usually found curled up on a couch and a book in hand if she doesn't have a notebook in her hand writing to her hearts content.
- despite her cool demeanor, she's warm, funny, and is willing to help
-Sexual experience: some a few friends before they knew she had ‘magic’
Lyra Hannelore
- Comes from a family reowned hunters
- Here to study healing magic as is required of each family member
- Acts dominant at times but likes to be submissive
- Kind-hearted to most people
- Plenty of sexual experience because she bedded plenty of other hunters she met
-From China.
-Family lives under the average and are farmers
-Specializes in Earth magic
-Wants to help her family by learning magic that will help their farm
-Always seems to be cheery
-Very outgoing
-Sexual experience: ???
-Comes from a political family in Russia
-Tries to be nice, but is no pushover
-Specializes in Air magic
-Family is using her to gain more of a political standing
-Sexual experience: none, but curious
Nikol Asenova
- Lived in remote area in northern Russia
- here to study and control Fire magic
- Not the first witch in her family but seems to skip a generation
- Easy going person that tries to be at least friendly with everyone
- A bit awkward as this is first time she has left her village
- average student
- Sexual experience is limited only having fooled around with both, still a virgin.
Nymphonia of The White Roses
-From UK
-Comes from a wealthy family but was always frowned upon because of her 'wild' tendencies
-Uses spirit magic, one specific spell which has been passed down in her family for ages binds a specific spirit to them like a pet/partner who can be summoned at will till the person passes away, Nymphonia's spirit bond is with a succubus spirit named
Demonia, another torn in the eyes of the 'perfect family'
-Has a preference to mostly use magic for 'fun' instead of good
-Cheery, outgoing and doesnt mind getting straight to the point if it gets her what she wants
-A busty lustful lesbian with a switch attitude
-Sexual experience: Rumours say Nymphonia and Demonia have a lot of 'experience' together, however this has always been denied by the family
-Comes from an Orc village known for their pure blood and no mixing among other species.
-Petite for an Orc which mostly resulted in beatings or seclusion
-Wants power, to show her people that she can be a force to be reckoned with
-A little outspoken, hides a softer side that not a lot of people have seen
-Acts like she's experienced in sex but has only recently lost her virginity
-Only open to women or women with cocks
- Comes from an average family in India
-Has a gift for Fire magic
-Fears losing control
-Shy, sometimes reclusive, at least when it comes to meeting people for the first time.
-Sexually inexperienced
-Does not really care one way or another for boys or girls
Shayla O'Dell
-Irish pure blood Druid
-Her family owns a magic potion store in their local city.
-Here to study Earth Magic
-She is here to hone her craft so that she can take it back to her family and continue the druidic tradition
-Can charm anyone or anything....
-Haughty and bossy sometimes because she has a high intellect
-Will melt at times because she has a huge heart
-Has a huge knowledge of sex as her family regularly participate in nudist nature activities, as per the norm of druidic rituals
- Comes from a secluded inhuman village
- A young devil of mixed heritage who fears her own potential
- Wears a thin blindfold that obscures her eyes without blocking her vision
- Has gift for fire magic
- Has minimal experience interacting with humans, regards them with fascination and caution
- Shy but not crippling so
- No sexual experience, but extremely curious
- No real preference with regards to partner's gender
Riley Romanow
-From Ukraine
-Comes from a poor family but her talent let her study
-Pretends to be shy
-It's easy to make her angry
-New young student, witch form the Lore of water
-A curvy dumb bimbo
-Seems to be still a virgin
Traveling Kinghts
Knight Leif Eriksson (Picture A, Picture B, Picture C)
-Nord Knight
-Son of the Erik the Red
-Here traveling back home from Holly War
-Good leader
-Has sharp mind
-Has Lions heart
-Has excellent fencing and acrobatic skill
-Stealthy assassin
-Direct and honest
-Luck of diplomatic skill
-Never says NO to Lady
-Does not know limit in alcohol and women
-Has basic healer, herbalist skills
-Knows few tricks from his mother old Spirit Witch